367 resultados para fracture rate


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Notched three point bend specimens (TPB) were tested under crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control at a rate of 0.0004 mm/s and during the fracture process acoustic emissions (AE) were simultaneously monitored. It was observed that AE energy could be related to fracture energy. An experimental study was done to understand the behavior of AE energy with parameters of concrete like its strength and size. In this study, AE energy was used as a quantitative measure of size independent specific fracture energy of concrete beams and the concepts of boundary effect and local fracture energy were used to obtain size independent AE energy from which size independent fracture energy was obtained. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Strain-rate effects on the low-cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior of a NIMONIC PE-16 superalloy have been evaluated in the temperature range of 523 to 923 K. Total-strain-controlled fatigue tests were per-formed at a strain amplitude of +/-0.6 pct on samples possessing two different prior microstructures: microstructure A, in the solution-annealed condition (free of gamma' and carbides); and microstructure B, in a double-aged condition with gamma' of 18-nm diameter and M23C6 carbides. The cyclic stress response behavior of the alloy was found to depend on the prior microstructure, testing temperature, and strain rate. A softening regime was found to be associated with shearing of ordered gamma' that were either formed during testing or present in the prior microstructure. Various manifestations of dynamic strain aging (DSA) included negative strain rate-stress response, serrations on the stress-strain hysteresis loops, and increased work-hardening rate. The calculated activation energy matched well with that for self-diffusion of Al and Ti in the matrix. Fatigue life increased with an increase in strain rate from 3 x 10(-5) to 3 x 10(-3) s-1, but decreased with further increases in strain rate. At 723 and 823 K and low strain rates, DSA influenced the deformation and fracture behavior of the alloy. Dynamic strain aging increased the strain localization in planar slip bands, and impingement of these bands caused internal grain-boundary cracks and reduced fatigue life. However, at 923 K and low strain rates, fatigue crack initiation and propagation were accelerated by high-temperature oxidation, and the reduced fatigue life was attributed to oxidation-fatigue interaction. Fatigue life was maximum at the intermediate strain rates, where strain localization was lower. Strain localization as a function of strain rate and temperature was quantified by optical and scanning electron microscopy and correlated with fatigue life.


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Uniaxial compression tests were conducted on Ti-6Al-4V specimens in the strain-rate range df 0.001 to 1 s(-1) and temperature range of 298 to 673 K. The stress-strain curves exhibited a peak flow stress followed by flow softening. Up to 523 K, the specimens cracked catastrophically after the flow softening started. Adiabatic shear banding was observed in this regime. The fracture surface exhibited both mode I and II fracture features. The state of stress existing in a compression test specimen when bulging occurs is responsible for this fracture. The instabilities observed in the present tests are classified as ''geometric'' in nature and are state-of-stress dependant, unlike the ''intrinsic'' instabilities, which are dependant on the dynamic constitutive behavior of the material.


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This paper presents methodologies for fracture analysis of concrete structural components with and without considering tension softening effect. Stress intensity factor (SIF) is computed by using analytical approach and finite element analysis. In the analytical approach, SW accounting for tension softening effect has been obtained as the difference of SIP obtained using linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) principles and SIP due to closing pressure. Superposition principle has been used by accounting for non-linearity in incremental form. SW due to crack closing force applied on the effective crack face inside the process zone has been computed using Green's function approach. In finite element analysis, the domain integral method has been used for computation of SIR The domain integral method is used to calculate the strain energy release rate and SIF when a crack grows. Numerical studies have been conducted on notched 3-point bending concrete specimen with and without considering the cohesive stresses. It is observed from the studies that SW obtained from the finite element analysis with and without considering the cohesive stresses is in good agreement with the corresponding analytical value. The effect of cohesive stress on SW decreases with increase of crack length. Further, studies have been conducted on geometrically similar structures and observed that (i) the effect of cohesive stress on SW is significant with increase of load for a particular crack length and (iii) SW values decreases with increase of tensile strength for a particular crack length and load.


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A fatigue crack growth rate study has been carried out on L-72 aluminium alloy plate specimens with and without cold worked holes. The cold worked specimens showed significantly increased fatigue life compared to unworked specimens. Computer software is developed to evaluate the stress intensity factor for non-uniform stress distributions using Green's function approach. The exponents for the Paris equation in the stable crack growth region for cold worked and unworked specimens are 1.26 and 3.15 respectively. The reduction in exponent value indicates the retardation in crack growth rate. An SEM study indicates more plastic deformation at the edge of the hole for unworked samples as compared to the worked samples during the crack initiation period.


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In this paper, an overview of some recent computational studies by the authors on ductile crack initiation under mode I, dynamic loading is presented. In these studies, a large deformation finite element procedure is employed along with the viscoplastic version of the Gurson constitutive model that accounts for the micro-mechanical processes of void nucleation, growth and coalescence. A three-point bend fracture specimen subjected to impact, and a single edge notched specimen loaded by a tensile stress pulse are analysed. Several loading rates are simulated by varying the impact speed or the rise time and magnitude of the stress pulse. A simple model involving a semi-circular notch with a pre-nucleated circular hole situated ahead of it is considered. The growth of the hole and its interaction with the notch tip, which leads to plastic strain and porosity localization in the ligament connecting them, is simulated. The role of strain-rate dependence on ductile crack initiation at high loading rates, and the specimen geometry effect on the variation of dynamic fracture toughness with loading rate are Investigated.


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The objectives of this paper are to examine the loss of crack tip constraint in dynamically loaded fracture specimens and to assess whether it can lead to enhancement in the fracture toughness at high loading rates which has been observed in several experimental studies. To this end, 2-D plane strain finite element analyses of single edge notched (tension) specimen and three point bend specimen subjected to time varying loads are performed. The material is assumed to obey the small strain J(2) flow theory of plasticity with rate independent behaviour. The results demonstrate that a valid J-Q field exists under dynamic loading irrespective of the crack length and specimen geometry. Further, the constraint parameter Q becomes strongly negative at high loading rates, particularly in deeply cracked specimens. The variation of dynamic fracture toughness K-dc with stress intensity rate K for cleavage cracking is predicted using a simple critical stress criterion. It is found that inertia-driven constraint loss can substantially enhance K-dc for (K) over dot > 10(5) MPa rootm/s.


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An attempt has been made to experimentally investigate the fracture process zone (FPZ) using Acoustic Emission (AE) method in High Strength Concrete (HSC) beams subjected to monotonically increasing load. Stress waves are released during the fracture process in materials, which cause acoustic emissions. AE energy released during the fracture of notched HSC beam specimens during Three Point Bend (TPB) tests is measured and is used to investigate the FPZ in the notched HSC beams having 28-day compressive strength of 78.0 MPa. The specimens are tested by Material Testing System (MTS) of 1200 KN capacity employing Crack Mouth Opening Displacement (CMOD) control at the rate of 0.0004 mmlsec in accordance with RILEM recommendations. A brief review on AE technique applied to concrete fracture is presented. The fracture process zone developed and the AE energy released during the fracture process in high strength concrete beam specimens are presented and discussed. It was observed that AE events containing higher energy are located around the notch tip. It may be possible to relate AE energy to fracture energy of concrete.


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In the present study singular fractal functions (SFF) were used to generate stress-strain plots for quasibrittle material like concrete and cement mortar and subsequently stress-strain plot of cement mortar obtained using SFF was used for modeling fracture process in concrete. The fracture surface of concrete is rough and irregular. The fracture surface of concrete is affected by the concrete's microstructure that is influenced by water cement ratio, grade of cement and type of aggregate 11-41. Also the macrostructural properties such as the size and shape of the specimen, the initial notch length and the rate of loading contribute to the shape of the fracture surface of concrete. It is known that concrete is a heterogeneous and quasi-brittle material containing micro-defects and its mechanical properties strongly relate to the presence of micro-pores and micro-cracks in concrete 11-41. The damage in concrete is believed to be mainly due to initiation and development of micro-defects with irregularity and fractal characteristics. However, repeated observations at various magnifications also reveal a variety of additional structures that fall between the `micro' and the `macro' and have not yet been described satisfactorily in a systematic manner [1-11,15-17]. The concept of singular fractal functions by Mosolov was used to generate stress-strain plot of cement concrete, cement mortar and subsequently the stress-strain plot of cement mortar was used in two-dimensional lattice model [28]. A two-dimensional lattice model was used to study concrete fracture by considering softening of matrix (cement mortar). The results obtained from simulations with lattice model show softening behavior of concrete and fairly agrees with the experimental results. The number of fractured elements are compared with the acoustic emission (AE) hits. The trend in the cumulative fractured beam elements in the lattice fracture simulation reasonably reflected the trend in the recorded AE measurements. In other words, the pattern in which AE hits were distributed around the notch has the same trend as that of the fractured elements around the notch which is in support of lattice model. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this paper is to propose a numerically integrated modified virtual crack closure integral (NI-MVCCI) technique for fracture analysis of cracked plate panels. NI-MVCCI technique is generalized one and the expressions for computing the strain energy release rate (SERR) are independent of the finite element employed. NI-MVCCI technique has been demonstrated for 4-noded, 8-noded (regular and quarter-point) and 9-noded isoparametric finite elements. Numerical studies on fracture analysis of 2-D crack (mode-I and mode-II) problems have been conducted employing these elements. SERR and stress intensity factors (SIF) have been computed for these problems and found to be in good agreement with the respective analytical solutions available in the literature. The appropriate Gauss numerical integration order to be employed for each of these elements for accurate computation of SERR and SIF has been recommended based on the studies.


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In an effort to study the role of strain rate response on the tribological behavior of metals, room temperature experiments were conducted by sliding commercially pure titanium and a-iron pins against an H-11 die steel flats of various surface textures. The steel flat surface textures were specifically prepared to allow for imposing varying amounts of strain rates at the contacting interface during sliding motion. In the experiments, it was observed that titanium (a harder material than iron) formed a transfer layer on H-11 steel surface textures that produced higher strain rates. In contrast, the titanium pins abraded the steel surfaces that produced lower strain rates. The iron pins were found to abrade the H-11 steel surface regardless of the surface texture characteristics. This unique tribological behavior of titanium is likely due to the fact that titanium undergoes adiabatic shear banding at high strain rates, which creates pathways for lower resistance shear planes. These shear planes lead to fracture and transfer layer formation on the surface of the steel flat, which ultimately promotes a higher strain rate of deformation at the asperity level. Iron does not undergo adiabatic shear banding and thus more naturally abrades the surfaces. Overall, the results clear indicated that a materials strain rate response can be an important factor in controlling the tribological behavior of a plastically deforming material at the asperity level. DOI: 10.1115/1.4007675]


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The fracture of eutectic Si particles dictates the fracture characteristics of Al-Si based cast alloys. The morphology of these particles is found to play an important role in fracture initiation. In the current study, the effects of strain rate, temperature, strain, and heat treatment on Si particle fracture under compression were investigated. Strain rates ranging from 3 x 10(-4)/s to 10(2)/s and three temperatures RT, 373 K, and 473 K (100 A degrees C and 200 A degrees C) are considered in this study. It is found that the Si particle fracture shows a small increase with increase in strain rate and decreases with increase in temperature at 10 pct strain. The flow stress at 10 pct strain exhibits the trend similar to particle fracture with strain rate and temperature. Particle fracture also increases with increase in strain. Large and elongated particles show a greater tendency for cracking. Most fracture occurs on particles oriented nearly perpendicular to the loading axis, and the cracks are found to occur almost parallel to the loading axis. At any strain rate, temperature, and strain, the Si particle fracture is greater for the heat-treated condition than for the non-heat-treated condition because of higher flow stress in the heat-treated condition. In addition to Si particle fracture, elongated Fe-rich intermetallic particles are also seen to fracture. These particles have specific crystallographic orientations and fracture along their major axis with the cleavage planes for their fracture being (100). Fracture of these particles might also play a role in the overall fracture behavior of this alloy since these particles cleave along their major axis leading to cracks longer than 200 mu m.


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This article reports the acoustic emission (AE) study of precursory micro-cracking activity and fracture behaviour of quasi-brittle materials such as concrete and cement mortar. In the present study, notched three-point bend specimens (TPB) were tested under crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control at a rate of 0.0004 mm/sec and the accompanying AE were recorded using a 8 channel AE monitoring system. The various AE statistical parameters including AE event rate , AE energy release rate , amplitude distribution for computing the AE based b-value, cumulative energy (I E) pound and ring down count (RDC) were used for the analysis. The results show that the micro-cracks initiated and grew at an early stage in mortar in the pre peak regime. While in the case of concrete, the micro-crack growth occurred during the peak load regime. However, both concrete and mortar showed three distinct stages of micro-cracking activity, namely initiation, stable growth and nucleation prior to the final failure. The AE statistical behavior of each individual stage is dependent on the number and size distribution of micro-cracks. The results obtained in the laboratory are useful to understand the various stages of micro-cracking activity during the fracture process in quasi-brittle materials such as concrete & mortar and extend them for field applications.


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The fracture characteristics of Al-Si based eutectic alloy are investigated in the unmodified and modified conditions under compression. The investigations are carried out at different strain rates and temperatures. Fracture of the alloy starts with eutectic Si particle fracture and modification plays an important role in particle fracture. The fraction of fractured particles is found to be always lesser in the modified condition than in the unmodified condition. Particle fracture increases with increase in strain. It is found that the Si particle fracture shows an increase with increase in strain rate and decreases with increase in temperature at 10% strain. Large and elongated particles show a greater tendency for fracture in the unmodified and modified conditions. Particle orientation plays an important role on fracture and the cracks are found to occur almost in a direction normal to the tensile strain imposed upon the particles by the deforming matrix in the unmodified alloy. The modified alloy shows a random distribution of fractured particles and crack orientation. The criteria of fracture based on dislocation pile-up mechanism and fiber loading explain the observed difference in particle fracture characteristics due to modification. The particle fracture for the modified alloy is also discussed in terms of Weibull statistics and the existing models of dispersion hardening. Particle/matrix interface decohesion is observed at higher strain rates and temperatures in the modified alloy. Dendritic rotation of 10 degrees is also observed at higher strain rates, which can increase the amount of particle fracture. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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When dropped, electronic packages often undergo failure by propagation of an interfacial crack in solder joints under a combination of tensile and shear loading. Hence, it is crucial to understand and predict the fracture behavior of solder joints under mixed-mode high-rate loading conditions. In this work, the effects of the loading conditions (strain rate and loading angle) and microstructure interfacial intermetallic compound (IMC) morphology and solder yield strength] on the mixed-mode fracture toughness of Sn-3.8 wt.%Ag-0.7 wt.%Cu solder joints sandwiched between two Cu substrates with electroless nickel immersion gold (ENIG) metallization have been studied, and compared with the fracture behavior of joints attached to bare Cu. Irrespective of the surface finish, the fracture toughness of the solder joints decreased monotonically with strain rate and mode-mixity, both resulting in increased fracture proportion through the interfacial IMC layer. Furthermore, the proportion of crack propagation through the interfacial IMC layer increased with increase in the thickness and the roughness of the interfacial IMC layer and the yield strength of the solder, resulting in a decrease in the fracture toughness of the joint. However, under most conditions, solder joints with ENIG finish showed higher resistance to fracture than joints attached directly to Cu substrates without ENIG metallization. Based on the experimental observations, a fracture mechanism map is constructed correlating the yield strength of the solder, the morphology and thickness of the interfacial IMC, and the fracture mechanisms as well as the fracture toughness values for different solder joints under mode I loading.