140 resultados para inorganic membrane


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The suzukacillin fragments, Boc-Ala-Aib-Aib-Gln-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gly-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Aib-OMe (14), Boc-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Aib-Gln-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gly-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Aib-OMe (16G) and the completely apolar 16-residue peptide in which the glutamine residue has been replaced by alanine (16A) have been studied by 270 MHz 1H-HMR, in C2HCl3 and (C2H3)2SO solution. Intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded NH groups have been identified by temperature and solvent dependence of chemical shifts. Peptides 14 and 16A adopt folded 310 helical conformations stabilized by 11 and 13 hydrogen bonds, respectively. In peptide 16G there are 12 intramolecular hydrogen bonds, with the glycine NH being solvent-exposed, in contrast to 14 and 16A.


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ON Saturday February 16, 1980 total solar eclipse Occurred for a period of 2-3 min in a belt of 135 km during the eclipse from 14'17 to 17'00 hrs across peninsular India. The city of Bangalore, being just outside this belt, had witnessed 92% eclipse for about 2. 1/2 min at the peak period of 15.44 hr at which time a temperature drop of 2' C and a considerable dimness of the light were experienced. In view of the interest in our laboratory on biochemical adaptation under conditions of environmental stress, we designed an experiment to study the possible changes in enzyme activities during the solar eclipse on February 16, 1980.


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ESR spectra of three inorganic glasses doped with Mn2+ and Fe3+ have been studied through their glass transition temperatures (Tg). Spectral features in each case have been discussed with reference to site symmetries. The intensity of the ESR signal has been bound to decrease in the region of Tg. An attempt has been made to explain this interesting feature on the basis of a two-state model.


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The crystal structures of three pentapeptide fragments of suzukacillin-A have been determined. Boc-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Val-OMe (peptide 1–5) adopts a distorted helical conformation, stabilized by three intramolecular hydrogen bonds (two 5→1, one 4→1). Boc-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Aib-OMe (peptide 6–10) and Boc-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-OMe (peptide 16–20) adopt 310 helical structures stabilized by three and two 4→1 intramolecular hydrogen bonds, respectively. These structures provide substantial support for a largely helical conformation for the suzukacillin membrane channel.


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Formation of fibril-type nanostructures of the Alzheimer's beta-amyloid diphenylalanine (L-Phe-L-Phe, FF) at the organic-aqueous interface and the factors affecting their structures have been investigated. Such nanostructures are also formed by bovine serum albumin and bovine pancreas insulin. The concentration of the precursor taken in the aqueous layer plays an important role in determining the morphology of the nanostructures, The addition of curcumin to the organic layer changes the structure of the self-assembled one-dimensional aggregates of diphenylalanine. By coating the diphenylalanine dipeptide fibrils with appropriate precursors followed by calcination in air, it has been possible to obtain one-dimensional nanostructures of inorganic materials.


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Closed-form solutions are presented for blood flow in the microcirculation by taking into account the influence of slip velocity at the membrane surface. In this study, the convective inertia force is neglected in comparison with that of blood viscosity on the basis of the smallness of the Reynolds number of the flow in microcirculation. The permeability property of the blood vessel is based on the well known Starling's hypothesis [11]. The effects of slip coefficient on the velocity and pressure fields are clearly depicted.


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There is an endless quest for new materials to meet the demands of advancing technology. Thus, we need new magnetic and metallic/semiconducting materials for spintronics, new low-loss dielectrics for telecommunication, new multi-ferroic materials that combine both ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism for memory devices, new piezoelectrics that do not contain lead, new lithium containing solids for application as cathode/anode/electrolyte in lithium batteries, hydrogen storage materials for mobile/transport applications and catalyst materials that can convert, for example, methane to higher hydrocarbons, and the list is endless! Fortunately for us, chemistry - inorganic chemistry in particular - plays a crucial role in this quest. Most of the functional materials mentioned above are inorganic non-molecular solids, while much of the conventional inorganic chemistry deals with isolated molecules or molecular solids. Even so, the basic concepts that we learn in inorganic chemistry, for example, acidity/basicity, oxidation/reduction (potentials), crystal field theory, low spin-high spin/inner sphere-outer sphere complexes, role of d-electrons in transition metal chemistry, electron-transfer reactions, coordination geometries around metal atoms, Jahn-Teller distortion, metal-metal bonds, cation-anion (metal-nonmetal) redox competition in the stabilization of oxidation states - all find crucial application in the design and synthesis of inorganic solids possessing technologically important properties. An attempt has been made here to illustrate the role of inorganic chemistry in this endeavour, drawing examples from the literature its well as from the research work of my group.


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Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have emerged as an important family of compounds for which new properties are increasingly being found. The potential for such compounds appears to be immense, especially in catalysis, sorption and separation processes. In order to appreciate the properties and to design newer frameworks it is necessary to understand the structures from a fundamental perspective. The use of node, net and vertex symbols has helped in simplifying some of the complex MOF structures. Many MOF structures are beginning to be described as derived from inorganic structures. In this tutorial review, we have provided the basics of the node, the net and the vertex symbols and have explained some of the MOF structures. In addition, we have also attempted to provide some leads towards designing newer structures/topologies.


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Presented in the paper are the details of a method for obtaining aerodynamic characteristics of pretensioned elastic membrane rectangular sailwings. This is a nonlinear problem governed by the membrane equation for the inflated sail and the lifting surface theory integral equation for aerodynamic loads on the sail. Assuming an admissible mode shape for the inflated elastic sail, an iterative procedure based on a doublet lattice method is employed to determine the inflated configuration as well as various aerodynamic characteristics. Application of the method is made to a typical nylon-cotton sailwing of AR = 6.0 and results are presented graphically to show the effect of various parameters. The results are found to tend to plane wing values when the pretensions are large in magnitude.


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Adriamycin (Doxorubicin) stimulates NADH oxidase activity in liver plasma membrane, but does not cause NADH oxidase activity to appear where it is not initially present, as in erythrocyte membrane. NADH dehydrogenase from rat liver and erythrocyte plasma membranes shows similar adriamycin effects with other electron acceptors. Both NADH ferricyanide reductase and vanadate-stimulated NADH oxidation are inhibited by adriamycin, as is a cyanide insensitive ascorbate oxidase activity, whereas NADH cytochrome c reductase is not affected. The effects may contribute to the growth inhibitory (control) and/or deleterious effects of adriamycin. It is clear that adriamycin effects on the plasma membrane dehydrogenase involve more than a simple catalysis of superoxide formation.


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Lutein (3,3'-dihydroxy alpha-carotene), a xanthophyll present in plant chloroplasts, increases the permeability of phospholipid vesicles to Ca2+, even though the pigment does not bind the metal ion. Energy-dependent uptake of Ca2+ by mitochondria is inhibited by lutein, which permits a rapid efflux of the ion from Ca2+-loaded mitochondria. These results are consistent with the view that the deleterious action of lutein on mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation results from its destabilizing action on membrane structure.


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Conceptual advances in the field of membrane transport have, in the main, utilized artificial membranes, both planar and vesicular. Systems of biological interest,viz., cells and organelles, resemble vesicles in size and geometry. Methods are, therefore, required to extend the results obtained with planar membranes to liposome systems. In this report we present an analysis of a fluorescence technique, using the divalent cation probe chlortetracycline, in small, unilamellar vesicles, for the study of divalent cation fluxes. An ion carrier (X537 A) and a pore former (alamethicin) have been studied. The rate of rise of fluorescence signal and the transmembrane ion gradient have been related to transmembrane current and potential, respectively. A second power dependence of ion conduction-including the electrically silent portion thereof — on X537 A concentration, has been observed. An exponential dependence of ldquocurrentrdquo on ldquotransmembrane potentialrdquo in the case of alamethicin is also confirmed. Possible errors in the technique are discussed.


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Assimilation of nitrate and various other inorganic nitrogen compounds by different yeasts was investigated. Nitrate, nitrite, hydroxylamine, hydrazine, ammonium sulphate, urea and L-asparagine were tested as sole sources of nitrogen for the growth of Candida albicans, C. pelliculosa, Debaryomyces hansenii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, C. tropicalis, and C. utilis. Ammonium sulphate and L-asparagine supported the growth of all the yeasts tested except D. hansenii while hydroxylamine and hydrazine failed to support the growth of any. Nitrate and nitrite were assimilated only by C. utilis. Nitrate utilization by C. utilis was also accompanied by the enzymatic activities of NAD(P)H: nitrate oxidoreductase (EC and NAD(P)H: nitrite oxidoreductase (EC, but not reduced methyl viologen-or FAD-nitrate oxidoreductases (EC It is demonstrated here that nitrate and nitrite reductase activities are responsible for the ability of C. utilis to assimilate primary nitrogen.


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Oxidation of NADH by rat erythrocyte plasma membrane was stimulated by about 50-fold on addition of decavanadate, but not other forms of vanadate like orthovanadate, metavanadate aad vanadyl sulphate. The vanadate-stimulated activity was observed only in phosphate buffer while other buffers like Tris, acetate, borate and Hepes were ineffective. Oxygen was consumed during the oxidation of NADH and the products were found to be NAD+ and hydrogen peroxide. The reaction had a stoichiometry of one mole of oxygen consumption and one mole of H2O2 production for every mole of NADH that was oxidized. Superoxide dismutase and manganous inhibited the activity indicating the involvement of superoxide anions. Electron spin resonance in the presence of a spin trap, 5, 5prime-dimethyl pyrroline N-oxide, indicated the presence of superoxide radicals. Electron spin resonance studies also showed the appearance of VIV species by reduction of VV of decavanadate indicating thereby participation of vanadate in the redox reaction. Under the conditions of the assay, vanadate did not stimulate lipid peroxidation in erythrocyte membranes. Extracts from lipid-free preparations of the erythrocyte membrane showed full activity. This ruled out the possibility of oxygen uptake through lipid peroxidation. The vanadate-stimulated NADH oxidation activity could be partially solubilized by treating erythrocyte membranes either with Triton X-100 or sodium cholate. Partially purified enzyme obtained by extraction with cholate and fractionation by ammonium sulphate and DEAE-Sephadex was found to be unstable.


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The linear polypeptide antibiotic alamethicin is known to form channels in artificial lipid membranes. Synthetic 13- and 17-residue alamethicin fragments, labelled with a fluorescent dansyl group at the N-terminus, have been shown to translocate divalent cations across phospholipid membranes and to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation in rat liver mitochondria, in a manner analogous to the parent peptides. From studies of the aqueous phase aggregation behavior of the peptides, as well as their interaction with rat liver mitochondria, it is concluded that the interaction of the peptides with membranes is a complex process, probably involving both aqueous and membrane phase aggregation.