207 resultados para Vehicle Side Structures.


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The worldwide research in nanoelectronics is motivated by the fact that scaling of MOSFETs by conventional top down approach will not continue for ever due to fundamental limits imposed by physics even if it is delayed for some more years. The research community in this domain has largely become multidisciplinary trying to discover novel transistor structures built with novel materials so that semiconductor industry can continue to follow its projected roadmap. However, setting up and running a nanoelectronics facility for research is hugely expensive. Therefore it is a common model to setup a central networked facility that can be shared with large number of users across the research community. The Centres for Excellence in Nanoelectronics (CEN) at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc) and Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB) are such central networked facilities setup with funding of about USD 20 million from the Department of Information Technology (DIT), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Government of India, in 2005. Indian Nanoelectronics Users Program (INUP) is a missionary program not only to spread awareness and provide training in nanoelectronics but also to provide easy access to the latest facilities at CEN in IISc and at IITB for the wider nanoelectronics research community in India. This program, also funded by MCIT, aims to train researchers by conducting workshops, hands-on training programs, and providing access to CEN facilities. This is a unique program aiming to expedite nanoelectronics research in the country, as the funding for projects required for projects proposed by researchers from around India has prior financial approval from the government and requires only technical approval by the IISc/ IITB team. This paper discusses the objectives of INUP, gives brief descriptions of CEN facilities, the training programs conducted by INUP and list various research activities currently under way in the program.


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Ligand-induced conformational changes in proteins are of immense functional relevance. It is a major challenge to elucidate the network of amino acids that are responsible for the percolation of ligand-induced conformational changes to distal regions in the protein from a global perspective. Functionally important subtle conformational changes (at the level of side-chain noncovalent interactions) upon ligand binding or as a result of environmental variations are also elusive in conventional studies such as those using root-mean-square deviations (r.m.s.d.s). In this article, the network representation of protein structures and their analyses provides an efficient tool to capture these variations (both drastic and subtle) in atomistic detail in a global milieu. A generalized graph theoretical metric, using network parameters such as cliques and/or communities, is used to determine similarities or differences between structures in a rigorous manner. The ligand-induced global rewiring in the protein structures is also quantified in terms of network parameters. Thus, a judicious use of graph theory in the context of protein structures can provide meaningful insights into global structural reorganizations upon perturbation and can also be helpful for rigorous structural comparison. Data sets for the present study include high-resolution crystal structures of serine proteases from the S1A family and are probed to quantify the ligand-induced subtle structural variations.


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Bacteriorhodopsin has been the subject of intense study in order to understand its photochemical function. The recent atomic model proposed by Henderson and coworkers based on electron cryo-microscopic studies has helped in understanding many of the structural and functional aspects of bacteriorhodopsin. However, the accuracy of the positions of the side chains is not very high since the model is based on low-resolution data. In this study, we have minimized the energy of this structure of bacteriorhodopsin and analyzed various types of interactions such as - intrahelical and interhelical hydrogen bonds and retinal environment. In order to understand the photochemical action, it is necessary to obtain information on the structures adopted at the intermediate states. In this direction, we have generated some intermediate structures taking into account certain experimental data, by computer modeling studies. Various isomers of retinal with 13-cis and/or 15-cis conformations and all possible staggered orientations of Lys-216 side chain were generated. The resultant structures were examined for the distance between Lys-216-schiff base nitrogen and the carboxylate oxygen atoms of Asp-96 - a residue which is known to reprotonate the schiff base at later stages of photocycle. Some of the structures were selected on the basis of suitable retinal orientation and the stability of these structures were tested by energy minimization studies. Further, the minimized structures are analyzed for the hydrogen bond interactions and retinal environment and the results are compared with those of the minimized rest state structure. The importance of functional groups in stabilizing the structure of bacteriorhodopsin and in participating dynamically during the photocycle have been discussed.


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Short range side chain-backbone hydrogen bonded motifs involving Asn and Gln residues have been identified from a data set of 1370 protein crystal structures (resolution = 1.5 angstrom). Hydrogen bonds involving residues i - 5 to i + 5 have been considered. Out of 12,901 Asn residues, 3403 residues (26.4%) participate in such interactions, while out of 10,934 Gln residues, 1780 Gln residues (16.3%) are involved in these motifs. Hydrogen bonded ring sizes (Cn, where n is the number of atoms involved), directionality and internal torsion angles are used to classify motifs. The occurrence of the various motifs in the contexts of protein structure is illustrated. Distinct differences are established between the nature of motifs formed by Asn and Gln residues. For Asn, the most highly populated motifs are the C10 (COdi .NHi + 2), C13 (COdi .NHi + 3) and C17 (NdHi .COi - 4) structures. In contrast, Gln predominantly forms C16 (COei .NHi - 3), C12 (NeHi .COi - 2), C15 (NeHi .COi - 3) and C18 (NeHi .COi - 4) motifs, with only the C18motif being analogous to the Asn C17structure. Specific conformational types are established for the Asn containing motifs, which mimic backbone beta-turns and a-turns. Histidine residues are shown to serve as a mimic for Asn residues in side chain-backbone hydrogen bonded ring motifs. Illustrative examples from protein structures are considered. Proteins 2012; (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Convergence of the vast sequence space of proteins into a highly restricted fold/conformational space suggests a simple yet unique underlying mechanism of protein folding that has been the subject of much debate in the last several decades. One of the major challenges related to the understanding of protein folding or in silico protein structure prediction is the discrimination of non-native structures/decoys from the native structure. Applications of knowledge-based potentials to attain this goal have been extensively reported in the literature. Also, scoring functions based on accessible surface area and amino acid neighbourhood considerations were used in discriminating the decoys from native structures. In this article, we have explored the potential of protein structure network (PSN) parameters to validate the native proteins against a large number of decoy structures generated by diverse methods. We are guided by two principles: (a) the PSNs capture the local properties from a global perspective and (b) inclusion of non-covalent interactions, at all-atom level, including the side-chain atoms, in the network construction accommodates the sequence dependent features. Several network parameters such as the size of the largest cluster, community size, clustering coefficient are evaluated and scored on the basis of the rank of the native structures and the Z-scores. The network analysis of decoy structures highlights the importance of the global properties contributing to the uniqueness of native structures. The analysis also exhibits that the network parameters can be used as metrics to identify the native structures and filter out non-native structures/decoys in a large number of data-sets; thus also has a potential to be used in the protein `structure prediction' problem.


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The goal of optimization in vehicle design is often blurred by the myriads of requirements belonging to attributes that may not be quite related. If solutions are sought by optimizing attribute performance-related objectives separately starting with a common baseline design configuration as in a traditional design environment, it becomes an arduous task to integrate the potentially conflicting solutions into one satisfactory design. It may be thus more desirable to carry out a combined multi-disciplinary design optimization (MDO) with vehicle weight as an objective function and cross-functional attribute performance targets as constraints. For the particular case of vehicle body structure design, the initial design is likely to be arrived at taking into account styling, packaging and market-driven requirements. The problem with performing a combined cross-functional optimization is the time associated with running such CAE algorithms that can provide a single optimal solution for heterogeneous areas such as NVH and crash safety. In the present paper, a practical MDO methodology is suggested that can be applied to weight optimization of automotive body structures by specifying constraints on frequency and crash performance. Because of the reduced number of cases to be analyzed for crash safety in comparison with other MDO approaches, the present methodology can generate a single size-optimized solution without having to take recourse to empirical techniques such as response surface-based prediction of crash performance and associated successive response surface updating for convergence. An example of weight optimization of spaceframe-based BIW of an aluminum-intensive vehicle is given to illustrate the steps involved in the current optimization process.


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Model free simulations are performed to study the effect of the presence of side wall in compressible mixing of two parallel dissimilar gaseous streams with significant temperature difference. The turbulence statistics shows the three dimensional nature of the flow with and without the presence of side walls. The presence of side wall neither makes the flow field two dimensional, nor suppresses three dimensional disturbances. However, the comparison of shear layer growth rate and wall pressures reveal a better match with the two dimensional simulation results. This better match is explained on the basis of formation of oblique structures due to the presence of side walls which also suppress the distribution of momentum in third direction making the pressures to be higher as compared with the case without side walls. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A wobble instability is one of the major problems of a three-wheeled vehicle commonly used in India, and these instabilities are of great interest to industry and academia. In this paper, we studied this instability using a multi-body dynamic model and with experiments conducted on a prototype three-wheeled vehicle on a test track. The multi-body dynamic model of a three-wheeled vehicle is developed using the commercial software ADAMS/Car. In an initial model, all components including main structures such as the frame, the steering column and the rear forks are assumed to be rigid bodies. A linear eigenvalue analysis, which is carried out at different speeds, reveals a mode that has predominantly a steering oscillation, also called a wobble mode, with a frequency of around 5-6Hz. The analysis results shows that the damping of this mode is low but positive up to the maximum speed of the three-wheeled vehicle. However, the experimental study shows that the mode is unstable at speeds below 8.33m/s. To predict and study this instability in detail, a more refined model of the three-wheeled vehicle, with flexibilities of three important bodies, was constructed in ADAMS/Car. With flexible bodies, three modes of a steering oscillation were observed. Two of these are well damped and the other is lightly damped with negative damping at lower speeds. Simulation results with flexibility incorporated show a good match with the instability observed in the experimental studies. Further, we investigated the effect of each flexible body and found that the flexibility of the steering column is the major contributor for wobble instability and is similar to the wheel shimmy problem in aircraft.


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n this paper, three-axis autopilot of a tactical flight vehicle has been designed for surface to air application. Both nonlinear and linear design synthesis and analysis have been carried out pertaining to present flight vehicle. Lateral autopilot performance has been compared by tracking lateral acceleration components along yaw and pitch plane at higher angles of attack in presence of side force and aerodynamic nonlinearity. The nonlinear lateral autopilot design is based on dynamic inversion and time scale separation principle. The linear lateral autopilot design is based on three-loop topology. Roll autopilot robustness performance has been enhanced against unmodeled roll disturbances by backstepping technique. Complete performance comparison results of both nonlinear and linear controller based on six degrees of freedom simulation along with stability and robustness studies with respect to plant parameter variation have been discussed in the paper.


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Background: DNA-binding protein from starved cells (Dps) are nano-compartments that can oxidize and store iron rendering protection from free radicals. Results: A histidine-aspartate ionic cluster in mycobaterial Dps2 modulates the rate of iron entry and exit in these proteins. Conclusion: Substitutions that disrupt the cluster interface alter the iron uptake/release properties with localized structural changes. Significance: Identifying important gating residues can help in designing nano-delivery vehicles. Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) are dodecameric assemblies belonging to the ferritin family that can bind DNA, carry out ferroxidation, and store iron in their shells. The ferritin-like trimeric pore harbors the channel for the entry and exit of iron. By representing the structure of Dps as a network we have identified a charge-driven interface formed by a histidine aspartate cluster at the pore interface unique to Mycobacterium smegmatis Dps protein, MsDps2. Site-directed mutagenesis was employed to generate mutants to disrupt the charged interactions. Kinetics of iron uptake/release of the wild type and mutants were compared. Crystal structures were solved at a resolution of 1.8-2.2 for the various mutants to compare structural alterations vis a vis the wild type protein. The substitutions at the pore interface resulted in alterations in the side chain conformations leading to an overall weakening of the interface network, especially in cases of substitutions that alter the charge at the pore interface. Contrary to earlier findings where conserved aspartate residues were found crucial for iron release, we propose here that in the case of MsDps2, it is the interplay of negative-positive potentials at the pore that enables proper functioning of the protein. In similar studies in ferritins, negative and positive patches near the iron exit pore were found to be important in iron uptake/release kinetics. The unique ionic cluster in MsDps2 makes it a suitable candidate to act as nano-delivery vehicle, as these gated pores can be manipulated to exhibit conformations allowing for slow or fast rates of iron release.


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Folding into compact globular structures, with well-defined modules of secondary structure, appears to be a characteristic of long polypeptide chains, with a specific patterning of coded amino acid residues along the length of sequence. Cooperative hydrogen bond driven secondary structure formation and solvent forces, which contribute favorably to the entropy of folding, by promoting compaction of the polymeric chain, have long been discussed as major determinants of the folding process. First principles design approaches, which use non-coded amino acids, employ an alternative structure directing strategy, by using amino acid residues which exhibit a strong conformational bias for specific regions of the Ramachandran map. This overview of ongoing studies in the authors' laboratory, attempts to explore the use of conformationally restricted amino acid residues in the design of peptides with well-defined secondary structures. Short peptides composed of 20 genetically coded amino acids usually exist in solution as an ensemble of equilibrating conformations. Apolar peptide sequences, which are readily soluble in organic solvents like chloroform and methanol, facilitate formation of structures which are predominately driven by intramolecular hydrogen bond formation. The choice of sequences containing residues with a limited range of conformational choices strongly favors formation of local turn structures, stabilized by short range intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Two residue beta-turns can nucleate either helical or hairpin folding, depending on the precise conformation of the turn segment Restriction of the conformational space available to amino acid residues is easily achieved by introduction of an additional alkyl group at the C alpha carbon atom or by side chain backbone cyclization, as in proline. Studies of synthetic sequences incorporating two prototype residues alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) and D-proline (DPro) illustrate the utility of the strategy in construction of helices and hairpins. Extensions to the design of conformationally switchable sequences and structurally defined hybrid peptides containing backbone homologated residues are also surveyed.


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The Ramachandran map clearly delineates the regions of accessible conformational (phi-) space for amino acid residues in proteins. Experimental distributions of phi, values in high-resolution protein structures, reveal sparsely populated zones within fully allowed regions and distinct clusters in apparently disallowed regions. Conformational space has been divided into 14 distinct bins. Residues adopting these relatively rare conformations are presented and amino acid propensities for these regions are estimated. Inspection of specific examples in a completely arid, fully allowed region in the top left quadrant establishes that side-chain and backbone interactions may provide the energetic compensation necessary for populating this region of phi- space. Asn, Asp, and His residues showed the highest propensities in this region. The two distinct clusters in the bottom right quadrant which are formally disallowed on strict steric considerations correspond to the gamma turn (C7 axial) conformation (Bin 12) and the i + 1 position of Type II turns (Bin 13). Of the 516 non-Gly residues in Bin 13, 384 occupied the i + 1 position of Type II turns. Further examination of these turn segments revealed a high propensity to occur at the N-terminus of helices and as a tight turn in hairpins. The strand-helix motif with the Type II turn as a connecting element was also found in as many as 57 examples. Proteins 2014; 82:1101-1112. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Network theory has become an excellent method of choice through which biological data are smoothly integrated to gain insights into complex biological problems. Understanding protein structure, folding, and function has been an important problem, which is being extensively investigated by the network approach. Since the sequence uniquely determines the structure, this review focuses on the networks of non-covalently connected amino acid side chains in proteins. Questions in structural biology are addressed within the framework of such a formalism. While general applications are mentioned in this review, challenging problems which have demanded the attention of scientific community for a long time, such as allostery and protein folding, are considered in greater detail. Our aim has been to explore these important problems through the eyes of networks. Various methods of constructing protein structure networks (PSN) are consolidated. They include the methods based on geometry, edges weighted by different schemes, and also bipartite network of protein-nucleic acid complexes. A number of network metrics that elegantly capture the general features as well as specific features related to phenomena, such as allostery and protein model validation, are described. Additionally, an integration of network theory with ensembles of equilibrium structures of a single protein or that of a large number of structures from the data bank has been presented to perceive complex phenomena from network perspective. Finally, we discuss briefly the capabilities, limitations, and the scope for further explorations of protein structure networks.