664 resultados para chemical engineering


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Toward preparing strong multi-biofunctional materials, poly(ethylenimine) (PEI) conjugated graphene oxide (GO_PEI) was synthesized using poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) as a spacer and incorporated in poly( e-caprolactone) (PCL) at different fractions. GO_PEI significantly promoted the proliferation and formation of focal adhesions in human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) on PCL. GO_PEI was highly potent in inducing stem cell osteogenesis leading to near doubling of alkaline phosphatase expression and mineralization over neat PCL with 5% filler content and was approximate to 50% better than GO. Remarkably, 5% GO_ PEI was as potent as soluble osteoinductive factors. Increased adsorption of osteogenic factors due to the amine and oxygen containing functional groups on GO_ PEI augment stem cell differentiation. GO_ PEI was also highly efficient in imparting bactericidal activity with 85% reduction in counts of E. coli colonies compared to neat PCL at 5% filler content and was more than twice as efficient as GO. This may be attributed to the synergistic effect of the sharp edges of the particles along with the presence of the different chemical moieties. Thus, GO_ PEI based polymer composites can be utilized to prepare bioactive resorbable biomaterials as an alternative to using labile biomolecules for fabricating orthopedic devices for fracture fixation and tissue engineering.


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A review of published literature on the biosorption of metals using nonliving biomass is presented. Factors such as pH, temperature, initial metal concentration, biomass loaning, the presence of co-ions and the pretreatment of biomass influence the metal uptake by biomass. Although few generalizations are possible, unified theor ies regarding the mechanism of uptake are not available. Therefore, the above aspects of metal biosorption have to be defined individually for each biomass and metal-ion pair.


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On the basis of a more realistic tetrakaidecahedral structure of foam bubbles, a network model of static foam drainage has been developed. The model considers the foam to be made up of films and Plateau borders. The films drain into the adjacent Plateau borders, which in turn form a network through which the liquid moves from the foam to the liquid pool. From the structure, a unit flow cell was found, which constitutes the foam when stacked together both horizontally and vertically. Symmetry in the unit flow cell indicates that the flow analysis of a part of it can be employed to obtain the drainage for the whole foam. Material balance equations have been written for each segment of this subsection, ensuring connectivity, and solved with the appropriate boundary and initial conditions. The calculated rates of drainage, when compared with the available experimental results, indicate that the model predicts the experimental results well.


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The photocatalytic and thermal degradations of poly(methyl methacrylate), poly(butyl acrylate), and their copolymers of different compositions were studied. The photocatalytic degradation was investigated in o-dichlorobenzene in the presence of two different catalysts, namely, Degussa P-25 and combustion synthesized nanotitania (CSN-TiO2). The samples were analyzed by using gel permeation chromatography (GPC) to obtain the molecular weight distributions (MWDs) as a function of reaction time. Experimental data indicated that the photodegradation of these polymers occurs by both random and chain end scission. A continuous distribution kinetic model was used to determine the degradation rate coefficients by fitting the experimental data with the model. Both the random and specific rate coefficients of the copolymers decreased with increasing percentage of butyl acrylate (BA). Thermal degradation of the copolymers was investigated by thermo-gravimetry. The normalized weight loss profiles for the copolymers showed that the thermal stability of the copolymers increased with mole percentage of BA in the copolymer (PMMABA). The Czawa method was used to determine the activation energies at different conversions. At low acrylate content in the copolymer, the activation energy depends on conversion, indicating multiple degradation mechanisms. At high acrylate content in the copolymer, the activation energy is independent of conversion, indicating degradation by a one-step mechanism.


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The hydrodynamic modes and the velocity autocorrelation functions for a dilute sheared inelastic fluid are analyzed using an expansion in the parameter epsilon=(1-e)(1/2), where e is the coefficient of restitution. It is shown that the hydrodynamic modes for a sheared inelastic fluid are very different from those for an elastic fluid in the long-wave limit, since energy is not a conserved variable when the wavelength of perturbations is larger than the ``conduction length.'' In an inelastic fluid under shear, there are three coupled modes, the mass and the momenta in the plane of shear, which have a decay rate proportional to k(2/3) in the limit k -> 0, if the wave vector has a component along the flow direction. When the wave vector is aligned along the gradient-vorticity plane, we find that the scaling of the growth rate is similar to that for an elastic fluid. The Fourier transforms of the velocity autocorrelation functions are calculated for a steady shear flow correct to leading order in an expansion in epsilon. The time dependence of the autocorrelation function in the long-time limit is obtained by estimating the integral of the Fourier transform over wave number space. It is found that the autocorrelation functions for the velocity in the flow and gradient directions decay proportional to t(-5/2) in two dimensions and t(-15/4) in three dimensions. In the vorticity direction, the decay of the autocorrelation function is proportional to t(-3) in two dimensions and t(-7/2) in three dimensions.


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The effect of correlations on the viscosity of a dilute sheared inelastic fluid is analyzed using the ring-kinetic equation for the two-particle correlation function. The leading-order contribution to the stress in an expansion in epsilon=(1-e)(1/2) is calculated, and it is shown that the leading-order viscosity is identical to that obtained from the Green-Kubo formula, provided the stress autocorrelation function in a sheared steady state is used in the Green-Kubo formula. A systemmatic extension of this to higher orders is also formulated, and the higher-order contributions to the stress from the ring-kinetic equation are determined in terms of the terms in the Chapman-Enskog solution for the Boltzmann equation. The series is resummed analytically to obtain a renormalized stress equation. The most dominant contributions to the two-particle correlation function are products of the eigenvectors of the conserved hydrodynamic modes of the two correlated particles. In Part I, it was shown that the long-time tails of the velocity autocorrelation function are not present in a sheared fluid. Using those results, we show that correlations do not cause a divergence in the transport coefficients; the viscosity is not divergent in two dimensions, and the Burnett coefficients are not divergent in three dimensions. The equations for three-particle and higher correlations are analyzed diagrammatically. It is found that the contributions due to the three-particle and higher correlation functions to the renormalized viscosity are smaller than those due to the two-particle distribution function in the limit epsilon -> 0. This implies that the most dominant correlation effects are due to the two-particle correlations.


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We present measurements of the rheology of suspensions of rigid spheres in a semi-dilute polymer solution from experiments of steady and oscillatory shear. For a given value of the shear rate gamma, addition of particles enhances the viscosity and the first normal stress difference but decreases the magnitude of the second normal stress difference. The viscosity eta exhibits a power law variation in gamma for a range of gamma that grows with phi. The first normal stress N-1 is positive and its value grows with phi; it exhibits a clear power law variation for the entire range of gamma that was studied. The second normal stress difference N-2 is negative for the pure polymer solution and much smaller in magnitude than N-1; on addition of particles, its magnitude further decreases, and it appears to change sign at large phi. The behavior of N-1 and N-2 is at odds with the findings of recent studies on particle-loaded dilute polymer solutions and polymer melts. The small-amplitude oscillatory shear experiments show the linear viscoelastic properties, G(') and G('), increasing with phi at a given value of the angular frequency omega. The dynamic viscosity of the suspension differs substantially from its steady shear viscosity, and the difference increases as gamma, omega -> 0.


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In this study, we report an approach for the adsorption and desorption of anionic (sulfonated) dyes from aqueous solution by doped polyaniline. In this study, we have synthesized PANI with two dopants, namely, p-toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA) and camphorsulfonic acid (CSA), and used these to adsorb various dyes. It was found that the doped PANI selectively adsorbs anionic dyes and does not adsorb cationic dyes. The adsorption of anionic dyes causes the variation in electrical conductivity of PANI, indicating its potential as a conductometric sensor for these dyes at very low concentration. The adsorbed dyes were desorbed from the polymer by using a basic aqueous solution. The adsorption and desorption kinetics of the dye in the presence of doped PANI were also determined.


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We find in complementary experiments and event-driven simulations of sheared inelastic hard spheres that the velocity autocorrelation function psi(t) decays much faster than t(-3/2) obtained for a fluid of elastic spheres at equilibrium. Particle displacements are measured in experiments inside a gravity-driven flow sheared by a rough wall. The average packing fraction obtained in the experiments is 0.59, and the packing fraction in the simulations is varied between 0.5 and 0.59. The motion is observed to be diffusive over long times except in experiments where there is layering of particles parallel to boundaries, and diffusion is inhibited between layers. Regardless, a rapid decay of psi(t) is observed, indicating that this is a feature of the sheared dissipative fluid, and is independent of the details of the relative particle arrangements. An important implication of our study is that the non-analytic contribution to the shear stress may not be present in a sheared inelastic fluid, leading to a wider range of applicability of kinetic theory approaches to dense granular matter.


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In the context of removal of organic pollutants from wastewater, sonolysis of CCl4 dissolved in water has been widely investigated. These investigations are either completely experimental or correlate data empirically. In this work, a quantitative model is developed to predict the rate of sonolysis of aqueous CCl4. The model considers the isothermal growth and partially adiabatic collapse of cavitation bubbles containing gas and vapor leading to conditions of high temperatures and pressures in them, attainment of thermodynamic equilibrium at the end of collapse, release of bubble contents into the liquid pool, and reactions in the well-mixed pool. The model successfully predicts the extent of degradation of dissolved CCl4, and the influence of various parameters such as initial concentration of CCl4, temperature, and nature of gas atmosphere above the liquid. in particular, it predicts the results of Hua and Hoffmann (Environ. Sci Technol, 1996, 30, 864-871), who found that degradation is first order with CCl4 and that Argon as well as Ar-O-3 atmospheres give the same results. The framework of the model is capable of quantitatively describing the degradation of many dissolved organics by considering all the involved species.


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Regenerable 'gel-coated' cationic resins with fast sorption kinetics and high sorption capacity have application potential for removal of trace metal ions even in large-scale operations. Poly(acrylic acid) has been gel-coated on high-surface area silica (pre-coated with ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer providing a thin barrier layer) and insolubilized by crosslinking with a low-molecular-weight diepoxide (epoxy equivalent 180 g) in the presence of benzyl dimethylamine catalyst at 70 degrees C, In experiments performed for Ca2+ sorption from dilute aqueous solutions of Ca(NO,),, the gel-coated acrylic resin is found to have nearly 40% higher sorption capacity than the bead-form commercial methacrylic resin Amberlite IRC-50 and also several limes higher rate of sorption. The sorption on the gel-coated sorbent under vigorous agitation has the characteristics of particle diffusion control with homogeneous (gel) diffusion in resin phase. A new mathematical model is proposed for such sorption on gel-coated ion-exchange resin in finite bath and solved by applying operator-theoretic methods. The analytical solution so obtained shows goad agreement with experimental sorption kinetics at relatively low levels (< 70%) of resin conversion.


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Part I (Manjunath et al., 1994, Chem. Engng Sci. 49, 1451-1463) of this paper showed that the random particle numbers and size distributions in precipitation processes in very small drops obtained by stochastic simulation techniques deviate substantially from the predictions of conventional population balance. The foregoing problem is considered in this paper in terms of a mean field approximation obtained by applying a first-order closure to an unclosed set of mean field equations presented in Part I. The mean field approximation consists of two mutually coupled partial differential equations featuring (i) the probability distribution for residual supersaturation and (ii) the mean number density of particles for each size and supersaturation from which all average properties and fluctuations can be calculated. The mean field equations have been solved by finite difference methods for (i) crystallization and (ii) precipitation of a metal hydroxide both occurring in a single drop of specified initial supersaturation. The results for the average number of particles, average residual supersaturation, the average size distribution, and fluctuations about the average values have been compared with those obtained by stochastic simulation techniques and by population balance. This comparison shows that the mean field predictions are substantially superior to those of population balance as judged by the close proximity of results from the former to those from stochastic simulations. The agreement is excellent for broad initial supersaturations at short times but deteriorates progressively at larger times. For steep initial supersaturation distributions, predictions of the mean field theory are not satisfactory thus calling for higher-order approximations. The merit of the mean field approximation over stochastic simulation lies in its potential to reduce expensive computation times involved in simulation. More effective computational techniques could not only enhance this advantage of the mean field approximation but also make it possible to use higher-order approximations eliminating the constraints under which the stochastic dynamics of the process can be predicted accurately.


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The ultrasonic degradation of poly(acrylic acid), a water-soluble polymer, was studied in the presence of persulfates at different temperatures in binary solvent Mixtures of methanol and water. The degraded samples were analyzed by gel permeation chromatography for the time evolution of the molecular weight distributions. A continuous distribution kinetics model based on midpoint chain scission was developed, and the degradation rate coefficients were determined. The decline in the rate of degradation of poly(acrylic acid) with increasing temperature and with an increment in the methanol content in the binary solvent mixture of methanol and water was attributed to the increased vapor pressure of the solutions. The experimental data showed an augmentation of the degradation rate of the polymer with increasing oxidizing agent (persulfate) concentrations. Different concentrations of three persulfates-potassium persulfate, ammonium persulfate, and sodium persulfate-were used. It was found that the ratio of the polymer degradation rate coefficient to the dissociation rate constant of the persulfate was constant. This implies that the ultrasonic degradation rate of poly(acrylic acid) can be determined a priori in the presence of any initiator.


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The oxidation of aqueous sulfur dioxide in the presence of polymer-supported copper(II) catalyst is also accompanied by homogeneous oxidation of aqueous sulfur dioxide catalyzed by leached copper(II) ions. Aqueous phase oxidation of sulfur dioxide of low concentrations by oxygen in the presence of dissolved copper(II) has therefore been studied. The solubility of SO2 in aqueous solutions is not affected by the concentration of copper(II) in the solution. In the oxidation reaction, only HSO3- is the reactive S(IV) species. Based on this observation a rate model which also incorporates the effect of sulfuric acid on the solubility of SO2 is developed. The rate model includes a power-law type term for the rate of homogeneous phase reaction obtained from a proposed free-radical chain mechanism for the oxidation. Experiments are conducted at various levels of concentrations of SO2 and O-2 in the gas phase and Cu(II) in the liquid phase. The observed orders are one in each of O-2, Cu(II) and HSO3-. This suggests a first-order termination of the free radicals of bisulfite ions.


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The effect of Surface lipopolysaccharides (LPS) on the electrophoretic softness and fixed charge density in the ion-penetrable layer of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans cells grown in presence of copper or arsenic ions have been discussed, The electrophoretic mobility data were analyzed using the soft-particle electrophoresis theory. Cell surface potentials of all the strains based on soft-particle theory were lower than those estimated using the conventional Smoluchowski theory, Exposure to metal ions increased the Surface electrophoretic softness with decrease in the fixed charge density. Effect of cell surface lipopolysaccharides on the model parameters are investigated and discussed.