21 resultados para Transgenic beans


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A 30-d course of oral administration of a semipurified extract of the root of Withania somnifera consisting predominantly of withanolides and withanosides reversed behavioral deficits, plaque pathology, accumulation of beta-amyloid peptides (A beta) and oligomers in the brains of middle-aged and old APP/PS1 Alzheimer's disease transgenic mice. It was similarly effective in reversing behavioral deficits and plaque load in APPSwInd mice (line J20). The temporal sequence involved an increase in plasma A beta and a decrease in brain A beta monomer after 7 d, indicating increased transport of A beta from the brain to the periphery. Enhanced expression of low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) in brain microvessels and the A beta-degrading protease neprilysin (NEP) occurred 14-21 d after a substantial decrease in brain A beta levels. However, significant increase in liver LRP and NEP occurred much earlier, at 7 d, and were accompanied by a rise in plasma sLRP, a peripheral sink for brain A beta. In WT mice, the extract induced liver, but not brain, LRP and NEP and decreased plasma and brain A beta, indicating that increase in liver LRP and sLRP occurring independent of A beta concentration could result in clearance of A beta. Selective down-regulation of liver LRP, but not NEP, abrogated the therapeutic effects of the extract. The remarkable therapeutic effect of W. somnifera mediated through up-regulation of liver LRP indicates that targeting the periphery offers a unique mechanism for A beta clearance and reverses the behavioral deficits and pathology seen in Alzheimer's disease models.


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Large numbers of Plasmodium genes have been predicted to have introns. However, little information exists on the splicing mechanisms in this organism. Here, we describe the DExD/DExH-box containing Pre-mRNA processing proteins (Prps), PfPrp2p, PfPrp5p, PfPrp16p, PfPrp22p, PfPrp28p, PfPrp43p and PfBrr2p, present in the Plasmodium falciparum genome and characterized the role of one of these factors, PfPrp16p. It is a member of DEAH-box protein family with nine collinear sequence motifs, a characteristic of helicase proteins. Experiments with the recombinantly expressed and purified PfPrp16 helicase domain revealed binding to RNA, hydrolysis of ATP as well as catalytic helicase activities. Expression of helicase domain with the C-terminal helicase-associated domain (HA2) reduced these activities considerably, indicating that the helicase-associated domain may regulate the PfPrp16 function. Localization studies with the PfPrp16 GFP transgenic lines suggested a role of its N-terminal domain (1-80 amino acids) in nuclear targeting. Immunodepletion of PfPrp16p, from nuclear extracts of parasite cultures, blocked the second catalytic step of an in vitro constituted splicing reaction suggesting a role for PfPrp16p in splicing catalysis. Further we show by complementation assay in yeast that a chimeric yeast-Plasmodium Prp16 protein, not the full length PfPrp16, can rescue the yeast prp16 temperature-sensitive mutant. These results suggest that although the role of Prp16p in catalytic step II is highly conserved among Plasmodium, human and yeast, subtle differences exist with regards to its associated factors or its assembly with spliceosomes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Crystal structure analysis of a galactose-specific lectin from a leguminous food crop Dolichos lablab (Indian lablab beans) has been carried out to obtain insights into its quaternary association and lectin-carbohydrate interactions. The analysis led to the identification of adenine binding sites at the dimeric interfaces of the heterotetrameric lectin. Structural details of similar adenine binding were reported in only one legume lectin, Dolichos biflorus, before this study. Here, we present the structure of the galactose-binding D. lablab lectin at different pH values in the native form and in complex with galactose and adenine. This first structure report on this lectin also provides a high resolution atomic view of legume lectin-adenine interactions. The tetramer has two canonical and two DB58-like interfaces. The binding of adenine, a non-carbohydrate ligand, is found to occur at four hydrophobic sites at the core of the tetramer at the DB58-like dimeric interfaces and does not interfere with the carbohydrate-binding site. To support the crystallographic observations, the adenine binding was further quantified by carrying out isothermal calorimetric titration. By this method, we not only estimated the affinity of the lectin to adenine but also showed that adenine binds with negative cooperativity in solution.


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Converging evidence from transgenic animal models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and human studies suggest alterations in excitability of the motor neurons in ALS. Specifically, in studies on human subjects with ALS the motor cortex was reported to be hyperexcitable. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that infusion of cerebrospinal fluid from patients with sporadic ALS (ALS-CSF) into the rat brain ventricle can induce hyperexcitability and structural changes in the motor cortex leading to motor dysfunction. A robust model of sporadic ALS was developed experimentally by infusing ALS-CSF into the rat ventricle. The effects of ALS-CSF at the single neuron level were examined by recording extracellular single unit activity from the motor cortex while rats were performing a reach to grasp task. We observed an increase in the firing rate of the neurons of the motor cortex in rats infused with ALS-CSF compared to control groups. This was associated with impairment in a specific component of reach with alterations in the morphological characteristics of the motor cortex. It is likely that the increased cortical excitability observed in the present study could be the result of changes in the intrinsic properties of motor cortical neurons, a dysfunctional inhibitory mechanism and/or an underlying structural change culminating in a behavioral deficit.


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Roles for the transcription factor RFL in rice axillary meristem development were studied. Its regulatory effects on LAX1, CUC1, and OsPIN3 reveal its functions in axillary meristem specification and outgrowth.Axillary meristems (AMs) are secondary shoot meristems whose outgrowth determines plant architecture. In rice, AMs form tillers, and tillering mutants reveal an interplay between transcription factors and the phytohormones auxin and strigolactone as some factors that underpin this developmental process. Previous studies showed that knockdown of the transcription factor gene RFL reduced tillering and caused a very large decrease in panicle branching. Here, the relationship between RFL, AM initiation, and outgrowth was examined. We show that RFL promotes AM specification through its effects on LAX1 and CUC genes, as their expression was modulated on RFL knockdown, on induction of RFL:GR fusion protein, and by a repressive RFL-EAR fusion protein. Further, we report reduced expression of auxin transporter genes OsPIN1 and OsPIN3 in the culm of RFL knockdown transgenic plants. Additionally, subtle change in the spatial pattern of IR4 DR5:GFP auxin reporter was observed, which hints at compromised auxin transport on RFL knockdown. The relationship between RFL, strigolactone signalling, and bud outgrowth was studied by transcript analyses and by the tillering phenotype of transgenic plants knocked down for both RFL and D3. These data suggest indirect RFL-strigolactone links that may affect tillering. Further, we show expression modulation of the auxin transporter gene OsPIN3 upon RFL:GR protein induction and by the repressive RFL-EAR protein. These modified forms of RFL had only indirect effects on OsPIN1. Together, we have found that RFL regulates the LAX1 and CUC genes during AM specification, and positively influences the outgrowth of AMs though its effects on auxin transport.


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Lateral appendages often show allometric growth with a specific growth polarity along the proximo-distal axis. Studies on leaf growth in model plants have identified a basipetal growth direction with the highest growth rate at the proximal end and progressively lower rates toward the distal end. Although the molecular mechanisms governing such a growth pattern have been studied recently, variation in leaf growth polarity and, therefore, its evolutionary origin remain unknown. By surveying 75 eudicot species, here we report that leaf growth polarity is divergent. Leaf growth in the proximo-distal axis is polar, with more growth arising from either the proximal or the distal end; dispersed with no apparent polarity; or bidirectional, with more growth contributed by the central region and less growth at either end. We further demonstrate that the expression gradient of the miR396-GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR module strongly correlates with the polarity of leaf growth. Altering the endogenous pattern of miR396 expression in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana leaves only partially modified the spatial pattern of cell expansion, suggesting that the diverse growth polarities might have evolved via concerted changes in multiple gene regulatory networks.