52 resultados para ecological uti¬lization


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The pattern of expression of the genes involved in the utilization of aryl beta-glucosides such as arbutin and salicin is different in the genus Shigella compared to Escherichia coli. The results presented here indicate that the homologue of the cryptic bgl operon of E. coli is conserved in Shigella sonnei and is the primary system involved in beta-glucoside utilization in the organism. The organization of the bgl genes in 5. sonnei is similar to that of E. coli; however there are three major differences in terms of their pattern of expression. (i) The bglB gene, encoding phospho-beta-glucosidase B, is insertionally inactivated in 5. sonnei. As a result, mutational activation of the silent bgl promoter confers an Arbutin-positive (Arb(+)) phenotype to the cells in a single step; however, acquiring a Salicin-positive (Sal(+)) phenotype requires the reversion or suppression of the bglB mutation in addition. (ii) Unlike in E. coli, a majority of the activating mutations (conferring the Arb(+) phenotype) map within the unlinked hns locus, whereas activation of the E. coli bgl operon under the same conditions is predominantly due to insertions within the bglR locus. (iii) Although the bgl promoter is silent in the wild-type strain of 5. sonnei (as in the case of E. coli), transcriptional and functional analyses indicated a higher basal level of transcription of the downstream genes. This was correlated with a 1 bp deletion within the putative Rho-independent terminator present in the leader sequence preceding the homologue of the bglG gene. The possible evolutionary implications of these differences for the maintenance of the genes in the cryptic state are discussed.


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The utilization of mixtures of glucose and sucrose at nonlimiting concentrations was studied in batch cultures of two common thermophilic fungi, Thermomyces lanuginosus and Penicilium duponti. The sucrose-utilizing enzymes (sucrose permease and invertase) in both fungi were inducible. Both sugars were used concurrently,regardless of their relative proportion in the mixture. At the optimal growth temperature (50C), T.lanuginosus utilized sucrose earlier than it did glucose, but at a suboptimal growth temperature (30°C) the two sugars were utilized at nearly comparable rates. The coutilization of the two sugars was most likely possible because (i) invertase was insensitive to catabolite repression by glucose, (ii) the activity and affinity of the glucose transport system were lowered when sucrose was included in the growth medium, and (iii) the activity of the glucose uptake system was also subject to repression by high concentrations of glucose itself. The concurrent utilization of the available carbon sources by thermophilic fungi might be an adaptive strategy for opportunistic growth in nature under conditions of low nutrient availability and thermal fluctuations in the environment.


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More than half a decade has passed since the December 26th 2004 tsunami hit the Indian coast leaving a trail of ecological, economic and human destruction in its wake. We reviewed the coastal ecological research carried out in India in the light of the tsunami. In addition, we also briefly reviewed the ecological research in other tsunami affected countries in Asia namely Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand and Maldives in order to provide a broader perspective of ecological research after tsunami. A basic search in ISI Web of Knowledge using keywords ``tsunami'' and ``India'' resulted in 127 peer reviewed journal articles, of which 39 articles were pertaining to ecological sciences. In comparison, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand and Maldives had, respectively, eight, four, 21 and two articles pertaining to ecology. In India, bioshields received the major share of scientific interest (14 out of 39) while only one study (each) was dedicated to corals, seagrasses, seaweeds and meiofauna, pointing to the paucity of research attention dedicated to these critical ecosystems. We noted that very few interdisciplinary studies looked at linkages between pure/applied sciences and the social sciences in India. In addition, there appears to be little correlation between the limited research that was done and its influence on policy in India. This review points to gap areas in ecological research in India and highlights the lessons learnt from research in other tsunami-affected countries. It also provides guidance on the links between science and policy that are required for effective coastal zone management.


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Utilization of the aryl-beta-glucosides salicin or arbutin in most wild-type strains of E. coli is achieved by a single-step mutational activation of the bgl operon. Shigella sonnei, a branch of the diverse E. coli strain tree, requires two sequential mutational steps for achieving salicin utilization as the bglB gene, encoding the phospho-beta-glucosidase B, harbors an inactivating insertion. We show that in a natural isolate of S. sonnei, transcriptional activation of the gene SSO1595, encoding a phospho-beta-glucosidase, enables salicin utilization with the permease function being provided by the activated bgl operon. SSO1595 is absent in most commensal strains of E. coli, but is present in extra-intestinal pathogens as bgcA, a component of the bgc operon that enables beta-glucoside utilization at low temperature. Salicin utilization in an E. coli bglB laboratory strain also requires a two-step activation process leading to expression of BglF, the PTS-associated permease encoded by the bgl operon and AscB, the phospho-beta-glucosidase B encoded by the silent asc operon. BglF function is needed since AscF is unable to transport beta-glucosides as it lacks the IIA domain involved in phopho-relay. Activation of the asc operon in the Sal(+) mutant is by a promoter-up mutation and the activated operon is subject to induction. The pathway to achieve salicin utilization is therefore diverse in these two evolutionarily related organisms; however, both show cooperation between two silent genetic systems to achieve a new metabolic capability under selection.


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A three-species food chain model is studied analytically as well as numerically. Integrability of the model is studied using Painleve analysis while chaotic behavior is studied using numerical techniques, such as calculation of Lyapunov exponents, plotting the bifurcation diagram and phase plots. We correct and critically comment on the wrong results reported recently on this ecological model, in a paper by Rai [1995].


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This paper analyses environmental and socio-economic barriers for plantation activities on local and regional level and investigates the potential for carbon finance to stimulate the increased rates of forest plantation on wasteland, i.e., degraded lands, in southern India. Building on multidisciplinary field work and results from the model GCOMAP, the aim is to (1) identify and characterize the barriers to plantation activities in four agro-ecological zones in the state of Karnataka and (2) investigate what would be required to overcome these barriers and enhance the plantation rate and productivity. The results show that a rehabilitation of the wasteland based on plantation activities is not only possible but also anticipated by the local population and would lead to positive environmental and socio-economic effects at a local level. However, in many cases, the establishment of plantation activities is hindered by a lack of financial resources, low land productivity and water scarcity. Based on the model used and the results from the field work, it can be concluded that certified emission reductions such as carbon credits or other compensatory systems may help to overcome the financial barrier; however, the price needs to be significantly increased if these measures are to have any large-scale impact.


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Growing concern over the status of global and regional bioenergy resources has necessitated the analysis and monitoring of land cover and land use parameters on spatial and temporal scales. The knowledge of land cover and land use is very important in understanding natural resources utilization, conversion and management. Land cover, land use intensity and land use diversity are land quality indicators for sustainable land management. Optimal management of resources aids in maintaining the ecosystem balance and thereby ensures the sustainable development of a region. Thus sustainable development of a region requires a synoptic ecosystem approach in the management of natural resources that relates to the dynamics of natural variability and the effects of human intervention on key indicators of biodiversity and productivity. Spatial and temporal tools such as remote sensing (RS), geographic information system (GIS) and global positioning system (GPS) provide spatial and attribute data at regular intervals with functionalities of a decision support system aid in visualisation, querying, analysis, etc., which would aid in sustainable management of natural resources. Remote sensing data and GIS technologies play an important role in spatially evaluating bioresource availability and demand. This paper explores various land cover and land use techniques that could be used for bioresources monitoring considering the spatial data of Kolar district, Karnataka state, India. Slope and distance based vegetation indices are computed for qualitative and quantitative assessment of land cover using remote spectral measurements. Differentscale mapping of land use pattern in Kolar district is done using supervised classification approaches. Slope based vegetation indices show area under vegetation range from 47.65 % to 49.05% while distance based vegetation indices shoes its range from 40.40% to 47.41%. Land use analyses using maximum likelihood classifier indicate that 46.69% is agricultural land, 42.33% is wasteland (barren land), 4.62% is built up, 3.07% of plantation, 2.77% natural forest and 0.53% water bodies. The comparative analysis of various classifiers, indicate that the Gaussian maximum likelihood classifier has least errors. The computation of talukwise bioresource status shows that Chikballapur Taluk has better availability of resources compared to other taluks in the district.