202 resultados para Strain gradient


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Plasticity in amorphous alloys is associated with strain softening, induced by the creation of additional free volume during deformation. In this paper, the role of free volume, which was a priori in the material, on work softening was investigated. For this, an as-cast Zr-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) was systematically annealed below its glass transition temperature, so as to reduce the free volume content. The bonded-interface indentation technique is used to generate extensively deformed and well defined plastic zones. Nanoindentation was utilized to estimate the hardness of the deformed as well as undeformed regions. The results show that the structural relaxation annealing enhances the hardness and that both the subsurface shear band number density and the plastic zone size decrease with annealing time. The serrations in the nanoindentation load-displacement curves become smoother with structural relaxation. Regardless of the annealing condition, the nanohardness of the deformed regions is similar to 12-15% lower, implying that the prior free volume only changes the yield stress (or hardness) but not the relative flow stress (or the extent of strain softening). Statistical distributions of the nanohardness obtained from deformed and undeformed regions have no overlap, suggesting that shear band number density has no influence on the plastic characteristics of the deformed region.


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In the present paper, the size and strain rate effects on ultra-thin < 100 >/{100} Cu nanowires at an initial temperature of 10 K have been discussed. Extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed using Embedded atom method (EAM) to investigate the structural behaviours and properties under high strain rate. Velocity-Verlet algorithm has been used to solve the equation of motions. Two different thermal loading cases have been considered: (i) Isothermal loading, in which Nose-Hoover thermostat is used to maintain the constant system temperature, and (ii) Adiabatic loading, i.e., without any thermostat. Five different wire cross-sections were considered ranging from 0.723 x 0.723 nm(2) to 2.169 x 2.169 nm(2) The strain rates used in the present study were 1 x 10(9) s(-1), 1 x 10(8) s(-1), and 1 x 10(7) s(-1). The effect of strain rate on the mechanical properties of copper nanowires was analysed, which shows that elastic properties are independent of thermal loading for a given strain rate and cross-sectional dimension of nanowire. It showed a decreasing yield stress and yield strain with decreasing strain rate for a given cross- section. Also, a decreasing yield stress and increasing yield strain were observed for a given strain rate with increasing cross-sectional area. Elastic modulus was found to be similar to 100 GPa, which was independent of processing temperature, strain rate, and size for a given initial temperature. Reorientation of < 100 >/{100} square cross-sectional copper nanowire into a series of stable ultra-thin Pentagon copper nanobridge structures with dia of similar to 1 nm at 10 K was observed under high strain rate tensile loading. The effect of isothermal and adiabatic loading on the formation of such pentagonal nanobridge structure has been discussed.


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We have used phase field simulations to study the effect of misfit and interfacial curvature on diffusion-controlled growth of an isolated precipitate in a supersaturated matrix. Treating our simulations as computer experiments, we compare our simulation results with those based on the Zener–Frank and Laraia–Johnson–Voorhees theories for the growth of non-misfitting and misfitting precipitates, respectively. The agreement between simulations and the Zener–Frank theory is very good in one-dimensional systems. In two-dimensional systems with interfacial curvature (with and without misfit), we find good agreement between theory and simulations, but only at large supersaturations, where we find that the Gibbs–Thomson effect is less completely realized. At small supersaturations, the convergence of instantaneous growth coefficient in simulations towards its theoretical value could not be tracked to completion, because the diffusional field reached the system boundary. Also at small supersaturations, the elevation in precipitate composition matches well with the theoretically predicted Gibbs–Thomson effect in both misfitting and non-misfitting systems.


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The crush bands that form during plastic deformation of closed-cell metal foams are often inclined at 11-20 degrees to the loading axis, allowing for shear displacement of one part of the foam with respect to the other. Such displacement is prevented by the presence of a lateral constraint. This was analysed in this study, which shows that resistance against shear by the constraint leads to the strain-hardening effect in the foam that has been reported in a recent experimental study. (C) 2009 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Shear flows of inelastic spheres in three dimensions in the Volume fraction range 0.4-0.64 are analysed using event-driven simulations.Particle interactions are considered to be due to instantaneous binary collisions, and the collision model has a normal coefficient of restitution e(n) (negative of the ratio of the post- and pre-collisional relative velocities of the particles along the line joining the centres) and a tangential coefficient of restitution e(t) (negative of the ratio of post- and pre-collisional velocities perpendicular to the line Joining the centres). Here, we have considered both e(t) = +1 and e(t) = e(n) (rough particles) and e(t) =-1 (smooth particles), and the normal coefficient of restitution e(n) was varied in the range 0.6-0.98. Care was taken to avoid inelastic collapse and ensure there are no particle overlaps during the simulation. First, we studied the ordering in the system by examining the icosahedral order parameter Q(6) in three dimensions and the planar order parameter q(6) in the plane perpendicular to the gradient direction. It was found that for shear flows of sufficiently large size, the system Continues to be in the random state, with Q(6) and q(6) close to 0, even for volume fractions between phi = 0.5 and phi = 0.6; in contrast, for a system of elastic particles in the absence of shear, the system orders (crystallizes) at phi = 0.49. This indicates that the shear flow prevents ordering in a system of sufficiently large size. In a shear flow of inelastic particles, the strain rate and the temperature are related through the energy balance equation, and all time scales can be non-dimensionalized by the inverse of the strain rate. Therefore, the dynamics of the system are determined only by the volume fraction and the coefficients of restitution. The variation of the collision frequency with volume fraction and coefficient of estitution was examined. It was found, by plotting the inverse of the collision frequency as a function of volume fraction, that the collision frequency at constant strain rate diverges at a volume fraction phi(ad) (volume fraction for arrested dynamics) which is lower than the random close-packing Volume fraction 0.64 in the absence of shear. The volume fraction phi(ad) decreases as the coefficient of restitution is decreased from e(n) = 1; phi(ad) has a minimum of about 0.585 for coefficient of restitution e(n) in the range 0.6-0.8 for rough particles and is slightly larger for smooth particles. It is found that the dissipation rate and all components of the stress diverge proportional to the collision frequency in the close-packing limit. The qualitative behaviour of the increase in the stress and dissipation rate are well Captured by results derived from kinetic theory, but the quantitative agreement is lacking even if the collision frequency obtained from simulations is used to calculate the pair correlation function used In the theory.


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This work deals with the formulation and implementation of finite deformation viscoplasticity within the framework of stress-based hybrid finite element methods. Hybrid elements, which are based on a two-field variational formulation, are much less susceptible to locking than conventional displacement-based elements. The conventional return-mapping scheme cannot be used in the context of hybrid stress methods since the stress is known, and the strain and the internal plastic variables have to be recovered using this known stress field.We discuss the formulation and implementation of the consistent tangent tensor, and the return-mapping algorithm within the context of the hybrid method. We demonstrate the efficacy of the algorithm on a wide range of problems.


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This paper presents the similarity solution for the steady incompressible laminar boundary layer flow of a micropolar fluid past an infinite wedge. The governing equations have been solved numerically using fourth orderRunge-Kutta-Gill method. The results indicate the extent to which the velocity and microrotation profiles, and the surface shear stress are influenced by coupling, microrotation, and pressure gradient parameters. The important role played by the standard length of the micropolar fluid in determining the structure of the boundary layer has also been discussed.


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This correspondence considers the problem of optimally controlling the thrust steering angle of an ion-propelled spaceship so as to effect a minimum time coplanar orbit transfer from the mean orbital distance of Earth to mean Martian and Venusian orbital distances. This problem has been modelled as a free terminal time-optimal control problem with unbounded control variable and with state variable equality constraints at the final time. The problem has been solved by the penalty function approach, using the conjugate gradient algorithm. In general, the optimal solution shows a significant departure from earlier work. In particular, the optimal control in the case of Earth-Mars orbit transfer, during the initial phase of the spaceship's flight, is found to be negative, resulting in the motion of the spaceship within the Earth's orbit for a significant fraction of the total optimized orbit transfer time. Such a feature exhibited by the optimal solution has not been reported at all by earlier investigators of this problem.


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A theoretical study on the propagation of plane waves in the presence of a hot mean flow in a uniform pipe is presented. The temperature variation in the pipe is taken to be a linear temperature gradient along the axis. The theoretical studies include the formulation of a wave equation based on continuity, momentum, and state equation, and derivation of a general four-pole matrix, which is shown to yield the well-known transfer matrices for several other simpler cases.


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Polyhedral bodies of Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus, BmNPV (BGL) isolated from infected silkworms around Bangalore were propagated either in the cultured B. mori cell line, BmN or through infection of larvae. Electron microscopic (EM) observations of the polyhedra revealed an average length of 2 mu m and a height of 0.5 mu m. The purified polyhedra derived virions (PDV) showed several bands in sucrose gradient centrifugation, indicating the multiple nucleocapsid nature of BmNPV. Electron microscopic studies of PDV revealed a cylindrical, rod-shaped nucleocapsid with an average length of 300 nm and a diameter of 35 nm. The genomic DNA from the PDV was characterized by extensive restriction analysis and the genome size was estimated to be 132 kb. The restriction pattern of BmNPV (BGL) resembled that of the prototype strain BmNPV-T3. Distinct differences due to polymorphic sites for restriction enzyme HindIII were apparent between BmNPV (BGL) and the virus isolated from a different part of Karnataka (Dharwad area), BmNPV (DHR).


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An experimental investigation into the ambient temperature, load-controlled tension�tension fatigue behavior of a martensitic Nitinol shape memory alloy (SMA) was conducted. Fatigue life for several stress levels spanning the critical stress for detwinning was determined and compared with that obtained on an alloy similar in composition but in the austenitic state at room temperature. Results show that the fatigue life of the pseudo-plastic alloy is superior to superelastic shape memory alloy. The stress�strain hysteretic response, monitored throughout the fatigue loading, reveals progressive strain accumulation with the cyclic loading. In addition, the area of hysteresis and recoverable and frictional energies were found to decrease with increasing number of fatigue cycles. Post-mortem characterization of the fatigued specimens through calorimetry and fractography was conducted in order to get further insight into the fatigue micromechanisms. These results are discussed in terms of reversible and irreversible microstructural changes that take place during cyclic loading. Aspects associated with self-heating of martensitic alloy undergoing high frequency stress cycling are discussed.


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In the spectral stochastic finite element method for analyzing an uncertain system. the uncertainty is represented by a set of random variables, and a quantity of Interest such as the system response is considered as a function of these random variables Consequently, the underlying Galerkin projection yields a block system of deterministic equations where the blocks are sparse but coupled. The solution of this algebraic system of equations becomes rapidly challenging when the size of the physical system and/or the level of uncertainty is increased This paper addresses this challenge by presenting a preconditioned conjugate gradient method for such block systems where the preconditioning step is based on the dual-primal finite element tearing and interconnecting method equipped with a Krylov subspace reusage technique for accelerating the iterative solution of systems with multiple and repeated right-hand sides. Preliminary performance results on a Linux Cluster suggest that the proposed Solution method is numerically scalable and demonstrate its potential for making the uncertainty quantification Of realistic systems tractable.


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The conventional Clauser-chart method for determination of local skin friction in zero or weak pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer flows fails entirely in strong pressure-gradient situations. This failure occurs due to the large departure of the mean velocity profile from the universal logarithmic law upon which the conventional Clauser-chart method is based. It is possible to extend this method,even for strong pressure-gradient situations involving equilibrium or near-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers by making use of the so-called non-universal logarithmic laws. These non-universal log laws depend on the local strength of the pressure gradient and may be regarded as perturbations of the universal log law.The present paper shows that the modified Clauser-chart method, so developed, yields quit satisfactory results in terms of estimation of local skin friction in strongly accelerated or retarded equilibrium and near-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers that are not very close to relaminarization or separation.