84 resultados para governing body


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Boundary layer flow visualization in water with surface heat transfer was carried out on a body of revolution which had the predicted possibility of laminar separation under isothermal conditions. Flow visualization was by in-line holographic technique. Boundary layer stabilization, including elimination of laminar separation, was observed to take place on surface heating. Conversely, boundary layer destabilization was observed on surface cooling. These findings are consistent with the theoretical predictions of Wazzan et al. in The stability and transition of heated and cooled incompressible laminar boundary layers, in Proceedings of the Fourth International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 2, FCI 4. Elsevier, Amsterdam (1970).


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The transport of glucose and α-methyl glucoside into the fat body of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L., has been studied. Glucose is transported into the tissue by a mechanism similar to facilitated diffusion and α-methyl glucoside by a diffusion process. The uptake of these sugars is neither energy dependent nor coupled to a phosphotransferase system.


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he notion of the gravity-induced electric field has been applied to an entire self-gravitating massive body. The resulting electric polarization of the otherwise neutral body, when taken in conjunction with the latter's rotation, is shown to generate an axial-magnetic field of the right type and order of magnitude for certain astrophysical objects. In the present treatment the electric polarization is calculated in the ion-continuum Thomas-Fermi approximation while the electrodynamics of the continuous medium is treated in the nonrelativistic approximation.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Methode der parametrischen Differentiation angewendet, um ein System nichtlinearer Gleichungen zu lösen, das zwei- und dreidimensionale freie, konvektive Grenzschichströmungen bzw. eine zweidimensionale magnetohydrodynamische Grenzschichtströmung beherrscht. Der Hauptvorteil dieser Methode besteht darin, daß die nichlinearen Gleichungen auf lineare reduziert werden und die Nichtlinearität auf ein System von Gleichungen erster Ordnung beschränkt wird, das, verglichen mit den ursprünglichen Nichtlinearen Gleichungen, viel leichter gelöst werden kann. Ein anderer Vorzug der Methode ist, daß sie es ermöglicht, die Lösung von einer bekannten, zu einem bestimmten Parameterwert gehörigen Lösung aus durch schrittweises Vorgehen die Lösung für den gesamten Parameterbereich zu erhalten. Die mit dieser Methode gewonnenen Ergebnisse stimmen gut mit den entsprechenden, mit anderen numerischen Verfahren erzielten überein.


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Experimental results on the effect of energy deposition using an electric arc discharge, upstream of a 60° half angle blunt cone configuration in a hypersonic flow is reported.Investigations involving drag measurements and high speed schlieren flow visualization have been carried out in hypersonic shock tunnel using air and argon as the test gases; and an unsteady drag reduction of about 50% (maximum reduction) has been observed in the energy deposition experiments done in argon environment. These studies also show that the effect of discharge on the flow field is more pronounced in argon environment as compared to air, which confirms that thermal effects are mainly responsible for flow alteration in presence of the discharge.


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This paper reports the basic design of a new six component force balance system using miniature piezoelectric accelerometers to measure all aerodynamic forces and moments for a test model in hypersonic shock tunnel (HST2). Since the flow duration in a hypersonic shock tunnel is of the order of $1$ ms, the balance system [1] uses fast response accelerometers (PCB Piezotronics; frequency range of 1-10 kHz) for obtaining the aerodynamic data. The alance system has been used to measure the basic aerodynamic forces and moments on a missile shaped body at Mach $8$ in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel. The experimentally measured values match well with theoretical predictions.


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The solution of the steady laminar incompressible nonsimilar boundary-layer problem for micropolar fluids over two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies has been presented. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been transformed into new co-ordinates having finite range. The resulting equations have been solved numerically using implicit finite-difference scheme. The computations have been carried out for a cylinder and a sphere. The results indicate that the separation in micropolar fluids occurs at earlier streamwise locations as compared to Newtonian fluids. The skin friction and velocity profiles depend on the shape of the body and are almost insensitive to microrotation or coupling parameter, provided the coupling parameter is small. On the other hand, the microrotation profiles and microrotation gradient depend on the microrotation parameter and they are insensitive to the coupling parameter.


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The effect of suction on the steady laminar incompressible boundarylayer flow for a stationary infinite disc with or without magnetic field, when the fluid at a large distance from the surface of the disc undergoes a solid body rotation, has been studied. The governing coupled nonlinear equations have been solved numerically using the shooting method with least square convergence criterion. It has been found that suction tends to reduce the velocity overshoot and damp the oscillation.


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For the first time, we find the complex solitons for a quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate with two-and three-body interactions. These localized solutions are characterized by a power law behaviour. Both dark and right solitons can be excited in the experimentally allowed parameter domain, when two-and three-body interactions are,respectively, repulsive and attractive. The dark solitons travel with a constant speed, which is quite different from the Lieb mode, where profiles with different speeds, bounded above by sound velocity, can exist for specified interaction strengths. We also study the properties of these solitons in the presence of harmonic confinement with time-dependent nonlinearity and loss. The modulational instability and the Vakhitov-Kolokolov criterion of stability are also studied.


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We studied the mating behaviour of the primi-tively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata and the factors that may influence sperm transfer. By introducing a male and a female R. marginata into ventilated transparent plastic boxes, we were able to observe mating behaviour, and it involved mounting and short or long conjugation of the wasps. Dissection of female wasps after the observation indicated that long conjugation is a good behavioural predictor of sperm transfer. This finding makes it possible to obtain mated females without dissecting them every time. We tested the effect of age, season, relatedness, body size and female's ovarian status on mating. Under laboratory conditions, mating success declined rapidly below and above the ages 5-20 days. Within this age range mating success was significantly low in December compared to other months tested. There was no nestmate discrimination, and there was no influence of male and female body size or of the ovarian state of the female on the probability of sperm transfer.


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Experiments are carried out with air as the test gas to obtain the surface convective heating rate on a missile shaped body flying at hypersonic speeds. The effect of fins on the surface heating rates of missile frustum is also investigated. The tests are performed in a hypersonic shock tunnel at stagnation enthalpy of 2 MJ/kg and zero degree angle of attack. The experiments are conducted at flow Mach number of 5.75 and 8 with an effective test time of 1 ms. The measured stagnation-point heat-transfer data compares well with the theoretical value estimated using Fay and Riddell expression. The measured heat-transfer rate with fin configuration is slightly higher than that of model without fin. The normalized values of experimentally measured heat transfer rate and Stanton number compare well with the numerically estimated results. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We discuss a technique for solving the Landau-Zener (LZ) problem of finding the probability of excitation in a two-level system. The idea of time reversal for the Schrodinger equation is employed to obtain the state reached at the final time and hence the excitation probability. Using this method, which can reproduce the well-known expression for the LZ transition probability, we solve a variant of the LZ problem, which involves waiting at the minimum gap for a time t(w); we find an exact expression for the excitation probability as a function of t(w). We provide numerical results to support our analytical expressions. We then discuss the problem of waiting at the quantum critical point of a many-body system and calculate the residual energy generated by the time-dependent Hamiltonian. Finally, we discuss possible experimental realizations of this work.


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In this paper, a new approach to the study of non-linear, non-autonomous systems is presented. The method outlined is based on the idea of solving the governing differential equations of order n by a process of successive reduction of their order. This is achieved by the use of “differential transformation functions”. The value of the technique presented in the study of problems arising in the field of non-linear mechanics and the like, is illustrated by means of suitable examples drawn from different fields such as vibrations, rigid body dynamics, etc.