33 resultados para coastal erosion


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Erosion characteristics of high chromium (Cr, 16-19%) alloy cast iron with 5% and 10% manganese (Mn) prepared in metal and sand moulds through induction melting are investigated using jet erosion test setup in both as-cast and heat-treated conditions. The samples were characterised for hardness and microstructural properties. A new and novel non-destructive evaluation technique namely positron lifetime spectroscopy has also been used for the first time to characterise the microstructure of the material in terms of defects and their concentration. We found that the hardness decreases irrespective of the sample condition when the mould type is changed from metal to sand, On the other hand, the erosion volume loss shows an increasing trend. Since the macroscopic properties have a bearing on the microstructure, good credence is obtained from the microstructural features as seen from light and scanning electron micrographs. Faster cooling in the metal mould yielded fine carbide precipitation on the surface. The defect size and their concentration derived from positron method are higher for sand mould compared to metal mould. Lower erosion loss corresponds to smaller size defects in metal mould are the results of quicker heat transfer in the metal mould compared to the sand mould. Heat treatment effects are clearly seen as the reduced concentration of defects and spherodisation of carbides points to this. The erosion loss with respect to the defects size and concentration correlate very well.


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Large scale reclamation works in coastal areas of the Nakdong River plain are at various stages of progress, since early 1990's on in-situ soft marine clay deposits. These deposits are of the order of 30 to 40 m thick. A realistic rapid characterization of soft ground would ensure success of any reclamation work in this area. In order to cope with the work carried out with different agencies, it is desirable to evolve a systematic methodology. In this study, engineering properties of clays at three coastal areas, Gadukdo, Noksan and Shinho, have been generated. The analysis of data has been done within the framework of classical developments in soil mechanics. Analysis has also been made by making use of the recent developments in dealing with soft clays. The dominant factors, namely, stress, time, and environment influencing the response of clay to loading are identified.


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ASTM D2303 standard provides a method for evaluating the tracking and erosion resistance of polymeric insulators under ac voltages. In this paper, the above method has been extended for evaluating the performance of the insulators under dc stresses. Tests were conducted on polymeric silicone rubber (SR) insulators under positive and negative dc stresses. Micron sized Alumina trihydrate (uATH) and nano sized Alumina (nALU) were used as fillers in SR matrix to improve the resistance to tracking and erosion. Results suggest that SR composites perform better under negative dc than under positive dc voltages. Eroded mass and leakage current data support the above result. Samples with low concentration of nano alumina fillers performed on par with the samples with large loadings of uATH.


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The effect of the inclusion of ceramic particles in polythene material on the response to erosion due to impingement by sand particles at three angles is investigated. It is seen that erosion resistance varies with ceramic inclusions. The work also considers the limitations posed by the system in adopting weight change measurements as a measure to follow erosive wear owing to the softer nature of the matrix material. Consequently, the investigation looks at two other experimental parameter, that can readily be measured to quantify erosion. Of the two approaches. the advantages of following wear through measuring linear dimension of the resulting crater is stressed in this work. The study also highlights the problems associated in assessing the depth of the crater as a parameter to express the extent of erosion owing to the phenomenon of material flow suggested and schematically illustrated in the work. Corroborative evidence for this flow behaviour through scanning electron microscopic studies is presented. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Due to increasing trend of intensive rice cultivation in a coastal river basin, crop planning and groundwater management are imperative for the sustainable agriculture. For effective management, two models have been developed viz. groundwater balance model and optimum cropping and groundwater management model to determine optimum cropping pattern and groundwater allocation from private and government tubewells according to different soil types (saline and non-saline), type of agriculture (rainfed and irrigated) and seasons (monsoon and winter). A groundwater balance model has been developed considering mass balance approach. The components of the groundwater balance considered are recharge from rainfall, irrigated rice and non-rice fields, base flow from rivers and seepage flow from surface drains. In the second phase, a linear programming optimization model is developed for optimal cropping and groundwater management for maximizing the economic returns. The models developed were applied to a portion of coastal river basin in Orissa State, India and optimal cropping pattern for various scenarios of river flow and groundwater availability was obtained.


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In order to improve the tracking and erosion performance of outdoor polymeric silicone rubber (SR) insulators used in HV power transmission lines, micron sized inorganic fillers are usually added to the base SR matrix. In addition, insulators used in high voltage dc transmission lines are designed to have increased creepage distance to mitigate the tracking and erosion problems. ASTM D2303 standard gives a procedure for finding the tracking and erosion resistance of outdoor polymeric insulator weathershed material samples under laboratory conditions for ac voltages. In this paper, inclined plane (IP) tracking and erosion tests similar to ASTM D2303 were conducted under both positive and negative dc voltages for silicone rubber samples filled with micron and nano sized particles to understand the phenomena occurring during such tests. Micron sized Alumina Trihydrate (ATH) and nano sized alumina fillers were added to silicone rubber matrix to improve the resistance to tracking and erosion. The leakage current during the tests and the eroded mass at the end of the tests were monitored. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy dispersive Xray (EDX) studies were conducted to understand the filler dispersion and the changes in surface morphology in both nanocomposite and microcomposite samples. The results suggest that nanocomposites performed better than microcomposites even for a small filler loading (4%) for both positive and negative dc stresses. It was also seen that the tracking and erosion performance of silicone rubber is better under negative dc as compared to positive dc voltage. EDX studies showed migration of different ions onto the surface of the sample during the IP test under positive dc which has led to an inferior performance as compared to the performance under negative dc.


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Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been found to be a robust tool to model many non-linear hydrological processes. The present study aims at evaluating the performance of ANN in simulating and predicting ground water levels in the uplands of a tropical coastal riparian wetland. The study involves comparison of two network architectures, Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) trained under five algorithms namely Levenberg Marquardt algorithm, Resilient Back propagation algorithm, BFGS Quasi Newton algorithm, Scaled Conjugate Gradient algorithm, and Fletcher Reeves Conjugate Gradient algorithm by simulating the water levels in a well in the study area. The study is analyzed in two cases-one with four inputs to the networks and two with eight inputs to the networks. The two networks-five algorithms in both the cases are compared to determine the best performing combination that could simulate and predict the process satisfactorily. Ad Hoc (Trial and Error) method is followed in optimizing network structure in all cases. On the whole, it is noticed from the results that the Artificial Neural Networks have simulated and predicted the water levels in the well with fair accuracy. This is evident from low values of Normalized Root Mean Square Error and Relative Root Mean Square Error and high values of Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency Index and Correlation Coefficient (which are taken as the performance measures to calibrate the networks) calculated after the analysis. On comparison of ground water levels predicted with those at the observation well, FFNN trained with Fletcher Reeves Conjugate Gradient algorithm taken four inputs has outperformed all other combinations.


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The name `Seven Pagodas' has served as a nickname for the south Indian port of Mahabalipuram since the early European explorers used it as landmark for navigation as they could see summits of seven temples from the sea. There are many theories concerning the name Seven Pagodas. The present study has compared coastline and adjacent seven monuments illustrated in a 17th century Portolan Chart (maritime map) with recent remote sensing data. This analysis throws new light on the name ``Seven Pagodas'' for the city. This study has used DEM of the site to simulate the coastline which is similar to the one depicted in the old portolan chart. Through this, the then sea level and corresponding flooding extent according to topography of the area and their effect on monuments could be analyzed. Most importantly this work has in the process identified possibly the seven monuments that constituted the name Seven Pagodas and this provides an alternative explanation to one of the mysteries of history. This work has demonstrated unique method of studying coastal archaeological sites. As large numbers of heritage sites around the world are on coastlines, this methodology has potential to be very useful for coastal heritage preservation and management.


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Coastal marine environments are important links between the continents and the open ocean. The coast off Mangalore forms part of the upwelling zone along the southeastern Arabian Sea. The temperature, salinity, density, dissolved oxygen and stable oxygen isotope ratio (delta O-18) of surface waters as well as those of bottom waters off coastal Mangalore were studied every month from October 2010 to May 2011. The coastal waters were stratified in October and November due to precipitation and runoff. The region was characterised by upwelled bottom waters in October, whereas the region exhibited a temperature inversion in November. The surface and bottom waters presented almost uniform properties from December until April. The coastal waters were observed to be most dense in January and May. Comparatively cold and poorly oxygenated bottom waters during the May sampling indicated the onset of upwelling along the region. delta O-18 of the coastal waters successfully documented the observed variations in the hydrographical characteristics of the Mangalore coast during the monthly sampling period. We also noted that the monthly variability in the properties of the coastal waters of Mangalore was related to the hydrographical characteristics of the adjacent open ocean inferred from satellite-derived surface winds, sea surface height anomaly data and sea surface temperatures.


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In response to the Indian Monsoon freshwater forcing, the Bay of Bengal exhibits a very strong seasonal cycle in sea surface salinity (SSS), especially near the mouths of the Ganges-Brahmaputra and along the east coast of India. In this paper, we use an eddy-permitting (similar to 25 km resolution) regional ocean general circulation model simulation to quantify the processes responsible for this SSS seasonal cycle. Despite the absence of relaxation toward observations, the model reproduces the main features of the observed SSS seasonal cycle, with freshest water in the northeastern Bay, particularly during and after the monsoon. The model also displays an intense and shallow freshening signal in a narrow (similar to 100 km wide) strip that hugs the east coast of India, from September to January, in good agreement with high-resolution measurements along two ships of opportunity lines. The mixed layer salt budget confirms that the strong freshening in the northern Bay during the monsoon results from the Ganges-Brahmaputra river discharge and from precipitation over the ocean. From September onward, the East India Coastal Current transports this freshwater southward along the east coast of India, reaching the southern tip of India in November. The surface freshening results in an enhanced vertical salinity gradient that increases salinity of the surface layer by vertical processes. Our results reveal that the erosion of the freshwater tongue along the east coast of India is not driven by northward horizontal advection, but by vertical processes that eventually overcome the freshening by southward advection and restore SSS to its premonsoon values. The salinity-stratified barrier layer hence only acts as a ``barrier'' for vertical heat fluxes, but is associated with intense vertical salt fluxes in the Bay of Bengal.


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The 2004 earthquake left several traces of coseismic land deformation and tsunami deposits, both on the islands along the plate boundary and distant shores of the Indian Ocean rim countries. Researchers are now exploring these sites to develop a chronology of past events. Where the coastal regions are also inundated by storm surges, there is an additional challenge to discriminate between the deposits formed by these two processes. Paleo-tsunami research relies largely on finding deposits where preservation potential is high and storm surge origin can be excluded. During the past decade of our work along the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the east coast of India, we have observed that the 2004 tsunami deposits are best preserved in lagoons, inland streams and also on elevated terraces. Chronological evidence for older events obtained from such sites is better correlated with those from Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, reiterating their usefulness in tsunami geology studies. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.