24 resultados para Szymanowski, Józef, 1748-1801.


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Phenoloxidases are oxidative enzymes, which play an important role in both cell mediated and humoral immunity. Purification and biochemical characterization of prophenoloxidase from cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) were carried out to study its biochemical properties. Prophenoloxidase consists of a single polypeptide chain with a relative molecular weight of 85 kDa as determined by SDSPAGE, MALDITOF MS and LCESI MS. After the final step, the enzyme showed 71.7 fold of purification with a recovery of 49.2%. Purified prophenoloxidase showed high specific activity and homology with phenoloxidase subunit-1 of Bombyx mori and the conserved regions of copper binding (B) site of phenoloxidase. Purified prophenoloxidase has pH optima of 6.8 and has high catalytic efficiency towards the dopamine as a substrate in comparison to catechol and L-Dopa. The PO activity was strongly inhibited by phenylthiourea, thiourea, dithiothreitol and kojic acid.


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Background: The number of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) has increased rapidly in the past couple of years, resulting in the identification of genes associated with different diseases. The next step in translating these findings into biomedically useful information is to find out the mechanism of the action of these genes. However, GWAS studies often implicate genes whose functions are currently unknown; for example, MYEOV, ANKLE1, TMEM45B and ORAOV1 are found to be associated with breast cancer, but their molecular function is unknown. Results: We carried out Bayesian inference of Gene Ontology (GO) term annotations of genes by employing the directed acyclic graph structure of GO and the network of protein-protein interactions (PPIs). The approach is designed based on the fact that two proteins that interact biophysically would be in physical proximity of each other, would possess complementary molecular function, and play role in related biological processes. Predicted GO terms were ranked according to their relative association scores and the approach was evaluated quantitatively by plotting the precision versus recall values and F-scores (the harmonic mean of precision and recall) versus varying thresholds. Precisions of similar to 58% and similar to 40% for localization and functions respectively of proteins were determined at a threshold of similar to 30 (top 30 GO terms in the ranked list). Comparison with function prediction based on semantic similarity among nodes in an ontology and incorporation of those similarities in a k nearest neighbor classifier confirmed that our results compared favorably. Conclusions: This approach was applied to predict the cellular component and molecular function GO terms of all human proteins that have interacting partners possessing at least one known GO annotation. The list of predictions is available at http://severus.dbmi.pitt.edu/engo/GOPRED.html. We present the algorithm, evaluations and the results of the computational predictions, especially for genes identified in GWAS studies to be associated with diseases, which are of translational interest.


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Understanding the changing nature of the intraseasonal oscillatory (ISO) modes of Indian summer monsoon manifested by active and break phase, and their association with extreme rainfall events are necessary for probabilistic estimation of flood-related risks in a warming climate. Here, using ground-based observed rainfall, we define an index to measure the strength of monsoon ISOs and show that the relative strength of the northward-propagating low-frequency ISO (20-60 days) modes have had a significant decreasing trend during the past six decades, possibly attributed to the weakening of large-scale circulation in the region during monsoon season. This reduction is compensated by a gain in synoptic-scale (3-9 days) variability. The decrease in low-frequency ISO variability is associated with a significant decreasing trend in the percentage of extreme events during the active phase of the monsoon. However, this decrease is balanced by significant increasing trends in the percentage of extreme events in the break and transition phases. We also find a significant rise in the occurrence of extremes during early and late monsoon months, mainly over eastern coastal regions. Our study highlights the redistribution of rainfall intensity among periodic (low-frequency) and non-periodic (extreme) modes in a changing climate scenario.


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Rivers of the world discharge about 36000 km 3 of freshwater into the ocean every year. To investigate the impact of river discharge on climate, we have carried out two 100 year simulations using the Community Climate System Model (CCSM3), one including the river runoff into the ocean and the other excluding it. When the river discharge is shut off, global average sea surface temperature (SST) rises by about 0.5 degrees C and the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) increases by about 10% of the seasonal total with large increase in the eastern Bay of Bengal and along the west coast of India. In addition, the frequency of occurrence of La Nina-like cooling events in the equatorial Pacific increases and the correlation between ISMR and Pacific SST anomalies become stronger. The teleconnection between the SST anomalies in the Pacific and monsoon is effected via upper tropospheric meridional temperature gradient and the North African-Asian Jet axis.


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Rechargeable lithium-ion battery remains the leading electrochemical energy-storage device, albeit demanding steady effort of design and development of superior cathode materials. Polyanionic framework compounds are widely explored in search for such cathode contenders. Here, lithium metal borate (LiMBO3) forms a unique class of insertion materials having the lowest weight polyanion (i. e., BO33-), thus offering the highest possible theoretical capacity (ca. 220 mAh/g). Since the first report in 2001, LiMBO3 has rather slow progress in comparison to other polyanionic cathode systems based on PO4, SO4, and SiO4. The current review gives a sneak peak to the progress on LiMBO3 cathode systems in the last 15 years highlighting their salient features and impediments in cathode implementation. The synthesis and structural aspects of borate family are described along with the critical analysis of the electrochemical performance of borate family of insertion materials.


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Oxidative stress due to excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen or nitrogen species in the brain as seen in certain neurodegenerative diseases can have deleterious effects on neurons. Hydrogen peroxide, endogenously generated in neurons under normal physiological conditions, can produce an excess of hydroxyl radical via a Fenton mediated mechanism. This may induce acute oxidative injury if not scavenged or removed effectively by antioxidants. There are several biochemical assay methods to estimate oxidative injury in cells; however, they do not provide information on the biochemical changes as the cells get damaged progressively under oxidative stress. Raman microspectroscopy offers the possibility of real time monitoring of the chemical composition of live cells undergoing oxidative stress under physiological conditions. In the present study, a hippocampal neuron coculture was used to observe the acute impact of hydroxyl radicals generated by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of Fe2+ (Fenton reaction). Raman peaks related to nucleic acids (725, 782, 1092, 1320, 1340, 1420, and 1576 cm(-1)) showed time-dependent changes over the experimental period (60 mm), indicating the breakdown of the phosphodiester backbone as well as nuclear bases. Interestingly, ascorbic acid (a potent antioxidant) when cotreated with Fenton reactants showed protection of cells as inferred from the Raman spectra, presumably by scavenging hydroxyl radicals. Little or no change in the Raman spectra was observed for untreated control cells and for cells exposed to Fe2+ only, H2O2 only, and ascorbate only. A live dead assay study also supported the current observations. Hence, Raman microspectroscopy has the potential to be an excellent noninvasive tool for early detection of oxidative stress that is seen in neurodegenerative diseases.


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Since the dawn of civilization, natural resources have remained the mainstay of various remedial approaches of humans vis-a-vis a large number of illnesses. Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Wilde (Saraca indica L.) belonging to the family Caesalpiniaceae has been regarded as a universal panacea in old Indian Ayurvedic texts and has especially been used to manage gynaecological complications and infections besides treating haemmorhagic dysentery, uterine pain, bacterial infections, skin problems, tumours, worm infestations, cardiac and circulatory problems. Almost all parts of the plant are considered pharmacologically valuable. Extensive folkloric practices and ethnobotanical applications of this plant have even lead to the availability of several commercial S. asoca formulations recommended for different indications though adulteration of these remains a pressing concern. Though a wealth of knowledge on this plant is available in both the classical and modern literature, extensive research on its phytomedicinal worth using state-of-the-art tools and methodologies is lacking. Recent reports on bioprospecting of S. asoca endophytic fungi for industrial bioproducts and useful pharmacologically relevant metabolites provide a silver lining to uncover single molecular bio-effectors from its endophytes. Here, we describe socio-ethnobotanical usage, present the current pharmacological status and discuss potential bottlenecks in harnessing the proclaimed phytomedicinal worth of this prescribed Ayurvedic medicinal plant. Finally, we also look into the possible future of the drug discovery and pharmaceutical R&D efforts directed at exploring its pharma legacy.


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The inverted pendulum is a popular model for describing bipedal dynamic walking. The operating point of the walker can be specified by the combination of initial mid-stance velocity (v(0)) and step angle (phi(m)) chosen for a given walk. In this paper, using basic mechanics, a framework of physical constraints that limit the choice of operating points is proposed. The constraint lines thus obtained delimit the allowable region of operation of the walker in the v(0)-phi(m) plane. A given average forward velocity v(x,) (avg) can be achieved by several combinations of v(0) and phi(m). Only one of these combinations results in the minimum mechanical power consumption and can be considered the optimum operating point for the given v(x, avg). This paper proposes a method for obtaining this optimal operating point based on tangency of the power and velocity contours. Putting together all such operating points for various v(x, avg,) a family of optimum operating points, called the optimal locus, is obtained. For the energy loss and internal energy models chosen, the optimal locus obtained has a largely constant step angle with increasing speed but tapers off at non-dimensional speeds close to unity.


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Interannual variation of Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) is linked to El Nino-Southern oscillation (ENSO) as well as the Equatorial Indian Ocean oscillation (EQUINOO) with the link with the seasonal value of the ENSO index being stronger than that with the EQUINOO index. We show that the variation of a composite index determined through bivariate analysis, explains 54% of ISMR variance, suggesting a strong dependence of the skill of monsoon prediction on the skill of prediction of ENSO and EQUINOO. We explored the possibility of prediction of the Indian rainfall during the summer monsoon season on the basis of prior values of the indices. We find that such predictions are possible for July-September rainfall on the basis of June indices and for August-September rainfall based on the July indices. This will be a useful input for second and later stage forecasts made after the commencement of the monsoon season.