104 resultados para SITE


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The specific activity of glutamine synthetase (L-glutamate: ammonia ligase, EC in surface grown Aspergillus niger was increased 3-5 fold when grown on L-glutamate or potassium nitrate, compared to the activity obtained on ammonium chloride. The levels of glutamine synthetase was regulated by the availability of nitrogen source like NH4 + , and further, the enzyme is repressed by increasing concentrations of NH4 +. In contrast to other micro-organisms, the Aspergillus niger enzyme was neither specifically inactivated by NH4+ or L-glutamine nor regulated by covalent modification.Glutamine synthetase from Aspergillus niger was purified to homogenity. The native enzyme is octameric with a molecular weight of 385,000±25,000. The enzyme also catalyses Mn2+ or Mg2+-dependent synthetase and Mn2+-dependent transferase activity.Aspergillus niger glutamine synthetase was completely inactivated by two mol of phenylglyoxal and one mol of N-ethylmaleimide with second order rate constants of 3·8 M–1 min–1 and 760 M–1 min–1 respectively. Ligands like Mg. ATP, Mg. ADP, Mg. AMP, L-glutamate NH4+, Mn2+ protected the enzyme against inactivation. The pattern of inactivation and protection afforded by different ligands against N-ethylamaleimide and phenylglyoxal was remarkably similar. These results suggest that metal ATP complex acts as a substrate and interacts with an arginine ressidue at the active site. Further, the metal ion and the free nucleotide probably interact at other sites on the enzyme affecting the catalytic activity.


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δ-Aminolevulinate (ALA) dehydratase, the second and rate limiting enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway in the mold Neurospora crassa is induced maximally in 30 min by the addition of iron to iron-deficient cultures. The induction of the enzyme is blocked by cycloheximide, protoporphyrin, 8-azaguanine and cordycepin. Iron also brings about an increase in poly(A)-containing RNA synthesis under conditions of induction. The iron dependent increase in poly(A)-containing RNA synthesis is blocked by protoporphyrin. It is suggested that at the time intervals examined, bulk of the messenger RNA synthesized in response to iron addition represents the messenger for ALA dehydratase.


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We report cloning of the DNA encoding winged bean basic agglutinin (WBA I). Using oligonucleotide primers corresponding to N- and C-termini of the mature lectin, the complete coding sequence for WBA I could be amplified from genomic DNA. DNA sequence determination by the chain termination method revealed the absence of any intervening sequences in the gene. The DNA deduced amino acid sequence of WBA I displayed some differences with its primary structure established previously by chemical means. Comparison of the sequence of WBA I with that of other legume lectins highlighted several interesting features, including the existence of the largest specificity determining loop which might account for its oligosaccharide-binding specificity and the presence of an additional N-glycosylation site. These data also throw some light on the relationship between the primary structure of the protein and its probable mode of dimerization.


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In the studies reported so far on dendrimer-mediated catalysis, the efficacies of the catalytic units were studied and compared primarily across the generations. In order to identify the efficacy of an individual catalytic unit with respect to the number of such units present within a given generation, a series of catalysts were prepared within a generation. Dendrimers incorporated with phosphinemetal complexes were chosen for the study and as many as 11 catalysts within three generations were synthesized. The C-C bond-forming reactions, namely, the Heck and the Suzuki coupling reactions, were then selected to study the catalytic efficiencies of the series of partially and fully phosphine-metal complex functionalized dendrimers. The efficacies of the formation of cinnamate and biphenyl. catalyzed by the dendritic catalysts, were compared. The comparative analyses show that an individual catalytic site is far more effective in its catalytic activity when presented in multiple numbers, i.e., in a multivalent dendritic system, than as a single unit within the same generation, i.e., in a monovalent dendritic system. The study identifies the beneficial effects of the multivalent presentation of the catalytic moieties, both within and across the dendrimer generations.


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Mycobacterium leprae recA harbors an in-frame insertion sequence that encodes an intein homing endonuclease (PI-MleI). Most inteins (intein endonucleases) possess two conserved LAGLIDADG (DOD) motifs at their ctive center. A common feature of LAGLIDADG-type homing endonucleases is that they recognize and cleave the same or very similar DNA sequences. However, PI-MleI is distinctive from other members of the family of LAGLIDADG-type HEases for its modular structure with functionally separable domains for DNA-binding and cleavage, each with distinct sequence preferences. Sequence alignment analyses of PI-MleI revealed three putative LAGLIDADG motifs; however, there is conflicting bioinformatics data in regard to their identity and specific location within the intein polypeptide. To resolve this conflict and to determine the active-site residues essential for DNA target site recognition and double-stranded DNA cleavage, we performed site-directed mutagenesis of presumptive catalytic residues in the LAGLIDADG motifs. Analysis of target DNA recognition and kinetic parameters of the wild-type PI-MleI and its variants disclosed that the two amino acid residues, Asp(122) (in Block C) and Asp(193) (in functional Block E), are crucial to the double-stranded DNA endonuclease activity, whereas Asp(218) (in pseudo-Block E) is not. However, despite the reduced catalytic activity, the PI-MleI variants, like the wild-type PI-MleI, generated a footprint of the same length around the insertion site. The D122T variant showed significantly reduced catalytic activity, and D122A and D193A mutations although failed to affect their DNA-binding affinities, but abolished the double-stranded DNA cleavage activity. On the other hand, D122C variant showed approximately twofold higher double-stranded DNA cleavage activity, compared with the wild-type PI-MleI. These results provide compelling evidence that Asp(122) and Asp(193) in DOD motif I and II, respectively, are bona fide active-site residues essential for DNA cleavage activity. The implications of these results are discussed in this report.


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The fluorescence properties of a homologous series of fluorescent alkylamines are described. The binding of the probes to crythrocyte membranes increases with the length of the alkyl chain. The probes are shown to interact more strongly with membranes than with protein and lipid model systems. The binding of the probes to the membrane is sensitive to the cation concentration of the medium.


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Towards understanding the catalytic mechanism of M.EcoP15I [EcoP15I MTase (DNA methyltransferase); an adenine methyltransferase], we investigated the role of histidine residues in catalysis. M.EcoP15I, when incubated with DEPC (diethyl pyrocarbonate), a histidine-specific reagent, shows a time- and concentration-dependent inactivation of methylation of DNA containing its recognition sequence of 5'-CAGCAG-3'. The loss of enzyme activity was accompanied by an increase in absorbance at 240 nm. A difference spectrum of modified versus native enzyme shows the formation of N-carbethoxyhistidine that is diminished by hydroxylamine. This, along with other experiments, strongly suggests that the inactivation of the enzyme by DEPC was specific for histidine residues. Substrate protection experiments show that pre-incubating the methylase with DNA was able to protect the enzyme from DEPC inactivation. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments in which the 15 histidine residues in the enzyme were replaced individually with alanine corroborated the chemical modification studies and established the importance of His-335 in the methylase activity. No gross structural differences were detected between the native and H335A mutant MTases, as evident from CD spectra, native PAGE pattern or on gel filtration chromatography. Replacement of histidine with alanine residue at position 335 results in a mutant enzyme that is catalytically inactive and binds to DNA more tightly than the wild-type enzyme. Thus we have shown in the present study, through a combination of chemical modification and site-directed mutagenesis experiments, that His-335 plays an essential role in DNA methylation catalysed by M.EcoP15I.


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Phospholipase A(2) hydrolyzes phospholipids at the sn-2 position to cleave the fatty-acid ester bond of L-glycerophospholipids. The catalytic dyad (Asp99 and His48) along with a nucleophilic water molecule is responsible for enzyme hydrolysis. Furthermore, the residue Asp49 in the calcium-binding loop is essential for controlling the binding of the calcium ion and the catalytic action of phospholipase A2. To elucidate the structural role of His48 and Asp49, the crystal structures of three active-site single mutants H48N, D49N and D49K have been determined at 1.9 angstrom resolution. Although the catalytically important calcium ion is present in the H48N mutant, the crystal structure shows that proton transfer is not possible from the catalytic water to the mutated residue. In the case of the Asp49 mutants, no calcium ion was found in the active site. However, the tertiary structures of the three active-site mutants are similar to that of the trigonal recombinant enzyme. Molecular-dynamics simulation studies provide a good explanation for the crystallographic results.


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La0.5Li0.5TiO3 perovskite was synthesized by various wet chemical methods. By adopting low temperature methods of preparation lithium loss from the material is prevented. La0.5Li0.5TiO3 (LLTO) was formed with cubic symmetry at 1473 K. LLTO was formed at relatively lower temperature by using hydrothermal preparation method. PVA gel-decomposition route yield tetragonal LLTO on annealing the dried gel at 1473 K. By using gel-carbonate route LiTi2O4 minor phase was found to remain even after heat-treatment at 1473 K. The hydroxylation of LLTO was done in deionized water as well as in dilute acetic acid medium. By hydroxylation process incorporation of hydroxyls and leaching out of Li+ was observed from the material. The Li+ concentration of these compositions was examined by AAS. The electrical conductivities of these compositions were measured by dc and ac impedance techniques at elevated temperatures. The activation energies of electrical conduction for these compositions were estimated from the experimental results. The measured activation energy of Li+ conduction is 0.34 eV. Unhydroxylated samples exhibit only Li+ conduction, whereas, the hydroxylated LLTO show proton conductivity at 298-550 K in addition to Li+ conductivity. The effect of Zr or Ce substitution in place of Ti were attempted. La0.5Li0.5ZrO3 Perovskite was not formed; instead pyrochlore phase (La2Zr2O7) along with monoclinic ZrO2 phases was observed above 1173 K; below 1173 K cubic ZrO2 is stable. (La0.5Li0.5)(2)CeO4 solid solution was formed in the case of Ce substitution at Ti sublattice on heat-treatment up to 1673 K. (c) 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.


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The complete amino acid sequence of winged bean basic agglutinin (WBA I) was obtained by a combination of manual and gas-phase sequencing methods. Peptide fragments for sequence analyses were obtained by enzymatic cleavages using trypsin and Staphylococcus aureus V8 endoproteinase and by chemical cleavages using iodosobenzoic acid, hydroxylamine, and formic acid. COOH-terminal sequence analysis of WBA I and other peptides was performed using carboxypeptidase Y. The primary structure of WBA I was homologous to those of other legume lectins and more so to Erythrina corallodendron. Interestingly, the sequence shows remarkable identities in the regions involved in the association of the two monomers of E. corallodendron lectin. Other conserved regions are the double metal-binding site and residues contributing to the formation of the hydrophobic cavity and the carbohydrate-binding site. Chemical modification studies both in the presence and absence of N-acetylgalactosamine together with sequence analyses of tryptophan-containing tryptic peptides demonstrate that tryptophan 133 is involved in the binding of carbohydrate ligands by the lectin. The location of tryptophan 133 at the active center of WBA I for the first time subserves to explain a role for one of the most conserved residues in legume lectins.


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The nature of binding of 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl-colcemid (NBD-colcemid), an environment-sensitive fluorescent analogue of colchicine, to tubulin was tested. This article reports the first fluorometric study where two types of binding site of colchincine analogue on tubulin were detected. Binding of NBD-colcemid to one of these sites equilibrates slsowly. NBD-colcemid competes with colchicine for this site. Binding of NBD-colcemid to this site also causes inhibition of tubulin self-assembly. In contrast, NBD-colcemid binding to the other site is characterised by rapid equilibration and lack of competition with colchicine. Nevertheless, binding to this site is highly specific for the cholchicine nucleus, as alkyl-NBD analogues have no significant binding activity. Fast-reaction-kinetic studies gave 1.76 × 105 M–1 s–1 for the association and 0.79 s–1 for the dissociation rate constants for the binding of NBD-colcemid to the fast site of tubulin. The association rate constants for the two phases of the slow site are 0.016 × 10–4 M–1 s–1 and 3.5 × 10–4 M–1 respectively. These two sites may be related to the two sites of colchicine reported earlier, with binding characteristics altered by the increased hydrophobic nature of NBD-colcemid.


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The Hybrid approach introduced by the authors for at-site modeling of annual and periodic streamflows in earlier works is extended to simulate multi-site multi-season streamflows. It bears significance in integrated river basin planning studies. This hybrid model involves: (i) partial pre-whitening of standardized multi-season streamflows at each site using a parsimonious linear periodic model; (ii) contemporaneous resampling of the resulting residuals with an appropriate block size, using moving block bootstrap (non-parametric, NP) technique; and (iii) post-blackening the bootstrapped innovation series at each site, by adding the corresponding parametric model component for the site, to obtain generated streamflows at each of the sites. It gains significantly by effectively utilizing the merits of both parametric and NP models. It is able to reproduce various statistics, including the dependence relationships at both spatial and temporal levels without using any normalizing transformations and/or adjustment procedures. The potential of the hybrid model in reproducing a wide variety of statistics including the run characteristics, is demonstrated through an application for multi-site streamflow generation in the Upper Cauvery river basin, Southern India. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We discover that hexagonal holmium copper titanate (Ho2CuTiO6), has a unique and highly desirable combination of high dielectric constant, low losses, very small temperature coefficient, and low frequency dependence. Our first-principles calculations indicate that these exceptional properties result from a size-difference at the Cu/Ti B-site that suppresses the expected ferroelectric transition, combined with the dominance of intermediate-frequency polar vibrational modes in the dielectric response. Our results suggest that the use of such B-site disorder in alloys of hexagonal transition-metal oxides should generally result in similar robust dielectrics.


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Statistical learning algorithms provide a viable framework for geotechnical engineering modeling. This paper describes two statistical learning algorithms applied for site characterization modeling based on standard penetration test (SPT) data. More than 2700 field SPT values (N) have been collected from 766 boreholes spread over an area of 220 sqkm area in Bangalore. To get N corrected value (N,), N values have been corrected (Ne) for different parameters such as overburden stress, size of borehole, type of sampler, length of connecting rod, etc. In three-dimensional site characterization model, the function N-c=N-c (X, Y, Z), where X, Y and Z are the coordinates of a point corresponding to N, value, is to be approximated in which N, value at any half-space point in Bangalore can be determined. The first algorithm uses least-square support vector machine (LSSVM), which is related to aridge regression type of support vector machine. The second algorithm uses relevance vector machine (RVM), which combines the strengths of kernel-based methods and Bayesian theory to establish the relationships between a set of input vectors and a desired output. The paper also presents the comparative study between the developed LSSVM and RVM model for site characterization. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons,Ltd.