79 resultados para Serum Potassium


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XPS studies show that the presence of chemisorbed chlorine stabilizes and also enhances molecular dioxygen species on Ag surfaces dosed with either K or Ba. The surface atomic oxygen is found to become depleted on chlorination. The variation in the nature of surface species with respect to temperature shows chlorine-induced diffusion of atomic oxygen into the subsurface region at 300 K. For coverages of potassium up to 8 × 1014 atoms/cm2, preferential chloridation of Ag occurs while at higher potassium coverages, KCl formation is distinctly observed on the surface. In the case of barium, two types of adsorbed chlorine species, Cl(α) and Cl(β), associated with Ag and Ba, respectively, are clearly seen even at low barium coverages. This is believed to be due to the higher valence occupation of barium compared to potassium. The Cl(α) species associated with Ag is found to occupy a preferred site on both K- and Ba-dosed surfaces, involving chemisorptive replacement of O(α) to the subsurface region.


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Ammonium perchlorate-potassium perchlorate mixtures, upon pelletization, form a series of homogeneous solid solutions as manifested by X-ray powder diffractograms. Scanning electron microscopic studies throw light on the mechanism of the solid-solution formation. Solid solutions of ammonium perchlorate-potassium perchlorate have also been obtained by a modified cocrystallization technique. The thermal and combustion behavior of the solid solutions have also been studied, using the DTA technique and the Crawford strand burner.


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Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin to pregnant bonnet monkeys (Macaca radiata) at 55-60 days and 130-140 days of pregnancy resulted in a significant increase in serum progesterone levels. This effect could be observed even in lutectomized monkeys.However, no significant change in the serum estrogen level was noticed. These results suggest that although no chorionic gonadotropin is detectable in the serum after 35 days of pregnancy, the foetoplacental steroidogenic system is still responsive to exogenous gonadotropic stimulation.


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. Measurement of the relation between polarisation P and electric field E for lithium potassium sulphate (LiKSO4) was made in the low temperature range below room temperature. The P-E hysteresis loops along the c axis of LiKSO4 were observed in the low-temperature phase below the lower transition point Ttl of about -70 degrees C, and in the intermediate phase below the upper transition point Ttu of about -25 degrees C. These phases were found to be ferroelectric. The temperature dependence of the spontaneous polarisation Ps and the electric coercive field Ec were obtained.


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One of the monoclonal antibodies raised against bovine beta-lactoglobulin reacted with human serum retinol binding protein. The finding that this monoclonal antibody also reacted with the serum retinol binding proteins isolated from other animals, suggested that this epitopic conformation is conserved among these proteins. Using ELISA and various synthetic peptides of defined sequence, we show in this paper that the epitope defined by this monoclonal antibody comprises of the highly conserved core sequence of DTDY present in beta-lactoglobulin and retinol binding proteins.


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STUDIES on potassium perchlorate/polystyrene (KP/PS) propellant systems have been carried out by using such techniques as thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA), and mass spectrometry (MS). It has been found that the thermal decomposition (TD) behavior of the KP/PS propellant is similar to that of the AP/PS propellant studied earlier.! It has also been observed that the TD of KP in the melt has a correlation with the burning rate (r) of KP/PS propellant at atmospheric pressure.


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The prognosis of patients with glioblastoma, the most malignant adult glial brain tumor, remains poor in spite of advances in treatment procedures, including surgical resection, irradiation and chemotherapy.Genetic heterogeneity of glioblastoma warrants extensive studies in order to gain a thorough understanding of the biology of this tumor. While there have been several studies of global transcript profiling of glioma with the identification of gene signatures for diagnosis and disease management, translation into clinics is yet to happen. Serum biomarkers have the potential to revolutionize the process of cancer diagnosis, grading, prognostication and treatment response monitoring. Besides having the advantage that serum can be obtained through a less invasive procedure, it contains molecules at an extraordinary dynamic range of ten orders of magnitude in terms of their concentrations. While the conventional methods, such as 2DE, have been in use for many years, the ability to identify the proteins through mass spectrometry techniques such as MALDI-TOF led to an explosion of interest in proteomics. Relatively new high-throughput proteomics methods such as SELDI-TOF and protein microarrays are expected to hasten the process of serum biomarker discovery. This review will highlight the recent advances in the proteomics platform in discovering serum biomarkers and the current status of glioma serum markers. We aim to provide the principles and potential of the latest proteomic approaches and their applications in the biomarker discovery process. Besides providing a comprehensive list of available serum biomarkers of glioma, we will also propose how these markers will revolutionize the clinical management of glioma patients.


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A chenodeoxycholic acid based K+ ion sensor has been designed using a modular approach in which a fluorophore and a cation receptor are attached to the bile acid backbone. In the absence of K+ the fluorescence of the molecule is quenched because of through-space, photo-induced electron-transfer from the aza-crown unit. Fluorescence enhancement was observed upon titration with K+ (and other alkali metal ions too). In methanol, good selectivity towards the sensing of K+ has been observed.


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The interactions of lipid A and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) with human serum albumin (HSA) were examined using fluorescence methods. Lipid A binds HSA with a stoichiometry of 2:1 with dissociation constants of 1.0 µM and 6.0 µM for the high- and low-affinity interactions, respectively. Lipid A displaces HSA-bound dansylsarcosine competitively, but not HSA-bound warfarin, suggesting that domain III-A, and not domain 11-A, is a lipid A binding site. Domain I does not contribute a site for lipid A. Based on these data, and the structural similarity between subdomains III-A and III-B, it is proposed that these two regions of HSA represent the high- and low-affinity sites of interaction of lipid A. Whole LPS also binds HSA, displacing dansylsarcosine, and its lipid A moiety appears to be the interaction site. However, there are differences between LPS and free lipid A. Polymyxin B forms ternary complexes with LPS bound to HSA, suggesting that the regions on LPS recognized by HSA and polymyxin B are different. The observed affinity of lipid A for HSA and mass action effects due to its abundance in the circulation would imply a major LPS carrier function for HSA.


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Raman spectrum of a single crystal of potassium sulphamate has been recorded for the first time using λ 2536 radiation of mercury as the exciter. Thirty-three Raman lines have been observed of which nine belong to the lattice oscillations. The infra-red absorption spectrum of the substance was taken in the powder form in potassium bromide disc using Carl Zeiss UR 10 IR spectrometer. Thirty-six absorption maxima could be identified of which twenty-five have been recorded for the first time. The analysis clearly shows that the N-H bond in the crystalline potassium sulphamate is not hydrogen-bonded to any appreciable extent.


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IN the cyclic female albino rat, a release of pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) occurs on the afternoon of proestrus1-5. This apparently induces ovulation, for ova are seen in the Fallopian tube 12 h later. Similarly, it is well known that in immature rats primed with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMS), ovulation can be induced by the administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) or LH, the ova being seen in the Fallopian tube 12 h later. No information is available, however, about the mode of action of LH, released or administered, in bringing about ovulation. We have approached this problem by blocking the action of the ovulating hormone (LH) at various times after administration. © 1970 Nature Publishing Group.


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Polarisation characters of the Raman lines of calcium fluoride (fluorspar) and potassium aluminium sulphate (alum) were investigated under the following conditions. Unpolarised light was incident normally on a face of the crystal making an angle 22.5° with a cubic face and the light scattered transversely along a cubic axis was analysed by a double image prism kept with its principal axes inclined at 45° to the vertical. Under these conditions the depolarisation factors of the Raman lines belonging to the totally symmetric (A), the doubly degenerate (E) and the triply degenerate (F) modes should be respectively =1, >1 and <1. The characteristic Raman line of CaF2 at 322 cm-1 exhibited a depolarisation value less than 1, showing thereby that the corresponding mode is a triply degenerate one (F). The Raman lines observed in the spectrum of K-alum were also classified and the results were compared with those given by previous investigators using standard crystal orientations.


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Previous attempts for the quantitative estimation of lithium as orthophosphate, employing an alkali metal phosphate, have not been successful. A method, is described for the estimation of lithium as trilithium phosphate from 60% ethyl alcohol solution at 65° to 70° C., employing potassium phosphate reagent, at pH 9.5. The method is applicable in the presence of varying amounts of sodium and/or potassium cations and chloride, sulfate, nitrate, and phosphate anions.


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Biofunctionalization of noble metal nanoparticles like Ag, Au is essential to obtain biocompatibility for specific biomedical applications. Silver nanciparticles are being increasingly used in bio-sensing applications owing to excellent optoelectronic properties. Among the serum albumins, the most abundant proteins in plasma, a wide range of physiological functions of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) has made it a model system for biofunctionalization. In absence of adequate prior reports, this study aims to investigate the interaction between silver nanoparticles and BSA. The interaction of BSA [0.05-0.85% concentrations] with Ag nanoparticles [50 ppm concentration] in aqueous dispersion was Studied through UV-vis spectral changes, morphological and surface structural changes. At pH 7, which is More than the isoelectric point of BSA, a decrease in absorbance at plasmon peak of uninteracted nanciparticles (425 mn) was noted till 0.45% BSA, beyond that a blue shift towards 410 urn was observed. The blue shift may be attributed to enhanced electron density on the particle surfaces. Increasing pH to 12 enhanced the blue shift further to 400 rim. The conformational changes in BSA at alkaline pH ranges and consequent hydrophobic interactions also played an important role. The equilibrium adsorption data fitted better to Freundlich isotherm compared to Langmuir Curve. The X-ray diffraction study revealed complete coverage of Ag nanoparticles by BSA. The scanning electron microscopic study of the interacted nanoparticles was also carried Out to decipher morphological changes. This study established that tailoring the concentration of BSA and pH of the interaction it was possible to reduce aggregation of nanoparticles. Biofunctionalized Ag nanoparticles with reduced aggregation will be more amenable towards bio-sensing applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.