27 resultados para Water and architecture


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A recently developed microscopic theory of solvation dynamics in real dipolar liquids is used to calculate, for the first time, the solvation time correlation function in liquid acetonitrile, water and methanol. The calculated results are in excellent agreement with known experimental and computer simulation studies.


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We find that at low temperature water, large amplitude (similar to 60 degrees) rotational jumps propagate like a string, with the length of propagation increasing with lowering temperature. The strings are formed by mobile 5-coordinated water molecules which move like a Glarum defect (J. Chem. Phys., 1960, 33, 1371), causing water molecules on the path to change from 4-coordinated to 5-coordinated and again back to 4-coordinated water, and in the process cause the tagged water molecule to jump, by following essentially the Laage-Hynes mechanism (Science, 2006, 311, 832-835). The effects on relaxation of the propagating defect causing large amplitude jumps are manifested most dramatically in the mean square displacement (MSD) and also in the rotational time correlation function of the O-H bond of the molecule that is visited by the defect (transient transition to the 5-coordinated state). The MSD and the decay of rotational time correlation function, both remain quenched in the absence of any visit by the defect, as postulated by Glarum long time ago. We establish a direct connection between these propagating events and the known thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies in supercooled water. These strings are found largely in the regions that surround the relatively rigid domains of 4-coordinated water molecules. The propagating strings give rise to a noticeable dynamical heterogeneity, quantified here by a sharp rise in the peak of the four-point density response function, chi(4)(t). This dynamics heterogeneity is also responsible for the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation.


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Through this paper we experimentally demonstrate the fabrication of a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) chemical sensor to detect and determine the manganese concentration in water and compare our results with sophisticated spectroscopic methods, such as atomic absorption spectrometry and the inductively coupled plasma method. Here we propose a simple method to develop a thin layer of gold nanoparticles above the etched grating region to enhance the sensitivity of the reflected spectrum of the FBG. By doing so, we achieve a sensitivity of 1.26 nm/parts per million in determining the trace level of Mn in water. Proper reagents are used to detect manganese in water. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America


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The orientational relaxation dynamics of water confined between mica surfaces is investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. The study illustrates the wide heterogeneity that exists in the dynamics of water adjacent to a strongly hydrophilic surface such as mica. Analysis of the survival probabilities in different layers is carried out by normalizing the corresponding relaxation times with bulk water layers of similar thickness. A 10-fold increase in the survival times is observed for water directly in contact with the mica surface and a non-monotonic variation in the survival times is observed moving away from the mica surface to the bulk-like interior. The orientational relaxation time is highest for water in the contact layer, decreasing monotonically away from the surface. In all cases the ratio of the relaxation times of the 1st and 2nd rank Legendre polynomials of the HH bond vector is found to lie between 1.5 and 1.9 indicating that the reorientational relaxation in the different water layers is governed by jump dynamics. The orientational dynamics of water in the contact layer is particularly novel and is found to undergo distinct two-dimensional hydrogen bond jump reorientational dynamics with an average waiting time of 4.97 ps. The waiting time distribution is found to possess a long tail extending beyond 15 ps. Unlike previously observed jump dynamics in bulk water and other surfaces, jump events in the mica contact layer occur between hydrogen bonds formed by the water molecule and acceptor oxygens on the mica surface. Despite slowing down of the water orientational relaxation near the surface, life-times of water in the hydration shell of the K ion are comparable to that observed in bulk salt solutions. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4717710]


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DNA three-way junctions (TWJs) are important intermediates in various cellular processes and are the simplest of a family of branched nucleic acids being considered as scaffolds for biomolecular nanotechnology. Branched nucleic acids are stabilized by divalent cations such as Mg2+, presumably due to condensation and neutralization of the negatively charged DNA backbone. However, electrostatic screening effects point to more complex solvation dynamics and a large role of interfacial waters in thermodynamic stability. Here, we report extensive computer simulations in explicit water and salt on a model TWJ and use free energy calculations to quantify the role of ionic character and strength on stability. We find that enthalpic stabilization of the first and second hydration shells by Mg2+ accounts for 1/3 and all of the free energy gain in 50% and pure MgCl2 solutions, respectively. The more distorted DNA molecule is actually destabilized in pure MgCl2 compared to pure NaCl. Notably, the first shell, interfacial waters have very low translational and rotational entropy (i.e., mobility) compared to the bulk, an entropic loss that is overcompensated by increased enthalpy from additional electrostatic interactions with Mg2+. In contrast, the second hydration shell has anomalously high entropy as it is trapped between an immobile and bulklike layer. The nonmonotonic entropic signature and long-range perturbations of the hydration shells to Mg2+ may have implications in the molecular recognition of these motifs. For example, we find that low salt stabilizes the parallel configuration of the three-way junction, whereas at normal salt we find antiparallel configurations deduced from the NMR. We use the 2PT analysis to follow the thermodynamics of this transition and find that the free energy barrier is dominated by entropic effects that result from the decreased surface area of the antiparallel form which has a smaller number of low entropy waters in the first monolayer.


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We investigate the effect of bilayer melting transition on thermodynamics and dynamics of interfacial water using molecular dynamics simulation with the two-phase thermodynamic model. We show that the diffusivity of interface water depicts a dynamic crossover at the chain melting transition following an Arrhenius behavior until the transition temperature. The corresponding change in the diffusion coefficient from the bulk to the interface water is comparable with experimental observations found recently for water near 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) vesicles Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 7732 (2011)]. The entropy and potential energy of interfacial water show distinct changes at the bilayer melting transition, indicating a strong correlation in the thermodynamic state of water and the accompanying first-order phase transition of the bilayer membrane. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.018303


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A molecular dynamics (MD) investigation of LiCl in water, methanol, and ethylene glycol (EG) at 298 K is reported. Several; structural and dynamical properties of the ions as well as the solvent such as self-diffusivity, radial distribution functions, void and neck distributions, velocity autocorrelation functions, and mean residence times of solvent in the first solvation shell have been computed. The results show that the reciprocal relationship between the self-diffusivity of the ions and the viscosity is valid in almost all solvents with the exception of water. From an analysis of radial distribution functions and coordination numbers the nature of hydrogen bonding within the solvent and its influence on the void and neck distribution becomes evident. It is seen that the solvent solvent interaction is important in EG while solute solvent interactions dominate in water and methanol. From Voronoi tessellation, it is seen that the voids and necks within methanol are larger as compared to those within water or EG. On the basis of the void and neck distributions obtained from MD simulations and literature experimental data of limiting ion conductivity for various ions of different sizes we show that there is a relation between the void and neck radius on e one hand and dependence of conductivity on the ionic radius on the other. It is shown that the presence of large diameter voids and necks in methanol is responsible for maximum in limiting ion conductivity (lambda(0)) of TMA(+), while in water in EG, the maximum is seen for Rb+. In the case of monovalent anions, maximum in lambda(0) as a function ionic radius is seen for Br- in water EG but for the larger ClO4- ion in methanol. The relation between the void and neck distribution and the variation in lambda(0) with ionic radius arises via the Levitation effect which is discussed. These studies show the importance of the solvent structure and the associated void structure.


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A new molecular probe based on an oxidized bis-indolyl skeleton has been developed for rapid and sensitive visual detection of cyanide ions in water and also for the detection of endogenously bound cyanide. The probe allows the naked-eye detection of cyanide ions in water with a visual color change from red to yellow ((max)=80nm) with the immediate addition of the probe. It shows high selectivity towards the cyanide ion without any interference from other anions. The detection of cyanide by the probe is ratiometric, thus making the detection quantitative. A Michael-type addition reaction of the probe with the cyanide ion takes place during this chemodosimetric process. In water, the detection limit was found to be at the parts per million level, which improved drastically when a neutral micellar medium was employed, and it showed a parts-per-billion-level detection, which is even 25-fold lower than the permitted limits of cyanide in water. The probe could also efficiently detect the endogenously bound cyanide in cassava (a staple food) with a clear visual color change without requiring any sample pretreatment and/or any special reaction conditions such as pH or temperature. Thus the probe could serve as a practical naked-eye probe for in-field experiments without requiring any sophisticated instruments.


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In addition to the biologically active monomer of the protein insulin circulating in human blood, the molecule also exists in dimeric and hexameric forms that are used as storage. The insulin monomer contains two distinct surfaces, namely, the dimer forming surface (DFS) and the hexamer forming surface (HFS), that are specifically designed to facilitate the formation of the dimer and the hexamer, respectively. In order to characterize the structural and dynamical behavior of interfacial water molecules near these two surfaces (DFS and HFS), we performed atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of insulin with explicit water. Dynamical characterization reveals that the structural relaxation of the hydrogen bonds formed between the residues of DFS and the interfacial water molecules is faster than those formed between water and that of the HFS. Furthermore, the residence times of water molecules in the protein hydration layer for both the DFS and HFS are found to be significantly higher than those for some of the other proteins studied so far, such as HP-36 and lysozyme. In particular, we find that more structured water molecules, with higher residence times (similar to 300-500 ps), are present near HFS than those near DFS. A significant slowing down is observed in the decay of associated rotational auto time correlation functions of O-H bond vector of water in the vicinity of HFS. The surface topography and the arrangement of amino acid residues work together to organize the water molecules in the hydration layer in order to provide them with a preferred orientation. HFS having a large polar solvent accessible surface area and a convex extensive nonpolar region, drives the surrounding water molecules to acquire predominantly an outward H-atoms directed, clathrate-like structure. In contrast, near the DFS, the surrounding water molecules acquire an inward H-atoms directed orientation owing to the flat curvature of hydrophobic surface and the interrupted hydrophilic residual alignment. We have followed escape trajectory of several such quasi-bound water molecules from both the surfaces that reveal the significant differences between the two hydration layers.


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Various structural, dynamic and thermodynamic properties of water molecules confined in single-wall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are investigated using both polarizable and non-polarizable water models. The inclusion of polarizability quantitatively affects the nature of hydrogen bonding, which governs many properties of confined water molecules. Polarizable water leads to tighter hydrogen bonding and makes the distance between neighboring water molecules shorter than that for non-polarizable water. Stronger hydrogen bonding also decreases the rotational entropy and makes the diffusion constant smaller than in TIP3P and TIP3PM water models. The reorientational dynamics of the water molecules is governed by a jump mechanism, the barrier for the jump being highest for the polarizable water model. Our results highlight the role of polarizability in governing the dynamics of confined water and demonstrate that the inclusion of polarizability is necessary to obtain agreement with the results of ab initio simulations for the distributions of waiting and jump times. The SPC/E water model is found to predict various water properties in close agreement with the results of polarizable water models with much lower computational costs.


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Layers of graphene oxide (GO) are found to be good for the permeation of water but not for helium (Science, 2012, 335(6067), 442-444) suggesting that the GO layers are dynamic in the formation of a permeation route depending on the environment they are in (i.e., water or helium). To probe the microscopic origin of this observation we calculate the potential of mean force (PMF) of GO sheets (with oxidized and reduced parts), with the inter-planar distance as a reaction coordinate in helium and water. Our PMF calculation shows that the equilibrium interlayer distance between the oxidized part of the GO sheets in helium is at 4.8 angstrom leaving no space for helium permeation. In contrast, the PMF of the oxidized part of the GO in water shows two minima, one at 4.8 angstrom and another at 6.8 angstrom, corresponding to no water and a water filled region, thus giving rise to a permeation path. The increased electrostatic interaction between water with the oxidized part of the sheet helps the sheet open up and pushes water inside. Based on the entropy calculations for water trapped between graphene sheets and oxidized graphene sheets at different inter-sheet spacings, we also show the thermodynamics of filling.


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Desiccated coconut industries (DCI) create various intermediates from fresh coconut kernel for cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. The mechanized and non-mechanized DCI process between 10,000 and 100,000 nuts/day to discharge 6-150 m(3) of malodorous waste water leading to a discharge of 2646642 kg chemical oxygen demand (COD) daily. In these units, three main types of waste water streams are coconut kernel water, kernel wash water and virgin oil waste water. The effluent streams contain lipids (1-55 g/l), suspended solids (6-80 g/l) and volatile fatty acids (VFA) at concentrations that are inhibitory to anaerobic bacteria. Coconut water contributes to 20-50 % of the total volume and 50-60 % of the total organic loads and causes higher inhibition of anaerobic bacteria with an initial lag phase of 30 days. The lagooning method of treatment widely adopted failed to appreciably treat the waste water and often led to the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (propionic acid) along with long-chain unsaturated free fatty acids. Biogas generation during biological methane potential (BMP) assay required a 15-day adaptation time, and gas production occurred at low concentrations of coconut water while the other two streams did not appear to be inhibitory. The anaerobic bacteria can mineralize coconut lipids at concentrations of 175 mg/l; however; they are severely inhibited at a lipid level of = 350 mg/g bacterial inoculum. The modified Gompertz model showed a good fit with the BMP data with a simple sigmoid pattern. However, it failed to fit experimental BMP data either possessing a longer lag phase and/or diauxic biogas production suggesting inhibition of anaerobic bacteria.