54 resultados para Welfare State Models


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High-pressure magnetic susceptibility measurements have been carried out on Fe(dipy)2(NCS)2 and Fe(phen)2(NCS)2 in the pressure range 1–10 kbar and tempeature range 80–300 K in order to investigate the factors responsible for the spin-state transitions. The transitions change from first order to second or higher order upon application of pressure. The temperature variation of the susceptibility at different pressures has been analysed quantitatively within the framework of available models. It is shown that the relative magnitudes of the ΔG0 of high-spin and low-spin conversion and the ferromagnetic interaction between high-spin complexes determines the nature of the transition.


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The relations for the inner layer potential &fference (E) in the presence of adsorbed orgamc molecules are derived for three hterarchlcal models, m terms of molecular constants like permanent &pole moments, polarlzablhtles, etc It is shown how the experimentally observed patterns of the E vs 0 plots (hnear m all ranges of $\sigma^M$, non-linear in one or both regions of o M, etc ) can be understood in a serm-quantltatlve manner from the simplest model in our hierarchy, viz the two-state site panty version Two-state multi-site and three-state (sxte panty) models are also analysed and the slope (3E/80),,M tabulated for these also The results for the Esm-Markov effect are denved for all the models and compared with the earlier result of Parsons. A comparison with the GSL phenomenologlcal equation is presented and its molecular basis, as well as the hmltatlons, is analysed. In partxcular, two-state multa-slte and three-state (site panty) models yield E-o M relations that are more general than the "umfied" GSL equation The posslblhty of vaewlng the compact layer as a "composite medium" with an "effective dlelectnc constant" and obtaimng novel phenomenological descnptions IS also indicated.


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After briefly discussing the question of a distinct mixed valent state and theoretical models for it, the area of greatest theoretical success, namely the mixed valent impurity, is reviewed. Applications to spectroscopy, energetics and Hall effect are then putlined. The independent impurity approximation is inadequate for many properties of the bulk system, which depend on lattice coherence. A recent auxiliary or slave boson approach with a simple mean field limit and fluctuation corrections is summarized. Finally the mixed valent semiconductor is discussed as an outstanding problem.


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The phenomenological theory of hemispherical growth is generalised to time-dependent nucleation and growth-rates. Special cases, which include models with diffusion-controlled rates, are analysed. Expressions are obtained for small and large time behaviour and peak characteristics of potentiostatic transients, and their use in model parameter estimation is discussed. Two earlier equations are corrected. Numerically calculated transients which are presented exhibit some interesting features such as a maximum preceding the steady state, oscillations and shoulder.


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Analytical models of IEEE 802.11-based WLANs are invariably based on approximations, such as the well-known mean-field approximations proposed by Bianchi for saturated nodes. In this paper, we provide a new approach for modeling the situation when the nodes are not saturated. We study a State Dependent Attempt Rate (SDAR) approximation to model M queues (one queue per node) served by the CSMA/CA protocol as standardized in the IEEE 802.11 DCF. The approximation is that, when n of the M queues are non-empty, the attempt probability of the n non-empty nodes is given by the long-term attempt probability of n saturated nodes as provided by Bianchi's model. This yields a coupled queue system. When packets arrive to the M queues according to independent Poisson processes, we provide an exact model for the coupled queue system with SDAR service. The main contribution of this paper is to provide an analysis of the coupled queue process by studying a lower dimensional process and by introducing a certain conditional independence approximation. We show that the numerical results obtained from our finite buffer analysis are in excellent agreement with the corresponding results obtained from ns-2 simulations. We replace the CSMA/CA protocol as implemented in the ns-2 simulator with the SDAR service model to show that the SDAR approximation provides an accurate model for the CSMA/CA protocol. We also report the simulation speed-ups thus obtained by our model-based simulation.


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A non-linear model, construed as a generalized version of the models put forth earlier for the study of bi-state social interaction processes, is proposed in this study. The feasibility of deriving the dynamics of such processes is demonstrated by establishing equivalence between the non-linear model and a higher order linear model.


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A new automata model Mr,k, with a conceptually significant innovation in the form of multi-state alternatives at each instance, is proposed in this study. Computer simulations of the Mr,k, model in the context of feature selection in an unsupervised environment has demonstrated the superiority of the model over similar models without this multi-state-choice innovation.


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The availability of a small fleet of aircraft in a flying-base, repair-depot combination is modeled and studied. First, a deterministic flow model relates parameters of interest and represents the state-of-the art in the planning of such systems. Second, a cyclic queue model shows the effect of the principal uncertainties in operation and repair and shows the consequent decrease in the availability of aircraft at the flying-base. Several options such as increasing fleet size, investments in additional repair facilities, or building reliability and maintainability into the individual aircraft during its life-cycle are open for increasing the availability. A life-cycle cost criterion brings out some of these features. Numerical results confirm Rose's prediction that there exists a minimal cost combination of end products and repair-depot capability to achieve a prescribed operational availability.


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We provide analytical models for capacity evaluation of an infrastructure IEEE 802.11 based network carrying TCP controlled file downloads or full-duplex packet telephone calls. In each case the analytical models utilize the attempt probabilities from a well known fixed-point based saturation analysis. For TCP controlled file downloads, following Bruno et al. (In Networking '04, LNCS 2042, pp. 626-637), we model the number of wireless stations (STAs) with ACKs as a Markov renewal process embedded at packet success instants. In our work, analysis of the evolution between the embedded instants is done by using saturation analysis to provide state dependent attempt probabilities. We show that in spite of its simplicity, our model works well, by comparing various simulated quantities, such as collision probability, with values predicted from our model. Next we consider N constant bit rate VoIP calls terminating at N STAs. We model the number of STAs that have an up-link voice packet as a Markov renewal process embedded at so called channel slot boundaries. Analysis of the evolution over a channel slot is done using saturation analysis as before. We find that again the AP is the bottleneck, and the system can support (in the sense of a bound on the probability of delay exceeding a given value) a number of calls less than that at which the arrival rate into the AP exceeds the average service rate applied to the AP. Finally, we extend the analytical model for VoIP calls to determine the call capacity of an 802.11b WLAN in a situation where VoIP calls originate from two different types of coders. We consider N-1 calls originating from Type 1 codecs and N-2 calls originating from Type 2 codecs. For G711 and G729 voice coders, we show that the analytical model again provides accurate results in comparison with simulations.


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The electrical conduction in insulating materials is a complex process and several theories have been suggested in the literature. Many phenomenological empirical models are in use in the DC cable literature. However, the impact of using different models for cable insulation has not been investigated until now, but for the claims of relative accuracy. The steady state electric field in the DC cable insulation is known to be a strong function of DC conductivity. The DC conductivity, in turn, is a complex function of electric field and temperature. As a result, under certain conditions, the stress at cable screen is higher than that at the conductor boundary. The paper presents detailed investigations on using different empirical conductivity models suggested in the literature for HV DC cable applications. It has been expressly shown that certain models give rise to erroneous results in electric field and temperature computations. It is pointed out that the use of these models in the design or evaluation of cables will lead to errors.


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We provide a survey of some of our recent results ([9], [13], [4], [6], [7]) on the analytical performance modeling of IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks (WLANs). We first present extensions of the decoupling approach of Bianchi ([1]) to the saturation analysis of IEEE 802.11e networks with multiple traffic classes. We have found that even when analysing WLANs with unsaturated nodes the following state dependent service model works well: when a certain set of nodes is nonempty, their channel attempt behaviour is obtained from the corresponding fixed point analysis of the saturated system. We will present our experiences in using this approximation to model multimedia traffic over an IEEE 802.11e network using the enhanced DCF channel access (EDCA) mechanism. We have found that we can model TCP controlled file transfers, VoIP packet telephony, and streaming video in the IEEE802.11e setting by this simple approximation.


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Polarizabilities and Hyperpolarizabilities of conjugated organic chains are calculated using correlated model Hamiltonians. While correlations reduce the Polarizabilities and extend the range of linear response, the Hyperpolarizabilities essentially are unaffected by the same. This explains the apparently large Hyperpolarizabilities of conjugated electronic systems.


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The circular dichroism spectra of four 0-turn model peptides, Z-Aib-Pro-Aib-Pro- OMe (l), Piv-Pro-Aib-NHMe (2), Piv-Pro-D-Ala-NHMe (3) and Piv-Pro-Val-NHMe (4) have been examined under a wide range of solvent conditions, using methanol, hexafluoroisopropanol and cyclohexane. Type I and Type I1 0-turns have been observed for peptides 1 and 2 respectively, in the solid state, while the Pro-D-Ala sequence adopts a Type I1 Sturn in a related peptide crystal structure. A class C spectrum is observed for 1 in various solvents, suggesting a variant of a Type I(II1) structure. The Type I1 f3-turn is characterized by a CD spectrum having two positive CD bands at - 230 nm and - 202 nm, a feature observed in Piv-Pro- D-Ala-NHMe in cyclohexane and methanol and for Piv-Pro-Aib-NHMe in methanol. Peptide 2 exhibits solvent dependent CD spectra, which may be rationalized by considering Type 11, I11 and V reverse turn structures. Piv-Pro- Val-NHMe adopts nonaturn structures in polar solvents, but exhibits a class B spectrum in cyclohexane suggesting a population of Type I &turns.


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A simple n-state configurational excitation model which takes into account the presence of weakly connected pentamer units in liquid water is proposed. The model has features of both the “continuum” and “mixture” models. Calculations based on this model satisfactorily account for the important, diagnostic thermodynamic properties of water such as the density maximum, fraction of monomers and so on.


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Determining the sequence of amino acid residues in a heteropolymer chain of a protein with a given conformation is a discrete combinatorial problem that is not generally amenable for gradient-based continuous optimization algorithms. In this paper we present a new approach to this problem using continuous models. In this modeling, continuous "state functions" are proposed to designate the type of each residue in the chain. Such a continuous model helps define a continuous sequence space in which a chosen criterion is optimized to find the most appropriate sequence. Searching a continuous sequence space using a deterministic optimization algorithm makes it possible to find the optimal sequences with much less computation than many other approaches. The computational efficiency of this method is further improved by combining it with a graph spectral method, which explicitly takes into account the topology of the desired conformation and also helps make the combined method more robust. The continuous modeling used here appears to have additional advantages in mimicking the folding pathways and in creating the energy landscapes that help find sequences with high stability and kinetic accessibility. To illustrate the new approach, a widely used simplifying assumption is made by considering only two types of residues: hydrophobic (H) and polar (P). Self-avoiding compact lattice models are used to validate the method with known results in the literature and data that can be practically obtained by exhaustive enumeration on a desktop computer. We also present examples of sequence design for the HP models of some real proteins, which are solved in less than five minutes on a single-processor desktop computer Some open issues and future extensions are noted.