35 resultados para applications in subject areas


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Modeling the performance behavior of parallel applications to predict the execution times of the applications for larger problem sizes and number of processors has been an active area of research for several years. The existing curve fitting strategies for performance modeling utilize data from experiments that are conducted under uniform loading conditions. Hence the accuracy of these models degrade when the load conditions on the machines and network change. In this paper, we analyze a curve fitting model that attempts to predict execution times for any load conditions that may exist on the systems during application execution. Based on the experiments conducted with the model for a parallel eigenvalue problem, we propose a multi-dimensional curve-fitting model based on rational polynomials for performance predictions of parallel applications in non-dedicated environments. We used the rational polynomial based model to predict execution times for 2 other parallel applications on systems with large load dynamics. In all the cases, the model gave good predictions of execution times with average percentage prediction errors of less than 20%


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Measurements a/the Gibbs' energy enthalpy and entrupy vffarmation oj chromites, vanadites and alumlnat.:s 0/ F", Ni. Co'. Mn, Zn Mg and Cd, using solid oxide galvanic cells over a ternperature range extending approximately lOOO°C, have shown that the '~'Ilir"!,,, J'JrIl/iJ~ tion 0/ cubic 2-3 oxide spinel phases (MX!O,), from component oxide (MO) with rock-salt and X.Os whir c(1f'l/!ldwn st!'llt'lw,·. call b,' represented by a semi-empirical correlalion, ~S~ = --LiS + L'i,SM +~S~:"d(±O.3) cal.deg-1 mol-1 where /',.SM Is the entropy 0/calian mixing oillhe tetrahedral alld octahedral sites o/the spinel and Sr:~ is tlie enfropy associaf,'d Wifh Ih,' randomization a/the lahn-Telier distortions. A review a/the methods/or evaluating the cation distriblltion lfl spille!s suggeJ{j' l/r,l! Ihe most promising scheme is based Oil octahedral site preference energies from the crystal field theory for the Iral1silioll IIIl'f"! IlIIL';. For I/""-Irallsifioll melal cal ions site preference energies are derived relative /0 thol'lt fLI, [ransilion metal ions from measured high tClllP('ftJi ure Cal iUlI disll iiJuriol1 in spine! phases thar contail! one IransilioJl metal and another non-transition metal carion. For 2-3 srinds compulatiorrs b,IS"J Oil i.!c[J;' Temkin mixing on each catioll subialtice predici JistributionJ that are In fair agreement with X-ray and 1I1'IIIrOll ditTraction, /IIdg""!ic dll.! electrical propcrries, and spectroscopic measurements. In 2-4 spineis mixing vI ions do not foliow strictly ideal slllIistli:al Jaws, Th,' OIl/up) associated with the randomizalion 0/the Jllhn-Teller dislOriioll" appear to be significant, only ill spinels witll 3d'. 3d', 3d' (ifld~UI' iOtls in tetrahedral and 3d' and 3d9 ions in octahedral positions. Application 0/this structural model for predicting the thermodynamic proputies ofspinel solid .,olutiofl5 or,' illustrated. F,lr complex systems additional contributions arising from strain fields, redox equilibria and off-center ions have to be qllalllififti. The entropy correlation for spinels provides a method for evaluating structure tran:.jormafiofl entropies in silllple o.\id.-s, ["founlllion on the relative stabilities ofoxides in different crystallCtructures is USe/III for computer ea/culaliof! a/phase dfugrullls ofIlIrer,',,1 III (N.lll1ie5 by method, similar to thost: used by Kaufman and Bernstein for refractory alloy systems. Examples oftechnoiogical appliCation tnclude the predictioll ofdeoxidation equilibria in Fe-Mn-AI-O s),slelll at 1600°C duj ,'Ulllpltfalion 0/phase relutions in Fe-Ni-Cr-S system,


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Mixed ionic and electronic conduction in Zr02-based solid electrolytes was studied.The effect of impurities and second-phase particles on the mixed conduction parameter, P,, was measured for different types of ZrOZ electrolytes. The performance of solid-state sensors incorporating ZrOZ electrolytes is sometimes limited by electronic conduction in ZrOZ, especially at temperatures >I800 K. Methods for eliminating or minimizing errors in measured emf due to electronically driven transport of oxygen anions are discussed. Examples include probes for monitoring oxygen content in liquid steel as well as the newly developed sulfur sensor based on a ZrOz(Ca0) + CaS electrolyte. The use of mixed conducting ZrOZ as a semipermeable membrane or chemically selective sieve for oxygen at high temperatures is discussed. Oxygen transport from liquid iron to CO + C& gas mixtures through a ZrOZ membrane driven by a chemical potential gradient, in the absence of electrical leads or imposed potentials, was experimentally observed.


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The design and operation of the minimum cost classifier, where the total cost is the sum of the measurement cost and the classification cost, is computationally complex. Noting the difficulties associated with this approach, decision tree design directly from a set of labelled samples is proposed in this paper. The feature space is first partitioned to transform the problem to one of discrete features. The resulting problem is solved by a dynamic programming algorithm over an explicitly ordered state space of all outcomes of all feature subsets. The solution procedure is very general and is applicable to any minimum cost pattern classification problem in which each feature has a finite number of outcomes. These techniques are applied to (i) voiced, unvoiced, and silence classification of speech, and (ii) spoken vowel recognition. The resulting decision trees are operationally very efficient and yield attractive classification accuracies.


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In this paper, we investigate the use of reinforcement learning (RL) techniques to the problem of determining dynamic prices in an electronic retail market. As representative models, we consider a single seller market and a two seller market, and formulate the dynamic pricing problem in a setting that easily generalizes to markets with more than two sellers. We first formulate the single seller dynamic pricing problem in the RL framework and solve the problem using the Q-learning algorithm through simulation. Next we model the two seller dynamic pricing problem as a Markovian game and formulate the problem in the RL framework. We solve this problem using actor-critic algorithms through simulation. We believe our approach to solving these problems is a promising way of setting dynamic prices in multi-agent environments. We illustrate the methodology with two illustrative examples of typical retail markets.


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Benzoyl phenyl urea, a class of insect growth regulator's acts by inhibiting chitin synthesis. Carvacrol, a naturally occurring monoterpenoid is an effective antifungal agent. We have structurally modified carvacrol (2-methyl-5-1-methylethyl] phenol) by introducing benzoylphenyl urea linkage. Two series of benzoylcarvacryl thiourea (BCTU, 4a-f) and benzoylcarvacryl urea (BCU, 5a-f) derivatives were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, H-1 and C-13 NMR and Mass spectroscopy. Derivatives 4b, 4d, 4e, 4f and 5d, 5f showed comparable insecticidal activity with the standard BPU lufenuron against Dysdercus koenigii. BCTU derivatives 4c, 4e and BCU 5c showed good antifungal activity against phytopathogenic fungi viz. Magnaporthe grisae, Fusarium oxysporum, Dreschlera oryzae; food spoilage yeasts viz. Debaromyces hansenii, Pichia membranifaciens; and human pathogens viz. Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans. Compounds 5d, 5e and 5f showed potent activity against human pathogens. Moderate and selective activity was observed for other compounds. All the synthesized compounds were non-haemolytic. These compounds have potential application in agriculture and medicine. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel scheme for generation of phase using optical delay lines is proposed. The design of the optical components in the circuit which includes the S bend waveguides and straight waveguide couplers are very important for integrated optics. Beam propagation Method and MatLab is employed for the design.


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We present an explicit computable integral solution of the electric field generated at the focal region of a cylindrical lens. This representation is based on vectorial diffraction theory and further enables the computation of the system point spread function of a cylindrical lens. It is assumed that there is no back-scattering and the contribution from the evanescent field is negligible. Stationary phase approximation along with the Fresnel transmission coefficients are employed for evaluating the polarization dependent electric field components. Studies were carried out to determine the polarization effects and to calculate the system resolution. The effect of s -, p - and randomly polarized light is studied on the fixed sample (electric dipole is fixed in space). Proposed approach allows better understanding of electric field effects at the focus of a cylindrical aplanatic system. This opens up future developments in the field of fluorescence microscopy and optical imaging. (C) 2013 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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With the introduction of the earth observing satellites, remote sensing has become an important tool in analyzing the Earth's surface characteristics, and hence in supplying valuable information necessary for the hydrologic analysis. Due to their capability to capture the spatial variations in the hydro-meteorological variables and frequent temporal resolution sufficient to represent the dynamics of the hydrologic processes, remote sensing techniques have significantly changed the water resources assessment and management methodologies. Remote sensing techniques have been widely used to delineate the surface water bodies, estimate meteorological variables like temperature and precipitation, estimate hydrological state variables like soil moisture and land surface characteristics, and to estimate fluxes such as evapotranspiration. Today, near-real time monitoring of flood, drought events, and irrigation management are possible with the help of high resolution satellite data. This paper gives a brief overview of the potential applications of remote sensing in water resources.


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In this paper we report the quantitative oxygen quenching effect on laser-induced fluorescence of acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, and 3-pentanone at low pressures (approximate to 700torr) with oxygen partial pressures up to 450torr. Nitrogen was used as a bath gas in which these molecular tracers were added in different quantities according to their vapor pressure at room temperature. These tracers were excited by using a frequency-quadrupled, Q-switched, Nd:YAG laser (266nm). Stern-Volmer plots were found to be linear for all the tracers, suggesting that quenching is collisional in nature. Stern-Volmer coefficients (k(sv)) and quenching rate constants (k(q)) were calculated from Stern-Volmer plots. The effects of oxygen on the laser-induced fluorescence of acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, and 3-pentanone were compared with each other. Further, the Smoluchowski theory was used to calculate the quenching parameters and compared with the experimental results.


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Recently, it has been shown that fusion of the estimates of a set of sparse recovery algorithms result in an estimate better than the best estimate in the set, especially when the number of measurements is very limited. Though these schemes provide better sparse signal recovery performance, the higher computational requirement makes it less attractive for low latency applications. To alleviate this drawback, in this paper, we develop a progressive fusion based scheme for low latency applications in compressed sensing. In progressive fusion, the estimates of the participating algorithms are fused progressively according to the availability of estimates. The availability of estimates depends on computational complexity of the participating algorithms, in turn on their latency requirement. Unlike the other fusion algorithms, the proposed progressive fusion algorithm provides quick interim results and successive refinements during the fusion process, which is highly desirable in low latency applications. We analyse the developed scheme by providing sufficient conditions for improvement of CS reconstruction quality and show the practical efficacy by numerical experiments using synthetic and real-world data. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The design and synthesis of a new tri- and tetracoordinate boron conjugate is reported. The conjugate shows broad near-IR emission (similar to 625-850 nm) and is found to be a selective colorimetric and ratiometric sensor for fluoride ions.


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A new benzoyl hydrazone based chemosensor R is synthesized by Schiff base condensation of 2,6-diformyl-4-methylphenol and phenyl carbohydrazide and acts as a highly selective fluorescence sensor for Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions in aqueous media. The reaction of R with CuCl2 or ZnCl2 forms the corresponding dimeric dicopper(II) Cu-2(R)(CH3O)-(NO3)](2)(CH3O)(2) (R-Cu2+) and dizinc(1) Zn-2(R)(2)](NO3)(2) (R-Zn2+) complexes, which are characterized, as R, by conventional techniques including single-crystal X-ray analysis. Electronic absorption and fluorescence titration studies of R with different metal cations in a CH3CN/0.02 M HEPES buffer medium (pH = 7.3) show a highly selective binding affinity only toward Cu(2+)and Zn2+ ions even in the presence of other commonly coexisting ions such as Ne+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cd2+, and Hg2+. Quantification of the fluorescence titration analysis shows that the chemosensor R can indicate the presence of Cu2+ and Zn2+ even at very low concentrations of 17.3 and 16.5 ppb, respectively. R-Zn2+ acts as a selective metal-based fluorescent sensor for inorganic pyrophosphate ion (PPi) even in the presence of other common anions such as F-, Cl-, Br-, I-, CH3COO-, CO32-, HCO3-, N-3(-), SO42-, PPi, AMP, ADP, and ATP in an aqueous medium. The propensity of R as a bioimaging fluorescent probe to detect Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions in human cervical HeLa cancer cell lines and their cytotoxicity against human cervical (HeLa), breast cancer (MCF7), and noncancer breast epithelial (MCF10a) cells have also been investigated. R-Cu2+ shows better cytotoxicity and sensitivity toward cancer cells over noncancer cells than R and R-Zn2+ under identical conditions, with the appearance of apoptotic bodies.


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Stolzite polymorph of PbWO4 catalyst was prepared by the facile room temperature precipitation method. Structural parameters were refined by the Rietveld analysis using powder X-ray data. PbWO4 was crystallized in the scheelite-type tetragonal structure with space group I4(1)/a (No. 88). Field emission scanning electron microscopy revealed leaf like morphology. Photoluminescence spectra exhibit broad blue emission (425 nm) under the excitation of 356 nm. The photocatalytic degradation of Methylene blue, Rhodamine B and Methyl orange dyes were measured under visible illumination. The 100% dye degradation was observed for MB and RhB dyes within 60 and 105 min. The rate constant was found to be in the decreasing order of MB > RhB > MO which followed the 1st order kinetic mechanism. Therefore, PbWO4 can be a potential candidate for blue component in white LEDs and also acts as a catalyst for the treatment of toxic and non-biodegradable organic pollutants in water. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The authors report a detailed investigation of the flicker noise (1/f noise) in graphene films obtained from chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and chemical reduction of graphene oxide. The authors find that in the case of polycrystalline graphene films grown by CVD, the grain boundaries and other structural defects are the dominant source of noise by acting as charged trap centres resulting in huge increase in noise as compared with that of exfoliated graphene. A study of the kinetics of defects in hydrazine-reduced graphene oxide (RGO) films as a function of the extent of reduction showed that for longer hydrazine treatment time strong localised crystal defects are introduced in RGO, whereas the RGO with shorter hydrazine treatment showed the presence of large number of mobile defects leading to higher noise amplitude.