152 resultados para image fusion


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Microsomes (105,000xg sediment) prepared from induced cells of Image was found to hydroxylate progesterone to 11a-hydroxyprogesterone (11a-OHP) in high yields (85-90% in 30 min.) in the presence of NADPH and O2. The pH optimum for the hydroxylase was found to be 7.7. However, for the isolation of active microsomes grinding of the mycelium should be carried out at pH 8.3. Metyrapone, carbon monoxide, SKF-525A, p-CMB and N-methyl maleimide inhibited the hydroxylase activity indicating the involvement of cytochrome P-450 system. The inhibition of the hydroxylase by cytochrome Image and the presence of high levels of NADPH-cytochrome Image reductase in induced microsomes suggest that the reductase could be one of the components in the hydroxylase system.


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Various intrusion detection systems (IDSs) reported in the literature have shown distinct preferences for detecting a certain class of attack with improved accuracy, while performing moderately on the other classes. In view of the enormous computing power available in the present-day processors, deploying multiple IDSs in the same network to obtain best-of-breed solutions has been attempted earlier. The paper presented here addresses the problem of optimizing the performance of IDSs using sensor fusion with multiple sensors. The trade-off between the detection rate and false alarms with multiple sensors is highlighted. It is illustrated that the performance of the detector is better when the fusion threshold is determined according to the Chebyshev inequality. In the proposed data-dependent decision ( DD) fusion method, the performance optimization of ndividual IDSs is first addressed. A neural network supervised learner has been designed to determine the weights of individual IDSs depending on their reliability in detecting a certain attack. The final stage of this DD fusion architecture is a sensor fusion unit which does the weighted aggregation in order to make an appropriate decision. This paper theoretically models the fusion of IDSs for the purpose of demonstrating the improvement in performance, supplemented with the empirical evaluation.


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A soluble fraction of Image catalyzed the hydroxylation of mandelic acid to Image -hydroxymandelic acid. The enzyme had a pH optimum of 5.4 and showed an absolute requirement for Fe2+, tetrahydropteridine, NADPH. Image -Hydroxymandelate, the product of the enzyme reaction was identified by paper chromatography, thin layer chromatography, UV and IR-spectra.


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tRNA isolated from . grown in a medium containing [75Se] sodium selenosulfate was converted to nucleosides and analysed for selenonucleosides on a phosphocellulose column. Upon chromatography of the nucleosides on phosphocellulose column, the radioactivity resolved into three peaks. The first peak consisted of free selenium and traces of undigested nucleotides. The second peak was identified as 4-selenouridine by co-chromatographing with an authentic sample of 4-selenouridine. The identity of the third peak was not established. The second and third peaks represented 93% and 7% of the selenium present in nucleosides respectively.


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An inducible Image -mandelate-4-hydroxylase has been partially purified from crude extracts of Pseudomonas convexa. This enzyme catalyzed the hydroxylation of Image -mandelic acid to 4-hydroxymandelic acid. It required tetrahydropteridine, NADPH, Fe2+, and O2 for its activity. The approximate molecular weight of the enzyme was assessed as 91,000 by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150. The enzyme was optimally active at pH 5.4 and 38 °C. A classical Michaelis-Menten kinetic pattern was observed with Image -mandelate, NADPH, and ferrous sulfate and Km values for these substrates were found to be 1 × 10−4, 1.9 × 10−4, and 4.7 × 10−5 Image , respectively. The enzyme is very specific for Image -mandelate as substrate. Thiol inhibitors inhibited the enzyme reaction, indicating that the sulfhydryl groups may be essential for the enzyme action. Treatment of the partially purified enzyme with denaturing agents inactivated the enzyme.


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Abstract is not available.


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We present a signal processing approach using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for the generation of complex synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images at an arbitrary number of dyadic scales of resolution. The method is computationally efficient and is free from significant system-imposed limitations present in traditional subaperture-based multiresolution image formation. Problems due to aliasing associated with biorthogonal decomposition of the complex signals are addressed. The lifting scheme of DWT is adapted to handle complex signal approximations and employed to further enhance the computational efficiency. Multiresolution SAR images formed by the proposed method are presented.


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We propose a simple and energy efficient distributed change detection scheme for sensor networks based on Page's parametric CUSUM algorithm. The sensor observations are IID over time and across the sensors conditioned on the change variable. Each sensor runs CUSUM and transmits only when the CUSUM is above some threshold. The transmissions from the sensors are fused at the physical layer. The channel is modeled as a multiple access channel (MAC) corrupted with IID noise. The fusion center which is the global decision maker, performs another CUSUM to detect the change. We provide the analysis and simulation results for our scheme and compare the performance with an existing scheme which ensures energy efficiency via optimal power selection.


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We study the problem of decentralized sequential change detection with conditionally independent observations. The sensors form a star topology with a central node called fusion center as the hub. The sensors transmit a simple function of their observations in an analog fashion over a wireless Gaussian multiple access channel and operate under either a power constraint or an energy constraint. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed techniques have lower detection delays when compared with existing schemes. Moreover we demonstrate that the energy-constrained formulation enables better use of the total available energy than a power-constrained formulation.


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This paper presents a low cost but high resolution retinal image acquisition system of the human eye. The images acquired by a CMOS image sensor are communicated through the Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface to a personal computer for viewing and further processing. The image acquisition time was estimated to be 2.5 seconds. This system can also be used in telemedicine applications.


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In prediction phase, the hierarchical tree structure obtained from the test image is used to predict every central pixel of an image by its four neighboring pixels. The prediction scheme generates the predicted error image, to which the wavelet/sub-band coding algorithm can be applied to obtain efficient compression. In quantization phase, we used a modified SPIHT algorithm to achieve efficiency in memory requirements. The memory constraint plays a vital role in wireless and bandwidth-limited applications. A single reusable list is used instead of three continuously growing linked lists as in case of SPIHT. This method is error resilient. The performance is measured in terms of PSNR and memory requirements. The algorithm shows good compression performance and significant savings in memory. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper focuses on optimisation algorithms inspired by swarm intelligence for satellite image classification from high resolution satellite multi- spectral images. Amongst the multiple benefits and uses of remote sensing, one of the most important has been its use in solving the problem of land cover mapping. As the frontiers of space technology advance, the knowledge derived from the satellite data has also grown in sophistication. Image classification forms the core of the solution to the land cover mapping problem. No single classifier can prove to satisfactorily classify all the basic land cover classes of an urban region. In both supervised and unsupervised classification methods, the evolutionary algorithms are not exploited to their full potential. This work tackles the land map covering by Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) and Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) which are arguably the most popular algorithms in this category. We present the results of classification techniques using swarm intelligence for the problem of land cover mapping for an urban region. The high resolution Quick-bird data has been used for the experiments.


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We investigate the events near the fusion interfaces of dissimilar welds using a phase-field model developed for single-phase solidification of binary alloys. The parameters used here correspond to the dissimilar welding of a Ni/Cu couple. The events at the Ni and the Cu interface are very different, which illustrate the importance of the phase diagram through the slope of the liquidus curves. In the Ni side, where the liquidus temperature decreases with increasing alloying, solutal melting of the base metal takes place; the resolidification, with continuously increasing solid composition, is very sluggish until the interface encounters a homogeneous melt composition. The growth difficulty of the base metal increases with increasing initial melt composition, which is equivalent to a steeper slope of the liquidus curve. In the Cu side, the initial conditions result in a deeply undercooled melt and contributions from both constrained and unconstrained modes of growth are observed. The simulations bring out the possibility of nucleation of a concentrated solid phase from the melt, and a secondary melting of the substrate due to the associated recalescence event. The results for the Ni and Cu interfaces can be used to understand more complex dissimilar weld interfaces involving multiphase solidification.


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The strategy of translationally fusing the alpha-and beta-subunits of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) into a single-chain molecule has been used to produce novel analogs of hCG. Previously we reported expression of a biologically active singlechain analog hCG alpha beta expressed using Pichia expression system. Using the same expression system, another analog, in which the alpha-subunit was replaced with the second beta-subunit, was expressed (hCG beta beta) and purified. hCG beta beta could bind to LH receptor with an affinity three times lower than that of hCG but failed to elicit any response. However, it could inhibit response to the hormone in vitro in a dose- dependent manner. Furthermore, it inhibited response to hCG in vivo indicating the antagonistic nature of the analog. However, it was unable inhibit human FSH binding or response to human FSH, indicating the specificity of the effect. Characterization of hCG alpha beta and hCG beta beta using immunological tools showed alterations in the conformation of some of the epitopes, whereas others were unaltered. Unlike hCG, hCG beta beta interacts with two LH receptor molecules. These studies demonstrate that the presence of the second beta-subunit in the single-chain molecule generated a structure that can be recognized by the receptor. However, due to the absence of alpha-subunit, the molecule is unable to elicit response. The strategy of fusing two beta-subunits of glycoprotein hormones can be used to produce antagonists of these hormones.


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In this paper the approach for automatic road extraction for an urban region using structural, spectral and geometric characteristics of roads has been presented. Roads have been extracted based on two levels: Pre-processing and road extraction methods. Initially, the image is pre-processed to improve the tolerance by reducing the clutter (that mostly represents the buildings, parking lots, vegetation regions and other open spaces). The road segments are then extracted using Texture Progressive Analysis (TPA) and Normalized cut algorithm. The TPA technique uses binary segmentation based on three levels of texture statistical evaluation to extract road segments where as, Normalizedcut method for road extraction is a graph based method that generates optimal partition of road segments. The performance evaluation (quality measures) for road extraction using TPA and normalized cut method is compared. Thus the experimental result show that normalized cut method is efficient in extracting road segments in urban region from high resolution satellite image.