38 resultados para Quark


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We investigate the effects of new physics scenarios containing a high mass vector resonance on top pair production at the LHC, using the polarization of the produced top. In particular we use kinematic distributions of the secondary lepton coming from top decay, which depends on top polarization, as it has been shown that the angular distribution of the decay lepton is insensitive to the anomalous tbW vertex and hence is a pure probe of new physics in top quark production. Spin sensitive variables involving the decay lepton are used to reconstruct the top polarization. Some sensitivity is found for the new couplings of the top.


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The concept of short range strong spin-two (f) field (mediated by massive f-mesons) and interacting directly with hadrons was introduced along with the infinite range (g) field in early seventies. In the present review of this growing area (often referred to as strong gravity) we give a general relativistic treatment in terms of Einstein-type (non-abelian gauge) field equations with a coupling constant Gf reverse similar, equals 1038 GN (GN being the Newtonian constant) and a cosmological term λf ƒ;μν (ƒ;μν is strong gravity metric and λf not, vert, similar 1028 cm− is related to the f-meson mass). The solutions of field equations linearized over de Sitter (uniformly curves) background are capable of having connections with internal symmetries of hadrons and yielding mass formulae of SU(3) or SU(6) type. The hadrons emerge as de Sitter “microuniverses” intensely curved within (radius of curvature not, vert, similar10−14 cm).The study of spinor fields in the context of strong gravity has led to Heisenberg's non-linear spinor equation with a fundamental length not, vert, similar2 × 10−14 cm. Furthermore, one finds repulsive spin-spin interaction when two identical spin-Image particles are in parallel configuration and a connection between weak interaction and strong gravity.Various other consequences of strong gravity embrace black hole (solitonic) solutions representing hadronic bags with possible quark confinement, Regge-like relations between spins and masses, connection with monopoles and dyons, quantum geons and friedmons, hadronic temperature, prevention of gravitational singularities, providing a physical basis for Dirac's two metric and large numbers hypothesis and projected unification with other basic interactions through extended supergravity.


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We present results for the QCD spectrum and the matrix elements of scalar and axial-vector densities at β=6/g2=5.4, 5.5, 5.6. The lattice update was done using the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm to include two flavors of dynamical Wilson fermions. We have explored quark masses in the range ms≤mq≤3ms. The results for the spectrum are similar to quenched simulations and mass ratios are consistent with phenomenological heavy-quark models. The results for matrix elements of the scalar density show that the contribution of sea quarks is comparable to that of the valence quarks. This has important implications for the pion-nucleon σ term.


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In this note we demonstrate the use of top polarization in the study of t (t) over bar resonances at the LHC, in the possible case where the dynamics implies a non-zero top polarization. As a probe of top polarization we construct an asymmetry in the decay-lepton azimuthal angle distribution (corresponding to the sign of cos phi(l)) in the laboratory. The asymmetry is non-vanishing even for a symmetric collider like the LHC, where a positive z axis is not uniquely defined. The angular distribution of the leptons has the advantage of being a faithful top-spin analyzer, unaffected by possible anomalous tbW couplings, to linear order. We study, for purposes of demonstration, the case of a Z' as might exist in the little Higgs models. We identify kinematic cuts which ensure that our asymmetry reflects the polarization in sign and magnitude. We investigate possibilities at the LHC with two energy options: root s = 14TeV and root s = 7TeV, as well as at the Tevatron. At the LHC the model predicts net top quark polarization of the order of a few per cent for M-Z' similar or equal to 1200GeV, being as high as 10% for a smaller mass of the Z' of 700GeV and for the largest allowed coupling in the model, the values being higher for the 7TeV option. These polarizations translate to a deviation from the standard-model value of azimuthal asymmetry of up to about 4% (7%) for 14 (7) TeV LHC, whereas for the Tevatron, values as high as 12% are attained. For the 14TeV LHC with an integrated luminosity of 10 fb(-1), these numbers translate into a 3 sigma sensitivity over a large part of the range 500 less than or similar to M-Z' less than or similar to 1500GeV.


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We calculate the kaon B parameter in quenched lattice QCD at beta=6.0 using Wilson fermions at kappa=0.154 and 0.155. We use two kinds of nonlocal (''smeared'') sources for quark propagators to calculate the matrix elements between states of definite momentum. The use of smeared sources yields results with much smaller errors than obtained in previous calculations with Wilson fermions. By combining results for p=(0,0,0) and p=(0,0,1), we show that one can carry out the noperturbative subtraction necessary to remove the dominant lattice artifacts induced by the chiral-symmetry-breaking term in the Wilson action. Our final results are in good agreement with those obtained using staggered fermions. We also present results for B parameters of the DELTAI = 3/2 part of the electromagnetic penguin operators, and preliminary results for B(K) in the presence of two flavors of dynamical quarks.


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We utilize top polarization in the process e(+)e(-) -> t (t) over bar at the International Linear Collider ( ILC) with transverse beam polarization to probe interactions of the scalar and tensor type beyond the standard model and to disentangle their individual contributions. Ninety percent confidence level limits on the interactions with realistic integrated luminosity are presented and are found to improve by an order of magnitude compared to the case when the spin of the top quark is not measured. Sensitivities of the order of a few times 10(-3) TeV-2 for real and imaginary parts of both scalar and tensor couplings at root s = 500 and 800 GeV with an integrated luminosity of 500 fb(-1) and completely polarized beams are shown to be possible. A powerful model-independent framework for inclusive measurements is employed to describe the spin-momentum correlations, and their C, P, and T properties are presented in a technical appendix.


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We present results for one-loop matching coefficients between continuum four-fermion operators, defined in the Naive Dimensional Regularization scheme, and staggered fermion operators of various types. We calculate diagrams involving gluon exchange between quark fines, and ''penguin'' diagrams containing quark loops. For the former we use Landau-gauge operators, with and without O(a) improvement, and including the tadpole improvement suggested by Lepage and Mackenzie. For the latter we use gauge-invariant operators. Combined with existing results for two-loop anomalous dimension matrices and one-loop matching coefficients, our results allow a lattice calculation of the amplitudes for KKBAR mixing and K --> pipi decays with all corrections of O(g2) included. We also discuss the mixing of DELTAS = 1 operators with lower dimension operators, and show that, with staggered fermions, only a single lower dimension operator need be removed by non-perturbative subtraction.


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The physics potential of e(+) e(-) linear colliders is summarized in this report. These machines are planned to operate in the first phase at a center-of-mass energy of 500 GeV, before being scaled up to about 1 TeV. In the second phase of the operation, a final energy of about 2 TeV is expected. The machines will allow us to perform precision tests of the heavy particles in the Standard Model, the top quark and the electroweak bosons. They are ideal facilities for exploring the properties of Higgs particles, in particular in the intermediate mass range. New vector bosons and novel matter particles in extended gauge theories can be searched for and studied thoroughly. The machines provide unique opportunities for the discovery of particles in supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model, the spectrum of Higgs particles, the supersymmetric partners of the electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons, and of the matter particles. High precision analyses of their properties and interactions will allow for extrapolations to energy scales close to the Planck scale where gravity becomes significant. In alternative scenarios, i.e. compositeness models, novel matter particles and interactions can be discovered and investigated in the energy range above the existing colliders lip to the TeV scale. Whatever scenario is realized in Nature, the discovery potential of e(+) e(-) linear colliders and the high precision with which the properties of particles and their interactions can be analyzed, define an exciting physics program complementary to hadron machines. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The polarisation of top quarks produced in high energy processes can be a very sensitive probe of physics beyond the Standard Model. The kinematical distributions of the decay products of the top quark can provide clean information on the polarisation of the produced top and thus can probe new physics effects in the top quark sector. We study some of the recently proposed polarisation observables involving the decay products of the top quark in the context of H(-)t and Wt production. We show that the effect of the top polarisation on the decay lepton azimuthal angle distribution, studied recently for these processes at leading order in QCD, is robust with respect to the inclusion of next-to-leading order and parton shower corrections. We also consider the leptonic polar angle, as well as recently proposed energy-related distributions of the top decay products. We construct asymmetry parameters from these observables, which can be used to distinguish the new physics signal from the Wt background and discriminate between different values of tan beta and m(H)- in a general type II two-Higgs doublet model. Finally, we show that similar observables may be useful in separating a Standard Model Wt signal from the much larger QCD induced top pair production background.


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The flux tube model offers a pictorial description of what happens during the deconfinement phase transition in QCD. The three-point vertices of a flux tube network lead to formation of baryons upon hadronization. Therefore, correlations in the baryon number distribution at the last scattering surface are related to the preceding pattern of the flux tube vertices in the quark-gluon plasma, and provide a signature of the nearby deconfinement phase transition. I discuss the nature of the expected signal, and how to extract it from the experimental data for heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC.


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In the context of the standard model with a fourth generation, we explore the allowed mass spectra in the fourth-generation quark and lepton sectors as functions of the Higgs mass. Using the constraints from unitarity and oblique parameters, we show that a heavy Higgs allows large mass splittings in these sectors, opening up new decay channels involving W emission. Assuming that the hints for a light Higgs do not yet constitute an evidence, we work in a scenario where a heavy Higgs is viable. A Higgs heavier than similar to 800 GeV would in fact necessitate either a heavy quark decay channel t' -> b'W/b' -> t'W or a heavy lepton decay channel tau' -> nu'W as long as the mixing between the third and fourth generations is small. This mixing tends to suppress the mass splittings and hence the W-emission channels. The possibility of the W-emission channel could substantially change the search strategies of fourth-generation fermions at the LHC and impact the currently reported mass limits.


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We compute a certain class of corrections to (specific) screening lengths in strongly coupled non-abelian plasmas using the AdS/CFT correspondence. In this holographic framework, these corrections arise from various higher curvature interactions modifying the leading Einstein gravity action. The changes in the screening lengths are perturbative in inverse powers of the `t Hooft coupling or of the number of colors, as can be made precise in the context where the dual gauge theory is superconformal. We also compare the results of these holographic calculations to lattice results for the analogous screening lengths in QCD. In particular, we apply these results within the program of making quantitative comparisons between the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma and holographic descriptions of conformal field theory. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ampcalculator (AMPC) is a Mathematica (c) based program that was made publicly available some time ago by Unterdorfer and Ecker. It enables the user to compute several processes at one loop (upto O(p(4))) in SU(3) chiral perturbation theory. They include computing matrix elements and form factors for strong and non-leptonic weak processes with at most six external states. It was used to compute some novel processes and was tested against well-known results by the original authors. Here we present the results of several thorough checks of the package. Exhaustive checks performed by the original authors are not publicly available, and hence the present effort. Some new results are obtained from the software especially in the kaon odd-intrinsic parity non-leptonic decay sector involving the coupling G(27). Another illustrative set of amplitudes at tree level we provide is in the context of tau-decays with several mesons including quark mass effects, of use to the BELLE experiment. All eight meson-meson scattering amplitudes have been checked. The Kaon-Compton amplitude has been checked and a minor error in the published results has been pointed out. This exercise is a tutorial-based one, wherein several input and output notebooks are also being made available as ancillary files on the arXiv. Some of the additional notebooks we provide contain explicit expressions that we have used for comparison with established results. The purpose is to encourage users to apply the software to suit their specific needs. An automatic amplitude generator of this type can provide error-free outputs that could be used as inputs for further simplification, and in varied scenarios such as applications of chiral perturbation theory at finite temperature, density and volume. This can also be used by students as a learning aid in low-energy hadron dynamics.


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We interpret the recent discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs-like state in the context of a two-Higgs-doublet model with a heavy fourth sequential generation of fermions, in which one Higgs doublet couples only to the fourth-generation fermions, while the second doublet couples to the lighter fermions of the first three families. This model is designed to accommodate the apparent heaviness of the fourth-generation fermions and to effectively address the low-energy phenomenology of a dynamical electroweak-symmetry-breaking scenario. The physical Higgs states of the model are, therefore, viewed as composites primarily of the fourth-generation fermions. We find that the lightest Higgs, h, is a good candidate for the recently discovered 125 GeV spin-zero particle, when tan beta similar to O(1), for typical fourth-generation fermion masses of M-4G = 400-600 GeV, and with a large t-t' mixing in the right-handed quark sector. This, in turn, leads to BR(t' -> th) similar to O(1), which drastically changes the t' decay pattern. We also find that, based on the current Higgs data, this two-Higgs-doublet model generically predicts an enhanced production rate (compared to the Standard Model) in the pp -> h -> tau tau channel, and reduced rates in the VV -> h -> gamma gamma and p (p) over bar /pp -> V -> hV -> Vbb channels. Finally, the heavier CP-even Higgs is excluded by the current data up to m(H) similar to 500 GeV, while the pseudoscalar state, A, can be as light as 130 GeV. These heavier Higgs states and the expected deviations from the Standard Model din some of the Higgs production channels can be further excluded or discovered with more data.


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The top polarization at the International Linear Collider (ILC) with transverse beam polarization is utilized in the process to probe interactions of the scalar and tensor type beyond the Standard Model and to disentangle their individual contributions. Confidence level limits of 90% are presented on the interactions with realistic integrated luminosity and are found to improve by an order of magnitude compared to the case when the spin of the top quark is not measured. Sensitivities of the order of a few times 10 (-aEuro parts per thousand 3) TeV (-aEuro parts per thousand 2) for real and imaginary parts of both scalar and tensor couplings at and 800 GeV with an integrated luminosity of 500 fb (-aEuro parts per thousand 1) and completely polarized beams are shown to be possible.