102 resultados para material flow control


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We develop a simulation based algorithm for finite horizon Markov decision processes with finite state and finite action space. Illustrative numerical experiments with the proposed algorithm are shown for problems in flow control of communication networks and capacity switching in semiconductor fabrication.


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Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS), widely considered as the manufacturing technology of the future, are gaining increasing importance due to the immense advantages they provide in terms of cost, quality and productivity over the conventional manufacturing. An FMS is a complex interconnection of capital intensive resources and high levels of system performance is very crucial for survival in a competing environment.Discrete event simulation is one of the most popular methods for performance evaluation of FMS during planning, design and operation phases. Indeed fast simulators are suggested for selection of optimal strategies for flow control (which part type to enter and at what instant), AGV scheduling (which vehicle to carry which part), routing (which machine to process the part) and part selection (which part for processing next). In this paper we develop a C-net based model for an FMS and use the same for distributed discrete event simulation. We illustrate using examples the efficacy of destributed discrete event simulation for the performance evaluation of FMSs.


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The hot deformation behavior of hot isostatically pressed (HIPd) P/M IN-100 superalloy has been studied in the temperature range 1000-1200 degrees C and strain rate range 0.0003-10 s(-1) using hot compression testing. A processing map has been developed on the basis of these data and using the principles of dynamic materials modelling. The map exhibited three domains: one at 1050 degrees C and 0.01 s(-1), with a peak efficiency of power dissipation of approximate to 32%, the second at 1150 degrees C and 10 s(-1), with a peak efficiency of approximate to 36% and the third at 1200 degrees C and 0.1 s(-1), with a similar efficiency. On the basis of optical and electron microscopic observations, the first domain was interpreted to represent dynamic recovery of the gamma phase, the second domain represents dynamic recrystallization (DRX) of gamma in the presence of softer gamma', while the third domain represents DRX of the gamma phase only. The gamma' phase is stable upto 1150 degrees C, gets deformed below this temperature and the chunky gamma' accumulates dislocations, which at larger strains cause cracking of this phase. At temperatures lower than 1080 degrees C and strain rates higher than 0.1 s(-1), the material exhibits flow instability, manifested in the form of adiabatic shear bands. The material may be subjected to mechanical processing without cracking or instabilities at 1200 degrees C and 0.1 s(-1), which are the conditions for DRX of the gamma phase.


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Unsteady natural convection flow in a two- dimensional square cavity filled with a porous material has been studied. The flow is initially steady where the left- hand vertical wall has temperature T-h and the right- hand vertical wall is maintained at temperature T-c ( T-h > T-c) and the horizontal walls are insulated. At time t > 0, the left- hand vertical wall temperature is suddenly raised to (T-h) over bar ((T-h) over bar > T-h) which introduces unsteadiness in the flow field. The partial differential equations governing the unsteady natural convection flow have been solved numerically using a finite control volume method. The computation has been carried out until the final steady state is reached. It is found that the average Nusselt number attains a minimum during the transient period and that the time required to reach the final steady state is longer for low Rayleigh number and shorter for high Rayleigh number.


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A design methodology for wave-absorbing active material system is reported. The design enforces equivalence between an assumed material model having wave-absorbing behavior and a set of target feedback controllers for an array of microelectro-mechanical transducers which are integral part of the active material system. The proposed methodology is applicable to problems involving the control of acoustic waves in passive-active material system with complex constitutive behavior at different length-scales. A stress relaxation type one-dimensional constitutive model involving viscous damping mechanism is considered, which shows asymmetric wave dispersion characteristics about the half-line. The acoustic power flow and asymptotic stability of such material system are studied. A single sensor non-collocated linear feedback control system in a one-dimensional finite waveguide, which is a representative volume element in an active material system, is considered. Equivalence between the exact dynamic equilibrium of these two systems is imposed. It results in the solution space of the design variables, namely the equivalent damping coefficient, the wavelength(s) to be controlled and the location of the sensor. The characteristics of the controller transfer functions and their pole-placement problem are studied. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The growth rates of the hydrodynamic modes in the homogeneous sheared state of a granular material are determined by solving the Boltzmann equation. The steady velocity distribution is considered to be the product of the Maxwell Boltzmann distribution and a Hermite polynomial expansion in the velocity components; this form is inserted into them Boltzmann equation and solved to obtain the coeificients of the terms in the expansion. The solution is obtained using an expansion in the parameter epsilon =(1 - e)(1/2), and terms correct to epsilon(4) are retained to obtain an approximate solution; the error due to the neglect of higher terms is estimated at about 5% for e = 0.7. A small perturbation is placed on the distribution function in the form of a Hermite polynomial expansion for the velocity variations and a Fourier expansion in the spatial coordinates: this is inserted into the Boltzmann equation and the growth rate of the Fourier modes is determined. It is found that in the hydrodynamic limit, the growth rates of the hydrodynamic modes in the flow direction have unusual characteristics. The growth rate of the momentum diffusion mode is positive, indicating that density variations are unstable in the limit k--> 0, and the growth rate increases proportional to kslash} k kslash}(2/3) in the limit k --> 0 (in contrast to the k(2) increase in elastic systems), where k is the wave vector in the flow direction. The real and imaginary parts of the growth rate corresponding to the propagating also increase proportional to kslash k kslash(2/3) (in contrast to the k(2) and k increase in elastic systems). The energy mode is damped due to inelastic collisions between particles. The scaling of the growth rates of the hydrodynamic modes with the wave vector I in the gradient direction is similar to that in elastic systems. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The compression test flow stress data of Al-4Mg alloy at different temperatures and strain rates are analysed using a dynamic materials model which considers the workpiece material as a dissipator of power causing microstructural changes. A processing map representing the efficiency of power dissipation as a function of temperature and strain rate has been established and optimum processing conditions for the alloy are determined. The features of the map correlate well with the microstructure and mechanical properties.


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This article addresses uncertainty effect on the health monitoring of a smart structure using control gain shifts as damage indicators. A finite element model of the smart composite plate with surface-bonded piezoelectric sensors and actuators is formulated using first-order shear deformation theory and a matrix crack model is integrated into the finite element model. A constant gain velocity/position feedback control algorithm is used to provide active damping to the structure. Numerical results show that the response of the structure is changed due to matrix cracks and this change can be compensated by actively tuning the feedback controller. This change in control gain can be used as a damage indicator for structural health monitoring. Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to study the effect of material uncertainty on the damage indicator by considering composite material properties and piezoelectric coefficients as independent random variables. It is found that the change in position feedback control gain is a robust damage indicator.


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The velocity distribution function for the steady shear flow of disks (in two dimensions) and spheres (in three dimensions) in a channel is determined in the limit where the frequency of particle-wall collisions is large compared to particle-particle collisions. An asymptotic analysis is used in the small parameter epsilon, which is naL in two dimensions and na(2)L in three dimensions, where; n is the number density of particles (per unit area in two dimensions and per unit volume in three dimensions), L is the separation of the walls of the channel and a is the particle diameter. The particle-wall collisions are inelastic, and are described by simple relations which involve coefficients of restitution e(t) and e(n) in the tangential and normal directions, and both elastic and inelastic binary collisions between particles are considered. In the absence of binary collisions between particles, it is found that the particle velocities converge to two constant values (u(x), u(y)) = (+/-V, O) after repeated collisions with the wall, where u(x) and u(y) are the velocities tangential and normal to the wall, V = (1 - e(t))V-w/(1 + e(t)), and V-w and -V-w, are the tangential velocities of the walls of the channel. The effect of binary collisions is included using a self-consistent calculation, and the distribution function is determined using the condition that the net collisional flux of particles at any point in velocity space is zero at steady state. Certain approximations are made regarding the velocities of particles undergoing binary collisions :in order to obtain analytical results for the distribution function, and these approximations are justified analytically by showing that the error incurred decreases proportional to epsilon(1/2) in the limit epsilon --> 0. A numerical calculation of the mean square of the difference between the exact flux and the approximate flux confirms that the error decreases proportional to epsilon(1/2) in the limit epsilon --> 0. The moments of the velocity distribution function are evaluated, and it is found that [u(x)(2)] --> V-2, [u(y)(2)] similar to V-2 epsilon and -[u(x)u(y)] similar to V-2 epsilon log(epsilon(-1)) in the limit epsilon --> 0. It is found that the distribution function and the scaling laws for the velocity moments are similar for both two- and three-dimensional systems.


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Control of flow in duct networks has a myriad of applications ranging from heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning to blood flow networks. The system considered here provides vent velocity inputs to a novel 3-D wind display device called the TreadPort Active Wind Tunnel. An error-based robust decentralized sliding-mode control method with nominal feedforward terms is developed for individual ducts while considering cross coupling between ducts and model uncertainty as external disturbances in the output. This approach is important due to limited measurements, geometric complexities, and turbulent flow conditions. Methods for resolving challenges such as turbulence, electrical noise, valve actuator design, and sensor placement are presented. The efficacy of the controller and the importance of feedforward terms are demonstrated with simulations based upon an experimentally validated lumped parameter model and experiments on the physical system. Results show significant improvement over traditional control methods and validate prior assertions regarding the importance of decentralized control in practice.


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Polynomial Chaos Expansion with Latin Hypercube sampling is used to study the effect of material uncertainty on vibration control of a smart composite plate with piezoelectric sensors/actuators. Composite material properties and piezoelectric coefficients are considered as independent and normally distributed random variables. Numerical results show substantial variation in structural dynamic response due to material uncertainty of active vibration control system. This change in response due to material uncertainty can be compensated by actively tuning the feedback control system. Numerical results also show variation in dispersion of dynamic characteristics and control parameters with respect to ply angle and stacking sequence.


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The transient natural convection flow with thermal stratification in a rectangular cavity filled with fluid saturated porous medium obeying Darcy's law has been studied. Prior to the time t* = 0, the flow in the cavity is assumed to be motionless and all four walls of the cavity are at the same constant temperature. At time t* = 0, the temperatures of the vertical walls are suddenly increased which vary linearly with the distance y and at the same time on the bottom wall an isothermal heat source is placed centrally. This sudden change in the wall temperatures gives rise to unsteadiness in the problem. The horizontal temperature difference induces and sustains a buoyancy driven flow in the cavity which is then controlled by the vertical temperature difference. The partial differential equations governing the transient natural convection flow have been solved numerically. The local and average Nusselt numbers decrease rapidly in a small time interval after the start of the impulsive change in the wall temperatures and the steady state is reached quickly. The time required to reach the steady state depends on the Rayleigh number and the thermal stratification parameter.


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Soluble lead acid redox flow battery (SLRFB) offers a number of advantages. These advantages can be harnessed after problems associated with buildup of active material on. electrodes (residue) are resolved. A mathematical model is developed to understand residue formation in SLRFB. The model incorporates fluid flow, ion transport, electrode reactions, and non-uniform current distribution on electrode surfaces. A number of limiting cases are studied to conclude that ion transport and electrode reaction on anode simultaneously control battery performance. The model fits the reported cell voltage vs. time profiles very well. During the discharge cycle, the model predicts complete dissolution of deposited material from trailing edge side of the electrodes. With time, the active surface area of electrodes decreases rapidly. The corresponding increase in current density leads to precipitous decrease in cell potential before all the deposited material is dissolved. The successive charge-discharge cycles add to the residue. The model correctly captures the marginal effect of flow rate on cell voltage profiles, and identifies flow rate and flow direction as new variables for controlling residue buildup. Simulations carried out with alternating flow direction and a SLRFB with cylindrical electrodes show improved performance with respect to energy efficiency and residue buildup. (C) 2014 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.


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Branch divergence is a very commonly occurring performance problem in GPGPU in which the execution of diverging branches is serialized to execute only one control flow path at a time. Existing hardware mechanism to reconverge threads using a stack causes duplicate execution of code for unstructured control flow graphs. Also the stack mechanism cannot effectively utilize the available parallelism among diverging branches. Further, the amount of nested divergence allowed is also limited by depth of the branch divergence stack. In this paper we propose a simple and elegant transformation to handle all of the above mentioned problems. The transformation converts an unstructured CFG to a structured CFG without duplicating user code. It incurs only a linear increase in the number of basic blocks and also the number of instructions. Our solution linearizes the CFG using a predicate variable. This mechanism reconverges the divergent threads as early as possible. It also reduces the depth of the reconvergence stack. The available parallelism in nested branches can be effectively extracted by scheduling the basic blocks to reduce the effect of stalls due to memory accesses. It can also increase execution efficiency of nested loops with different trip counts for different threads. We implemented the proposed transformation at PTX level using the Ocelot compiler infrastructure. We evaluated the technique using various benchmarks to show that it can be effective in handling the performance problem due to divergence in unstructured CFGs.


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The kinematic flow pattern in slow deformation of a model dense granular medium is studied at high resolution using in situ imaging, coupled with particle tracking. The deformation configuration is indentation by a flat punch under macroscopic plane-strain conditions. Using a general analysis method, velocity gradients and deformation fields are obtained from the disordered grain arrangement, enabling flow characteristics to be quantified. The key observations are the formation of a stagnation zone, as in dilute granular flow past obstacles; occurrence of vortices in the flow immediately underneath the punch; and formation of distinct shear bands adjoining the stagnation zone. The transient and steady state stagnation zone geometry, as well as the strength of the vortices and strain rates in the shear bands, are obtained from the experimental data. All of these results are well-reproduced in exact-scale non-smooth contact dynamics simulations. Full 3D numerical particle positions from the simulations allow extraction of flow features that are extremely difficult to obtain from experiments. Three examples of these, namely material free surface evolution, deformation of a grain column below the punch and resolution of velocities inside the primary shear band, are highlighted. The variety of flow features observed in this model problem also illustrates the difficulty involved in formulating a complete micromechanical analytical description of the deformation.