63 resultados para Weight training


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In this paper, we propose a training-based channel estimation scheme for large non-orthogonal space-time block coded (STBC) MIMO systems.The proposed scheme employs a block transmission strategy where an N-t x N-t pilot matrix is sent (for training purposes) followed by several N-t x N-t square data STBC matrices, where Nt is the number of transmit antennas. At the receiver, we iterate between channel estimation (using an MMSE estimator) and detection (using a low-complexity likelihood ascent search (LAS) detector) till convergence or for a fixed number of iterations. Our simulation results show that excellent bit error rate and nearness-to-capacity performance are achieved by the proposed scheme at low complexities. The fact that we could show such good results for large STBCs (e.g., 16 x 16 STBC from cyclic division algebras) operating at spectral efficiencies in excess of 20 bps/Hz (even after accounting for the overheads meant for pilot-based channel estimation and turbo coding) establishes the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.


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Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of Percoll purified Leydig cell proteins from 20- and 120-day-old rats revealed a significant decrease in a low molecular weight peptide in the adult rats. Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin to immature rats resulted in a decrease in the low molecular weight peptide along with increase in testosterone production. Modulation of the peptide by human chorionic gonadotropin could be confirmed by Western blotting. The presence of a similar peptide could be detected by Western blotting in testes of immature mouse, hamster, guinea pig but not in adrenal, placenta and corpus luteum. Administration of testosterone propionate which is known to inhibit the pituitary luteinizing hormone levels in adult rats resulted in an increase in the low molecular weight peptide, as checked by Western blotting. It is suggested that this peptide may have a role in regulation of acquisition of responsiveness to luteinizing hormone by immature rat Leydig cells.


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In receive antenna selection (AS), only signals from a subset of the antennas are processed at any time by the limited number of radio frequency (RF) chains available at the receiver. Hence, the transmitter needs to send pilots multiple times to enable the receiver to estimate the channel state of all the antennas and select the best subset. Conventionally, the sensitivity of coherent reception to channel estimation errors has been tackled by boosting the energy allocated to all pilots to ensure accurate channel estimates for all antennas. Energy for pilots received by unselected antennas is mostly wasted, especially since the selection process is robust to estimation errors. In this paper, we propose a novel training method uniquely tailored for AS that transmits one extra pilot symbol that generates accurate channel estimates for the antenna subset that actually receives data. Consequently, the transmitter can selectively boost the energy allocated to the extra pilot. We derive closed-form expressions for the proposed scheme's symbol error probability for MPSK and MQAM, and optimize the energy allocated to pilot and data symbols. Through an insightful asymptotic analysis, we show that the optimal solution achieves full diversity and is better than the conventional method.


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To understand the effect of molecular weight and branching on the heats of vaporization (AH,) and their flow behavior, AH, and viscosity (7) were measured at different temperatures in the high molecular weight ester series: linear flexible di-n-alkyl sebacates and compact branched triglycerides with molecular weight ranging from 300 to 900. AHv" values (AHv corrected to 298 K) have been obtained with experimental AH, and also computed according to the group additivity method; a smaller-CH,- group value of 3.8 kJ mol-' compared to the normal value of 5.0 kJ mol-' is found to give good agreement with the experimental data (within 2-5% error). Both ester series have the same AH," irrespective of their molecular features, namely,shape, flexibility, and polarity, suggesting the coiling of the molecules during vaporization. The segmental motion of these ester series during their flow and its dependence on their molecular features unlike AH,' are demonstrated by the correlation of the enthalpy of activation for viscous flow (AH*) and the ratio AE,/AH* = n (AE, is the energy of vaporization) with molecular weight.


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In this article, a minimum weight design of carbon/epoxy laminates is carried out using genetic algorithms. New failure envelopes have been developed by the combination of two commonly used phenomenological failure criteria, namely Maximum Stress (MS) and Tsai-Wu (TW) are used to obtain the minimum weight of the laminate. These failure envelopes are the most conservative failure envelope (MCFE) and the least conservative failure envelope (LCFE). Uniaxial and biaxial loading conditions are considered for the study and the differences in the optimal weight of the laminate are compared for the MCFE and LCFE. The MCFE can be used for design of critical load-carrying composites, while the LCFE could be used for the design of composite structures where weight reduction is much more important than safety such as unmanned air vehicles.


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Distributed Space-Time Block Codes (DSTBCs) from Complex Orthogonal Designs (CODs) (both square and non-square CODs other than the Alamouti design) are known to lose their single-symbol ML decodable (SSD) property when used in two-hop wireless relay networks using the amplify and forward protocol. For such a network, a new class of high rate, training-symbol embedded (TSE) SSD DSTBCs are proposed from TSE-CODs. The constructed codes include the training symbols within the structure of the code which is shown to be the key point to obtain high rate along with the SSD property. TSE-CODs are shown to offer full-diversity for arbitrary complex constellations. Non-square TSE-CODs are shown to provide better rates (in symbols per channel use) compared to the known SSD DSTBCs for relay networks when the number of relays is less than 10. Importantly, the proposed DSTBCs do not contain zeros in their codewords and as a result, antennas of the relay nodes do not undergo a sequence of switch on and off transitions within every codeword use. Hence, the proposed DSTBCs eliminate the antenna switching problem.


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This paper investigates the diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT) of a time-division duplex (TDD) single-input multiple-output (SIMO) system with perfect channel state information (CSI) at the receiver (CSIR) and partial CSI at the transmitter (CSIT). The partial CSIT is acquired through a training sequence from the receiver to the transmitter. The training sequence is chosen in an intelligent manner based on the CSIR, to reduce the training length by a factor of r, the number of receive antennas. We show that, for the proposed training scheme and a given channel coherence time, the diversity order increases linearly with r for nonzero multiplexing gain. This is a significant improvement over conventional orthogonal training schemes.


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E glass epoxy laminates of thicknesses in the range 2-5 mm were subjected to repeated impacts. For each thickness the number of hits to cause tup penetration was determined and the value of this number was higher the larger the thickness of the laminate tested. The C-scan, before and after impact, was done to obtain information regarding flaw distribution. Short beam shear test samples were made from locations at fixed distances from impact point and tested. The samples closer to the zone of impact showed lower strength values. Scanning fractography revealed shear deformation features for these samples and brittle fracture features for the region near the zone of impact.


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The effect of molecular structure on density has been examined in high molecular weight esters (molecular weight 300-900), having varying degrees of branching. Densities were calculated from an empirical equation, which agrees well with the experimental values (error +/-1.5%), irrespective of branching. Since density is related to molecular packing and hence to the molecular rotation, in n-alkanes, the glass transition temperature (T(g)) and density both increase with molecular weight, and hence T(g) is directly related to the density. The esters exhibit a complex behavior. In linear esters the T(g) decreases with molecular weight which is explained from group contribution and molecular interactions. In the +-branched esters, however, T(g) decreases with molecular weight until the molecular weight reaches 600 and increases sharply thereafter. The Y-branched esters show an intermediate behavior. The dependence of T(g) on molecular weight has been explained from the segmental motion.


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Antenna selection (AS) provides most of the benefits of multiple-antenna systems at drastically reduced hardware costs. In receive AS, the receiver connects a dynamically selected subset of N available antennas to the L available RF chains. The "best" subset to be used for data reception is determined by means of channel estimates acquired using training sequences. Due to the nature of AS, the channel estimates at different antennas are obtained from different transmissions of the pilot sequence, and are, thus, outdated by different amounts in a time-varying channel. We show that a linear weighting of the estimates is optimum for the subset selection process, where the weights are related to the temporal correlation of the channel variations. When L is not an integer divisor of N, we highlight a new issue of "training voids", in which the last pilot transmission is not fully exploited by the receiver. We present a "void-filling" method for fully exploiting these voids, which essentially provides more accurate training for some antennas, and derive the optimal subset selection rule for any void-filling method. We also derive new closed-form equations for the performance of receive AS with optimal subset selection.


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Recently, a special class of complex designs called Training-Embedded Complex Orthogonal Designs (TE-CODs) has been introduced to construct single-symbol Maximum Likelihood decodable (SSD) distributed space-time block codes (DSTBCs) for two-hop wireless relay networks using the amplify and forward protocol. However, to implement DSTBCs from square TE-CODs, the overhead due to the transmission of training symbols becomes prohibitively large as the number of relays increase. In this paper, we propose TE-Coordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs (TE-CIODs) to construct SSD DSTBCs. Exploiting the block diagonal structure of TE-CIODs, we show that the overhead due to the transmission of training symbols to implement DSTBCs from TE-CIODs is smaller than that for TE-CODs. We also show that DSTBCs from TE-CIODs offer higher rate than those from TE-CODs for identical number of relays while maintaining the SSD and full-diversity properties.


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Owing to the increased customer demands for make-to-order products and smaller product life-cycles, today assembly lines are designed to ensure a quick switch-over from one product model to another for companies' survival in market place. The complexity associated with the decisions pertaining to the type of training and number of workers and their exposition to the different tasks especially in the current era of customized production is a serious problem that the managers and the HRD gurus are facing in industry. This paper aims to determine the amount of cross-training and dynamic deployment policy caused by workforce flexibility for a make-to-order assembly. The aforementioned issues have been dealt with by adopting the concept of evolutionary fuzzy system because of the linguistic nature of the attributes associated with product variety and task complexity. A fuzzy system-based methodology is proposed to determine the amount of cross-training and dynamic deployment policy. The proposed methodology is tested on 10 sample products of varying complexities and the results obtained are in line with the conclusions drawn by previous researchers.


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Receive antenna selection (AS) provides many benefits of multiple-antenna systems at drastically reduced hardware costs. In it, the receiver connects a dynamically selected subset of N available antennas to the L available RF chains. Due to the nature of AS, the channel estimates at different antennas, which are required to determine the best subset for data reception, are obtained from different transmissions of the pilot sequence. Consequently, they are outdated by different amounts in a time-varying channel. We show that a linear weighting of the estimates is necessary and optimum for the subset selection process, where the weights are related to the temporal correlation of the channel variations. When L is not an integer divisor of N , we highlight a new issue of ``training voids'', in which the last pilot transmission is not fully exploited by the receiver. We then present new ``void-filling'' methods that exploit these voids and greatly improve the performance of AS. The optimal subset selection rules with void-filling, in which different antennas turn out to have different numbers of estimates, are also explicitly characterized. Closed-form equations for the symbol error probability with and without void-filling are also developed.