178 resultados para SMITH, A. Mark. (2008a). “Alhacen´s Approach to “Alhazen´s Problem””. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 18 pp. 143-163.


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This paper presents a novel algebraic formulation of the central problem of screw theory, namely the determination of the principal screws of a given system. Using the algebra of dual numbers, it shows that the principal screws can be determined via the solution of a generalised eigenproblem of two real, symmetric matrices. This approach allows the study of the principal screws of the general two-, three-systems associated with a manipulator of arbitrary geometry in terms of closed-form expressions of its architecture and configuration parameters. We also present novel methods for the determination of the principal screws for four-, five-systems which do not require the explicit computation of the reciprocal systems. Principal screws of the systems of different orders are identified from one uniform criterion, namely that the pitches of the principal screws are the extreme values of the pitch.The classical results of screw theory, namely the equations for the cylindroid and the pitch-hyperboloid associated with the two-and three-systems, respectively have been derived within the proposed framework. Algebraic conditions have been derived for some of the special screw systems. The formulation is also illustrated with several examples including two spatial manipulators of serial and parallel architecture, respectively.


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A pseudo-dynamical approach for a class of inverse problems involving static measurements is proposed and explored. Following linearization of the minimizing functional associated with the underlying optimization problem, the new strategy results in a system of linearized ordinary differential equations (ODEs) whose steady-state solutions yield the desired reconstruction. We consider some explicit and implicit schemes for integrating the ODEs and thus establish a deterministic reconstruction strategy without an explicit use of regularization. A stochastic reconstruction strategy is then developed making use of an ensemble Kalman filter wherein these ODEs serve as the measurement model. Finally, we assess the numerical efficacy of the developed tools against a few linear and nonlinear inverse problems of engineering interest.


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A fully developed pulsatile flow in a circular rigid tube is analysed by a microcontinuum approach. Solutions for radial variation of axial velocity and cell rotational velocity across the tube are obtained using the momentum integral method. Simplified forms of the solutions are presented for the relevant physiological data. Marked deviations in the results are observed when compared to a Newtonian fluid model. It is interesting to see that there is sufficient reduction in the mass flow rate, phase lag and friction due to the micropolar character of the fluid.


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The properties of the manifold of a Lie groupG, fibered by the cosets of a sub-groupH, are exploited to obtain a geometrical description of gauge theories in space-timeG/H. Gauge potentials and matter fields are pullbacks of equivariant fields onG. Our concept of a connection is more restricted than that in the similar scheme of Ne'eman and Regge, so that its degrees of freedom are just those of a set of gauge potentials forG, onG/H, with no redundant components. The ldquotranslationalrdquo gauge potentials give rise in a natural way to a nonsingular tetrad onG/H. The underlying groupG to be gauged is the groupG of left translations on the manifoldG and is associated with a ldquotrivialrdquo connection, namely the Maurer-Cartan form. Gauge transformations are all those diffeomorphisms onG that preserve the fiber-bundle structure.


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A direct and simple approach, utilizing Watson's lemma, is presented for obtaining an approximate solution of a three-part Wiener-Hopf problem associated with the problem of diffraction of a plane wave by a soft strip.


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The minimum energy required for the formation of conjugate pair of charged defects is found to be approximately equal to the experimental activation energy for d.c. conductivity in a number of amorphous chalcoganides and pnictides. This observation implies that the defect pair formation energy represents an intrinsic gap for transport in amorphous chalcogenides.


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A diagnostic system for ECG rhythm monitoring based on syntactic approaches to pattern recognition is presented here. The method proposed exploits the difference in shape and structure between arrhythmic and normal ECG patterns to generate distinctly different descriptions in terms of a chosen set of primitives. A given frame of signal is first approximated piecewise linearly into a set of line segments which are completely specified in terms of their length and slope values. The slope values are quantized into seven distinct levels and a unit-length line segment with a slope value in each of these levels is coded as a slope symbol. Seven such slope symbols constitute the set of primitives. The given signal is represented as a string of such symbols based on the length and angle of the line segments approximating the signal. Context-free languages are used for describing the classes of abnormal and normal ECG patterns considered here. Analysis of actual ECG data shows efficiency comparable with that of existing methods and a saving in processing time.


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The paper presents a new approach to improve the detection and tracking performance of a track-while-scan (TWS) radar. The contribution consists of three parts. In Part 1 the scope of various papers in this field is reviewed. In Part 2, a new approach for integrating the detection and tracking functions is presented. It shows how a priori information from the TWS computer can be used to improve detection. A new multitarget tracking algorithm has also been developed. It is specifically oriented towards solving the combinatorial problems in multitarget tracking. In Part 3, analytical derivations are presented for quantitatively assessing, a priori, the performance of a track-while-scan radar system (true track initiation, false track initiation, true track continuation and false track deletion characteristics). Simulation results are also shown.


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The paper presents, in three parts, a new approach to improve the detection and tracking performance of a track-while-scan radar. Part 1 presents a review of the current status of the subject. Part 2 details the new approach. It shows how a priori information provided by the tracker can be used to improve detection. It also presents a new multitarget tracking algorithm. In the present Part, analytical derivations are presented for assessing, a priori, the performance of the TWS radar system. True track initiation, false track initiation, true track continuation and false track deletion characteristics have been studied. It indicates how the various thresholds can be chosen by the designer to optimise performance. Simulation results are also presented.


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he paper presents, in three parts, a new approach to improve the detection and tracking performance of a track-while-scan (TWS) radar. Part 1 presents a review of current status. In this part, Part 2, it is shown how the detection can be improved by utilising information from tracker. A new multitarget tracking algorithm, capable of tracking manoeuvring targets in clutter, is then presented. The algorithm is specifically tailored so that the solution to the combinatorial problem presented in a companion paper can be applied. The implementation aspects are discussed and a multiprocessor architecture identified to realise the full potential of the algorithm. Part 3 presents analytical derivations for quantitative assessment of the performance of the TWS radar system. It also shows how the performance can be optimised.


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An integrated approach to energy planning, when applied to large hydroelectric projects, requires that the energy-opportunity cost of the land submerged under the reservoir be incorporated into the planning methodology. Biomass energy lost from the submerged land has to be compared to the electrical energy generated, for which we develop four alternative formulations of the net-energy function. The design problem is posed as an LP problem and is solved for two sites in India. Our results show that the proposed designs may not be viable in net-energy terms, whereas a marginal reduction in the generation capacity could lead to an optimal design that gives substantial savings in the submerged area. Allowing seasonal variations in the hydroelectric generation capacity also reduces the reservoir size. A mixed hydro-wood generation system is then examined and is found to be viable.


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The preferred conformations of β-phenylpropionyl-Image -phenylalanine (β-PPP) and N-carbobenzoxy-L-phenylalanine (Cbz-Phe), two inhibitors of thermolysin, have been determined by computing potential energy using empirial potential energy functions. Of the 15 to 20 conformations that are favoured for each of these inhibitors only a few have the right conformation to reach the active site of the enzyme. The conformer of β-PPP that initiates binding with the enzyme is different from the bound one, while for Cbz-Phe the bound and initiating conformers are quite similar. Thus, β-PPP favours the ‘induced fit’ model while Cbz-Phe follows the ‘lock and key’ model of binding. The inhibitors differ in their alignment at the active site.


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The relationship between the structure and flammability of a number of polyphosphate esters has been examined. The conventional correlation of char residue with limiting oxygen index was found to be unproductive in these polymers, giving insight into the importance of gas-phase reactions in addition to condensed-phase reactions in determining their flammability. A novel approach was sought in understanding the structure-flammability relationships of these polymers relating thermal stability, phosphorus content and limiting oxygen index. An empirical relationship has been derived amongst these three parameters.


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The probable modes of binding of Methyl--alpha (and beta)-D-glucopyranosides and some of their derivatives to concanavalin A have been proposed from theoretical studies. Theory predicts that beta-MeGlcP can bind to ConA in three different modes whereas alpha-MeGlcP can bind only in one mode. beta-MeGlcP in its most favourable mode of binding differs from alpha-MeGlcP in its alignment in the active-site of the lectin where it binds in a flipped or inverted orientation. Methyl substitution at the C-2 atom of the alpha-MeGlcP does not significantly affect the possible orientations of the sugar in the active-site of the lectin. Methyl substitution at C-3 or C-4, however, affects the allowed orientations drastically leading to the poor inhibiting power of Methyl-3-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside and the inactivity of Methyl-4-O-methyl-alpha-D-glycopyranoside. These studies suggest that the increased activity of the alpha-MeGlcP over beta-MeGlcP may be due to the possibility of formation of better hydrogen bonds and to hydrophobic interactions rather than to steric factors as suggested by earlier workers. These models explain the available NMR and other binding studies.


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Using elementary comparison geometry, we prove: Let (M, g) be a simply-connected complete Riemannian manifold of dimension >= 3. Suppose that the sectional curvature K satisfies -1-s(r) <= K <= -1, where r denotes distance to a fixed point in M. If lim(r ->infinity) e(2r) s(r) = 0, then (M, g) has to be isometric to H-n.The same proof also yields that if K satisfies -s(r) <= K <= 0 where lim(r ->infinity) r(2) s(r) = 0, then (M, g) is isometric to R-n, a result due to Greene and Wu.Our second result is a local one: Let (M, g) be any Riemannian manifold. For a E R, if K < a on a geodesic ball Bp (R) in M and K = a on partial derivative B-p (R), then K = a on B-p (R).