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17 independent crystal structures of family I uracil-DNA glycosylase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtUng) and its complexes with uracil and its derivatives, distributed among five distinct crystal forms, have been determined. Thermodynamic parameters of binding in the complexes have been measured using isothermal titration calorimetry. The two-domain protein exhibits open and closed conformations, suggesting that the closure of the domain on DNA binding involves conformational selection. Segmental mobility in the enzyme molecule is confined to a 32-residue stretch which plays a major role in DNA binding. Uracil and its derivatives can bind to the protein in two possible orientations. Only one of them is possible when there is a bulky substituent at the 50 position. The crystal structures of the complexes provide a reasonable rationale for the observed thermodynamic parameters. In addition to providing fresh insights into the structure, plasticity and interactions of the protein molecule, the results of the present investigation provide a platform for structure-based inhibitor design.


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The last few decades have witnessed application of graph theory and topological indices derived from molecular graph in structure-activity analysis. Such applications are based on regression and various multivariate analyses. Most of the topological indices are computed for the whole molecule and used as descriptors for explaining properties/activities of chemical compounds. However, some substructural descriptors in the form of topological distance based vertex indices have been found to be useful in identifying activity related substructures and in predicting pharmacological and toxicological activities of bioactive compounds. Another important aspect of drug discovery e. g. designing novel pharmaceutical candidates could also be done from the distance distribution associated with such vertex indices. In this article, we will review the development and applications of this approach both in activity prediction as well as in designing novel compounds.


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Using computer modeling of three-dimensional structures and structural information available on the crystal structures of HIV-1 protease, we investigated the structural effects of mutations, in treatment-naive and treatment-exposed individuals from India and postulated mechanisms of resistance in clade C variants. A large number of models (14) have been generated by computational mutation of the available crystal structures of drug bound proteases. Localized energy minimization was carried out in and around the sites of mutation in order to optimize the geometry of interactions present. Most of the mutations result in structural differences at the flap that favors the semiopen state of the enzyme. Some of the mutations were also found to confer resistance by affecting the geometry of the active site. The E35D mutation affects the flap structure in clade B strains and E35N and E35K mutation, seen in our modeled strains, have a more profound effect. Common polymorphisms at positions 36 and 63 in clade C also affected flap structure. Apart from a few other residues Gln-58, Asn-83, Asn-88, and Gln-92 and their interactions are important for the transition from the closed to the open state. Development of protease inhibitors by structure-based design requires investigation of mechanisms operative for clade C to improve the efficacy of therapy.


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A structure-based approach has been adopted to develop 2'substituted analogs of triclosan. The Cl at position 2' in ring B of triclosan was chemically substituted with other functional groups like NH2, NO2 and their inhibitory potencies against PfENR were determined. The binding energies of the 2' substituted analogs of triclosan for enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (ENR) of Plasmodium falciparum were determined using Autodock. Based on the autodock results, we synthesized the potential compounds. The IC50 and inhibition constant (K-i) of 2' substituted analogs of triclosan were determined against purified PfENR. Among them, two compounds,2-(2'-Amino-4'-chloro-phenoxy)-5-chloro-phenol (compound 4) and 5-chloro-2-(4'-chloro-2'-nitro-phenoxy)-phenol) (compound 5) exhibited good potencies. Compound 4 followed uncompetitive inhibition kinetics with crotonoyl CoA and competitive with NADH. It was shown to have an IC50 of 110 nM; inhibition constant was 104 nM with the substrate and 61 nM with the cofactor. IC50 Of compound 5 was determined to be 229 nM. Compounds 4 and 5 showed significant inhibition of the parasite growth in P. falciparum culture. (C) 2009 IUBMB IUBMB Life, 61(11):1083-1091, 2009.


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In this paper the use of probability theory in reliability based optimum design of reinforced gravity retaining wall is described. The formulation for computing system reliability index is presented. A parametric study is conducted using advanced first order second moment method (AFOSM) developed by Hasofer-Lind and Rackwitz-Fiessler (HL-RF) to asses the effect of uncertainties in design parameters on the probability of failure of reinforced gravity retaining wall. Totally 8 modes of failure are considered, viz overturning, sliding, eccentricity, bearing capacity failure, shear and moment failure in the toe slab and heel slab. The analysis is performed by treating back fill soil properties, foundation soil properties, geometric properties of wall, reinforcement properties and concrete properties as random variables. These results are used to investigate optimum wall proportions for different coefficients of variation of φ (5% and 10%) and targeting system reliability index (βt) in the range of 3 – 3.2.


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Understanding the dendrimer-drug interaction is of great importance to design and optimize the dendrimer-based drug delivery system. Using atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we have analyzed the release pattern of four ligands (two soluble drugs, namely, salicylic acid (Sal), L-alanine (Ala), and two insoluble drugs, namely, phenylbutazone (Pbz) and primidone (Prim)), which were initially encapsulated inside the ethylenediamine (EDA) cored polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer using the docking method. We have computed the potential of mean force (PMF) variation with generation 5 (G5)-PAMAM dendrimer complexed with drug molecules using umbrella sampling. From our calculated PMF values, we observe that soluble drugs (Sal and Ala) have lower energy barriers than insoluble drugs (Pbz and Prim). The order of ease of release pattern for these drugs from G5 protonated PAMAM dendrimer was found to be Ala > Sal > Prim > Pbz. In the case of insoluble drugs (Prim and Pbz), because of larger size, we observe much nonpolar contribution, and thus, their larger energy barriers can be reasoned to van der Waals contribution. From the hydrogen bonding analysis of the four PAMAM drug complexes under study, we found intermolecular hydrogen bonding to show less significant contribution to the free energy barrier. Another interesting feature appears while calculating the PMF profile of G5NP (nonprotonated)-PAMAM Pbz and G5NP (nonprotonated)-PAMAM-Sal complex. The PMF was found to be less when the drug is bound to nonprotonated dendrimer compared to the protonated dendrimer. Our results suggest that encapsulation of the drug molecule into the host PAMAM dendrimer should be carried out at higher pH values (near pH 10). When such complex enters the human body, the pH is around 7.4 and at that physiological pH, the dendrimer holds the drug tightly. Hence the release of drug can occur at a controlled rate into the bloodstream. Thus, our findings provide a microscopic picture of the encapsulation and controlled release of drugs in the case of dendrimer-based host-guest systems.


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The constant increase in the number of solved protein structures is of great help in understanding the basic principles behind protein folding and evolution. 3-D structural knowledge is valuable in designing and developing methods for comparison, modelling and prediction of protein structures. These approaches for structure analysis can be directly implicated in studying protein function and for drug design. The backbone of a protein structure favours certain local conformations which include alpha-helices, beta-strands and turns. Libraries of limited number of local conformations (Structural Alphabets) were developed in the past to obtain a useful categorization of backbone conformation. Protein Block (PB) is one such Structural Alphabet that gave a reasonable structure approximation of 0.42 angstrom. In this study, we use PB description of local structures to analyse conformations that are preferred sites for structural variations and insertions, among group of related folds. This knowledge can be utilized in improving tools for structure comparison that work by analysing local structure similarities. Conformational differences between homologous proteins are known to occur often in the regions comprising turns and loops. Interestingly, these differences are found to have specific preferences depending upon the structural classes of proteins. Such class-specific preferences are mainly seen in the all-beta class with changes involving short helical conformations and hairpin turns. A test carried out on a benchmark dataset also indicates that the use of knowledge on the class specific variations can improve the performance of a PB based structure comparison approach. The preference for the indel sites also seem to be confined to a few backbone conformations involving beta-turns and helix C-caps. These are mainly associated with short loops joining the regular secondary structures that mediate a reversal in the chain direction. Rare beta-turns of type I' and II' are also identified as preferred sites for insertions.


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A new type of multi-port isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter is proposed in this study. In the proposed converter, transfer of power takes place through addition of magnetomotive forces generated by multiple windings on a common transformer core. This eliminates the need for a centralised storage capacitor to interface all the ports. Hence, the requirement of an additional power transfer stage from the centralised capacitor can also be eliminated. The converter can be used for a multi-input, multi-output (MIMO) system. A pulse width modulation (PWM) strategy for controlling simultaneous power flow in the MIMO converter is also proposed. The proposed PWM scheme works in the discontinuous conduction mode. The leakage inductance can be chosen to aid power transfer. By using the proposed converter topology and PWM scheme, the need to compute power flow equations to determine the magnitude and direction of power flow between ports is alleviated. Instead, a simple controller structure based on average current control can be used to control the power flow. This study discusses the operating phases of the proposed multi-port converter along with its PWM scheme, the design process for each of the ports and finally experimental waveforms that validate the multi-port scheme.


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Aluminium and zinc are known to be the major triggering agents for aggregation of amyloid peptides leading to plaque formation in Alzheimer's disease. While zinc binding to histidine in A (amyloid ) fragments has been implicated as responsible for aggregation, not much information is available on the interaction of aluminium with histidine. In the NMR study of the N-terminal A fragments, DAEFRHDSGYEV (A12) and DAEFRHDSGYEVHHQK (A16) presented here, the interactions of the fragments with aluminium have been investigated. Significant chemical shifts were observed for few residues near the C-terminus when aluminium chloride was titrated with A12 and A16 peptides. Surprisingly, it is nonhistidine residues which seem to be involved in aluminium binding. Based on NMR constrained structure obtained by molecular modelling, aluminium-binding pockets in A12 were around charged residues such as Asp, Glu. The results are discussed in terms of native structure propagation, and the relevance of histidine residues in the sequences for metal-binding interactions. We expect that the study of such short amyloid peptide fragments will not only provide clues for plaque formation in aggregated conditions but also facilitate design of potential drugs for these targets.


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Most of the biological processes are governed through specific protein-ligand interactions. Discerning different components that contribute toward a favorable protein-ligand interaction could contribute significantly toward better understanding protein function, rationalizing drug design and obtaining design principles for protein engineering. The Protein Data Bank (PDB) currently hosts the structure of similar to 68 000 protein-ligand complexes. Although several databases exist that classify proteins according to sequence and structure, a mere handful of them annotate and classify protein-ligand interactions and provide information on different attributes of molecular recognition. In this study, an exhaustive comparison of all the biologically relevant ligand-binding sites (84 846 sites) has been conducted using PocketMatch: a rapid, parallel, in-house algorithm. PocketMatch quantifies the similarity between binding sites based on structural descriptors and residue attributes. A similarity network was constructed using binding sites whose PocketMatch scores exceeded a high similarity threshold (0.80). The binding site similarity network was clustered into discrete sets of similar sites using the Markov clustering (MCL) algorithm. Furthermore, various computational tools have been used to study different attributes of interactions within the individual clusters. The attributes can be roughly divided into (i) binding site characteristics including pocket shape, nature of residues and interaction profiles with different kinds of atomic probes, (ii) atomic contacts consisting of various types of polar, hydrophobic and aromatic contacts along with binding site water molecules that could play crucial roles in protein-ligand interactions and (iii) binding energetics involved in interactions derived from scoring functions developed for docking. For each ligand-binding site in each protein in the PDB, site similarity information, clusters they belong to and description of site attributes are provided as a relational database-protein-ligand interaction clusters (PLIC).


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Telomerases are an attractive drug target to develop new generation drugs against cancer. A telomere appears from the chromosomal termini and protects it from double-stranded DNA degradation. A short telomere promotes genomic instability, like end-to-end fusion and regulates the over-expression of the telomere repairing enzyme, telomerase. The telomerase maintains the telomere length, which may lead to genetically abnormal situations, leading to cancer. Thus, the design and synthesis of an efficient telomerase inhibitor is a viable strategy toward anticancer drugs development. Accordingly, small molecule induced stabilization of the G-quadruplex structure, formed by the human telomeric DNA, is an area of contemporary scientific art. Several such compounds efficiently stabilize the G-quadruplex forms of nucleic acids, which often leads to telomerase inhibition. This Feature article presents the discovery and development of the telomere structure, function and evolution in telomere targeted anticancer drug design and incorporates the recent advances in this area, in addition to discussing the advantages and disadvantages in the methods, and prospects for the future.


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Vaccines provide the most cost effective defense against pathogens. Although vaccines have been designed for a number of viral diseases, a vaccine against HIV-1 still remains elusive. In contrast while there are excellent influenza vaccines, these need to be changed every few years because of antigenic drift and shift The recent discovery of a large number of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) and structural characterization of the conserved epitopes targeted by them presents an opportunity for structure based HIV-1 and influenza A vaccine design. We discuss strategies to design immunogens either targeting a particular antigenic region or focusing on native structure stabilization. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Recent advances in molecular engineering of antibody. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gabapentin, a widely used antiepileptic drug, crystallizes in multiple polymorphic forms. A new crystal form of gabapentin monohydrate in the space group Pbca is reported and the packing arrangement compared with that of a previously reported polymorph in the space group P2(1)/c [Ibers, J.A. (2001) Acta Crystallogr; C57:641]. Gabapentin polymorphs can also occur from a selection of one of the two distinct chair forms of the 1,1-disubstituted cyclohexane. Crystal structures of the E and Z isomers of 4-tert-butylgabapentin provide models for analyzing anticipated packing modes in the conformational isomers of gabapentin. The E isomer crystallized in the space group Pca2(1), while the Z isomer crystallized in the space group P2(1)/c. The crystal structure of E-4-tert-butylgabapentin provides the only example of a structure in a non-centrosymmetric space group. Crystal structures of the hydrochloride and hydrobromide salts of 4-tert-butyl derivatives are reported. The results suggest that for gabapentin, a large 'polymorph-space' may be anticipated, in view of the multiple conformational states that are accessible to the molecule.


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A methodology for reliability based optimum design of reinforced soil structures subjected to horizontal and vertical sinusoidal excitation based on pseudo-dynamic approach is presented. The tensile strength of reinforcement required to maintain the stability is computed using logarithmic spiral failure mechanism. The backfill soil properties, geometric and strength properties of reinforcement are treated as random variables. Effects of parameters like soil friction angle, horizontal and vertical seismic accelerations, shear and primary wave velocities, amplification factors for seismic acceleration on the component and system probability of failures in relation to tension and pullout capacities of reinforcement have been discussed. In order to evaluate the validity of the present formulation, static and seismic reinforcement force coefficients computed by the present method are compared with those given by other authors. The importance of the shear wave velocity in the estimation of the reliability of the structure is highlighted. The Ditlevsen's bounds of system probability of failure are also computed by taking into account the correlations between three failure modes, which is evaluated using the direction cosines of the tangent planes at the most probable points of failure. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The startling increase in the occurrence of rifampicin (Rif) resistance in the clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis worldwide is posing a serious concern to tuberculosis management. The majority of Rif resistance in bacteria arises from mutations in the RpoB subunit of the RNA polymerase. We isolated M. smegmatis strains harbouring either an insertion (6 aa) or a deletion (10 aa) in their RpoB proteins. Although these strains showed a compromised fitness for growth in 7H9 Middlebrook medium, their resistance to Rif was remarkably high. The attenuated growth of the strains correlated with decreased specific activities of the RNA polymerases from the mutants. While the RNA polymerases from the parent or a mutant strain (harbouring a frequently occurring mutation, H442Y, in RpoB) were susceptible to Rif-mediated inhibition of transcription from calf thymus DNA, those from the insertion and deletion mutants were essentially refractory to such inhibition. Three-dimensional structure modelling revealed that the RpoB amino acids that interact with Rif are either deleted or unable to interact with Rif due to their unsuitable spatial positioning in these mutants. We discuss possible uses of the RpoB mutants in studying transcriptional regulation in mycobacteria and as potential targets for drug design.