83 resultados para empirical studies in ubiquitous and mobile computing


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The temperature variation of the 3’Cl n.q.r. frequencies in 3,5- and 2,3- dichloroanisoles has been reported here. Both compounds show two lines each, and these have been assigned to the two chlorines in the same molecule with the help of the additive model for the substituent effect. The temperature dependence has been analysed in terms of Bayer-Kushida-Brown model.The torsional frequencies and their temperature dependence have been calculated numerically under a two-mode approximation. 0.n comparing the results in 3,5-dichloroanisole with those in 3,5-dichlorophenol it can be seen that they show similar behaviour owing to the absence of hydrogen bonding in both.


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Oxyphenbutazone, C19H20N203, a metabolite and perhaps the active form of phenylbutazone, is a widely used non-narcotic analgesic and anti-inflammatory pyrazolidinedione derivative. The monohydrate of the compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group Pi with two molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a -- 9.491 (4), b = 10.261 (5), c = 11.036 (3)A and ¢~ = 72.2 (1), fl = 64.3 (1), 7 = 73.0 (1) °. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.107 for 1498 observed reflections. The butyl group in the molecule is disordered. The hydroxyl group occupies two sites with unequal occupancies. On account of the asymmetry at the two N atoms and one of the C atoms in the central five-membered ring, the molecule can exist in eight isomeric states, of which four are sterically unfavourable. The disorder in the position of the hydroxyl group can be readily explained on the basis of the existence, with unequal abundances, of all four sterically favourable isomers.The bond lengths and angles in the molecule are similar to those in phenylbutazone. The crystal structure is stabilized by van der Waals interactions, and O-H... O hydrogen bonds involving the carbonyl and the hydroxyl groups as well as a water molecule.


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A TEM study of the interphase boundary structure of 9R orthorhombic alpha1' martensite formed in beta' Cu---Zn alloys shows that it consists of a single array of dislocations with Burgers vector parallel to left angle bracket110right-pointing angle beta and spaced about 3.5 nm apart. This Burgers vector lies out of the interface plane; hence the interface dislocations are glissile. Unexpectedly, though, the Burgers vectors of these dislocations are not parallel when referenced to the matrix and the martensite lattices. This finding is rationalized on published hard sphere models as a consequence of relaxation of a resultant of the Bain strain and lattice invariant shear displacements within the matrix phase.


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Birch reduction and reductive methylations of the title compounds have been investigated. 7-Methoxy-3,4-dihydrophenanthren-1(2H)-one (2) yields the cis-3,4,9,10,11,12-hexahydro-derivative (15) while the 7-methoxy-1,2-dihydrophenanthren-4(3H)-one (5) is reduced to the corresponding 1,2,9,10-tetrahydro-derivative (7). The factors influencing the mechanism of the reduction process have been discussed. The reductive methylation products of the ketone (2) are useful substrates in the synthesis of 9-methyl steroids.


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Examination of the structure of worn surfaces has shown that the wear of LM13 and LM13-graphite particulate composite is controlled by the nature and extent of subsurface deformation. The addition of graphite influences the wear characteristics by affecting the plastically deformed zone. The possible mechanisms of wear are discussed.


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Meclofenamic acid, C I4HIICI2NO2, probably the most potent among analgesic fenamates, crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1, with a = 8.569 (5), b = 8.954(8), c -- 9.371 (4) A, ct = 103.0 (2), fl -- 103.5 (2), y = 92.4 (2) ° , Z = 2, D m = 1.43 (4), D c = 1.41 Mg m -3. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.135 for 1062 observed reflections. The anthranilic acid moiety in the molecule is nearly planar and is nearly perpendicular to the 2,6-dichloro-3-methylphenyl group. The molecules, which exist as hydrogen-bonded dimers, have an internal hydrogen bond involving the imino and the carboxyl groups. The methyl group is disordered and occupies two positions with unequal occupancies. The disorder can be satisfactorily explained in terms of the rotational isomerism of the 2,6-dichloro-3-methylphenyl group about the bond which connects it to the anthranilic acid moiety and the observed occupancies on the basis of packing considerations.


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Recently established moderate size free piston driven hypersonic shock tunnel HST3 along with its calibration is described here. The extreme thermodynamic conditions prevalent behind the reflected shock wave have been utilized to study the catalytic and non-catalytic reactions of shock heated test gases like Ar, N2 or O2 with different material like C60 carbon, zirconia and ceria substituted zirconia. The exposed test samples are investigated using different experimental methods. These studies show the formation of carbon nitride due to the non-catalytic interaction of shock heated nitrogen gas with C60 carbon film. On the other hand, the ZrO2 undergoes only phase transformation from cubic to monoclinic structure and Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 in fluorite cubic phase changes to pyrochlore (Ce2Zr2O7±δ) phase by releasing oxygen from the lattice due to heterogeneous catalytic surface reaction.


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1. The biopotencies relative to beta-carotene of several apocarotenoids, such as 8'-, 10'- and 12'-apo-beta-carotenal and methyl 8'-apo-beta-carotenoate, were investigated in rats, on a molar basis, by both curative-growth assay and liver-storage tests. 2. In the curative-growth assays, on a molar basis the biopotencies of 8'-, 10'- and 12'-apo-beta-carotenal and methyl 8'-apo-beta-carotenoate were 72, 78, 72 and 53% respectively, whereas on a weight basis the corresponding values were 93, 111, 111 and 63%, with respect to beta-carotene taken as 100%. In terms of yield of vitamin A, these values were much lower in the liver-storage tests. 3. When 8'-apo-beta-carotenal was fed, the unchanged aldehyde together with small amounts of the corresponding alcohol and larger proportions of the acid rapidly appeared in the tissues of both rats and chickens. The 8'-apocarotenol, 8'-apocarotenoic acid and its methyl ester were absorbed unchanged. The free acid disappeared most rapidly from the tissues, but its methyl ester persisted in the tissues longest. 4. On the basis of these observations it is suggested that most of an apocarotenal is oxidized to the corresponding acid, which, in turn, is mostly degraded to retinoic acid, with small proportions of it being attacked by the dioxygenase system giving retinal.


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1. (1) The relative abilities of the various cell fractions of rat and chicken liver to oxidize and reduce retinal and 8'- and 12'-apo-β-carotenal were investigated and it has been shown that, while retinal is exclusively oxidized by the soluble fraction, the apocarotenals are mostly oxidized by the particulate fractions of the homogenate. 2. (2) Addition of NAD+ or NADP+ markedly activated the oxidation of the apocarotenals, but not of retinal by the particulate fractions. 3. (3) Considerable amounts of retinal and 8'-, 10'- and 12'-apo-β-carotenal were isolated from the intestine of chickens fed β-carotene and these apocarotenoids were conclusively identified. 4. (4) Significant amounts of 8'-, 10'- and 12'-apo-β-carotenoic acids were isolated from the intestine of rats given 8'-apo-β-carotenal and these apocarotenoic acids were also conclusively identified. 5. (5) In the light of these observations it is suggested that during conversion to vitamin A, the β-carotene molecule is simultaneously attacked by the dioxygenase at several double bonds, the primary attack being at the central double bond and a tentative scheme for the mechanism of conversion is proposed.


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Administration of norethisterone (NET) or NET + estradiol benzoate using an Alzet minipump or as once-a-month intramuscular injection of their depot forms, NET-enanthate (NET-EN) and estradiol valerate (E-val), resulted in azoospermia in all monkeys (n = 13) within 60 to 150 days of treatment. Although addition of depot form of testosterone (T, 20 mg/month) to the regimen restored the behavioral response typical of a normal male, it did not reverse the azoospermic state. Serum T (heightened nocturnal) levels were significantly reduced (> 85%, p < 0.001) in all the treated groups. Evidence for blockade in spermatogenesis following treatment was obtained by DNA flow cytometry. Following withdrawal of treatment, the T level was restored to normalcy within 15 days but 120 days more were required for the animals to exhibit normal sperm counts. In conclusion, the efficacy of once-a-month injection of relatively low doses of NET-EN + E-Val to bring about azoospermia in monkeys, in a relatively short time, has been demonstrated. As the results are uniform and reproducible, it appears desirable that this steroid regimen be tested in man for its contraceptive efficacy.


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Eight new open-framework inorganic-organic hybrid compounds based on indium have been synthesized employing hydrothermal methods. All of the compounds have InO6, C2O4, and HPO3/HPO4/SO4 units connected to form structures of different dimensionality Thus, the compounds have zero- (I), two- (II, III, IV, V, VII, and VIII), and three-dimensionally (VI) extended networks. The formation of the first zero-dimensional hybrid compound is noteworthy In addition, concomitant polymorphic structures have been observed in the present study. The molecular compound, I, was found to be reactive, and the transformation studies in the presence of a base (pyridine) give rise to the polymorphic structures of II and III, while the addition of an acid (H3PO3) gives rise to a new indium phosphite with a pillared layer structure (T1). Preliminary density functional theory calculations suggest that the stabilities of the polymorphs are different, with one of the forms (II) being preferred over the other, which is consistent with the observed experimental behavior. The oxalate units perform more than one role in the present structures. Thus, the oxalate units connect two In centers to satisfy the coordination requirements as well as to achieve charge balance in compounds II, IV, and VI. The terminal oxalate units observed in compounds I, IV, and V suggest the possibility of intermediate structures. Both in-plane and out-of-plane connectivity of the oxalate units were observed in compound VI. The 31 compounds have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and P-31 NMR studies.


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Four new 5-aminoisophthalates of cobalt and nickel have been prepared employing hydro/solvothermal methods: [Co2(C8H5NO4)2(C4H4N2)(H2O)2]·3H2O (I), [Ni2(C8H5NO4)2(C4H4N2)(H2O)2]·3H2O (II), [Co2(H2O)(μ3-OH)2(C8H5NO4)] (III), and [Ni2(H2O)(μ3-OH)2(C8H5NO4)] (IV). Compounds I and II are isostructural, having anion-deficient CdCl2 related layers bridged by a pyrazine ligand, giving rise to a bilayer arrangement. Compounds III and IV have one-dimensional M−O(H)−M chains connected by the 5-aminoisophthalate units forming a three-dimensional structure. The coordinated as well as the lattice water molecules of I and II could be removed and inserted by simple heating−cooling cycles under the atmospheric conditions. The removal of the coordinated water molecule is accompanied by changes in the coordination environment around the M2+ (M = Co, Ni) and color of the samples (purple to blue, Co; green to dark yellow, Ni). This change has been examined by a variety of techniques that include in situ single crystal to single crystal transformation studies and in situ IR and UV−vis spectroscopic studies. Magnetic studies indicate antiferromagnetic behavior in I and II, a field-induced magnetism in III, and a canted antiferromagnetic behavior in IV.