45 resultados para Study of multiple cases


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We study power dissipation for systems of multiple quantum wires meeting at a junction, in terms of a current splitting matrix (M) describing the junction. We present a unified framework for studying dissipation for wires with either interacting electrons (i.e., Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid wires with Fermi-liquid leads) or noninteracting electrons. We show that for a given matrix M, the eigenvalues of (MM)-M-T characterize the dissipation, and the eigenvectors identify the combinations of bias voltages which need to be applied to the different wires in order to maximize the dissipation associated with the junction. We use our analysis to propose and study some microscopic models of a dissipative junction which employ the edge states of a quantum Hall liquid. These models realize some specific forms of the M matrix whose entries depends on the tunneling amplitudes between the different edges.


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The correlation between structure and oxygen content in the LaBa2Cu3O7+δ was investigated by neutron powder diffraction. It is shown that the structure is orthorhombic (Pmmm) when δ = −0.04 and tetragonal (P4/mmm) when δ = −0.06. Such a change in structure accompanying a very small variation in oxygen stoichiometry is remarkable. In the orthorhombic structure of the δ = −0.04 sample, there is 70% oxygen occupancy for the linear chain site Image and 34% for the Image site. The La sites have 13.6% Ba when δ = −0.04 and 11.2% Ba when δ = −0.06; the Ba sites have 10% La in both cases.


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Two isomeric, acyclic tetrapeptides containing a Z-dehydrophenylalanine residue (Δz-Phe) at position 2 or 3, Boc-Leu-Ala-Δz-Phe-Leu-OMe (1) and Boc-Leu-Δz-Phe-Ala-Leu-OMe (2), have been synthesized and their solution conformations investigated by 270MHz 1H n.m.r. spectroscopy. In peptide 1 the Leu(4) NH group appears to be partially shielded from solvent, while in peptide 2 both Ala(3) and Leu(4) NH groups show limited solvent accessibility. Extensive difference nuclear Overhauser effect (n.O.e.) studies establish the occurrence of several diagnostic inter-residue n.O.e.s (CαjH ⇆ Ni+1H and NiH ⇆ Ni+1H) between backbone protons. The simultaneous observation of “mutually exclusive” n.O.e.s suggests the presence of multiple solution conformations for both peptides. In peptide 1 the n.O.e. data are consistent with a dynamic equilibrium between an -Ala-Δz-Phe- Type II β-turn structure and a second species with Δz-Phe adopting a partially extended conformation with Ψ values of ± 100° to ± 150°. In peptide 2 the results are compatible with an equilibrium between a highly folded consecutive β-turn structure for the -Leu-Δz-Phe-Ala- segment and an almost completely extended conformation.


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MNDO geometry optimizations were carried out on a series of symmetrically and unsymmetrically coupled strained ring hydrocarbons, R1-R1 and R1–R2 (R1=methyl, cyclopropyl, 1-bicyclo[1.1.0]butyl, 1-bicyclo[1.1.1]pentyl, prismyl, cubyl, 6-tricyclo [,6]heptyl, and tetrahedryl groups; R2=methyl and cyclopropyl). The remarkable contraction of the C---C bond connecting the strained rings found experimentally in a few cases was reproduced correctly by the calculations. A linear correlation was found between the bond length shortening and the bond angle widening at the corresponding carbon atoms for all the structures considered. The reduction in C---C bond lengths due to various ring systems is additive. The additivity indicates that inter-ring interactions which effect the central bond length are absent and confirms the common electronic origin of bond contraction in these systems, viz. enhanced s-character in the exocyclic bonds of strained rings.


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The present article deals with the development of a finite element modelling approach for the prediction of residual velocities of hard core ogival-nose projectiles following normal impact on mild steel target plates causing perforation. The impact velocities for the cases analysed are in the range 818–866.3 m/s. Assessment of finite element modelling and analysis includes a comprehensive mesh convergence study using shell elements for representing target plates and solid elements for jacketed projectiles with a copper sheath and a rigid core. Dynamic analyses were carried out with the explicit contact-impact LS-DYNA 970 solver. It has been shown that proper choice of element size and strain rate-based material modelling of target plate are crucial for obtaining test-based residual velocity.The present modelling procedure also leads to realistic representation of target plate failure and projectile sheath erosion during perforation, and confirms earlier observations that thermal effects are not significant for impact problems within the ordnance range. To the best of our knowledge, any aspect of projectile failure or degradation obtained in simulation has not been reported earlier in the literature. The validated simulation approach was applied to compute the ballistic limits and to study the effects of plate thickness and projectile diameter on residual velocity, and trends consistent with experimental data for similar situations were obtained.


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Proton spin—lattice relaxation time (T1) is measured in [N(CH3)4]PbX3 (X=Cl, Br, I) from 300-77 K at 9.75 MHz. All the compounds show discontinuous changes in T1 values (at 256, 270 and 277 K, respectively), indicating phase transitions. Single T1 minimum is observed in all the cases and the T1 variation is explained in terms of [N(CH3)4] and CH3 group dynamics. The activation energy Eα decreases from chloride to iodide (from 4 to 2 kcal/mol). In bromide and iodide, T1 is found to decrease with increase in temperature at higher temperatures, indicating the presence of spin—rotation interaction.


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This paper presents the analysis and study of voltage collapse at any converter bus in an AC system interconnected by multiterminal DC (MTDC) links. The analysis is based on the use of the voltage sensitivity factor (VSF) as a voltage collapse proximity indicator (VCPI). In this paper the VSF is defined as a matrix which is applicable to MTDC systems. The VSF matrix is derived from the basic steady state equations of the converter, control, DC and AC networks. The structure of the matrix enables the derivation of some of the basic properties which are generally applicable. A detailed case study of a four-terminal MTDC system is presented to illustrate the effects of control strategies at the voltage setting terminal (VST) and other terminals. The controls considered are either constant angle, DC voltage, AC voltage, reactive current and reactive power at the VST and constant power or current at the other terminals. The effect of the strength of the AC system (measured by short circuit ratio) on the VSF is investigated. Several interesting and new results are presented. An analytical expression for the self VSF at VST is also derived for some specific cases which help to explain the number of transitions in VSF around the critical values of SCR.


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Pseudomonas putida CSV86, a soil bacterium, grows on 1- and 2-methylnaphthalene as the sole source of carbon and energy. In order to deduce the pathways for the biodegradation of 1- and 2-methylnaphthalene, metabolites were isolated from the spent medium and purified by thin layer chromatography. Emphasis has been placed on the structural characterisation of isolated intermediates by CC-MS, demonstration of enzyme activities in the cell free extracts and measurement of oxygen uptake by whole cells in the presence of various probable metabolic intermediates. The data obtained from such a study suggest the possibility of occurrence of multiple pathways in the degradation of 1- and 2-methylnaphthalene. We propose that, in one of the pathways, the aromatic ring adjacent to the one bearing the methyl moiety is oxidized leading to the formation of methylsalicylates and methylcatechols. In another pathway the methyl side chain is hydroxylated to -CH2-OH which is further converted to -CHO and -COOH resulting in the formation of naphthoic acid as the end product. In addition to this, 2-hydroxymethylnaphthalene formed by the hydroxylation of the methyl group of 2-methylnaphthalene undergoes aromatic ring hydroxylation. The resultant dihydrodiol is further oxidised by a series of enzyme catalysed reactions to form 4-hydroxymethyl catechol as the end product of the pathway.


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An integrated model is developed, based on seasonal inputs of reservoir inflow and rainfall in the irrigated area, to determine the optimal reservoir release policies and irrigation allocations to multiple crops. The model is conceptually made up of two modules, Module 1 is an intraseasonal allocation model to maximize the sum of relative yields of all crops, for a given state of the system, using linear programming (LP). The module takes into account reservoir storage continuity, soil moisture balance, and crop root growth with time. Module 2 is a seasonal allocation model to derive the steady state reservoir operating policy using stochastic dynamic programming (SDP). Reservoir storage, seasonal inflow, and seasonal rainfall are the state variables in the SDP. The objective in SDP is to maximize the expected sum of relative yields of all crops in a year. The results of module 1 and the transition probabilities of seasonal inflow and rainfall form the input for module 2. The use of seasonal inputs coupled with the LP-SDP solution strategy in the present formulation facilitates in relaxing the limitations of an earlier study, while affecting additional improvements. The model is applied to an existing reservoir in Karnataka State, India.


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The basis set dependence of the topographical structure of the molecular electrostatic potential (MESP), as well as the effect of substituents on the MESP distribution, has been investigated with substituted benzenes as test cases. The molecules are studied at HF-SCF 3�21G and 6�31G** levels, with a further MESP topographical investigation at the 3�21G, double-zeta, 6�31G*, 6�31G**, double-zeta polarized and triple-zeta polarized levels. The MESP critical points for a 3�21G optimized/6�31G** basis are similar to the corresponding 6�31G** optimized/6�31G** ones. More generally, the qualitative features of the MESP topography computed at the polarized level are independent of the level at which optimization is carried out. For a proper representation of oxygen lone pairs, however, optimization using a polarized basis set is required. The nature of the substituent drastically changes the MESP distribution over the phenyl ring. The values and positions of MESP minima indicate the most active site for electrophilic attack. This point is strengthened by a study of disubstituted benzenes.


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In this letter, we propose a method for blind separation of d co-channel BPSK signals arriving at an antenna array. Our method involves two steps. In the first step, the received data vectors at the output of the array is grouped into 2d clusters. In the second step, we assign the 2d d-tuples with ±1 elements to these clusters in a consistent fashion. From the knowledge of the cluster to which a data vector belongs, we estimate the bits transmitted at that instant. Computer simulations are used to study the performance of our method


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The intensity ratio between L2-M45M45 and L3-M45M45 spectral features for both Fe and Co indicates significant tranfer of intensity from L2- to L3-M45M45 region due to Coster-Kronig L2-M45M45 transition. The L2-L3M45 transition can be suppressed by turning the photon energy between the L2 and L3 thresholds; however, the L3-M45M45 spectral shapes for Fe and Co do not change very significantly even at these photom energies unlike the cases of Ni, Cu and Zn, thus establishing that the M45-hole decays predominantly before the L3-hole Auger decay in the early transition elements in contrast to the late ones.


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Nanoembedded lead-tin alloys in aluminum matrix were synthesized by rapid solidification processing. These melt-spun aluminum alloys were then investigated using XRD, EDX and TEM. The XRD study reveals that the melt-spun samples contain elemental aluminum, lead and tin. The TEM analysis shows that embedded particles in aluminium matrix have a distinct two-phase contrast of lead and tin. The lead and tin in these nanoalloys exhibit an orientation relationship with the matrix aluminum and with each other. DSC studies were conducted to reveal the melting and solidification characteristics of these embedded nanoalloys. DSC thermograms exhibit features of multiple solidification exotherms on thermal cycling, which can be attributed to sequential melting and solidification of lead and tin in the respective alloys.


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The Hanuman langur is one of the most widely distributed and morphologically variable non-human primates in South Asia. Even though it has been extensively studied, the taxonomic status of this species remains unresolved due to incongruence between various classification schemes. This incongruence, we believe, is largely due to the use of plastic morphological characters such as coat color in classification. Additionally these classification schemes were largely based on reanalysis of the same set of museum specimens. To bring greater resolution in Hanuman langur taxonomy we undertook a field survey to study variation in external morphological characters among Hanuman langurs. The primary objective of this study is to ascertain the number of morphologically recognizable units (morphotypes) of Hanuman langur in peninsular India and to compare our field observations with published classification schemes. We typed five color-independent characters for multiple adults from various populations in South India. We used the presence-absence matrix of these characters to derive the pair-wise distance between individuals and used this to construct a neighbor-joining (NJ) tree. The resulting NJ tree retrieved six distinct clusters, which we assigned to different morphotypes. These morphotypes can be identified in the field by using a combination of five diagnostic characters. We determined the approximate distributions of these morphotypes by plotting the sampling locations of each morphotype on a map using GIS software. Our field observations are largely concordant with some of the earliest classification schemes, but are incongruent with recent classification schemes. Based on these results we recommend Hill (Ceylon Journal of Science, Colombo 21:277-305, 1939) and Pocock (Primates and carnivora (in part) (pp. 97-163). London: Taylor and Francis, 1939) classification schemes for future studies on Hanuman langurs.


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It has been well recognized now that the blast furnace aerodynamics can be represented more accurately under the decreasing gas velocity condition. Therefore, gas-fines study has been carried out in a packed bed under the decreasing gas velocity condition. Gas and fines flow equations have been developed and solved, for two-dimensional case using finite volume method. To take into account the turbulence, k-e turbulent flow model has also been developed in two-dimension. The model's predictions have been validated against the published experimental data for the increasing gas velocity case, as no experimental data are available in open literature for the decreasing gas velocity. This study shows the difference in the results for increasing and decreasing gas velocity cases under various conditions which have been reported here. Implication of the results to the blast furnace condition has also been discussed.