58 resultados para power spectral density


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The response of structural dynamical systems excited by multiple random excitations is considered. Two new procedures for evaluating global response sensitivity measures with respect to the excitation components are proposed. The first procedure is valid for stationary response of linear systems under stationary random excitations and is based on the notion of Hellinger's metric of distance between two power spectral density functions. The second procedure is more generally valid and is based on the l2 norm based distance measure between two probability density functions. Specific cases which admit exact solutions are presented, and solution procedures based on Monte Carlo simulations for more general class of problems are outlined. Illustrations include studies on a parametrically excited linear system and a nonlinear random vibration problem involving moving oscillator-beam system that considers excitations attributable to random support motions and guide-way unevenness. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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We present noise measurements of a phase fluorometric oxygen sensor that sets the limits of accuracy for this instrument. We analyze the phase sensitive detection measurement system with the signal ''shot'' noise being the only significant contribution to the system noise. Based on the modulated optical power received by the photomultiplier, the analysis predicts a noise spectral power density that was within 3 dB of the measured power spectral noise density. Our results demonstrate that at a received optical power of 20 fW the noise level was low enough to permit the detection of a change oxygen concentration of 1% at the sensor. We also present noise measurements of a new low-cost version of this instrument that uses a photodiode instead of a photomultiplier. These measurements show that the noise for this instrument was limited by noise generated in the preamplifier following the photodiode. (C) 1996 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The recently discovered twist phase is studied in the context of the full ten-parameter family of partially coherent general anisotropic Gaussian Schell-model beams. It is shown that the nonnegativity requirement on the cross-spectral density of the beam demands that the strength of the twist phase be bounded from above by the inverse of the transverse coherence area of the beam. The twist phase as a two-point function is shown to have the structure of the generalized Huygens kernel or Green's function of a first-order system. The ray-transfer matrix of this system is exhibited. Wolf-type coherent-mode decomposition of the twist phase is carried out. Imposition of the twist phase on an otherwise untwisted beam is shown to result in a linear transformation in the ray phase space of the Wigner distribution. Though this transformation preserves the four-dimensional phase-space volume, it is not symplectic and hence it can, when impressed on a Wigner distribution, push it out of the convex set of all bona fide Wigner distributions unless the original Wigner distribution was sufficiently deep into the interior of the set.


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The recently introduced generalized pencil of Sudarshan which gives an exact ray picture of wave optics is analysed in some situations of interest to wave optics. A relationship between ray dispersion and statistical inhomogeneity of the field is obtained. A paraxial approximation which preserves the rectilinear propagation character of the generalized pencils is presented. Under this approximation the pencils can be computed directly from the field conditions on a plane, without the necessity to compute the cross-spectral density function in the entire space as an intermediate quantity. The paraxial results are illustrated with examples. The pencils are shown to exhibit an interesting scaling behaviour in the far-zone. This scaling leads to a natural generalization of the Fraunhofer range criterion and of the classical van Cittert-Zernike theorem to planar sources of arbitrary state of coherence. The recently derived results of radiometry with partially coherent sources are shown to be simple consequences of this scaling.


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Brillouin scattering by one-phonon-two-magnon interacting excitations in ferromagnetic dielectrics is discussed. The basic light scattering mechanism is taken to be the modulation of the density-dependent optical dielectric polarizability of the medium by the dynamic strain field generated by the longitudinal acoustic (LA) phonons. The renormalization effects arising from the scattering of phonons by the two-magnon creation-annihilation processes have, however, been taken into account. Via these interactions, the Brillouin components corresponding to the two-magnon excitations are reflected indirectly in the spectrum of the phonon scattered light as line-broadening of the otherwise relatively sharp Brillouin doublet. The present mechanism is shown to be dominant in a clean saturated ferromagnetic dielectric with large magneto-strictive coupling constant, and with the magnetic ions in the orbitally quenched states. Following the linear response theory, an expression has been derived for the spectral density of the scattered light as a function of temperature, scattering angle, and the strength of the externally applied magnetic field. Some estimates are given for the line-width and line-shift of the Brillouin components for certain typical choice of parameters involved. The results are discussed in relation to some available calculations on the ultrasonic attenuation in ferromagnetic insulators at low temperatures.


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We propose and develop here a phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau-like theory of cuprate high-temperature superconductivity. The free energy of a cuprate superconductor is expressed as a functional F of the complex spin-singlet pair amplitude psi(ij) equivalent to psi(m) = Delta(m) exp(i phi(m)), where i and j are nearest-neighbor sites of the square planar Cu lattice in which the superconductivity is believed to primarily reside, and m labels the site located at the center of the bond between i and j. The system is modeled as a weakly coupled stack of such planes. We hypothesize a simple form FDelta, phi] = Sigma(m)A Delta(2)(m) + (B/2)Delta(4)(m)] + C Sigma(< mn >) Delta(m) Delta(n) cos(phi(m) - phi(n)) for the functional, where m and n are nearest-neighbor sites on the bond-center lattice. This form is analogous to the original continuum Ginzburg-Landau free-energy functional; the coefficients A, B, and C are determined from comparison with experiments. A combination of analytic approximations, numerical minimization, and Monte Carlo simulations is used to work out a number of consequences of the proposed functional for specific choices of A, B, and C as functions of hole density x and temperature T. There can be a rapid crossover of from small to large values as A changes sign from positive to negative on lowering T; this crossover temperature T-ms(x) is identified with the observed pseudogap temperature T*(x). The thermodynamic superconducting phase-coherence transition occurs at a lower temperature T-c(x), and describes superconductivity with d-wave symmetry for positive C. The calculated T-c(x) curve has the observed parabolic shape. The results for the superfluid density rho(s)(x, T), the local gap magnitude , the specific heat C-v(x, T) (with and without a magnetic field), as well as vortex properties, all obtained using the proposed functional, are compared successfully with experiments. We also obtain the electron spectral density as influenced by the coupling between the electrons and the correlation function of the pair amplitude calculated from the functional, and compare the results successfully with the electronic spectrum measured through angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). For the specific heat, vortex structure, and electron spectral density, only some of the final results are reported here; the details are presented in subsequent papers.


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Maintaining quantum coherence is a crucial requirement for quantum computation; hence protecting quantum systems against their irreversible corruption due to environmental noise is an important open problem. Dynamical decoupling (DD) is an effective method for reducing decoherence with a low control overhead. It also plays an important role in quantum metrology, where, for instance, it is employed in multiparameter estimation. While a sequence of equidistant control pulses the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) sequence] has been ubiquitously used for decoupling, Uhrig recently proposed that a nonequidistant pulse sequence the Uhrig dynamic decoupling (UDD) sequence] may enhance DD performance, especially for systems where the spectral density of the environment has a sharp frequency cutoff. On the other hand, equidistant sequences outperform UDD for soft cutoffs. The relative advantage provided by UDD for intermediate regimes is not clear. In this paper, we analyze the relative DD performance in this regime experimentally, using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. Our system qubits are C-13 nuclear spins and the environment consists of a H-1 nuclear spin bath whose spectral density is close to a normal (Gaussian) distribution. We find that in the presence of such a bath, the CPMG sequence outperforms the UDD sequence. An analogy between dynamical decoupling and interference effects in optics provides an intuitive explanation as to why the CPMG sequence performs better than any nonequidistant DD sequence in the presence of this kind of environmental noise.


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We describe here a minimal theory of tight-binding electrons moving on the square planar Cu lattice of the hole-doped cuprates and mixed quantum mechanically with their own Cooper pairs. The superconductivity occurring at the transition temperature T(c) is the long-range, d-wave symmetry phase coherence of these Cooper pairs. Fluctuations, necessarily associated with incipient long-range superconducting order, have a generic large-distance behavior near T(c). We calculate the spectral density of electrons coupled to such Cooper-pair fluctuations and show that features observed in angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments on different cuprates above T(c) as a function of doping and temperature emerge naturally in this description. These include ``Fermi arcs'' with temperature-dependent length and an antinodal pseudogap, which fills up linearly as the temperature increases toward the pseudogap temperature. Our results agree quantitatively with experiment. Below T(c), the effects of nonzero superfluid density and thermal fluctuations are calculated and compared successfully with some recent ARPES experiments, especially the observed bending or deviation of the superconducting gap from the canonical d-wave form.


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High temperature superconductivity in the cuprates remains one of the most widely investigated, constantly surprising and poorly understood phenomena in physics. Here, we describe briefly a new phenomenological theory inspired by the celebrated description of superconductivity due to Ginzburg and Landau and believed to describe its essence. This posits a free energy functional for the superconductor in terms of a complex order parameter characterizing it. We propose that there is, for superconducting cuprates, a similar functional of the complex, in plane, nearest neighbor spin singlet bond (or Cooper) pair amplitude psi(ij). Further, we suggest that a crucial part of it is a (short range) positive interaction between nearest neighbor bond pairs, of strength J'. Such an interaction leads to nonzero long wavelength phase stiffness or superconductive long range order, with the observed d-wave symmetry, below a temperature T-c similar to zJ' where z is the number of nearest neighbors; d-wave superconductivity is thus an emergent, collective consequence. Using the functional, we calculate a large range of properties, e. g., the pseudogap transition temperature T* as a function of hole doping x, the transition curve T-c(x), the superfluid stiffness rho(s)(x, T), the specific heat (without and with a magnetic field) due to the fluctuating pair degrees of freedom and the zero temperature vortex structure. We find remarkable agreement with experiment. We also calculate the self-energy of electrons hopping on the square cuprate lattice and coupled to electrons of nearly opposite momenta via inevitable long wavelength Cooper pair fluctuations formed of these electrons. The ensuing results for electron spectral density are successfully compared with recent experimental results for angle resolved photo emission spectroscopy (ARPES), and comprehensively explain strange features such as temperature dependent Fermi arcs above T-c and the ``bending'' of the superconducting gap below T-c.


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We derive sum rules which constrain the spectral density corresponding to the retarded propagator of the T-xy component of the stress tensor for three gravitational duals. The shear sum rule is obtained for the gravitational dual of the N = 4 Yang-Mills, theory of the M2-branes and M5-branes all at finite chemical potential. We show that at finite chemical potential there are additional terms in the sum rule which involve the chemical potential. These modifications are shown to be due to the presence of scalars in the operator product expansion of the stress tensor which have non-trivial vacuum expectation values at finite chemical potential.


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Sum rules constraining the R-current spectral densities are derived holographically for the case of D3-branes, M2-branes and M5-branes all at finite chemical potentials. In each of the cases the sum rule relates a certain integral of the spectral density over the frequency to terms which depend both on long distance physics, hydrodynamics and short distance physics of the theory. The terms which which depend on the short distance physics result from the presence of certain chiral primaries in the OPE of two it-currents which are turned on at finite chemical potential. Since these sum rules contain information of the OPE they provide an alternate method to obtain the structure constants of the two R-currents and the chiral primary. As a consistency check we show that the 3 point function derived from the sum rule precisely matches with that obtained using Witten diagrams.


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We compare two popular methods for estimating the power spectrum from short data windows, namely the adaptive multivariate autoregressive (AMVAR) method and the multitaper method. By analyzing a simulated signal (embedded in a background Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process) we demonstrate that the AMVAR method performs better at detecting short bursts of oscillations compared to the multitaper method. However, both methods are immune to jitter in the temporal location of the signal. We also show that coherence can still be detected in noisy bivariate time series data by the AMVAR method even if the individual power spectra fail to show any peaks. Finally, using data from two monkeys performing a visuomotor pattern discrimination task, we demonstrate that the AMVAR method is better able to determine the termination of the beta oscillations when compared to the multitaper method.


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The characterization and properties of trans-(X)-[RuX2(CO)(2)(alpha/beta-NaiPy)] (1, 2) (alpha-NaiPy (a), beta-NaiPy (b); X = Cl (1), I (2)) are described in this work. The structures are confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Reaction of these compounds with Me3NO in MeCN has isolated monocarbonyl trans-(X)-RuX2(CO)(MeCN)(alpha/beta-NaiPy)] (3, 4). The complexes show intense emission properties. Quantum yields of 1 and 2 (phi= 0.02-0.08) are higher than 3 and 4 (phi = 0.006-0.015). Voltammogram shows higher Ru(III)/Ru(II) (1.3-1.5 V) potential of 1 and 2 than that of 3 and 4 (0.8-0.9 V) that may be due to coordination of two pi-acidic CO groups in former. The electronic spectra and redox properties of the complexes are compared with the results obtained by density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) using polarizable continuum model (CPCM).


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Objective To perform spectral analysis of noise generated by equipments and activities in a level III neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and measure the real time sequential hourly noise levels over a 15 day period. Methods Noise generated in the NICU by individual equipments and activities were recorded with a digital spectral sound analyzer to perform spectral analysis over 0.5–8 KHz. Sequential hourly noise level measurements in all the rooms of the NICU were done for 15 days using a digital sound pressure level meter. Independent sample t test and one way ANOVA were used to examine the statistical significance of the results. The study has a 90% power to detect at least 4 dB differences from the recommended maximum of 50 dB with 95 % confidence. Results The mean noise levels in the ventilator room and stable room were 19.99 dB (A) sound pressure level (SPL) and 11.81 dB (A) SPL higher than the maximum recommended of 50 dB (A) respectively (p < 0.001). The equipments generated 19.11 dB SPL higher than the recommended norms in 1–8 KHz spectrum. The activities generated 21.49 dB SPL higher than the recommended norms in 1–8 KHz spectrum (p< 0.001). The ventilator and nebulisers produced excess noise of 8.5 dB SPL at the 0.5 KHz spectrum.Conclusion Noise level in the NICU is unacceptably high. Spectral analysis of equipment and activity noise have shown noise predominantly in the 1–8 KHz spectrum. These levels warrant immediate implementation of noise reduction protocols as a standard of care in the NICU.


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We report here results from detailed timing and spectral studies of the high mass X-ray binary pulsar 4U 1538-52 over several binary periods using observations made with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) and BeppoSAX satellites. Pulse timing analysis with the 2003 RXTE data over two binary orbits confirms an eccentric orbit of the system. Combining the orbitial parameters determined from this observation with the earlier measurements we did not find any evidence of orbital decay in this X-ray binary. We have carried out orbital phase resolved spectroscopy to measure changes in the spectral parameters with orbital phase, particularly the absorption column density and the iron line flux. The RXTE-PCA spectra in the 3-20 keV energy range were fitted with a power law and a high energy cut-off along with a Gaussian line at similar to 6.4 keV, whereas the BeppoSAX spectra needed only a power law and Gaussian emission line at similar to 6.4keV in the restricted energy range of 0.3-10.0 keV. An absorption along the line of sight was included for both the RXTE and BeppoSAX data. The variation of the free spectral parameters over the binary orbit was investigated and we found that the variation of the column density of absorbing material in the line of sight with orbital phase is in reasonable agreement with a simple model of a spherically symmetric stellar wind from the companion star.