25 resultados para reflection


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It is now well known that in extreme quantum limit, dominated by the elastic impurity scattering and the concomitant quantum interference, the zero-temperature d.c. resistance of a strictly one-dimensional disordered system is non-additive and non-self-averaging. While these statistical fluctuations may persist in the case of a physically thin wire, they are implicitly and questionably ignored in higher dimensions. In this work, we have re-examined this question. Following an invariant imbedding formulation, we first derive a stochastic differential equation for the complex amplitude reflection coefficient and hence obtain a Fokker-Planck equation for the full probability distribution of resistance for a one-dimensional continuum with a Gaussian white-noise random potential. We then employ the Migdal-Kadanoff type bond moving procedure and derive the d-dimensional generalization of the above probability distribution, or rather the associated cumulant function –‘the free energy’. For d=3, our analysis shows that the dispersion dominates the mobilitly edge phenomena in that (i) a one-parameter B-function depending on the mean conductance only does not exist, (ii) an approximate treatment gives a diffusion-correction involving the second cumulant. It is, however, not clear whether the fluctuations can render the transition at the mobility edge ‘first-order’. We also report some analytical results for the case of the one dimensional system in the presence of a finite electric fiekl. We find a cross-over from the exponential to the power-low length dependence of resistance as the field increases from zero. Also, the distribution of resistance saturates asymptotically to a poissonian form. Most of our analytical results are supported by the recent numerical simulation work reported by some authors.


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In this paper, we present results on water flow past randomly textured hydrophobic surfaces with relatively large surface features of the order of 50 µm. Direct shear stress measurements are made on these surfaces in a channel configuration. The measurements indicate that the flow rates required to maintain a shear stress value vary substantially with water immersion time. At small times after filling the channel with water, the flow rates are up to 30% higher compared with the reference hydrophilic surface. With time, the flow rate gradually decreases and in a few hours reaches a value that is nearly the same as the hydrophilic case. Calculations of the effective slip lengths indicate that it varies from about 50 µm at small times to nearly zero or “no slip” after a few hours. Large effective slip lengths on such hydrophobic surfaces are known to be caused by trapped air pockets in the crevices of the surface. In order to understand the time dependent effective slip length, direct visualization of trapped air pockets is made in stationary water using the principle of total internal reflection of light at the water-air interface of the air pockets. These visualizations indicate that the number of bright spots corresponding to the air pockets decreases with time. This type of gradual disappearance of the trapped air pockets is possibly the reason for the decrease in effective slip length with time in the flow experiments. From the practical point of usage of such surfaces to reduce pressure drop, say, in microchannels, this time scale of the order of 1 h for the reduction in slip length would be very crucial. It would ultimately decide the time over which the surface can usefully provide pressure drop reductions. ©2009 American Institute of Physics


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The constraint factor, C (given by the hardness-yield strength ratio H/Y in the fully lastic regime of indentation), in metallic glasses, is greater than three, a reflection of the sensitivity of their plastic flow to pressure. Furthermore, C increases with increasing temperature. In this work, we examine if this is true in amorphous polymers as well, through experiments on amorphous poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). Uniaxial compression as well as spherical indentation tests were conducted in the 248-348 K range to construct H/Y versus indentation strain plots at each temperature and obtain the C-values. Results show that C increases with temperature in PMMA as well. Good correlation between the loss factors, measured using a dynamic mechanical analyzer, and C, suggest that the enhanced sensitivity to pressure is possibly due to beta-relaxation. We offer possible mechanistic reasons for the observed trends in amorphous materials in terms of relaxation processes.


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Circulatory concentrations of riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) were quantitated in bonnet macaques by employing a heterologous radioimmunoassay involving 125I-labelled chicken RCP and its antiserum. The levels of monkey RCP in the serum seem to be governed by the estrogenic status of the animals. An increase in concentration of serum estradiol in the adult females during the menstrual cycle and early pregnancy could be correlated with enhanced serum RCP levels. Estadiol-17β administered to both immature female and male monkeys, specifically brought about elevated levels of RCP with a slower time course of response in males than in females. These results could be a reflection of a more rapid decline of both circulatory estrogen and RCP concentrations in male serum. Repeated administration of estradiol-17β to male animals led to prolonged elevated levels of RCP following estrogen administration. Thus, it would appear that the evolutionary conservation of RCPs from the aves to the primates encompasses not only their physicochemical similarities but also extends to the estrogenic modulation of their elaboration.


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The hydromagnetic spinup or spindown of an incompressible, rotating, electrically conducting fluid over an infinite insulated disk with an applied magnetic field is studied when the impulsive motion is imparted either to the fluid or to the disk. The nonlinear partial differential equations governing the flow are solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. It is found that the spinup (or spindown) time due to impulsive motion of the disk is much shorter than the spinup (or spindown) time due to the impulsive motion of the distant fluid. The spinup (or spindown) time for the hydromagnetic case is comparatively smaller than the corresponding nonmagnetic case. Spindown is not merely a mirror reflection of spinup. Physics of Fluids is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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The accessibility of methionines in RNAase A to reaction with OBQ has been studied at highly acidic pH. The differences between the rate constants of reactions of the methionine and methionines of RNAase A with OBQ is a reflection on the limited accessibility of methionines in the protein conformation. Nevertheless, at sufficiently high OBQ concentration, all the four methionines of the enzyme can be modified. At lower concentration of OBQ, a derivative may be prepared in which a specific methionine is modified. The introduced chromophore ionizes at around pH 3 in this derivative. The derivative has partial activity towards RNA which is enhanced on addition of S-protein.


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The classical problem of surface water-wave scattering by two identical thin vertical barriers submerged in deep water and extending infinitely downwards from the same depth below the mean free surface, is reinvestigated here by an approach leading to the problem of solving a system of Abel integral equations. The reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained in terms of computable integrals. Known results for a single barrier are recovered as a limiting case as the separation distance between the two barriers tends to zero. The coefficients are depicted graphically in a number of figures which are identical with the corresponding figures given by Jarvis (J Inst Math Appl 7:207-215, 1971) who employed a completely different approach involving a Schwarz-Christoffel transformation of complex-variable theory to solve the problem.


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A-DNA pattern, obtained using a flat plat camera, was indexed by Fuller Image on the basis of a c-face centred monoclinic cell with A = 22.24 Å, B = 40.62 Å, C = 28.15 Å and β = 97.0°. A precession photograph of A-DNA which gives an undistorted picture of the lattice, showed that the unit cell parameters as given by Fuller Image were not quite correct. The precession photograph showed a strong meridional reflection (R = 0.00 Å−1) on the 11th layer line. But the occurrence of the meridional reflection on the 11th layer line could not be explained on the basis of the cell parameters given by Fuller Image ; using those cell parameters the reflection which comes closest to the meridian on 11th layer line is at R = 0.025 Å−1. However, a simple interchange of a and b values accounted for the meridional reflection on 11th layer line. The corrected cell parameter refined against 28 strong spots are A = 40.75 Å, B = 22.07 Å, C = 28.16 Å and β = 97.5°. In the new unit cell of A-DNA, the packing arrangement of the two molecules is different from that in the old one. Nonetheless, our earlier contention is again reaffirmed that both right and left-handed A-DNA are stereochemically allowed and consistent with the observed fibre pattern.


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In an earlier paper (Part I) we described the construction of Hermite code for multiple grey-level pictures using the concepts of vector spaces over Galois Fields. In this paper a new algebra is worked out for Hermite codes to devise algorithms for various transformations such as translation, reflection, rotation, expansion and replication of the original picture. Also other operations such as concatenation, complementation, superposition, Jordan-sum and selective segmentation are considered. It is shown that the Hermite code of a picture is very powerful and serves as a mathematical signature of the picture. The Hermite code will have extensive applications in picture processing, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence.


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This paper describes the application of vector spaces over Galois fields, for obtaining a formal description of a picture in the form of a very compact, non-redundant, unique syntactic code. Two different methods of encoding are described. Both these methods consist in identifying the given picture as a matrix (called picture matrix) over a finite field. In the first method, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this matrix are obtained. The eigenvector expansion theorem is then used to reconstruct the original matrix. If several of the eigenvalues happen to be zero this scheme results in a considerable compression. In the second method, the picture matrix is reduced to a primitive diagonal form (Hermite canonical form) by elementary row and column transformations. These sequences of elementary transformations constitute a unique and unambiguous syntactic code-called Hermite code—for reconstructing the picture from the primitive diagonal matrix. A good compression of the picture results, if the rank of the matrix is considerably lower than its order. An important aspect of this code is that it preserves the neighbourhood relations in the picture and the primitive remains invariant under translation, rotation, reflection, enlargement and replication. It is also possible to derive the codes for these transformed pictures from the Hermite code of the original picture by simple algebraic manipulation. This code will find extensive applications in picture compression, storage, retrieval, transmission and in designing pattern recognition and artificial intelligence systems.