50 resultados para Steroid Hydroxylases


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Earlier studies from this lebordory have shown thet adult male bonnet monkeys exhibit nychthemrel rhythmicity la the secretion of serum 'T' the levele reehlng peek by 22OOhr. Of the gonedotropine cnelyeed only serum PRL showed a concommitent increme with T(Biol.of Reprod. 24,814, 1981). In the present study mMinietretion of l rgobromocryptin (EBC) either by i.v.route(2mg)or by naeel l pr~(100~)reeulted in blockade of nocturnal increase of both PRL end T(Controle T-18.6ng/ml: PRL 130=29ng/ml: EBC treated T-2.2&1.2ng/ml; PRL n.d.to 15nng/ml). Adminietretion of N oPRL could not reverse the effect of EBC. Although, increaeed serum PRL induced by injection of Chlorprommine did not result in increase in serum 'T' during the dey time, the nocturnel 'T' surge could not be obeeerved. EBC treeted monkeys, however, showed normal testosterone response to exogenous hCG. These IeSUlte a0 SwgeStive of high levels of PRL me&in6 reeponeiveneee of testes to tonic levels of serum IX. (Aided by grant8 from ICMR, Kew Delhi, WHO, Geneva eld FPF, India).


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Abstract is not available.


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Earlier workers have observed that in the leydig cell desensitization brings results in addition to down regulation of receptors, in leisons in the steroidogenlc pathway. In the present study immature rats having heavily leutinized ovaries were given 50 iu hCG and the desenasitized CL removed 48h later were used. At that time no change in the 5 3MSD activity and CAMP binding activity(a measure of CAMP dependent protein kinase) was observed.Followlng desensitization however,l)a significent increase in phosphodiestrase activity,ii)a 50% reduction in total mitochondrial cholesterol level, iii)a significant reduction in its ability to utilize cholesterol or hydrolyse its ester and iv)a significant lowering(by 66%)in cholesterol side chain clean age activity(by measuring pregnanalone formed) was observed. Pregnanalone production was restored to normalcy if exogenous cholesterol was added to the mitohondrial preparation. The results suggest that luteal desensitization is due in addition to down regulation of LH receptors, to a marked reduction in available cholesterol pool in the mitochondrial compartment. The increase in phosphodiestrase activity, though probably a secondary effect,might effectively contribute to the overall reduction in the steroid out-put by increasing the catabolism of CAMP.(Aided by grants from ICMR,New Delhi and WHO, Geneva).


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Estrogen (E) induction of riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) in the chicken oviduct and liver was investigated to compare and contrast the kinetics, hormonal specificity and modulation of its elaboration in the 2 steroid-responsive tissues. During primary stimulation, continued daily E administration to immature female chicks elicited, after an initial lag, rapid growth and RCP content of the oviduct; neither progesterone (P) nor testosterone (T) could substitute for E in this respect. Furthermore, P given along with E curtailed tissue growth and its RCP content, whereas E + T had a synergistic effect on tissue growth only. During secondary stimulation, E administration steeply enhanced both tissue weight and RCP content without any lag. Interestingly, P (but not T) could substitute for E in augmenting magnum RCP concentration to a comparable extent while a concomitant effect on tissue growth was less marked. In contrast, hepatic induction of RCP was absolutely E-specific during both primary and secondary stimulations. Secondary stimulation with either E or P of E-primed birds enhanced the rates of RCP synthesis in the oviduct relative to that of total protein, whereas in the liver only E was effective in this regard. The absolute rate of E-induced RCP synthesis in both the steroid-stimulated tissues was significantly higher than that of general protein elaboration.


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The kinetics of estrogen-induced accumulation of riboflavin-carrier protein in the plasma was investigated in immature male rats using a specific and sensitive homologous radio-immunoassay procedure developed for this purpose. Following a single injection of the steroid hormone, plasma riboflavin-carrier protein levels increased markedly after an initial lag period of approximately 24 h, reaching peak levels around 96 h and declining thereafter. A 1.5 fold amplification of the inductive response was evident on secondary stimulation with the hormone. The magnitude of the response was dependent on hormonal dose, whereas the initial lag phase and the time of peak riboflavin-carrier protein induction were unaltered within the range of the steroid doses (0.1–10 mg/ kg body wt.) tested. Simultaneous administration of progesterone did not affect either the kinetics or the maximum level of the protein induced. The hormonal specificity of this induction was further adduced by the effect of administration of antiestrogens viz., En and Zu chlomiphene citrates, which effectively curtailed hormonal induction of the protein. That the induction involvedde novo-protein synthesis was evident from the complete inhibition obtained upon administration of cycloheximide. Passive immunoneutralization of endogenous riboflavin-carrier protein with antiserum to the homologous protein terminated pregnancy in rats confirming the earlier results with antiserum to chicken riboflavin-carrier protein.


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Development of new methods, leading to the first stereo-specific total synthesis of a steroid,viz equilenin, and of estrone and their derivatives and of several important synthones, useful for the preparation of physiologically active steroids, and the first conversion of an equilenane to estrane have been described. An account of the achievement of original syntheses of testosterone and its isomers and derivatives and degradation products, urinary steroids, terpenes and their important degradation products has been given. Mechanisms of Dieckmann cyclization, a novel dehydrogenation-addition reaction involving abietic acid and tetrachloro-o-benzoquinone, a rearrangement involving a substitution of cyclopentanone-2-carboxylic ester have been elucidated. An abnormaluv absorption exhibited by saturated 1,2-dicyano esters has been rationalized. Divergences in theord data of testosterone and 19-nortesto-sterone from their isomers have been explained by x-ray crystallographic studies of 8-isotestosterone, 8-iso-10-isotestosterone and 8-iso-10-iso-19-nortestosterone. A tentative explanation for the difference in their physiological activities has been suggested.


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A few analogues of LHRH have been tested in the adult bonnet monkeys using change in serum testosterone following LHRH injection as a parameter of response to LHRH. Of the four analogues tested in male monkeys, Buserelin was found to be the most potent one in increasing serum testosterone levels. Injection of the LHRH antagonist at 1600 h resulted in the abolition of the characteristic nocturnal surge of testosterone observed in adult bonnet monkeys maintained under regulated light conditions. Following administration of LHRH a/s during early pregnancy, serum chorionic gonadotropin levels decreased though the course of pregnancy was not affected. These results suggest that bonnet monkey can be successfully employed to test LHRH analogues.


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The comparative role of luteinizing hormone (LH) in maintaining pregnancy and histamine-induced decidualization in the rat was studied with the help of a new system, wherein the above two states could be brought about simultaneously in the same animal, but in different uterine horns. Specific and well-characterized LH antiserum, administered daily, both during the pre-trauma (days 1-4) and post-trauma (days 5-8) periods, resulted in the termination of pregnancy and inhibition of decidualization. This antiserum effect could be reversed by suitable steroid therapy. Results suggest that the antiserum blockade of ovarian steroidogenesis continued even after cessation of its treatment. Early pregnancy and decidualization seem directly comparable in that both are dependent upon LH to stimulate the ovarian synthesis of much-needed progesterone and estrogen.


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Hydrogenation of someα, β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds using potassium pentacyanocobaltate (II), K3Co(CN)5, as a homogeneous catalyst has been investigated. Thus, hydrogenation of 1-carvone (I), mesityl oxide (4), 2-cyclohexenone (8) and benzalacetone (6) afforded the corresponding dihydrocompounds. Hydrogenation ofβ-ionone (10) afforded a mixture of theα, β-dihydrocompounds (14) and (15). In all these cases, it was observed that the reaction proceeded to completion only in the presence of added base. Hydrogenation of 5α-androst-l-en-17β-ol-3-one acetate (19) afforded the saturated compound, 5α-androst-17β-ol-3-one (20) in 60% yield. It was found that other steroid enones and dienones were not reduced by this catalyst system.


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The kinetics of estrogen-induced elevation in the plasma concentration of riboflavin-binding protein, a minor yolk constituent, was investigated in immature male chicks, using a specific and sensitive radioimmunoassay proceudre. Following a single injection of the hormone, the plasma riboflavin-binding protein content was enhanced several-fold at 6 h. reaching peak levels around 48 h and declining thereafter. A two-fold amplication of the response was evident on secondary stimulation with the hormone. A 4-h lag phase prior to onset of induction was noticed during both primary and secondary stimulat ions with the steroid hormone. The magnitude of the response was dependent on the hormonal dose whereas the initial lag phase and the time of peak riboflavin-binding protein accumulation were unaltered within the range of hormonal doses tested. The half-life of riboflavin-binding protein in the circulation was 10 h, as calculated from measurement of the rate of disappearance of exogenously administered 125I-labelled protein. Simultaneous administration of progestrone did bot affect the kinetics of riboflavin-binding protein production. On the other hand, the antiestrogens, cis- and trans-clomiphene citrates, given 30 min prior to estrogen and cycloheximide, effectively countered the hormone-induced riboflavin-binding protein elaboration. Both progesterone and the anti-esterogens per se were completely ineffective in substituting for estrogen in the inductive ptrocess.


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Administration of norethisterone (NET) or NET + estradiol benzoate using an Alzet minipump or as once-a-month intramuscular injection of their depot forms, NET-enanthate (NET-EN) and estradiol valerate (E-val), resulted in azoospermia in all monkeys (n = 13) within 60 to 150 days of treatment. Although addition of depot form of testosterone (T, 20 mg/month) to the regimen restored the behavioral response typical of a normal male, it did not reverse the azoospermic state. Serum T (heightened nocturnal) levels were significantly reduced (> 85%, p < 0.001) in all the treated groups. Evidence for blockade in spermatogenesis following treatment was obtained by DNA flow cytometry. Following withdrawal of treatment, the T level was restored to normalcy within 15 days but 120 days more were required for the animals to exhibit normal sperm counts. In conclusion, the efficacy of once-a-month injection of relatively low doses of NET-EN + E-Val to bring about azoospermia in monkeys, in a relatively short time, has been demonstrated. As the results are uniform and reproducible, it appears desirable that this steroid regimen be tested in man for its contraceptive efficacy.


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A specific radioimmunoassay procedure was developed to monitor the plasma concentrations of thiamin-binding protein, a minor yolk constituent of the chicken egg. By using this sensitive assay, the kinetics of oestrogen-induced elaboration of this specific protein in immature chicks was investigated. After a single injection of the steroid hormone, with an initial lag period of 4–5h the thiamin-binding protein rapidly accumulated in the plasma, attaining peak concentrations around 75h and declining thereafter. A 4-fold amplification of the response was noticed during the secondary stimulation, and this increased to 9-fold during the tertiary stimulation with the steroid hormone. The magnitude of the response was dependent on the hormone dose, and the initial latent period and the duration of the ascending phase of induction were unchanged for the hormonal doses tested during both the primary and secondary stimulations. The circulatory half-life of the protein was 6h as calculated from the measurement of the rate of disappearance of the exogenously administered 125I-labelled protein. Simultaneous administration of progesterone, dihydrotestosterone or corticosterone did not alter the pattern of induction. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism markedly decreased the oestrogenic response, whereas propylthiouracil-induced hypothyroidism had the opposite effect. The anti-oestrogen E- and Z-clomiphene citrates, administered 30min before oestrogen, effectively blocked the hormonal induction. α-Amanitin and cycloheximide administered along with or shortly after the sex steroid severely curtailed the protein elaboration. A comparison of the kinetics of induction of thiamin- and riboflavin-binding proteins by oestrogen revealed that, beneath an apparent similarity, a clear-cut difference exists between the two vitamin-binding proteins, particularly with regard to hormonal dose-dependent sensitivity of induction and the half-life in circulation. The steroid-mediated elaboration of the two yolk proteins thus appears to be not strictly co-ordinated, despite several common regulatory features underlying their induction.


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The luteotropic action of estrogen (E) was investigated using immature pseudopregnant rat as the model and CGS 16949A (Fadrozole hydrochloride), a potent aromatase inhibitor (AI), to block E synthesis. Aromatase activity could be inhibited by administering CGS 16949A (50 mu g/day/rat) via a mini osmotic Alzet pump (model 2002) for 3 days during pseudopregnancy. This resulted in significant reduction of serum (40%, P < 0.05) and intraovarian (70.6%, P < 0.001) estradiol-17 beta (E(2)) levels. The serum and intraovarian progesterone (P-4) levels as analyzed on day 4 of pseudopregnancy were also reduced by greater than or equal to 50% (for both, P < 0.01). Simultaneous administration of estradiol-3-benzoate (E(2)B) via an Alzet pump during the Al: treatment period at a dose of 1 mu g/day could completely reverse the Al induced reduction in P-4 secretion. The luteal cells of experimental rats depleted of E in vivo showed a significantly reduced response upon incubation with hCG or dbcAMP in vitro (P < 0.05 and 0.001, respectively). Addition of E(2) (500 pg/tube) at the time of in vitro incubation was able to partially increase the responsiveness to hCG. The luteal cell LH/hCG receptor content and the affinity of hCG binding to the receptor remained unchanged following AI treatment in vivo. Both esterified and total cholesterol content of luteal cells of rats treated with Al in vivo was significantly high (P < 0.05) suggesting that E lack results in an impairment in cholesterol utilization for steroidogenesis. The results clearly show that E regulates luteal function in the pseudopregnant rat by acting at a non-cAMP mediated event and this perhaps involves facilitation of cholesterol utilization at the mitochondrial level for P-4 synthesis.


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The differentiation of cytotrophoblasts into syncytiotrophoblasts in the placenta has been employed as a model to investigate stage specific expression as well as regulation of genes during this process. While the cytotrophoblasts are highly invasive and proliferative with relatively less capacity to synthesize pregnancy related proteins, the multinucleated syncytiotrophoblasts are non-proliferative and non-invasive. However, syncytiotrophoblasts are the site of synthesis of a variety of protein, peptide and steroid hormones as well as several growth factors. Both the freshly isolated cytotrophoblasts from human placenta as well as the BeWo cell, a choriocarcinoma cell line model which retain several characteristic of cytotrophoblasts has been employed by us to study regulation of differentiation. In the present study, we have employed the differential display RT-PCR analysis (DD-RT-PCR) to evaluate gene expression changes during Forskolin induced in vitro differentiation of BeWo cells. We have identified several genes which are differentially expressed during differentiation and the differential expression of 10 transcripts was confirmed by Northern blot analysis. Based on the identity of the transcripts an attempt has been made to relate the known function of the gene products, to changes observed during differentiation. Of the several transcripts, one of the transcripts, namely Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor (SLPI) which is known to have multiple functions was found to increase 15-fold in the syntiotrophoblast.


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The in vivo conversion of radioactive tryptophan to anthranilic acid and 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid by submerged cultures of Claviceps paspali was shown by Groeger and his co-workers (1965). More recently, Subba Rao et al. (1967a) reported that washed mycelial felts of Aspergillus niger incorporate the radioactivity from DL-tryptophan-C14 (benzene ring-labeled) into anthranilic acid, 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid, 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid and catechol. However, the conversion of anthranilic acid to 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid by cell-free preparations has not been demonstrated. In the present paper we report the demonstration of a soluble anthranilic acid hydroxylase from Aspergillus niger which is different from the anthranilic acid hydroxylases reported so far from microbes and higher plants.