250 resultados para Quantum probability


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An expression is derived for the probability that the determinant of an n x n matrix over a finite field vanishes; from this it is deduced that for a fixed field this probability tends to 1 as n tends to.


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We explore the effect of two-dimensional position-space noncommutativity on the bipartite entanglement of continuous-variable systems. We first extend the standard symplectic framework for studying entanglement of Gaussian states of commutative systems to the case of noncommutative systems residing in two dimensions. Using the positive partial transpose criterion for separability of bipartite states, we derive a condition on the separability of a noncommutative system that is dependent on the noncommutative parameter theta. We then consider the specific example of a bipartite Gaussian state and show the quantitative reduction in entanglement originating from noncommutative dynamics. We show that such a reduction in entanglement for a noncommutative system arising from the modification of the variances of the phase-space variables (uncertainty relations) is clearly manifested between two particles that are separated by small distances.


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1H NMR spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) studies have been carried out in the temperature range 100 K to 4 K, at two Larmor frequencies 11.4 and 23.3 MHz, in the mixed system of betaine phosphate and glycine phosphite (BPxGPI(1-x)), to study the effects of disorder on the proton group dynamics. Analysis of T1 data indicates the presence of a number of inequivalent methyl groups and a gradual transition from classical reorientations to quantum tunneling rotations. At lower temperatures, microstructural disorder in the local environments of the methyl groups, result in a distribution in the activation energy (Ea) and the torsional energy gap (E01). For certain values of x, the magnetisation recovery shows biexponential behaviour at lower temperatures.


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We study transport across a point contact separating two line junctions in a nu = 5/2 quantum Hall system. We analyze the effect of inter-edge Coulomb interactions between the chiral bosonic edge modes of the half-filled Landau level (assuming a Pfaffian wave function for the half-filled state) and of the two fully filled Landau levels. In the presence of inter-edge Coulomb interactions between all the six edges participating in the line junction, we show that the stable fixed point corresponds to a point contact that is neither fully opaque nor fully transparent. Remarkably, this fixed point represents a situation where the half-filled level is fully transmitting, while the two filled levels are completely backscattered; hence the fixed point Hall conductance is given by G(H) = 1/2e(2)/h. We predict the non-universal temperature power laws by which the system approaches the stable fixed point from the two unstable fixed points corresponding to the fully connected case (G(H) = 5/2e(2)/h) and the fully disconnected case (G(H) = 0).


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We analyze aspects of symmetry breaking for Moyal spacetimes within a quantization scheme which preserves the twisted Poincare´ symmetry. Towards this purpose, we develop the Lehmann-Symanzik- Zimmermann (LSZ) approach for Moyal spacetimes. The latter gives a formula for scattering amplitudes on these spacetimes which can be obtained from the corresponding ones on the commutative spacetime. This formula applies in the presence of spontaneous breakdown of symmetries as well. We also derive Goldstone’s theorem on Moyal spacetime. The formalism developed here can be directly applied to the twisted standard model.


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The statistical minimum risk pattern recognition problem, when the classification costs are random variables of unknown statistics, is considered. Using medical diagnosis as a possible application, the problem of learning the optimal decision scheme is studied for a two-class twoaction case, as a first step. This reduces to the problem of learning the optimum threshold (for taking appropriate action) on the a posteriori probability of one class. A recursive procedure for updating an estimate of the threshold is proposed. The estimation procedure does not require the knowledge of actual class labels of the sample patterns in the design set. The adaptive scheme of using the present threshold estimate for taking action on the next sample is shown to converge, in probability, to the optimum. The results of a computer simulation study of three learning schemes demonstrate the theoretically predictable salient features of the adaptive scheme.


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The electronic structure of group II-VI semiconductors in the stable wurtzite form is analyzed using state-of-the-art ab initio approaches to extract a simple and chemically transparent tight-binding model. This model can be used to understand the variation in the bandgap with size, for nanoclusters of these compounds. Results complement similar information already available for same systems in the zinc blende structure. A comparison with all available experimental data on quantum size effects in group II-VI semiconductor nanoclusters establishes a remarkable agreement between theory and experiment in both structure types, thereby verifying the predictive ability of our approach. The significant dependence of the quantum size effect on the structure type suggests that the experimental bandgap change at a given size compared to the bulk bandgap, may be used to indicate the structural form of the nanoclusters, particularly in the small size limit, where broadening of diffraction features often make it difficult to unambiguously determine the structure.


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Artifacts in the form of cross peaks have been observed along two- and three-quantum diagonals in single-quantum two-dimensional correlated (COSY) spectra of several peptides and oligonucleotides. These have been identified as due to the presence of a non-equilibrium state of kind I (a state describable by populations which differ from equilibrium) of strongly coupled spins carried over from one experiment to the next in the COSY algorithm.


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We present a new, generic method/model for multi-objective design optimization of laminated composite components using a novel multi-objective optimization algorithm developed on the basis of the Quantum behaved Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO) paradigm. QPSO is a co-variant of the popular Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and has been developed and implemented successfully for the multi-objective design optimization of composites. The problem is formulated with multiple objectives of minimizing weight and the total cost of the composite component to achieve a specified strength. The primary optimization variables are - the number of layers, its stacking sequence (the orientation of the layers) and thickness of each layer. The classical lamination theory is utilized to determine the stresses in the component and the design is evaluated based on three failure criteria; Failure Mechanism based Failure criteria, Maximum stress failure criteria and the Tsai-Wu Failure criteria. The optimization method is validated for a number of different loading configurations - uniaxial, biaxial and bending loads. The design optimization has been carried for both variable stacking sequences as well as fixed standard stacking schemes and a comparative study of the different design configurations evolved has been presented. Also, the performance of QPSO is compared with the conventional PSO.


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We review here classical Bogomolnyi bounds, and their generalisation to supersymmetric quantum field theories by Witten and Olive. We also summarise some recent work by several people on whether such bounds are saturated in the quantised theory.


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The scalar coupled proton NMR spectra of many organic molecules possessing more than one phenyl ring are generally complex due to degeneracy of transitions arising from the closely resonating protons, in addition to several short- and long- range couplings experienced by each proton. Analogous situations are generally encountered in derivatives of halogenated benzanilides. Extraction of information from such spectra is challenging and demands the differentiation of spectrum pertaining to each phenyl ring and the simplification of their spectral complexity. The present study employs the blend of independent spin system filtering and the spin-state selective detection of single quantum (SO) transitions by the two-dimensional multiple quantum (MQ) methodology in achieving this goal. The precise values of the scalar couplings of very small magnitudes have been derived by double quantum resolved experiments. The experiments also provide the relative signs of heteronuclear couplings. Studies on four isomers of dilhalogenated benzanilides are reported in this work.


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The routine use of proton NMR for the visualization of enantiomers, aligned in the chiral liquid crystal solvent poly-γ-benzyl-l-glutamate (PBLG), is restricted due to severe loss of resolution arising from large number of pair wise interaction of nuclear spins. In the present study, we have designed two experimental techniques for their visualization utilizing the natural abundance 13C edited selective refocusing of single quantum (CH-SERF) and double quantum (CH-DQSERF) coherences. The methods achieve chiral discrimination and aid in the simultaneous determination of homonuclear couplings between active and passive spins and heteronuclear couplings between the excited protons and the participating 13C spin. The CH-SERF also overcomes the problem of overlap of central transitions of the methyl selective refocusing (SERF) experiment resulting in better chiral discrimination. Theoretical description of the evolution of magnetization in both the sequences has been discussed using polarization operator formalism.


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Many grand unified theories (GUT's) predict non-Abelian monopoles which are sources of non-Abelian (and Abelian) magnetic flux. In the preceding paper, we discussed in detail the topological obstructions to the global implementation of the action of the "unbroken symmetry group" H on a classical test particle in the field of such a monopole. In this paper, the existence of similar topological obstructions to the definition of H action on the fields in such a monopole sector, as well as on the states of a quantum-mechanical test particle in the presence of such fields, are shown in detail. Some subgroups of H which can be globally realized as groups of automorphisms are identified. We also discuss the application of our analysis to the SU(5) GUT and show in particular that the non-Abelian monopoles of that theory break color and electroweak symmetries.


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Quantum Ohmic residual resistance of a thin disordered wire, approximated as a one-dimensional multichannel conductor, is known to scale exponentially with length. This nonadditivity is shown to imply (i) a low-frequency noise-power spectrum proportional to -ln(Ω)/Ω, and (ii) a dispersive capacitative impedance proportional to tanh(√iΩ )/ √iΩ. A deep connection to the quantum Brownian motion with linear dynamical frictional coupling to a harmonic-oscillator bath is pointed out and interpreted in physical terms.