59 resultados para bead milling


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Regenerable 'gel-coated' cationic resins with fast sorption kinetics and high sorption capacity have application potential for removal of trace metal ions even in large-scale operations. Poly(acrylic acid) has been gel-coated on high-surface area silica (pre-coated with ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer providing a thin barrier layer) and insolubilized by crosslinking with a low-molecular-weight diepoxide (epoxy equivalent 180 g) in the presence of benzyl dimethylamine catalyst at 70 degrees C, In experiments performed for Ca2+ sorption from dilute aqueous solutions of Ca(NO,),, the gel-coated acrylic resin is found to have nearly 40% higher sorption capacity than the bead-form commercial methacrylic resin Amberlite IRC-50 and also several limes higher rate of sorption. The sorption on the gel-coated sorbent under vigorous agitation has the characteristics of particle diffusion control with homogeneous (gel) diffusion in resin phase. A new mathematical model is proposed for such sorption on gel-coated ion-exchange resin in finite bath and solved by applying operator-theoretic methods. The analytical solution so obtained shows goad agreement with experimental sorption kinetics at relatively low levels (< 70%) of resin conversion.


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The polyamidoamide (PAMAM) class of dendrimers was one of the first dendrimers synthesized by Tomalia and co-workers at Dow. Since its discovery the PAMAMs have stimulated many discussions on the structure and dynamics of such hyperbranched polymers. Many questions remain open because the huge conformation disorder combined with very similar local symmetries have made it difficult to characterize experimentally at the atomistic level the structure and dynamics of PAMAM dendrimers. The higher generation dendrimers have also been difficult to characterize computationally because of the large size (294852 atoms for generation 11) and the huge number of conformations. To help provide a practical means of atomistic computational studies, we have developed an atomistically informed coarse-grained description for the PAMAM dendrimer. We find that a two-bead per monomer representation retains the accuracy of atomistic simulations for predicting size and conformational complexity, while reducing the degrees of freedom by tenfold. This mesoscale description has allowed us to study the structural properties of PAMAM dendrimer up to generation 11 for time scale of up to several nanoseconds. The gross properties such as the radius of gyration compare very well with those from full atomistic simulation and with available small angle x-ray experiment and small angle neutron scattering data. The radial monomer density shows very similar behavior with those obtained from the fully atomistic simulation. Our approach to deriving the coarse-grain model is general and straightforward to apply to other classes of dendrimers.


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The commercial acrylic fibre "Cashmilon" was partially hydrolyzed to convert a fraction of its nitrile (-CN) groups to carboxylic acid (-COOH) groups and then coated with polyethylenimine (PEI) resin and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde to produce a novel gel-coated fibrous sorbent with multiple functionalities of cationic, anionic and chelating types, and significantly faster sorption kinetics than bead-form sorbents. The sorption properties of the fibrous sorbent were measured using Zn(II) in aqueous solution as the sorbate to determine the effects of pH and the presence of common ions in the solution on the sorption capacity. The rate of sorption on the gel-coated fibre was measured in comparison with that on Amberlite IRA-68 weak-base resin beads, to demonstrate the marked difference between fibre and bead-form sorbents in their kinetic behaviour.


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Wear of etched near-eutectic aluminium silicon alloy slid against a steel ball under ambient is explored. The sliding velocity is kept low (0.01 m/s) and the nominal contact pressure is varied in a 15-40 MPa range. Four stages of wear are identified; ultra mild wear, mild wear, severe wear and post severe oxidative wear. The first transition is controlled by the protrusions of silicon particles, projecting out of the aluminium alloy matrix. Once these protrusions disappear under pressure and sliding, oxidation and bulk energy dissipation mechanisms take over to institute transitions to other stages of wear. The phenomenological characteristics of wear stages are explored using a variety of techniques including nanoindentation, focused ion beam milling, electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and optical interferometry. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The commercial acrylic fibre "Cashmilon" was partially hydrolyzed to convert a fraction of its nitrile (-CN) groups to carboxylic acid (-COOH) groups and then coated with polyethylenimine (PEI) resin and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde to produce a novel gel-coated fibrous sorbent with multiple functionalities of cationic, anionic and chelating types, and significantly faster sorption kinetics than bead-form sorbents. The sorption properties of the fibrous sorbent were measured using Zn(II) in aqueous solution as the sorbate to determine the effects of pH and the presence of common ions in the solution on the sorption capacity. The rate of sorption on the gel-coated fibre was measured in comparison with that on Amberlite IRA-68 weak-base resin beads, to demonstrate the marked difference between fibre and bead-form sorbents in their kinetic behaviour.


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Nanostructured ZnFe2O4 ferrites with different grain sizes were prepared by high energy ball milling for various milling times. Both the average grain size and the root mean square strain were estimated from the x-ray diffraction line broadening. The lattice parameter initially decreases slightly with milling and it increases with further milling. The magnetization is found to increase as the grain size decreases and its large value is attributed to the cation inversion associated with grain size reduction. The Fe-57 Mossbauer spectra were recorded at 300 K and 77 K for the samples with grain sizes of 22 and 11 nm. There is no evidence for the presence of the Fe2+ charge state. At 77 K the Mossbauer spectra consist of a magnetically ordered component along with a doublet due to the superparamagnetic behaviour of small crystalline grains with the superparamagnetic component decreasing with grain size reduction. At 4.2 K the sample with 11 nm grain size displays a magnetically blocked state as revealed by the Mossbauer spectrum. The Mossbauer spectrum of this sample recorded at 10 K in an external magnetic field of 6 T applied parallel to the direction of gamma rays clearly shows ferrimagnetic ordering of the sample. Also, the sample exhibits spin canting with a large canting angle, maybe due to a spin-glass-like surface layer or grain boundary anisotropies in the material.


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Microporous polybenzimidazole of 250–500 μm spherical bead size from Celanese has been reacted with epichlorohydrin and sodium hydroxide and the resulting product with pendant epoxy groups has been reacted with various chelating ligands in order to augment the metal sorption capacity and selectivity of the resin. The chelating ligands used include ethylenediamine, diethylenetriamine, diethanolamine, dimethylglyoxime, L-cysteine, thiourea, dithiooxamide, glyoxal-bis-2-hydroxyanil, salicylaldehyde-ethylenediimine, and glyoxal-bis-2-mercaptoanil. The aminolysis of the pendant epoxy groups with the oligoamines has been performed in pyridine under reflux conditions, while the addition reactions with the other ligands which are alkali soluble have been carried out at room temperature in a mixture of dioxane and aqueous KOH using tetra-n-butylammonium iodide as the phase transfer catalyst. The products are found to possess high capacity and selectivity in metal sorption depending on the ligand attached.


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A commercial acrylic fiber with 92% (w/w) acrylonitrile content was partially hydrolyzed converting a fraction of the nitrile (-CN) groups to carboxylic acid (-COOH) groups, to coat the fiber with polyethylenimine (PEI) resin, which was then crosslinked with glutaraldehyde and further quaternized with ethyl chloroacetate to produce a novel strong-base anionic exchanger in the form of fiber. Designated as PAN(QPEI.XG)(Cl-), the fibrous sorbent was compared with a commercial bead-form resin Amberlite IRA-458(Cl-) in respect of sorption capacity, selectivity, and kinetics for removal of silver thiosulfate complexes from aqueous solutions. Though the saturation level of [Ag(S2O3)(2)](3-) on PAN(QPEI.XG)(Cl-) is considerably less than that on IRA-458(Cl-), the gel-coated fibrous sorbent exhibits, as compared to the bead-form sorbent, a significantly higher sorption selectivity for the silver thiosulfate complex in the presence of excess of other anions Such as S2O32-, SO42-, and Cl-, and a remarkably faster rate of both sorption and stripping. The initial uptake of the sorbate by the fibrous sorbent is nearly instantaneous, reaching up to similar to 80% of the saturation capacity within 10 s, as compared to only similar to 12% on the bead-form sorbent. The high initial rate of uptake fits a shell-core kinetic model for sorption on fiber of cylindrical geometry. With 4M HCl, the stripping of the sorbed silver complex from the fibrous sorbent is clean and nearly instantaneous, while, in contrast, a much slower rate of stripping on the bead-form sorbent leads to its fouling due to a slow decomposition of the silver thiosulfate complex in the acidic medium.


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Microporous polybenzimidazole (PBI) of 250–500 μm bead size has been epoxidized and subsequently reacted with l-cysteine in the presence of a phase-transfer catalyst at room temperature to obtain a sorbent having anchored l-cysteine, EPBI(Cyst). The sorption of Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II), and Zn(II) in mildly acidic and ammoniacal solutions has been measured under comparable conditions on EPBI(Cyst) and Dowex 50W-X8(H+) resins. While the latter shows no appreciable difference in sorption of the four metals in acidic and ammoniacal media and has 40–60 % selectivity for copper(II) over the other three, EPBI(Cyst) shows a threefold increase in copper sorption and more than 90% copper selectivity over the other metals in ammoniacal media, compared to mildly acidic media. The copper binding constant and saturation capacity of EPBI(Cyst) in ammoniacal media decrease only slowly beyond pH 11.6 with the result that the resin shows significant sorption of Cu(II) even in strongly ammoniacal solutions. The sorbed copper is stripped with HCl relatively easily. The copper sorption kinetics on EPBI(Cyst) is unusually fast in ammoniacal media with more than 90 % of equilibrium sorption being attained in one minute.


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Marked ball grinding tests were carried out in the laboratory with a lead-zinc sulphide ore under different experimental conditions using high carbon low alloy steel (cast and forged) and high chrome cast iron balls. Relative ball wear as a function of grinding period and milling conditions was evaluated for the different types of ball materials. The role of corrosion and abrasion-erosion in the wear of grinding media is brought out. Methods to minimise ball wear through control of mill atmosphere and addition of reagents are discussed.


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Many wormlike micellar systems exhibit appreciable shear thinning due to shear-induced alignment. As the micelles get aligned introducing directionality in the system, the viscoelastic properties are no longer expected to be isotropic. An optical-tweezers-based active microrheology technique enables us to probe the out-of-equilibrium rheological properties of a wormlike micellar system simultaneously along two orthogonal directions-parallel to the applied shear, as well as perpendicular to it. While the displacements of a trapped bead in response to active drag force carry signature of conventional shear thinning, its spontaneous position fluctuations along the perpendicular direction manifest an orthogonal shear thickening, an effect hitherto unobserved. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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We report a large decrease in tetragonal to cubic phase transformation temperature when grain size of bulk CuFe2O4 is reduced by mechanical ball milling. The change in phase transformation temperature was inferred from in situ high temperature conductivity and x-ray diffraction measurements. The decrease in conductivity with grain size suggests that ball milling has not induced any oxygen vacancy while the role of cation distribution in the observed decrease in phase transformation temperature is ruled out from in-field Fe-57 Mossbauer and extended x-ray absorption fine structure measurements. The reduction in the phase transformation temperature is attributed to the stability of structures with higher crystal symmetry at lower grain sizes due to negative pressure effect. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3493244]


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Design, fabrication and preliminary testing of a flat pump with millimetre thickness are described in this paper. The pump is entirely made of polymer materials barring the magnet and copper coils used for electromagnetic actuation. The fabrication is carried out using widely available microelectronic packaging machinery and techniques. Therefore, the fabrication of the pump is straightforward and inexpensive. Two types of prototypes are designed and built. One consists of copper coils that are etched on an epoxy plate and the other has wound insulated wire of 90 mu m diameter to serve as a coil. The overall size of the first pump is 25 mm x 25 mm x 3.6 mm including the 3.1 mm-thick NdFeB magnet of diameter 12 mm. It consists of a pump chamber of 20 mm x 20 mm x 0.8 mm with copper coils etched from a copper-clad epoxy plate using dry-film lithography and milled using a CNC milling machine, two passive valves and the pump-diaphragm made of Kapton film of 0.089 mm thickness. The second pump has an overall size of 35 mm x 35 mm x 4.4 mm including the magnet and the windings. A breadboard circuit and DC power supply are used to test the pump by applying an alternating square-wave voltage pulse. A water slug in a tube attached to the inlet is used to observe and measure the air-flow induced by the pump against atmospheric pressure. The maximum flow rate was found to be 15 ml/min for a voltage of 2.5 V and a current of 19 mA at 68 Hz.


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Marked ball grinding tests were carried out in the laboratory using high carbon low alloy steel (cast and forged) and high chrome cast iron balls. Relative ball wear as a function of grinding period and milling conditions was evaluated for the different type of ball materials in the grinding of lead-zinc sulphide and phosphate ores. Results indicated that ball wear increased with time and showed a sharp increase for wet grinding over dry grinding. Ball wear under wet grinding conditions was also influenced by the gaseous atmosphere in the mill. The influence of oxygen on the corrosive wear of grinding balls was increasingly felt in case of sulphide ore grinding. The grinding ball materials could be arranged in the following order with respect to their overall wear resistance:


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A general kind of Brownian vortices is demonstrated by applying an external nonconservative force field to a colloidal particle bound by a conservative optical trapping force at a liquid-air interface. As the liquid medium is translated at a constant velocity with the bead trapped at the interface, the drag force near the surface provides enough rotational component to bias the particle's thermal fluctuations in a circulatory motion. The interplay between the thermal fluctuations and the advection of the bead in constituting the vortex motions is studied, and we infer that the angular velocity of the circulatory motion offers a comparative measure of the interface fluctuations.