215 resultados para order-disorder phenomena


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We here report what we believe to be an important method for studying hydrogen bonding in systems containing a paramagnetic centre. The technique of electron-nuclear double resonance ( ENDOR) has been applied to study the hydrogen-bond network around the AsO44-. centre in X-ray irradiated KH2AsO4. ENDOR transitions from several sets of hydrogen nuclei surrounding the centre were observed at 4.2 degrees K and the spectra for two sets of neighbouring nuclei are identified. The angular dependences for these spectra are fitted with a spin-Hamiltonian to obtain the isotropic and anisotropic magnetic hyperfine constants. The results are discussed in terms of the available spectroscopic and crystallographic data on KH2AsO4 and the order-disorder model of ferroelectrictricity in this class of crystals.


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Temperature-dependent Raman and dielectric measurements have been carried out on (C2H5NH3)(2)CdCl4 single crystals. Raman studies reveal the presence of two structural phase transitions below room temperature at 216 K and 114 K. The phase transitions are marked by anomalies in temperature dependence of wave-number and full width half maximum (FWHM) of several vibrational modes. The transitions are also accompanied by anomalies in dielectric measurements. Raman and dielectric data indicate that the transition at 216 K is order-disorder in nature and is driven by re-orientation of organic ions, while the transition at 114 K is due to coupling between the CdCl6 octahedron and the organic chain. Further high temperature dielectric measurements reveal the presence of one more structural phase transition around 473 K across which dispersion in dielectric parameters is observed. The activation energies and relaxation time obtained for high temperature dielectric phases are characteristic of combined reorientation motions of alkyl ammonium cations.


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The degree of B/B alternate cation order is known to heavily influence the magnetic properties of A2BB O6 double perovskites although the nature of such disorder has never been critically studied. Our detailed x-ray absorption fine structure studies in conjunction with synchrotron radiation x-ray diffraction experiments on polycrystalline Sr2FeMoO6 samples with various degrees of disorder reveal that a very high degree of short range order is preserved even in samples with highly reduced long range chemical order. Based on these experimental results and with the help of detailed structural simulations, we are able to model the nature of the disorder in this important class of materials and discuss the consequent implications on its physical properties.


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Electrical resistance measurements are reported on the binary liquid mixtures CS2 + CH3CN and CS2 + CH3NO2 with special reference to the critical region. Impurity conduction seems to be the dominant mechanism for charge transport. For the liquid mixture filled at the critical composition, the resistance of the system aboveT c follows the relationR=R c−A(T−T c) b withb=0·6±0·1. BelowT c the conductivities of the two phases obey a relation σ2−σ1=B(T c−T)β with β=0·34±0·02, the exponent of the transport coefficient being the same as the exponent of the order parameter, an equilibrium property.


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Solidification processes are complex in nature, involving multiple phases and several length scales. The properties of solidified products are dictated by the microstructure, the mactostructure, and various defects present in the casting. These, in turn, are governed by the multiphase transport phenomena Occurring at different length scales. In order to control and improve the quality of cast products, it is important to have a thorough understanding of various physical and physicochemical phenomena Occurring at various length scales. preferably through predictive models and controlled experiments. In this context, the modeling of transport phenomena during alloy solidification has evolved over the last few decades due to the complex multiscale nature of the problem. Despite this, a model accounting for all the important length scales directly is computationally prohibitive. Thus, in the past, single-phase continuum models have often been employed with respect to a single length scale to model solidification processing. However, continuous development in understanding the physics of solidification at various length scales oil one hand and the phenomenal growth of computational power oil the other have allowed researchers to use increasingly complex multiphase/multiscale models in recent. times. These models have allowed greater understanding of the coupled micro/macro nature of the process and have made it possible to predict solute segregation and microstructure evolution at different length scales. In this paper, a brief overview of the current status of modeling of convection and macrosegregation in alloy solidification processing is presented.


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The coexistence curve of the binary liquid mixture n-heptane-acetic anhydride has been determined by the observation of the transition temperatures of 76 samples over the range of compositions. The functional form of the difference in order parameter, in terms of either the mole fraction or the volume fraction, is consistent with theoretical predictions invoking the concept of universality at critical points. The average value of the order parameter, the diameter of the coexistence curve, shows an anomaly which can be described by either an exponent 1 - a, as predicted by various theories (where a is the critical exponent of the specific heat), or by an exponent 20 (where P is the coexistence curve exponent), as expected when the order parameter used is not the one the diameter of which diverges asymptotically as 1 - a.


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We carry out systematic and high-resolution studies of dynamo action in a shell model for magnetohydro-dynamic (MHD) turbulence over wide ranges of the magnetic Prandtl number Pr-M and the magnetic Reynolds number Re-M. Our study suggests that it is natural to think of dynamo onset as a nonequilibrium first-order phase transition between two different turbulent, but statistically steady, states. The ratio of the magnetic and kinetic energies is a convenient order parameter for this transition. By using this order parameter, we obtain the stability diagram (or nonequilibrium phase diagram) for dynamo formation in our MHD shell model in the (Pr-M(-1), Re-M) plane. The dynamo boundary, which separates dynamo and no-dynamo regions, appears to have a fractal character. We obtain a hysteretic behavior of the order parameter across this boundary and suggestions of nucleation-type phenomena.


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Void breaking and formation in a packed bed are important phenomena in stabilising and optimising the performance of reactors such as the blast furnace, spouted bed and catalytic regenerator. These phenomena have been studied using a mathematical model. The model is based on a previously published force balance approach to predict the cavity size. Limited numbers of experiments, at room temperature, have been carried out in order to compare the experimental results with theory. A good agreement has been found between the experimental and theoretical results. In addition, the predictions have been compared with published data, which give reasonable agreement. The role of various forces (friction, pressure and bed weight) on void initiation and breaking has been investigated. The effect of bed height, particle diameter and density, void fraction, as well as gas flow rate on void formation and breaking has also been studied.


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It is pointed out that the change in refractive index with temperature of a crystal is different from what is calculated from the accompanying change in volume and the piezo-optic coefficients. The difference, which is a pure temperature effect, is explained as being due to the change in polarizability of the atoms produced by a change in the amplitude of vibration. The polarizability (α) can be expanded as a Taylor series in the changes of the distance (r) between the atoms and it is found that while the piezo-optic coefficient depends only on ∂α/∂r, the pure temperature effect is a function of ∂ 2 a/∂r 2. Making use of the experimental data, the values of a and its first two derivatives can be determined. These values are foundto be of the same order as those deduced from the intensities of Rayleigh and Raman scattering of light. The theory predicts that dn/dT should vary as the coefficient of cubical expansion at different temperatures and this is verified to be true. Finally, calculations are made of the thermo- and piezo-optic coefficients, considering the electrostatic interaction between the atoms. These do not adequately explain the observed facts, since no provision is made for the distortion of electron atmospheres around the atoms and the consequent changes in polarizability.


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Theoretical and computational investigations of nucleation have been plagued by the sensitivity of the phase diagram to the range of the interaction potential. As the surface tension depends strongly on the range of interaction potential and as the classical nucleation theory (CNT) predicts the free energy barrier to be directly proportional to the cube of the surface tension, one expects a strong sensitivity of nucleation barrier to the range of the potential; however, CNT leaves many aspects unexplored. We find for gas-liquid nucleation in Lennard-Jones system that on increasing the range of interaction the kinetic spinodal (KS) (where the mechanism of nucleation changes from activated to barrierless) shifts deeper into the metastable region. Therefore the system remains metastable for larger value of supersaturation and this allows one to explore the high metastable region without encountering the KS. On increasing the range of interaction, both the critical cluster size and pre-critical minima in the free energy surface of kth largest cluster, at respective kinetic spinodals, shift towards smaller cluster size. In order to separate surface tension contribution to the increase in the barrier from other non-trivial factors, we introduce a new scaling form for surface tension and use it to capture both the temperature and the interaction range dependence of surface tension. Surprisingly, we find only a weak non-trivial contribution from other factors to the free energy barrier of nucleation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3685835]


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High temperature superconductivity in the cuprates remains one of the most widely investigated, constantly surprising and poorly understood phenomena in physics. Here, we describe briefly a new phenomenological theory inspired by the celebrated description of superconductivity due to Ginzburg and Landau and believed to describe its essence. This posits a free energy functional for the superconductor in terms of a complex order parameter characterizing it. We propose that there is, for superconducting cuprates, a similar functional of the complex, in plane, nearest neighbor spin singlet bond (or Cooper) pair amplitude psi(ij). Further, we suggest that a crucial part of it is a (short range) positive interaction between nearest neighbor bond pairs, of strength J'. Such an interaction leads to nonzero long wavelength phase stiffness or superconductive long range order, with the observed d-wave symmetry, below a temperature T-c similar to zJ' where z is the number of nearest neighbors; d-wave superconductivity is thus an emergent, collective consequence. Using the functional, we calculate a large range of properties, e. g., the pseudogap transition temperature T* as a function of hole doping x, the transition curve T-c(x), the superfluid stiffness rho(s)(x, T), the specific heat (without and with a magnetic field) due to the fluctuating pair degrees of freedom and the zero temperature vortex structure. We find remarkable agreement with experiment. We also calculate the self-energy of electrons hopping on the square cuprate lattice and coupled to electrons of nearly opposite momenta via inevitable long wavelength Cooper pair fluctuations formed of these electrons. The ensuing results for electron spectral density are successfully compared with recent experimental results for angle resolved photo emission spectroscopy (ARPES), and comprehensively explain strange features such as temperature dependent Fermi arcs above T-c and the ``bending'' of the superconducting gap below T-c.


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Multiferroic materials are characterized by simultaneous magnetic and ferroelectric ordering making them good candidates for magneto-electrical applications. We conducted thermal expansion and magnetostriction measurements in magnetic fields up to 14 T on perovskitic GdMnO3 by highresolution capacitive dilatometry in an effort to determine all longitudinal and transversal components of the magnetostriction tensor. Below the ordering temperature T (N) = 42 K, i.e., within the different complex (incommensurate or complex) antiferromagnetic phases, lattice distortions of up to 100 ppm have been found. Although no change of the lattice symmetry occurs, the measurements reveal strong magneto-structural phenomena, especially in the incommensurate sinusoidal antiferromagnetic phase. A strong anisotropy of the magnetoelastic properties was found, in good agreement with the type and propagation vector of the magnetic structure. We demonstrate that our capacitive dilatometry can detect lattice expansion effects and changes of the dielectric permittivity simultaneously because the sample is housed inside the capacitor. A separation of both effects is possible by shielding the sample. Dielectric transitions could be detected by this method and compared to the critical values of H and T in the magnetic phase diagram. Dielectric changes measured at 1 kHz excitation frequency are detected in GdMnO3 at about 180 K, and between 10 K and 25 K in the canted antiferromagnetic structure which is characterized by a complex magnetic order on both the Gd- and Mn-sites.


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In this paper, the authors study the structure of a novel binaural sound with a certain phase and amplitude modulation and the response to this excitation when it is applied to natural rewarding circuit of human brain through auditory neural pathways. This novel excitation, also referred to as gyrosonic excitation in this work, has been found to have interesting effects such as stabilization effects on the left and right hemispheric brain signaling as captured by Galvanic Skin Resistance (GSR) measurements, control of cardiac rhythms (observed from ECG signals), mitigation of psychosomatic syndrome, and mitigation of migraine pain. Experimental data collected from human subjects are presented, and these data are examined to categorize the extent of systems disorder and reinforcement reward due to the gyrosonic stimulus. A multi-path reduced-order model has been developed to analyze the GSR signals. The filtered results are indicative of complicated reinforcing reward patterns due to the gyrosonic stimulation when it is used as a control input for patients with psychosomatic and cardiac disorders.


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Antisite disorder is observed to have significant impact on the magnetic properties of the double perovskite Y2CoMnO6 which has been recently identified as a multiferroic. A paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition occurs in this material at T-c approximate to 75 K. At 2K, it displays a strong ferromagnetic hysteresis with a significant coercive field of H-c approximate to 15 kOe. Sharp steps are observed in the hysteresis curves recorded below 8K. In the temperature range 2K <= T <= 5K, the hysteresis loops are anomalous as the virgin curve lies outside the main loop. The field-cooling conditions as well as the rate of field-sweep are found to influence the steps. Quantitative analysis of the neutron diffraction data shows that at room temperature, Y2CoMnO6 consists of 62% of monoclinic P2(1)/n with nearly 70% antisite disorder and 38% Pnma. The bond valence sums indicate the presence of other valence states for Co and Mn which arise from disorder. We explain the origin of steps by using a model for pinning of magnetization at the antiphase boundaries created by antisite disorder. The steps in magnetization closely resemble the martensitic transformations found in intermetallics and display first-order characteristics as revealed in the Arrott's plots. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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With the use of tensor analysis and the method of singular surfaces, an infinite system of equations can be derived to study the propagation of curved shocks of arbitrary strength in gas dynamics. The first three of these have been explicitly given here. This system is further reduced to one involving scalars only. The choice of dependent variables in the infinite system is quite important, it leads to coefficients free from singularities for all values of the shock strength.