24 resultados para Strategic minerals


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This paper deals with reducing the waiting times of vehicles at the traffic junctions by synchronizing the traffic signals. Strategies are suggested for betterment of the situation at different time intervals of the day, thus ensuring smooth flow of traffic. The concept of single way systems are also analyzed. The situation is simulated in Witness 2003 Simulation package using various conventions. The average waiting times are reduced by providing an optimal combination for the traffic signal timer. Different signal times are provided for different times of the day, thereby further reducing the average waiting times at specific junctions/roads according to the experienced demands.


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Calculated phase relations in the system MnOSi02-C02-02 were used to propose a thermodynamic explanation for the thermal metamorphism of rhodochrosite beds lying between chert strata. The metamorphic MnOS i 0 2 minerals are arranged in order quartz(chert), rhodonite. tephroite and manganosite-hausmannite-pyrochroite rhodonite across the ore bed. The calculation covered temperatures up to 1000 K and pressures up to 5 kb. The zoning was interpreted as the result of a continuous rise in metamorphic temperature. The equilibrium partner of rhodochrosite changed from rhodonite through manganosite. Across the ore bed there are gradients in the chemical potential of MnO and SiO2 but fugacities of volatlle components such as C02. 02 and H20 were probably uniform at any given time and location during formation of the zones. Assuming that the total pressure and the fugacity of C02 were at 1.4 kb and 1.0 1 b. respectively. rhodonite. tephroite and manganosite would have formed at 472. 478 and 629 K.


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Structural and charge density distribution studies have been carried out on a single crystal data of an ammonium borate, [C(10)H(26)N(4)][B(5)O(6)(OH)(4)](2), synthesized by solvothermal method. Further, the experimentally observed geometry is used for the theoretical charge density calculations using the B3LYP/6-31G** level of theory, and the results are compared with the experimental values. Topological analysis of charge density based on the Atoms in Molecules approach for B-O bonds exhibit mixed covalent/ionic character. Detailed analysis of the hydrogen bonds in the crystal structure in the ammonium borate provides insights into the understanding of the reaction pathways that net atomic charges and electrostatic potential isosurfaces also give additional such systems. could result in the formation of borate minerals. The input to evaluate chemical and physical properties in such systems.


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Adhesion of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans to pyrite and chalcopyrite in relation to its importance in bioleaching and bioflotation has been studied. Electrokinetic studies as well as FT-IR spectra suggest that the surface chemistry of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans depends on bacterial growth conditions. Sulfur-,Pyrite- and chalcopyrite-grown Thiobacillus ferrooxidans were found to be relatively more hydrophobic. The altered surface chemistry of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was due to secretion of newer and specific proteinaceous compounds. The adsorption density corresponds to a monolayer coverage in a horizontal orientation of the cells. The xanthate flotation of pyrite in presence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is strongly depressed where as the cells have insignificant effect on chalcopyrite flotation. This study demonstrate that: (a)Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cells can be used for selective flotation of chalcopyrite from pyrite and importantly at natural pH values. (b)Sulfur-grown cells exhibits higher leaching kinetics than ferrous ion-grown cells.


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The assignment of tasks to multiple resources becomes an interesting game theoretic problem, when both the task owner and the resources are strategic. In the classical, nonstrategic setting, where the states of the tasks and resources are observable by the controller, this problem is that of finding an optimal policy for a Markov decision process (MDP). When the states are held by strategic agents, the problem of an efficient task allocation extends beyond that of solving an MDP and becomes that of designing a mechanism. Motivated by this fact, we propose a general mechanism which decides on an allocation rule for the tasks and resources and a payment rule to incentivize agents' participation and truthful reports. In contrast to related dynamic strategic control problems studied in recent literature, the problem studied here has interdependent values: the benefit of an allocation to the task owner is not simply a function of the characteristics of the task itself and the allocation, but also of the state of the resources. We introduce a dynamic extension of Mezzetti's two phase mechanism for interdependent valuations. In this changed setting, the proposed dynamic mechanism is efficient, within period ex-post incentive compatible, and within period ex-post individually rational.


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Many networks such as social networks and organizational networks in global companies consist of self-interested agents. The topology of these networks often plays a crucial role in important tasks such as information diffusion and information extraction. Consequently, growing a stable network having a certain topology is of interest. Motivated by this, we study the following important problem: given a certain desired network topology, under what conditions would best response (link addition/deletion) strategies played by self-interested agents lead to formation of a stable network having that topology. We study this interesting reverse engineering problem by proposing a natural model of recursive network formation and a utility model that captures many key features. Based on this model, we analyze relevant network topologies and derive a set of sufficient conditions under which these topologies emerge as pairwise stable networks, wherein no node wants to delete any of its links and no two nodes would want to create a link between them.


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We consider the problem of Probably Ap-proximate Correct (PAC) learning of a bi-nary classifier from noisy labeled exam-ples acquired from multiple annotators(each characterized by a respective clas-sification noise rate). First, we consider the complete information scenario, where the learner knows the noise rates of all the annotators. For this scenario, we derive sample complexity bound for the Mini-mum Disagreement Algorithm (MDA) on the number of labeled examples to be ob-tained from each annotator. Next, we consider the incomplete information sce-nario, where each annotator is strategic and holds the respective noise rate as a private information. For this scenario, we design a cost optimal procurement auc-tion mechanism along the lines of Myer-son’s optimal auction design framework in a non-trivial manner. This mechanism satisfies incentive compatibility property,thereby facilitating the learner to elicit true noise rates of all the annotators.


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Stabilised soil products such as stabilised soil blocks, rammed earth and stabilised adobe are being used for building construction since the last 6-7 decades. Major advantages of stabilised soil products include low embodied carbon, use of local materials, decentralized production, and easy to adjust the strength, texture, size and shape. Portland cement and lime represent the most commonly used stabilisers for stabilised soil products. The mechanism of strength development in cement and lime stabilised soils is distinctly different. The paper presents results of scientific investigations pertaining to the status of clay minerals in the 28 day cured cement and lime stabilised soil compacts. XRD, SEM imaging, grain size distribution and Atterberg's limits of the ground stabilised soil products and the natural soil were determined. Results reveal that clay minerals can be retrieved from cement stabilised soil products, whereas in lime stabilised soil products clay minerals get consumed in the lime-clay reactions and negligible percentage of clay minerals are left in the stabilised soil compacts. The results of the present investigation clearly demonstrate that cement stabilisation is superior to lime stabilisation in retrieving the clay minerals from the stabilised soil compacts. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is an integral part of the Indian industrial sector. The distinctive features of MSMEs are less capital investment and high labour absorption which has created unprecedented importance to this sector. As per the Development Commissioner of MSME, the sector has the credit of being the second highest in employment in India, which stands next to agricultural sector. The MSMEs are very much needed in efficiently allocating the enormous labour supply and scarce capital by implementing labour intensive production processes. Associated with this high growth rates, MSMEs are also facing a number of problems like sub-optimal scale of operation, technological obsolescence, supply chain inefficiencies, increasing domestic and global competition, fund shortages, change in manufacturing & marketing strategies, turbulent and uncertain market scenario. To survive with such issues and compete with large and global enterprises, MSMEs need to adopt innovative approaches in their regular business operations. Among the manufacturing sectors, we find that they are unable to focus themselves in the present competition. This paper presents a brief literature of work done in MSMEs, Innovation and Strategic marketing with reference to Indian manufacturing firms.