44 resultados para hydrological,chemical and biological parameters


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Be/X-ray binary pulsars have wide eccentric orbits and hence the angle of periastron of the orbit is very well defined in these sources. The presence of an X-ray pulsar allows for accurate measurements of orbital elements. A Be star usually is a rapidly rotating star and hence will deviate from spherical geometry. The tidal interaction between the neutron star and the Be star will add to the distortion of the Be star and alter its mass distribution. Thus a measurable rate of apsidal motion is expected from these systems. In this paper, we present the first conclusive detection of apsidal motion of the binary 4U 0115+63. We also present new and accurate orbital parameters of the Be/X-ray binaries V0332+53 and 2S 1417-624.


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Electronic structures of nicotinic, isonicotinic and 2-picolinic acids and their amides have been investigated, using the variable-? Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP), iterative extended Hückel and MINDO/2 methods. In addition, PPP and MINDO/2 treatments have also been applied to 3-acetylpyridine and protonated nicotinamide. Based on these calculations, dipole moments, electronic transitions, chemical and biological activity are discussed. Comparison is made with experimental results where available.


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Lithium phosphorus oxynitride (LiPON), the widely used solid electrolyte for thin film microbatteries, is not compatible with the ambient humid temperatures. The reasons for reduction in ionic conductivity of LiPON thin films from 2.8 x 10(-6) Scm(-1) to 9.9 x 10(-10) Scm(-1) when exposed to air are analyzed with the aid of AC impedance measurements, SEM, XPS and stylus profilometry. Initially, particulate-free film surfaces obtained soon after rf sputter deposition in N-2 ambient conditions becomes covered with microstructures, forming pores in the film when exposed to air. LiPON films are deposited on Ti coated silicon in addition to bare silicon, ruling out the possibility of stress-related rupturing from the LiPON/Si interface. The reduction of nitrogen, phosphorus, and increased presence of lithium, oxygen and carbon over the film surface lowers the ionic conductivity of LiPON films when exposed to air. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The unfolding of the chicken egg white riboflavin carrier protein by disulfide reduction with dithiothreitol led to aggregation with concomitant loss of ligand binding characteristics and the capacity to interact with six monoclonal antibodies directed against surface-exposed discontinuous epitopes. The reduced protein could, however, bind to a monoclonal antibody recognizing sequential epitope. Under optimal conditions of protein refolding, the vitamin carrier protein regained its folded structure with high efficiency with simultaneous complete restoration of hydrophobic flavin binding site as well as the epitopic conformations exposed at the surface in a manner comparable to its native form.


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Vapour adsorption refrigeration systems (VAdS) have the advantage of scalability over a wide range of capacities ranging from a few watts to several kilowatts. In the first instance, the design of a system requires the characteristics of the adsorbate-adsorbent pair. Invariably, the void volume in the adsorbent reduces the throughput of the thermal compressor in a manner similar to the clearance volume in a reciprocating compressor. This paper presents a study of the activated carbon +HFC-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane) system as a possible pair for a typical refrigeration application. The aim of this study is to unfold the nexus between the adsorption parameters, achievable packing densities of charcoal and throughput of a thermal compressor. It is shown that for a thermal compressor, the adsorbent should not only have a high surface area, but should also be able to provide a high packing density. Given the adsorption characteristics of an adsorbent-adsorbate pair and the operating conditions, this paper discloses a method for the calculation of the minimum packing density necessary for an effective throughput of a thermal compressor. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The restoration, conservation and management of water resources require a thorough understanding of what constitutes a healthy ecosystem. Monitoring and assessment provides the basic information on the condition of our waterbodies. The present work details the study carried out at two waterbodies, namely, the Chamarajasagar reservoir and the Madiwala Lake. The waterbodies were selected on the basis of their current use and locations. Chamarajasagar reservoir serves the purpose of supplying drinking water to Bangalore city and is located on the outskirts of the city surrounded by agricultural and forest land. On the other hand, Madiwala lake is situated in the heart of Bangalore city receiving an influx of pollutants from domestic and industrial sewage. Comparative assessment of the surface water quality of both were carried out by instituting the various physico–chemical and biological parameters. The physico-chemical analyses included temperature, transparency, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, nitrates, phosphates, sodium, potassium and COD measurements of the given waterbody. The analysis was done based on the standard methods prescribed (or recommended) by (APHA) and NEERI. The biological parameter included phytoplankton analysis. The detailed investigations of the parameters, which are well within the tolerance limits in Chamarajasagar reservoir, indicate that it is fairly unpolluted, except for the pH values, which indicate greater alkalinity. This may be attributed to the natural causes and the agricultural runoff from the catchment. On the contrary, the limnology of Madiwala lake is greatly influenced by the inflow of sewage that contributes significantly to the dissolved solids of the lake water, total hardness, alkalinity and a low DO level. Although, the two study areas differ in age, physiography, chemistry and type of inflows, they still maintain a phytoplankton distribution overwhelmingly dominated by Cyanophyceae members,specifically Microcystis aeruginosa. These blue green algae apparently enter the waterbodies from soil, which are known to harbour a rich diversity of blue green flora with several species common to limnoplankton, a feature reported to be unique to the south Indian lakes.Chamarajasagar water samples revealed five classes of phytoplankton, of which Cyanophyceae (92.15 percent) that dominated other algal forms comprised of one single species of Microcystis aeruginosa. The next major class of algae was Chlorophyceae (3.752 percent) followed by Dinophyceae (3.51 percent), Bacillariophyceae (0.47 percent) and a sparsely available and unidentified class (0.12 percent).Madiwala Lake phytoplankton, in addition to Cyanophyceae (26.20 percent), revealed a high density of Chlorophyceae members (73.44 percent) dominated by Scenedesmus sp.,Pediastrum sp., and Euglena sp.,which are considered to be indicators of organic pollution. The domestic and industrial sewage, which finds its way into the lake, is a factor causing organic pollution. As compared to the other classes, Euglenophyceae and Bacillariophyceae members were the lowest in number. Thus, the analysis of various parameters indicates that Chamarajasagar reservoir is relatively unpolluted except for the high percentage of Microcystis aeruginosa, and a slightly alkaline nature of water. Madiwala lake samples revealed eutrophication and high levels of pollution, which is clarified by the physico–chemical analysis, whose values are way above the tolerance limits. Also, the phytoplankton analysis in Madiwala lake reveals the dominance of Chlorophyceae members, which indicate organic pollution (sewage being the causative factor).


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In the present investigation, various kinds of surface textures were attained on the steel plates. Roughness of the textures was varied using various grinding or polishing methods. The surface textures were characterized in terms of roughness parameters using an optical profilometer. Then experiments were conducted using an inclined pin-on-plate sliding apparatus to identify the role of surface texture and its roughness parameters on coefficient of friction and transfer layer formation. In the experiments, a soft polymer (polypropylene) was used for the pin and hardened steel was used for the plate. Experiments were conducted at a sliding velocity of 2 minis in ambient conditions under both dry and lubricated conditions. The normal load was varied from 1 to 120 N during the tests. The morphologies of the worn surfaces of the pins and the formation of a transfer layer on the steel plate surfaces were observed using a scanning electron microscope. Based on the experimental results, it was observed that the transfer layer formation and the coefficient of friction along with its two components, namely adhesion and plowing, were controlled by the surface texture of the harder mating surfaces and were less dependent of surface roughness (R(a)) of the harder mating surfaces. The effect of surface texture on the friction was attributed to the variation of the plowing component of friction for different surfaces. Among the various surface roughness parameters studied, the mean slope of the profile, Delta(a), was found to most accurately characterize variations in the friction and wear behavior. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aquatic Ecosystems perform numerous valuable environmental functions. They recycle nutrients, purify water, recharge ground water, augment and maintain stream flow, and provide habitat for a wide variety of flora and fauna and recreation for people. A rapid population increase accompanied by unplanned developmental works has led to the pollution of surface waters due to residential, agricultural, commercial and industrial wastes/effluents and decline in the number of water bodies. Increased demands for drainage of wetlands have been accommodated by channelisation, resulting in further loss of stream habitat, which has led to aquatic organisms becoming extinct or imperiled in increasing numbers and to the impairment of many beneficial uses of water, including drinking, swimming and fishing. Various anthropogenic activities have altered the physical, chemical and biological processes within aquatic ecosystems. An integrated and accelerated effort toward environmental restoration and preservation is needed to stop further degradation of these fragile ecosystems. Failure to restore these ecosystems will result in sharply increased environmental costs later, in the extinction of species or ecosystem types, and in permanent ecological damage.


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We report the results of the electrical switching studies performed on the bulk Al20GexTe80-x (2.5 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 15) chalcogenide glasses. The well known topological features, mechanical and chemical thresholds are observed. Mechanical threshold is seen at a mean coordination number of atoms, < r > = 2.50 (x = 5) a clear shift rom the mean field value of < r > = 2.4 whereas the chemical threshold is observed at < r > = 2.65 (x = 12.5) as predicted by the chemically ordered covalent network model These experiments are a sequel to similar experiments on Al20AsxTe80-x glasses in which mechanical threshold was seen at < r > = 2.60 and no chemical threshold was observed These results am well understood by a chemical bond picture developed in this article.


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Adhesion of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans to pyrite and chalcopyrite in relation to its importance in bioleaching and bioflotation has been studied. Electrokinetic studies as well as FT-IR spectra suggest that the surface chemistry of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans depends on bacterial growth conditions. Sulfur-,Pyrite- and chalcopyrite-grown Thiobacillus ferrooxidans were found to be relatively more hydrophobic. The altered surface chemistry of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was due to secretion of newer and specific proteinaceous compounds. The adsorption density corresponds to a monolayer coverage in a horizontal orientation of the cells. The xanthate flotation of pyrite in presence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is strongly depressed where as the cells have insignificant effect on chalcopyrite flotation. This study demonstrate that: (a)Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cells can be used for selective flotation of chalcopyrite from pyrite and importantly at natural pH values. (b)Sulfur-grown cells exhibits higher leaching kinetics than ferrous ion-grown cells.