78 resultados para hydrophilic


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The crucial role of oxide surface chemical composition on ion transport in "soggy sand" electrolytes is discussed in a systematic manner. A prototype soggy sand electrolytic system comprising aerosil silica functionalized with various hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties dispersed in lithium perchlorate-ethylene glycol solution was used for the study. Detailed rheology studies show that the attractive particle network in the case of the composite with unmodified aerosil silica (with surface silanol groups) is most favorable for percolation in ionic conductivity, as well as rendering the composite with beneficial elastic mechanical properties: Though weaker in strength compared to the composite with unmodified aerosil particles, attractive particle networks are also observed in composites of aerosil particles with surfaces partially substituted with hydrophobic groups. The percolation in ionic conductivity is, however, dependent on the size of the hydrophobic moiety. No spanning attractive particle network was formed for aerosil particles with surfaces modified with stronger hydrophilic groups (than silanol), and as a result, no percolation in ionic conductivity was observed. The composite with hydrophilic particles was a sol, contrary to gels obtained in the case of unmodified aerosil, and partially substituted with hydrophobic groups.


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With an objective to replace a water droplet from a steel surface by oil we study here the impact of injecting a hydrophilic/lipophilic surfactant into the droplet or into the surrounding oil reservoir. Contact angle goniometery, Grazing angle FTIR spectroscopy and Atomic force microscopy are used to record the oil/water interfacial tension, surface energetics of the substrate under the oil and water phases as well as the corresponding physical states of the substrates. Such energetics reflect the rate at which the excess surfactant molecules accumulate at the water/oil interface and desorb into the phases. The molecules diffuse into the substrate from the phases and build up specific molecular configurations which, with the interfacial tension, control the non-equilibrium progress of and the equilibrium status of the contact line. The study shows that the most efficient replacement of water by the surrounding oil happens when a surfactant is sparingly soluble in the supplier oil phase and highly soluble in the recipient water phase.


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Lipids are amphiphilic molecules that are composed of hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions. A typical membranous aggregate (vesicles, water-filled lipid nanospheres) is formed upon the self-organization of lipids in water from a diverse collection of amphiphiles producing a dynamic supramolecular structure that shows phase behavior and ordering as required for specific biological functions. The determination of various physical properties of lipid aggregates is the key to determining structure-function relationships. Over the years, we have designed and synthesized a wide variety of lipid molecular systems for the investigation of their membrane-forming properties and have used them for purposes such as gene delivery and enzyme activation. In this feature article, we focus on our work on various types of lipids including ion-paired amphiphiles, cholesterol-based lipids, aromatic lipids, macrocyclic lipids containing disulfide tethers; cationic dimeric lipids, and so forth. The emphasis is oil experimental design and bottom-line conclusions.


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Sugar-based amphiphiles, consisting of two sugar head groups and an alkylene chain within the molecules, are synthesized and their aggregation and mesomorphic properties are evaluated. The hydrophilic sugar head groups, constituted with beta-D-glucopyranoside units, and the lyophilic alkylene units, are coupled to a glycerol backbone to afford the 'double-headed' sugar amphiphiles. Aggregation studies in aqueous solutions provided their critical micellar concentrations and the aggregation numbers. Mesophase characterizations by polarizing optical microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) revealed the phase-transition behaviour of these new 'double-headed' glycolipids.


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The role of oxide surface chemical composition and solvent on ion solvation and ion transport of ``soggy sand'' electrolytes are discussed here. A ``soggy sand'' electrolyte system comprising dispersions of hydrophilic/hydrophobic functionalized aerosil silica in lithium perchlorate methoxy polyethylene glycol solution was employed for the study. Static and dynamic rheology measurements show formation of an attractive particle network in the case of the composite with unmodified aerosil silica (i.e., with surface silanol groups) as well as composites with hydrophobic alkane groups. While particle network in the composite with hydrophilic aerosil silica (unmodified) were due to hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic aerosil silica particles were held together via van der Waals forces. The network strength in the latter case (i.e., for hydrophobic composites) were weaker compared with the composite with unmodified aerosil silica. Both unmodified silica as well as hydrophobic silica composites displayed solid-like mechanical strength. No enhancement in ionic conductivity compared to the liquid electrolyte was observed in the case of the unmodified silica. This was attributed to the existence of a very strong particle network, which led to the ``expulsion'' of all conducting entities from the interfacial region between adjacent particles. The ionic conductivity for composites with hydrophobic aerosil particles displayed ionic conductivity dependent on the size of the hydrophobic chemical moiety. No spanning attractive particle network was observed for aerosil particles with surfaces modified with stronger hydrophilic groups (than silanol). The composite resembled a sol, and no percolation in ionic conductivity was observed.


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Cells and metabolic products of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans were successfully used to separate quartz from hematite through environmentally benign microbially induced flotation. Bacterial metabolic products such as extracellular proteins and polysaccharides were isolated from both unadapted and mineral-adapted bacterial metabolite and their basic characteristics were studied in order to get insight into the changes brought about on bioreagents during adaptation. Interaction between bacterial cells and metabolites with minerals like hematite and quartz brought about significant surface-chemical changes on both the minerals. Quartz was rendered more hydrophobic, while hematite became more hydrophilic after biotreatment.The predominance of bacterial polysaccharides on interacted hematite and of proteins on quartz was responsible for the above surface-chemical changes, as attested through adsorption studies. Surface-chemical changes were also observed on bacterial cells after adaptation to the above minerals. Selective separation of quartz from hematite was achieved through interaction with quartz-adapted bacterial cells and metabolite. Mineral-specific proteins secreted by quartz-adapted cells were responsible for conferment of hydrophobicity on quartz resulting in enhanced separation from hematite through flotation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Metamizol, Na[Ct3H16N3045], C13H16N304S-Na +, a sulphonyl derivative of amidopyrine, is perhaps the most widely used non-narcotic analgetic and antiinflammatory pyrazolone derivative. The monohydrate of the compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2Jc with eight molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a = 9.143 (3), b = 49.50 (2), c = 7.314 (2)/k and fl = 90.9 (1) °. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.080 for 4466 observed reflections. The two crystallographically independent molecules in the structure have similar dimensions. The elongated molecules are hydrophobic at one end and hydrophilic at the other with the middle portion partly hydrophobic and partly hydrophilic. The pyrazolone group in the structure has dimensions similar to those found in uncomplexed antipyrine and amidopyrine. The crystal structure can be described as consisting of double layers of metamizol molecules stacked perpendicular to the b axis. The adjacent double layers are separated by a layer of Naions and water molecules.


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Present in situ chemical treatment technologies for mitigation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination are in the developmental stage or being tested. To devise efficient strategies for restricting the movement of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) molecules in the contaminated soil, it is proposed to utilize the sorption–interaction relationships between the petroleum contaminants and the soil substrate. The basic questions addressed in this paper are as follows (i) What are the prominent chemical constituents of the various petroleum fractions that interact with the soil substrate? (ii) What are the functional groups of a soil that interact with the contaminants? (iii) What are the bonding mechanisms possible between the soil functional groups and the PHC contaminants? (iv) What are the consequent changes brought about the soil physical properties on interaction with PHC's? (v) What are the factors influencing the interactions between PHC molecules and clay particles of the soil substrate? (vi) What is the possibility of improving the soil's attenuation ability for PHC's? The development of answers to the basic questions reveal that petroleum hydrocarbons comprise a mixture of nonpolar alkanes and aromatic and polycyclic hydrocarbons, that have limited solubility in water. The bonding mechanism between the nonpolar PHC's and the clay surface is by way of van der Waals attraction. The adsorption of the nonpolar hydrocarbons by the clay surface occurs only when their (i.e., the hydrocarbon molecules) solubility in water is exceeded and the hydrocarbons exist in the micellar form. Dilute solutions of hydrocarbons in water, i.e., concentrations of hydrocarbons at or below the solubility limit, have no effect on the hydraulic conductivity of clay soils. Permeation with pure hydrocarbons invariably influences the clay hydraulic conductivity. To improve the attenuation ability of soils towards PHC's, it is proposed to coat the soil surface with "ultra" heavy organic polymers. Adsorption of organic polymers by the clay surface may change the surface properties of the soil from highly hydrophilic (having affinity for water molecules) to organophilic (having affinity for organic molecules). The organic polymers attached to the clay surface are expected to attenuate the PHC molecules by van der Waals attraction, by hydrogen bonding, and also by adsorption into interlayer space in the case of soils containing swelling clays.


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C9H12N2Ot2P22-. 2K + .3H20 is orthorhombic, P2~2~2p with a = 18.977 (5), b - 22.597 (6), c = 8.995 (2) A, Z = 8. The structure was refined to R = 0.059 for 2587 observed reflexions. The two molecules of the asymmetric unit have very similar conformations with a 2'- endo sugar pucker and a folded pyrophosphate chain. They form a dimer, coordinated by the K + ions but without direct bridging between the base and the pyrophosphate within each individual molecule. One uracil base has the keto-enol and the other the diketo form. The extended structure shows alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions.


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Hemispherical colloidal nanowells or microwells with hollow interiors are becoming increasingly important for the encapsulation of functional materials. There has been rapid progress to develop new methods to obtain such structures. In this work, we present emulsification approach to generate hemisphere and microcapsules of biocompatible organic polymer. The precise control over the size is exhibited by applying variable vortex effect. The hemispheres and microcapsules of a copolymer (BPVA-PVA) were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). These structures were used for loading of hydrophilic molecules and submicron colloidal particles to demonstrate their potential application. The introduction of hydrophobic groups on poly(vinyl alcohol) was crucial to obtain these structures.


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Low-humidity monoclinic lysozyme, resulting from a water-mediated transformation, has one of the lowest solvent contents (22% by volume) observed in a protein crystal. Its structure has been solved by the molecular replacement method and refined to an R value of 0.175 for 7684 observed reflections in the 10–1.75 Å resolution shell. 90% of the solvent in the well ordered crystals could be located. Favourable sites of hydration on the protein surface include side chains with multiple hydrogen-bonding centres, and regions between short hydrophilic side chains and the main-chain CO or NH groups of the same or nearby residues. Major secondary structural features are not disrupted by hydration. However, the free CO groups at the C terminii and, to a lesser extent, the NH groups at the N terminii of helices provide favourable sites for water interactions, as do reverse turns and regions which connect β-structure and helices. The hydration shell consists of discontinuous networks of water molecules, the maximum number of molecules in a network being ten. The substrate-binding cleft is heavily hydrated, as is the main loop region which is stabilized by water interactions. The protein molecules are close packed in the crystals with a molecular coordination number of 14. Arginyl residues are extensively involved in intermolecular hydrogen bonds and water bridges. The water molecules in the crystal are organized into discrete clusters. A distinctive feature of the clusters is the frequent occurrence of three-membered rings. The protein molecules undergo substantial rearrangement during the transformation from the native to the low-humidity form. The main-chain conformations in the two forms are nearly the same, but differences exist in the side-chain conformation. The differences are particularly pronounced in relation to Trp 62 and Trp 63. The shift in Trp 62 is especially interesting as it is also known to move during inhibitor binding.


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Crystal structures of two different forms of the calcium perchlorate complex of cyclo(Ala-Leu-Pro-Gly)2 have been determined and refined using X-ray crystallographic techniques. Orthorhombic form: C32H52N8O8.Ca(ClO4)2.7H2O.2CH3OH, space group C222(1), a = 14.366, b = 18.653, c = 19.824 A, Z = 4, R = 0.068 for 2208 observed reflections. Monoclinic form: C32H52N8O8.Ca(ClO4)2.4H2O, space group C2, a = 21.096, b = 10.182, c = 11.256 A, beta = 103.33 degrees, Z = 2, R = 0.075 for 2165 observed reflections. The cyclic peptide molecule in both the structures has the form of a twofold symmetric, slightly elongated bowl. Type II' beta-turns, involving Gly and Ala at the corners, exist at the two ends of the molecule. The interior of the molecule is substantially hydrophilic, and the external surface of the bowl is largely hydrophobic. The calcium ion is located at the centre of the mouth of the bowl-like molecule. In both crystal forms, four peptide carbonyl oxygens from the cyclic peptide and two solvent oxygens coordinate to the metal ion. The mode of complexation may be described as incomplete encapsulation as, for example, in the case of metal complexes of antamanide. In the crystal structures the complex ions are held together by hydrogen bonds involving perchlorate ions and water molecules. The molecular structure observed in the crystals is entirely consistent with the results of solution studies, which also indicate the conformation of the cyclic peptide in the complex to be similar to that of the uncomplexed molecule.


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Experiments have repeatedly observed both thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies in aqueous binary mixtures, surprisingly at low solute concentration. Examples of such binary mixtures include water-DMSO, water-ethanol, water-tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), and water-dioxane, to name a few. The anomalies have often been attributed to the onset of a structural transition, whose nature, however, has been left rather unclear. Here we study the origin of such anomalies using large scale computer simulations and theoretical analysis in water-DMSO binary mixture. At very low DMSO concentration (below 10%), small aggregates of DMSO are solvated by water through the formation of DMSO-(H2O)(2) moieties. As the concentration is increased beyond 10-12% of DMSO, spanning clusters comprising the same moieties appear in the system. Those clusters are formed and stabilized not only through H-bonding but also through the association of CH3 groups of DMSO. We attribute the experimentally observed anomalies to a continuum percolation-like transition at DMSO concentration X-DMSO approximate to 12-15%. The largest cluster size of CH3-CH3 aggregation clearly indicates the formation of such percolating clusters. As a result, a significant slowing down is observed in the decay of associated rotational auto time correlation functions (of the S = O bond vector of DMSO and O-H bond vector of water). Markedly unusual behavior in the mean square fluctuation of total dipole moment again suggests a structural transition around the same concentration range. Furthermore, we map our findings to an interacting lattice model which substantiates the continuum percolation model as the reason for low concentration anomalies in binary mixtures where the solutes involved have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties.


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A layered double hydroxide (LDH) with chemical composition LiAl2(OH)(7) . 2H(2)O was prepared via a wet chemical route of gel to crystallite (G-C) conversion at 80 degrees C involving the reaction of hydrated alumina gel, Al2O3.yH(2)O (80 < y < 120) with LiOH (Li2O/Al2O3 greater than or equal to 0.5) in presence of hydrophilic solvents such as ethanol under refluxing conditions. The hydrothermal synthesis was carried out using the same reactants by heating to less than or equal to 140 degrees C in a Teflon-lined autoclave under autogenerated pressure (less than or equal to 20 MPa). Transmission electron microscopy showed needle-shaped aggregates of size 0.04-0.1 mu m for the gel to crystallite conversion product, whereas the hydrothermal products consisted of individual lamellar crystallites of size 0.2-0.5 mu m with hexagonal morphology. The LDH prepared through the gel to crystallite conversion could be converted into LiAl(OH)(4) . H2O or LiAl(OH)(3)NO3 . H2O by imbibition of LiOH or LiNO3, respectively, under hydrothermal conditions. Thermal decomposition of LDH above 1400 degrees C gave rise to LiAl5O8 accompanied by the evaporation of Li2O. LiAl(OH)(4) . H2O and LiAl(OH)(3)NO3 . H2O decomposed in the temperature range 400-1000 degrees C to alpha- or beta-LiAlO2. The compositional dependence of the product, the intermediate phases formed during the heat treatment and the possible reactions involved are described in detail.


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The interaction of Bacillus polymyxa and minerals such as hematite, corundum and quartz resulted in significant surface chemical changes, both on the cell surfaces and on the interacted oxide minerals. After such treatment, quartz was rendered relatively more hydrophobic, while hematite and corundum were rendered more hydrophilic. Biopretreatment was observed to be beneficial in the separation of silica from hematite and alumina by both selective flocculation and flotation. The possible role of bacterial adhesion and metabilites in the biobeneficiation process is illustrated.