50 resultados para Units of analysis


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Trypsin-treated rat brain myelin was subjected to biochemical and X-ray studies. Untreated myelin gave rise to a pattern of three rings with a fundamental repeat period of 155 Angstrom consisting of two bilayers per repeat period, whereas myelin treated with trypsin showed a fundamental repeat period of 75 Angstrom with one bilayer per repeat period. The integrated raw intensity of the h=4 reflection with respect to the h=2 reflection is 0.38 for untreated myelin. The corresponding value reduced to 0.23, 0.18, 0.17 for myelin treated with 5, 10, 40 units of trypsin per mg of myelin, respectively, for 30 min at 30 degrees C. The decrease in relative raw intensity of the higher-order reflection relative to the lower-order reflection is suggestive of a disordering of the phosphate groups upon trypsin treatment or an increased mosaicity of the membrane or a combination of both these effects, However, trypsin treatment does not lead to a complete breakdown of the membrane, The integrated intensity of the h=1 reflection, though weak, is above the measurable threshold for untreated myelin, whereas the corresponding intensity is below the measurable threshold for trypsin-treated myelin, indicating a possible asymmetric to symmetric transition of the myelin bilayer structure about its centre after trypsin treatment.


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Jacalin and artocarpin, the two lectins from jackfruit (Artocarpus integrifolia) seeds, have different physicochemical properties and carbohydrate-binding specificities. However, comparison of the partial amino-acid sequence of artocarpin with the known sequence of jacalin indicates close to 50% sequence identity. Artocarpin crystallizes in two forms, both monoclinic P2(1), with one and two tetramic molecules, respectively, in the asymmetric units of form I (a = 69.9, b = 73.7, c = 60.6 Angstrom and beta = 95.1 degrees) and form II (a = 87.6, b = 72.2, c = 92.6 Angstrom and beta = 101.1 degrees). Both the crystal structures have been solved by the molecular replacement method using the known structure of jacalin as the search model and ope of them partially refined, confirming that the two lectins are indeed homologous.


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The previously reported beta values of BR and retinal based chromophores were very high but subsequent measurements found them to be much less. We have found that the beta values of these compounds do not vary so much with experimental conditions as with the method of analysis. Hyper-Rayleigh scattering measurements at 1543 and 1907 nm produce more realistic beta values close to the intrinsic (static) hyperpolarizability, beta(0) which for BR is still very high (275 x 10 (30) esu). The optical nonlinearity of BR arises entirely due to the protonated retinal Schiff Base (PRSB) which in its isolated form has the same intrinsic hyperpolarizability as that of the rotein.


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An improved higher order transverse shear deformation theory is employed to arrive at modified constitutive relations which can be used in the flexural, buckling and vibration analysis of laminated plates and shells. The strain energy for such systems is then expressed in terms of the displacements and the rotations for ready reference and use. Numerical values of vibration frequencies are obtained using this formulation employing Ritz's method of analysis. The results are compared with those available in the literature to validate the analysis presented.


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The six independent elastic constants of sodium nitrate are determined using 10 MHz ultrasonic pulse echo superposition technique over the temperature interval 77 to 300 K. The values obtained at 300 K are C11 = 5.71, C12 = 2.16, C33 = 3.3, C13 = 1.66, C44 = 1.24, C14 = 0.82, and at 77 K C11 = 6.63, C12 = 2.07, C33 = 3.99, C13 = 1.67, C44 = 1.69, C14 = 1.16 all expressed in units of 1011 dyn/cm2.


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The Stockmayer-Fixman relation was used to evaluate the short range and long range interaction parameters for methyl methacrylate/acrylonitrile copolymers of 0,566 and 0,657 mole fraction of monomeric units of acrylonitrile in the solvents acetonitrile, 2-butanone, dimethyl formamide, and y-butyrolactone, at different temperatures (30, 45, and 60 “C). The values of KO were found to be lower than those of the parent homopolymers, and their values depend on both solvent and temperature. Even negative Ko-values were obtained, in cases in which the Mark Houwink exponent a is nearly unity. The values of the polymer-solvent interaction parameter, x, , are high and close to 0,5, indicating that these solvents are not good. The values of the excess interaction parameter, xAB, are negative and are not affected by temperature. The large extension of these copolymer chains, as exhibited by a and a;-values, can be understood in terms of unusual short range interactions only. Similar results were obtained for some cellulose derivatives.


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This paper deals with an approximate method of analysis of non-linear, non-conservative systems of two degrees of freedom. The approximate equations for amplitude and phase are obtained by a generalized averaging technique based on the ultraspherical polynomial approximation. The method is illustrated by an example of a spring-mass-damper system.


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In this paper the response of a gyrostabilized platform subjected to a transient torque has been analyzed by deliberately introducing non-linearity into the command of the servomotor. The resulting third-order non-linear differential equation has been solved by using a transformation technique involving the displacement variable. The condition under which platform oscillations may grow with time or die with time are important from the point of view of platform stabilization. The effect of deliberate addition of non-linearity with a view to achieving the ideal response—that is, to bring the platform back to its equilibrium position with as few oscillations as possible—has been investigated. The conditions under which instability may set in on account of the small transient input and small non-linearity has also been discussed. The analysis is illustrated by means of a numerical example. The results of analysis are compared with numerical solutions obtained on a digital computer.


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The deviation in the performance of active networks due to practical operational amplifiers (OA) is mainly because of the finite gain bandwidth productBand nonzero output resistanceR_0. The effect ofBandR_0on two OA impedances and single and multi-OA filters are discussed. In filters, the effect ofR_0is to add zeros to the transfer function often making it nonminimum phase. A simple method of analysis has been suggested for 3-OA biquad and coupled biquad circuits. A general method of noise minimization of the generalized impedance converter (GIC), while operating OA's within the prescribed voltage and current limits, is also discussed. The 3-OA biquadratic sections analyzed also exhibit noise behavior and signal handling capacity similar to the GIC. The GIC based structures are found to be better than other configurations both in biquadratic sections and direct realizations of higher order transfer functions.


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The conformation, organization, and phase transitions of alkyl chains in organic-inorganic hybrids based on the double pervoskite-slab lead iodides, (CH3NH3)(CH3(CH2)(n)NH3)(2)Pb2I7 (n = 11, 13, 15, 17) have been investigated by X-ray diffraction, calorimetry, and infrared vibrational spectroscopy. In these hybrid solids, double pervoskite (CH3NH3)Pb2I7 slabs are interleaved with alkyl ammonium chains with the anchored alkyl chains arranged as tilted bilayers and adopting a planar all-trans conformation at room temperature. The (CH3NH3)(CH3(CH2)(n)NH3)(2)Pb2I7 compounds exhibit a single reversible phase transition above room temperature with the associated enthalpy change varying linearly with alkyl chain length. This transition corresponds to the melting in two-dimensions of the alkyl chains of the anchored bilayer and is characterized by increased conformational disorder of the methylene units of the chain and loss of tilt angle coherence leading to an increase in the interslab spacing. By monitoring features in the infrared spectra that are characteristic of the global conformation of the alkyl chains, a quantitative relation between conformational disorder and melting of the anchored bilayer is established. It is found that, irrespective of the alkyl chain length, melting occurs when at least 60% of the chains in the anchored bilayer of (CH3NH3)(CH3(CH2)(n)NH3)(2)Pb2I7 have one or more gauche defects. This concentration is determined by the underlying lattice to which the alkyl chains are anchored.


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In this paper, we exploit the idea of decomposition to match buyers and sellers in an electronic exchange for trading large volumes of homogeneous goods, where the buyers and sellers specify marginal-decreasing piecewise constant price curves to capture volume discounts. Such exchanges are relevant for automated trading in many e-business applications. The problem of determining winners and Vickrey prices in such exchanges is known to have a worst-case complexity equal to that of as many as (1 + m + n) NP-hard problems, where m is the number of buyers and n is the number of sellers. Our method proposes the overall exchange problem to be solved as two separate and simpler problems: 1) forward auction and 2) reverse auction, which turns out to be generalized knapsack problems. In the proposed approach, we first determine the quantity of units to be traded between the sellers and the buyers using fast heuristics developed by us. Next, we solve a forward auction and a reverse auction using fully polynomial time approximation schemes available in the literature. The proposed approach has worst-case polynomial time complexity. and our experimentation shows that the approach produces good quality solutions to the problem. Note to Practitioners- In recent times, electronic marketplaces have provided an efficient way for businesses and consumers to trade goods and services. The use of innovative mechanisms and algorithms has made it possible to improve the efficiency of electronic marketplaces by enabling optimization of revenues for the marketplace and of utilities for the buyers and sellers. In this paper, we look at single-item, multiunit electronic exchanges. These are electronic marketplaces where buyers submit bids and sellers ask for multiple units of a single item. We allow buyers and sellers to specify volume discounts using suitable functions. Such exchanges are relevant for high-volume business-to-business trading of standard products, such as silicon wafers, very large-scale integrated chips, desktops, telecommunications equipment, commoditized goods, etc. The problem of determining winners and prices in such exchanges is known to involve solving many NP-hard problems. Our paper exploits the familiar idea of decomposition, uses certain algorithms from the literature, and develops two fast heuristics to solve the problem in a near optimal way in worst-case polynomial time.


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The constitutive model for a magnetostrictive material and its effect on the structural response is presented in this article. The example of magnetostrictive material considered is the TERFENOL-D. As like the piezoelectric material, this material has two constitutive laws, one of which is the sensing law and the other is the actuation law, both of which are highly coupled and non-linear. For the purpose of analysis, the constitutive laws can be characterized as coupled or uncoupled and linear or non linear. Coupled model is studied without assuming any explicit direct relationship with magnetic field. In the linear coupled model, which is assumed to preserve the magnetic flux line continuity, the elastic modulus, the permeability and magneto-elastic constant are assumed as constant. In the nonlinear-coupled model, the nonlinearity is decoupled and solved separately for the magnetic domain and the mechanical domain using two nonlinear curves, namely the stress vs. strain curve and the magnetic flux density vs. magnetic field curve. This is performed by two different methods. In the first, the magnetic flux density is computed iteratively, while in the second, the artificial neural network is used, where in the trained network will give the necessary strain and magnetic flux density for a given magnetic field and stress level. The effect of nonlinearity is demonstrated on a simple magnetostrictive rod.


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In the nursery pollination system of figs (Ficus, Moraceae), flower-bearing receptacles called syconia breed pollinating wasps and are units of both pollination and seed dispersal. Pollinators and mammalian seed dispersers are attracted to syconia by volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In monoecious figs, syconia produce both wasps and seeds, while in (gyno)dioecious figs, male (gall) fig trees produce wasps and female (seed) fig trees produce seeds. VOCs were collected using dynamic headspace adsorption methods on freshly collected figs from different trees using Super Q® collection traps. VOC profiles were determined using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS).The VOC profile of receptive and dispersal phase figs were clearly different only in the dioecious mammal-dispersed Ficus hispida but not in dioecious bird-dispersed F. exasperata and monoecious bird-dispersed F. tsjahela. The VOC profile of dispersal phase female figs was clearly different from that of male figs only in F. hispida but not in F. exasperata, as predicted from the phenology of syconium production which only in F. hispida overlaps between male and female trees. Greater difference in VOC profile in F. hispida might ensure preferential removal of seed figs by dispersal agents when gall figs are simultaneously available.The VOC profile of only mammal-dispersed female figs of F. hispida had high levels of fatty acid derivatives such as amyl-acetates and 2-heptanone, while monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and shikimic acid derivatives were predominant in the other syconial types. A bird- and mammal-repellent compound methyl anthranilate occurred only in gall figs of both dioecious species, as expected, since gall figs containing wasp pollinators should not be consumed by dispersal agents.


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It is well known that the numerical accuracy of a series solution to a boundary-value problem by the direct method depends on the technique of approximate satisfaction of the boundary conditions and on the stage of truncation of the series. On the other hand, it does not appear to be generally recognized that, when the boundary conditions can be described in alternative equivalent forms, the convergence of the solution is significantly affected by the actual form in which they are stated. The importance of the last aspect is studied for three different techniques of computing the deflections of simply supported regular polygonal plates under uniform pressure. It is also shown that it is sometimes possible to modify the technique of analysis to make the accuracy independent of the description of the boundary conditions.


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Using an iterative technique to obtain the exact solutions of the cubic Christoffel equation, the 21 elastic constants of copper sulphate pentahydrate have been determined at 25°C by the ultrasonic pulse echo method. The elastic constants, referred to the IRE recommended system of axes, are c11=5·65, c12=2·65, c13=3·21, c14=−0·33, c15=−0·08, c16=−0·39, c22=4·33, c23=3·47, c24=−0·07, c25=−0·21, c26=0·02, c33=5·69, c34=−0·44, c35=−0·21, c36=−0·16, c44=1·73, c45=0·09, c46=0·03, c55=1·22, c56=−0·26 and c66=1·00 in units of 1010 N m−2.