184 resultados para Shear test


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The undrained shear strength of remoulded soils is of great concern in geotechnical engineering applications. This study aims to develop a reliable approach for determining the undrained shear strength of remoulded fine-grained soils, through the use of index test results, at both the plastic and semi-solid states of consistency. Experimental investigation and subsequent analysis involving a number of fine-grained soils of widely varying plasticity and geological origin have led to a two-parameter linear model of the relationship between logarithm of remoulded undrained shear strength and liquidity index. The numerical values of the parameters are found to be dependent to a lesser extent on the soil group and to a greater extent on the soil state. Based on the values of regression coefficient, ranking index and ranking distance, it seems that the relationship represents the experimental results well. It may be pointed out that the possibility of such a relationship in the semi-solid state of a soil has not been explored in the past. It is also shown that the shear strength at the plastic limit is about 32–34 times that at the liquid limit.


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In this paper, the governing equations for free vibration of a non-homogeneous rotating Timoshenko beam, having uniform cross-section, is studied using an inverse problem approach, for both cantilever and pinned-free boundary conditions. The bending displacement and the rotation due to bending are assumed to be simple polynomials which satisfy all four boundary conditions. It is found that for certain polynomial variations of the material mass density, elastic modulus and shear modulus, along the length of the beam, the assumed polynomials serve as simple closed form solutions to the coupled second order governing differential equations with variable coefficients. It is found that there are an infinite number of analytical polynomial functions possible for material mass density, shear modulus and elastic modulus distributions, which share the same frequency and mode shape for a particular mode. The derived results are intended to serve as benchmark solutions for testing approximate or numerical methods used for the vibration analysis of rotating non-homogeneous Timoshenko beams.


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Strength and stiffness properties of municipal solid waste (MSW) are important in landfill design. This paper presents the results of comprehensive testing of shear strength properties of mechanically biologically treated municipal solid waste (MBT-MSW) in laboratory. Changes in shear strength of MSW as a function of unit weight and particle size were investigated by performing laboratory studies on the MSW collected from Mavallipura landfill site in Bangalore. Direct shear tests, small scale and large scale consolidated undrained and drained triaxial tests were conducted on reconstituted compost reject MSW samples. The triaxial test results showed that the MSW samples exhibited a strain-hardening behaviour and the strength of MSW increased with increase in unit weight. Consolidated drained tests showed that the mobilized shear strength of the MSW increased by 40% for a unit weight increase from 7.3 kN/m(3) to 10.3 kN/m(3) at 20% strain levels. The mobilized cohesion and friction angle ranged from 5 to 9 kPa and 8 degrees to 33 degrees corresponding to a strain level of 20%. The consolidated undrained tests exhibited reduced friction angle values compared to the consolidated drained tests. The friction angle increased with increase in the unit weight from 8 degrees to 55 degrees in the consolidated undrained tests. Minor variations were found in the cohesion values. Relationships for strength and stiffness of MSW in terms of strength and stiffness ratios are developed and discussed. The stiffness ratio and the strength ratio of MSW were found to be 10 and 0.43. (c) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We perform numerical experiments to study the shear dynamo problem where we look for the growth of a large-scale magnetic field due to non-helical stirring at small scales in a background linear shear flow in previously unexplored parameter regimes. We demonstrate the large-scale dynamo action in the limit where the fluid Reynolds number (Re) is below unity while the magnetic Reynolds number (Rm) is above unity; the exponential growth rate scales linearly with shear, which is consistent with earlier numerical works. The limit of low Re is particularly interesting, as seeing the dynamo action in this limit would provide enough motivation for further theoretical investigations, which may focus attention on this analytically more tractable limit of Re < 1 compared to the more formidable limit of Re > 1. We also perform simulations in the regimes where (i) both (Re, Rm) < 1, and (ii) Re > 1 and Rm < 1, and compute all of the components of the turbulent transport coefficients (alpha(ij) and alpha(ij)) using the test-field method. A reasonably good agreement is observed between our results and the results of earlier analytical works in similar parameter regimes.


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Experimental and numerical investigations were carried out using lamb waves to study the degradation in adhesive joints made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) adherends and epoxy adhesive. Degradation was inducted into the epoxy adhesive by adding different amounts of polyvinyl alcohol. Fundamental lamb wave modes were excited in the CFRP adherends using piezoelectric transducer disks and made to propagate through the adhesive layer. The received waveforms across adhesive joints with varied degradation were studied. A 2D finite element model was utilized to verify the experimental results. Good correlation was observed between numerical and experimental results. Details of the investigation and results obtained are presented in the paper.


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Determination of shear strength of brick-mortar bed joint is critical to overcome the sliding-shear or joint-shear failure in masonry. In the recent past, researchers have attempted to enhance the shear strength and deformation capacity of brick-mortar bed joints by gluing fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite across the bed joint. FRP composites offer several advantages like high strength-to-weight ratio, and ease of application in terms of labor, time, and reduced curing period. Furthermore, FRP composites are desirable for strengthening old masonry buildings having heritage value because of its minimal interference with the existing architecture. A majority of earlier studies on shear strengthening of masonry available in the literature adopted masonry having the ratio of modulus of elasticity of masonry unit (Emu) to modulus of elasticity of mortar (Em) greater than one. Information related to shear behavior of FRP glued masonry composed of masonry units having Young's modulus lower than mortar is limited. Hence the present study is focused on characterizing the interfacial behavior of brick-mortar bed joint of masonry assemblages composed of solid burnt clay bricks and cement-sand mortar (E-mu/E-m ratio less than one), strengthened with FRP composites. Masonry triplets and prisms with bed joint inclined to loading axis (0 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees, 60 degrees and 90 degrees) are employed in this study. Glass and carbon FRP composites composed of bidirectional FRP fabric with equal density in both directions are used for strengthening masonry. Masonry triplets are glued with glass and carbon FRP composites in two configurations: (1) both faces of the triplet specimens are fully glued with GFRP composites; and (2) both faces of the triplet specimens are glued with GFRP and CFRP composites in strip form. The performance of masonry assemblages strengthened with FRP composites is assessed in terms of gain in shear strength, shear displacement, and postpeak behavior for various configurations and types of FRP composites considered. A semianalytical model is proposed for the prediction of shear strength of masonry bed joints glued with FRP composites. A composite failure envelope consisting of a Coulomb friction model and a compression cap is obtained for unreinforced masonry and GFRP-strengthened masonry based on the test results of masonry triplets and masonry prisms with bed joints having various inclinations to the loading (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Careful study of various aspects presented in the note reveals basic fallacies in the concept and final conclusions.The Authors claim to have presented a new method of determining C-v. However, the note does not contain a new method. In fact, the method proposed is an attempt to generate settlement vs. time data using only two values of (t,8). The Authors have used a rectangular hyperbola method to determine C-v from the predicated 8- t data. In this context, the title of the paper itself is misleading and questionable. The Authors have compared C-v values predicated with measured values, both of them being the results of the rectangular hyperbola method.


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Using Terzaghi's degree of consolidation, U, and the time factor, T, relationship, if M-U1 and M-U2 (M-U1 not equal M-U2) are slopes of the U-root T curve at any two time factors T-U1 and T-U2, then it can be shown that a unique relationship exists between T-U2/T-U1, M-U1/M-U2, and TU, (or TU2), and knowing any two of these, the third can be uniquely determined. A chart, called the T chart, has been plotted using these three variables for quickly determining T and U at any experimental time, t, to determine the coefficient of consolidation, c(v), corrected zero settlement, delta(o), and ultimate primary settlement, delta(100). The chart can be used even in those cases where settlement and time, at the instant of load increment, are not known.


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We find in complementary experiments and event-driven simulations of sheared inelastic hard spheres that the velocity autocorrelation function psi(t) decays much faster than t(-3/2) obtained for a fluid of elastic spheres at equilibrium. Particle displacements are measured in experiments inside a gravity-driven flow sheared by a rough wall. The average packing fraction obtained in the experiments is 0.59, and the packing fraction in the simulations is varied between 0.5 and 0.59. The motion is observed to be diffusive over long times except in experiments where there is layering of particles parallel to boundaries, and diffusion is inhibited between layers. Regardless, a rapid decay of psi(t) is observed, indicating that this is a feature of the sheared dissipative fluid, and is independent of the details of the relative particle arrangements. An important implication of our study is that the non-analytic contribution to the shear stress may not be present in a sheared inelastic fluid, leading to a wider range of applicability of kinetic theory approaches to dense granular matter.


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Taylor (1948) suggested the method for determination of the settlement, d, corresponding to 90% consolidation utilizing the characteristics of the degree of consolidation, U, versus the square root of the time factor, square root of T, plot. Based on the properties of the slope of U versus square root of T curve, a new method is proposed to determine d corresponding to any U above 70% consolidation for evaluation of the coefficient of consolidation, Cn. The effects of the secondary consolidation on the Cn value at different percentages of consolidation can be studied. Cn, closer to the field values, can be determined in less time as compared to Taylor's method. At any U in between 75 and 95% consolidation, Cn(U) due to the new method lies in between Taylor's Cn and Casagrande's Cn.


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Timoshenko's shear deformation theory is widely used for the dynamical analysis of shear-flexible beams. This paper presents a comparative study of the shear deformation theory with a higher order model, of which Timoshenko's shear deformation model is a special case. Results indicate that while Timoshenko's shear deformation theory gives reasonably accurate information regarding the set of bending natural frequencies, there are considerable discrepancies in the information it gives regarding the mode shapes and dynamic response, and so there is a need to consider higher order models for the dynamical analysis of flexure of beams.


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The stability characteristics of a Helmholtz velocity profile in a stratified Boussinesq fluid in the presence of a rigid boundary is studied, A jump in the magnetic field is introduced at a level different from the velocity discontinuity. New unstable modes in addition to the Kelvin-Helmhottz mode are found. The wavelengths of these unstable modes are close to the wavelengths of internal Alfv6n gravity waves in the atmospher.


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The stability characteristics of a Helmholtz velocity profile in a stably stratified, compressible fluid in the presence of a lower rigid boundary are studied. A jump in the Brunt-Vaisala frequency at a level different from the shear zone is introduced and the variation of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency with respect to the vertical coordinate in the middle layer of the three-layered model is considered. An analytic solution in each of the layers is obtained, and the dispersion relation is solved numerically for parameters relevant to the model. The effect of shear in the lowermost layer of the three-layered model for a Boussinesq fluid is discussed. The results are compared with the earlier studies of Lindzen and Rosenthal, and Sachdev and Satya Narayanan. In the present model, new unstable modes with larger growth rates are obtained and the most unstable gravity wave modes are found to agree closely with the observed ones at various heights. Physics of Fluids is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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A new binary law of velocity distribution has been developed to describe the velocity profile for the entire flow region. The law is a combination of logarithmic law, valid in the wall (inner) region, and parabolic law, valid in the core (outer) region of the flow. The validity of the law has been established based on earlier data on flat plates, rough and smooth pipes and experimental data obtained from rigid-walled open channels with plane sand beds. A procedure of estimating bed shear stress from the proposed law of velocity distribution using the measured velocity profile has been evolved. Bed shear estimates made according to this procedure are in agreement with the values obtained from uniform flow analysis in the case of open channel flow over a sediment bed. The proposed method of estimating the bed shear stress from the observed velocity profiles is found to be particularly useful in cases where it is difficult to determine precisely the true bed level, such as in the case of flow over sediment beds.