127 resultados para hyperbolic fourth-R quadratic equation


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Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation of state constants for NO, O2, and the equilibrium mixture N2O4 ⇄ 2NO2 are reported.


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An analysis of eccentrically loaded short reinforced concrete columns using a variable failure strain criterion is presented. The method dispenses with the usual procedure of assuming a fixed value for the ultimate strain in concrete. The analysis is based on the use of a simple, single equation for the complete stress-strain curve of concrete and the adoption of a process of maximisation of moment with respect to extreme fibre concrete compressive strain. Columns of rectangular section and loaded eccentrically along one axis only are considered in this paper. A good agreement is observed between the theoretical and experimental values of some test results.


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Using Thomé's procedure, the asymptotic solutions of the Frieman and Book equation for the two-particle correlation in a plasma have been obtained in a complete form. The solution is interpreted in terms of the Lorentz distance. The exact expressions for the internal energy and pressure are evaluated and they are found to be a generalization of the result obtained earlier by others.


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Test results of 24 reinforced concrete wall panels in two-way action (i.e., supported on all the four sides) and subjected to in-plane vertical load are presented. The load is applied at an eccentricity to represent possible accidental eccentricity that occurs in practice due to constructional imperfections. Influences of aspect ratio, thinness ratio, slendemess ratio, vertical steel, and horizontal steel on the ultimate load are studied. Two equations are proposed to predict the ultimate load carried by the panels. The first equation is empirical and is arrived at from trial and error fitting with test data. The second equation is semi-empirical and is developed from a modification of the buckling strength of thin rectangular plates. Both the equations are formulated so as to give a safe prediction of a large portion of ultimate strength test results. Also, ultimate load cracking load and lateral deflections of identical panels in two-way action (all four sides supported) and oneway action (top and bottom sides only supported) are compared.


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An implicit sub-grid scale model for large eddy simulation is presented by utilising the concept of a relaxation system for one dimensional Burgers' equation in a novel way. The Burgers' equation is solved for three different unsteady flow situations by varying the ratio of relaxation parameter (epsilon) to time step. The coarse mesh results obtained with a relaxation scheme are compared with the filtered DNS solution of the same problem on a fine mesh using a fourth-order CWENO discretisation in space and third-order TVD Runge-Kutta discretisation in time. The numerical solutions obtained through the relaxation system have the same order of accuracy in space and time and they closely match with the filtered DNS solutions.


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In this paper, we show the limitations of the traditional charge linearization techniques for modeling terminal charges of the independent double-gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors. Based on our recent computationally efficient Poisson solution for independent double gate transistors, we propose a new charge linearization technique to model the terminal charges and transcapacitances. We report two different types of quasistatic large-signal models for the long-channel device. In the first type, the terminal charges are expressed as closed-form functions of the source- and drain-end inversion charge densities and found to be accurate when the potential distribution at source end of the channel is hyperbolic in nature. The second type, which is found to be accurate in all regimes of operations, is based on the quadratic spline collocation technique and requires the input voltage equation to be solved two more times, apart from the source and drain ends.


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We study the hydrodynamic properties of strongly coupled SU(N) Yang-Mills theory of the D1-brane at finite temperature and at a non-zero density of R-charge in the framework of gauge/gravity duality. The gravity dual description involves a charged black hole solution of an Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton system in 3 dimensions which is obtained by a consistent truncation of the spinning D1-brane in 10 dimensions. We evaluate thermal and electrical conductivity as well as the bulk viscosity as a function of the chemical potential conjugate to the R-charges of the D1-brane. We show that the ratio of bulk viscosity to entropy density is independent of the chemical potential and is equal to 1/4 pi. The thermal conductivity and bulk viscosity obey a relationship similar to the Wiedemann-Franz law. We show that at the boundary of thermodynamic stability, the charge diffusion mode becomes unstable and the transport coefficients exhibit critical behaviour. Our method for evaluating the transport coefficients relies on expressing the second order differential equations in terms of a first order equation which dictates the radial evolution of the transport coefficient. The radial evolution equations can be solved exactly for the transport coefficients of our interest. We observe that transport coefficients of the D1-brane theory are related to that of the M2-brane by an overall proportionality constant which sets the dimensions.


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In the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, we consider possible ''phase turbulent'' regimes, where asymptotic correlations are controlled by phase fluctuations rather than by topological defects. Conjecturing that the decay of such correlations is governed by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model of growing interfaces, we derive the following results: (1) A scaling ansatz implies that equal-time spatial correlations in 1d, 2d, and 3d decay like e(-Ax2 zeta), where A is a nonuniversal constant, and zeta=1/2 in 1d. (2) Temporal correlations decay as exp(-t(2 beta)h(t/L(z))), with the scaling law <(beta)over bar> = <(zeta)over bar>/z, where z = 3/2, 1.58..., and 1.66..., for d = 1,2, and 3 respectively. The scaling function h(y) approaches a constant as y --> 0, and behaves like y(2(beta-<(beta)over bar>)), for large y. If in 3d the associated KPZ model turns out to be in its weak-coupling (''smooth'') phase, then, instead of the above behavior, the CGLE exhibits rotating long-range order whose connected correlations decay like 1/x in space or 1/t(1/2) in time. (3) For system sizes, L, and times t respectively less than a crossover length, L(c), and time, t(c), correlations are governed by the free-field or Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) equation, rather than the KPZ model. In 1d, we find that L(c) is large: L(c) similar to 35,000; for L < L(c) we show numerical evidence for stretched exponential decay of temporal correlations with an exponent consistent with the EW value beta(EW)= 1/4.


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‘Best’ solutions for the shock-structure problem are obtained by solving the Boltzmann equation for a rigid sphere gas by applying minimum error criteria on the Mott-Smith ansatz. The use of two such criteria minimizing respectively the local and total errors, as well as independent computations of the remaining error, establish the high accuracy of the solutions, although it is shown that the Mott-Smith distribution is not an exact solution of the Boltzmann equation even at infinite Mach number. The minimum local error method is found to be particularly simple and efficient. Adopting the present solutions as the standard of comparison, it is found that the widely used v2x-moment solutions can be as much as a third in error, but that results based on Rosen's method provide good approximations. Finally, it is shown that if the Maxwell mean free path on the hot side of the shock is chosen as the scaling length, the value of the density-slope shock thickness is relatively insensitive to the intermolecular potential. A comparison is made on this basis of present results with experiment, and very satisfactory quantitative agreement is obtained.


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The paper deals with the existence of a quadratic Lyapunov function V = x′P(t)x for an exponentially stable linear system with varying coefficients described by the vector differential equation S0305004100044777_inline1 The derivative dV/dt is allowed to be strictly semi-(F) and the locus dV/dt = 0 does not contain any arc of the system trajectory. It is then shown that the coefficient matrix A(t) of the exponentially stable sy


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We explore a pseudodynamic form of the quadratic parameter update equation for diffuse optical tomographic reconstruction from noisy data. A few explicit and implicit strategies for obtaining the parameter updates via a semianalytical integration of the pseudodynamic equations are proposed. Despite the ill-posedness of the inverse problem associated with diffuse optical tomography, adoption of the quadratic update scheme combined with the pseudotime integration appears not only to yield higher convergence, but also a muted sensitivity to the regularization parameters, which include the pseudotime step size for integration. These observations are validated through reconstructions with both numerically generated and experimentally acquired data. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America


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A general differential equation for the propagation of sound in a variable area duct or nozzle carrying incompressible mean flow (of low Mach number) is derived and solved for hyperbolic and parabolic shapes. Expressions for the state variables of acoustic pressure and acoustic mass velocity of the shapes are derived. Self‐consistent expressions for the four‐pole parameters are developed. The conical, exponential, catenoidal, sine, and cosine ducts are shown to be special cases of hyperbolic ducts. Finally, it is shown that if the mean flow in computing the transmission loss of the mufflers involving hyperbolic and parabolic shapes was not neglected, little practical benefit would be derived.


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The generalizations of the Onsager model for the radial boundary layer and the Carrier-Maslen model for the end-cap axial boundary layer in a high-speed rotating cylinder are formulated for studying the secondary gas flow due to wall heating and due to insertion of mass, momentum and energy into the cylinder. The generalizations have wider applicability than the original Onsager and Carrier-Maslen models, because they are not restricted to the limit A >> 1, though they are restricted to the limit R e >> 1 and a high-aspect-ratio cylinder whose length/diameter ratio is large. Here, the stratification parameter A = root m Omega(2)R(2)/2k(B)T). This parameter A is the ratio of the peripheral speed, Omega R, to the most probable molecular speed, root 2k(B)T/m, the Reynolds number Re = rho w Omega R(2)/mu, where m is the molecular mass, Omega and R are the rotational speed and radius of the cylinder, k(B) is the Boltzmann constant, T is the gas temperature, rho(w) is the gas density at wall, and mu is the gas viscosity. In the case of wall forcing, analytical solutions are obtained for the sixth-order generalized Onsager equations for the master potential, and for the fourth-order generalized Carrier-Maslen equation for the velocity potential. For the case of mass/momentum/energy insertion into the flow, the separation-of-variables procedure is used, and the appropriate homogeneous boundary conditions are specified so that the linear operators in the axial and radial directions are self-adjoint. The discrete eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the linear operators (sixth-order and second-order in the radial and axial directions for the Onsager equation, and fourth-order and second-order in the axial and radial directions for the Carrier-Maslen equation) are determined. These solutions are compared with direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) simulations. The comparison reveals that the boundary conditions in the simulations and analysis have to be matched with care. The commonly used `diffuse reflection' boundary conditions at solid walls in DSMC simulations result in a non-zero slip velocity as well as a `temperature slip' (gas temperature at the wall is different from wall temperature). These have to be incorporated in the analysis in order to make quantitative predictions. In the case of mass/momentum/energy sources within the flow, it is necessary to ensure that the homogeneous boundary conditions are accurately satisfied in the simulations. When these precautions are taken, there is excellent agreement between analysis and simulations, to within 10 %, even when the stratification parameter is as low as 0.707, the Reynolds number is as low as 100 and the aspect ratio (length/diameter) of the cylinder is as low as 2, and the secondary flow velocity is as high as 0.2 times the maximum base flow velocity. The predictions of the generalized models are also significantly better than those of the original Onsager and Carrier-Maslen models, which are restricted to thin boundary layers in the limit of high stratification parameter.


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In this article, an extension to the total variation diminishing finite volume formulation of the lattice Boltzmann equation method on unstructured meshes was presented. The quadratic least squares procedure is used for the estimation of first-order and second-order spatial gradients of the particle distribution functions. The distribution functions were extrapolated quadratically to the virtual upwind node. The time integration was performed using the fourth-order RungeKutta procedure. A grid convergence study was performed in order to demonstrate the order of accuracy of the present scheme. The formulation was validated for the benchmark two-dimensional, laminar, and unsteady flow past a single circular cylinder. These computations were then investigated for the low Mach number simulations. Further validation was performed for flow past two circular cylinders arranged in tandem and side-by-side. Results of these simulations were extensively compared with the previous numerical data. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We have carried out synchrotron based high-pressure x-ray diffraction study of orthorhombic EuMnO3, GdMnO3, TbMnO3 and DyMnO3 up to 54.4, 41.6, 47.0 and 50.2 GPa, respectively. The diffraction peaks of all the four manganites shift monotonically to higher diffraction angles and the crystals retain the orthorhombic structure till the highest pressure. We have fitted the observed volume versus pressure data with the Birch-Murnaghan equation of state and determined the bulk modulus to be 185 +/- 6 GPa, 190 +/- 16 GPa, 188 +/- 9 GPa and 192 +/- 8 GPa for EuMnO3, GdMnO3, TbMnO3 and DyMnO3, respectively. The bulk modulus of EuMnO3 is comparable to other manganites, in contrast to theoretical predictions.