92 resultados para Pizarro, Francisco, ca. 1475-1541


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Recent advances in nanotechnology have paved ways to various techniques for designing and fabricating novel nanostructures incorporating noble metal nanoparticles, for a wide range of applications. The interaction of light with metal nanoparticles (NPs) can generate strongly localized electromagnetic fields (Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance, LSPR) at certain wavelengths of the incident beam. In assemblies or structures where the nanoparticles are placed in close proximity, the plasmons of individual metallic NPs can be strongly coupled to each other via Coulomb interactions. By arranging the metallic NPs in a chiral (e.g. helical) geometry, it is possible to induce collective excitations, which lead to differential optical response of the structures to right-and left circularly polarized light (e.g. Circular Dichroism - CD). Earlier reports in this field include novel techniques of synthesizing metallic nanoparticles on biological helical templates made from DNA, proteins etc. In the present work, we have developed new ways of fabricating chiral complexes made of metallic NPs, which demonstrate a very strong chiro-optical response in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Using DDA (Discrete Dipole Approximation) simulations, we theoretically studied the conditions responsible for large and broadband chiro-optical response. This system may be used for various applications, for example those related to polarization control of visible light, sensing of proteins and other chiral bio-molecules, and many more.


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Synergizing graphene on silicon based nanostructures is pivotal in advancing nano-electronic device technology. A combination of molecular dynamics and density functional theory has been used to predict the electronic energy band structure and photo-emission spectrum for graphene-Si system with silicon as a substrate for graphene. The equilibrium geometry of the system after energy minimization is obtained from molecular dynamics simulations. For the stable geometry obtained, density functional theory calculations are employed to determine the energy band structure and dielectric constant of the system. Further the work function of the system which is a direct consequence of photoemission spectrum is calculated from the energy band structure using random phase approximations.


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MEMS resonators have potential application in the area of frequency selective devices (e.g., gyroscopes, mass sensors, etc.). In this paper, design of electro thermally tunable resonators is presented. SOIMUMPs process is used to fabricate resonators with springs (beams) and a central mass. When voltage is applied, due to joule heating, temperature of the conducting beams goes up. This results in increase of electrical resistance due to mobility degradation. Due to increase in the temperature, springs start softening and therefore the fundamental frequency decreases. So for a given structure, one can modify the original fundamental frequency by changing the applied voltage. Coupled thermal effects result in non-uniform heating. It is observed from measurements and simulations that some parts of the beam become very hot and therefore soften more. Consequently, at higher voltages, the structure (equivalent to a single resonator) behaves like coupled resonators and exhibits peak splitting. In this mode, the given resonator can be used as a band rejection filter. This process is reversible and repeatable. For the designed structure, it is experimentally shown that by varying the voltage from 1 to 16V, the resonant frequency could be changed by 28%.


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Detection of pathogens from infected biological samples through conventional process involves cell lysis and purification. The main objective of this work is to minimize the time and sample loss, as well as to increase the efficiency of detection of biomolecules. Electrical lysis of medical sample is performed in a closed microfluidic channel in a single integrated platform where the downstream analysis of the sample is possible. The device functions involve, in a sequence, flow of lysate from lysis chamber passed through a thermal denaturation counter where dsDNA is denatured to ssDNA, which is controlled by heater unit. A functionalized binding chamber of ssDNA is prepared by using ZnO nanorods as the matrix and functionalized with bifunctional carboxylic acid, 16-(2-pyridyldithiol) hexadecanoic acid (PDHA) which is further attached to a linker molecule 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) (EDC). Linker moeity is then covalently bound to photoreactive protoporphyrin (PPP) molecule. The photolabile molecule protoporphyrin interacts with -NH2 labeled single stranded DNA (ssDNA) which thus acts as a probe to detect complimentary ssDNA from target organisms. Thereafter the bound DNA with protoporphyrin is exposed to an LED of particular wavelength for a definite period of time and DNA was eluted and analyzed. UV/Vis spectroscopic analysis at 260/280 nm wavelength confirms the purity and peak at 260 nm is reconfirmed for the elution of target DNA. Quantitative and qualitative data obtained from the current experiments show highly selective detection of biomolecule such as DNA which have large number of future applications in Point-of-Care devices.


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Donor-acceptor (D-A) conjugated polymers have attracted a good deal of attention in recent years. In D-A systems, the introduction of electron withdrawing groups reduces E-g by lowering the LUMO levels whereas, the introduction of electron donating groups reduces E-g by raising the HOMO levels. Also, conjugated polymers with desired HOMO and LUMO energy levels could be obtained by the proper selection of donor and acceptor units. Because of this reason, D-A conjugated polymers are emerging as promising materials particularly for polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs) and polymer solar cells (PSCs). We report the design and synthesis of four new narrow band gap donor-acceptor (D-A) conjugated polymers, PTCNN, PTCNF, PTCNV and PTCNO, containing electron donating 3,4-didodecyloxythiophene and electron accepting cyanovinylene units. The effects of further addition of electron donating and electron withdrawing groups to the repeating unit of a D-A conjugated polymer (PTCNN) on its optical and electrochemical properties are discussed. The studies revealed that the nature of D and A units as well as the extent of alternate D-A structure influences the optical and the electrochemical properties of the polymers. All the polymers are thermally stable up to a temperature of 300 degrees C under nitrogen atmosphere. The electrochemical studies revealed that the polymers possess low-lying HOMO energy levels and low-lying LUMO energy levels. In the UV-Vis absorption study, the polymer films displayed broad absorption in the wavelength region of 400-700 nm. The polymers exhibited low optical band gaps in the range 1.70 - 1.77 eV.


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pH-sensitive photonic composite hydrogel beads composed of sodium alginate and risedronate sodium (SA/RIS) was prepared crosslinked by Ca2+ owing to the ionic gelation of SA. The structure and surface morphology of the composite hydrogel beads were characterized by SEM. pH-sensitivity of these composite hydrogels beads and the release behaviors of drug from them were investigated. The results showed that the composite hydrogel beads had good pH-sensitivity. The drug loading and encapsulation efficiency were 27.7% and 92% for RIS, respectively. The cumulative release ratios of RIS from the composite hydrogel beads were 2.47% in pH 2.1 solution and 83 % in pH 6.8 solutions within 24 h, respectively. However, the cumulative release ratio of RIS in pH 7.4 solution reached 91% within 7 h. It is proposed that the novel photonic SA/RIS composite hydrogel bead could possess the potential of an increased intestinal absorption and fewer adverse effects of RIS. The pH and salt response of photonic hydrogel bead, as well as the encapsulation of macromolecules, are promising for applications in biomedicine and biotechnology.


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Enhancement of localized electric field near metal (plasmonic) nanostructures can have various interesting applications in sensing, imaging, photovoltage generation etc., for which significant efforts are aimed towards developing plasmonic systems with well designed and large electromagnetic response. In this paper, we discuss the wafer scale fabrication and optical characterization of a unique three dimensional plasmonic material. The near field enhancement in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum obtained in these structures (order of 106), is close to the fundamental limit that can be obtained in this and similar EM field enhancement schemes. The large near field enhancement has been reflected in a huge Raman signal of graphene layer in close proximity to the plasmonic system, which has been validated with FEM simulations. We have integrated graphene photodetectors with this material to obtain record photovoltage generation, with responsivity as high as A/W. As far as we know, this is the highest sensitivity obtained in any plasmonic-graphene hybrid photodetection system till date.


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By using a novel microfluidic set-up for drug screening applications, this study examines delivery of a novel risedronate based drug formulation for treatment of osteoporosis that was developed to overcome the usual shortcomings of risedronate, such as its low bioavailability and adverse gastric effects. Risedronate nanoparticles were prepared using muco-adhesive polymers such as chitosan as matrix for improving the intestinal cellular absorption of risedronate and also using a gastric-resistant polymer such as sodium alginate for reducing the gastric inflammation of risedronate. The in-vitro characteristics of the alginate encapsulated chitosan nanoparticles are investigated, including their stability, muco-adhesiveness, and Caco-2 cell permeability. Fluorescent markers are tagged with the polymers and their morphology within the microcapsules is imaged at various stages of drug release.


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Imaging the vasculature close around the finger joints is of interest in the field of rheumatology. Locally increased vasculature in the synovial membrane of these joints can be a marker for rheumatoid arthritis. In previous work we showed that part of the photoacoustically induced ultrasound from the epidermis reflects on the bone surface within the finger. These reflected signals could be wrongly interpreted as new photoacoustic sources. In this work we show that a conventional ultrasound reconstruction algorithm, that considers the skin as a collection of ultrasound transmitters and the PA tomography probe as the detector array, can be used to delineate bone surfaces of a finger. This can in the future assist in the localization of the joint gaps. This can provide us with a landmark to localize the region of the inflamed synovial membrane. We test the approach on finger mimicking phantoms.


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Inflammatory arthritis is often manifested in finger joints. The growth of new or withdrawal of old blood vessels can be a sensitive marker for these diseases. Photoacoustic (PA) imaging has great potential in this respect since it allows the sensitive and highly resolved visualization of blood. We systematically investigated PA imaging of finger vasculature in healthy volunteers using a newly developed PA tomographic system. We present the PA results which show excellent detail of the vasculature. Vessels with diameters ranging between 100 mu m and 1.5 mm are visible along with details of the skin, including the epidermis and the subpapillary plexus. The focus of all the studies is at the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints, and in the context of ultimately visualizing the inflamed synovial membrane in patients. This work is important in laying the foundation for detailed research into PA imaging of the phalangeal vasculature in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.


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Engineering of electronic energy band structure in graphene based nanostructures has several potential applications. Substrate induced bandgap opening in graphene results several optoelectronic properties due to the inter-band transitions. Various defects like structures, including Stone-Walls and higher-order defects are observed when a graphene sheet is exfoliated from graphite and in many other growth conditions. Existence of defect in graphene based nanostructures may cause changes in optoelectronic properties. Defect engineered graphene on silicon system are considered in this paper to study the tunability of optoelectronic properties. Graphene on silicon atomic system is equilibrated using molecular dynamics simulation scheme. Based on this study, we confirm the existence of a stable super-lattice. Density functional calculations are employed to determine the energy band structure for the super-lattice. Increase in the optical energy bandgap is observed with increasing of order of the complexity in the defect structure. Optical conductivity is computed as a function of incident electromagnetic energy which is also increasing with increase in the defect order. Tunability in optoelectronic properties will be useful in understanding graphene based design of photodetectors, photodiodes and tunnelling transistors.


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The phase-interconversions between the spinel-, brownmillerite-, defect rocksalt and perovskite-type structures have been investigated by way of (i) introducing deficiency in A-sites in CaxMn2-xO3 (0.05 <= x <= 1) i.e., by varying Ca/Mn ratio from 0.025 to 1 and (ii) nonstoichiometric CaMnO3-delta (CMO) with 0.02 <= delta <= 1. The temperature dependence of resistivity (rho-T) have been investigated on nonstoichiometric CaMnO3-delta (undoped) as well as the CMO substituted with donor impurities such as La3+, Y3+, Bi3+ or acceptor such as Na1+ ion at the Ca-site. The rho-T characteristics of nonstoichiometric CaMnO3-delta is strongly influenced by oxygen deficiency, which controls the concentration of Mn3+ ions and, in turn, affects the resistivity, rho. The results indicated that the substitution of aliovalent impurities at Ca-site in CaMnO3 has similar effects as of CaMnO3-delta ( undoped) annealed in atmospheres of varying partial pressures whereby electron or hole concentration can be altered, yet the doped samples can be processed in air or atmospheres of higher P-O2. The charge transport mechanisms of nonstoichiometric CaMnO3-delta as against the donor or acceptor doped CaMnO3 (sintered in air, P-O2 similar to 0.2 atm) have been predicted. The rho (T) curves of both donor doped CaMnO3 as well as non-stoichiometric CaMnO3-delta, is predictable by the small polaron hopping (SPH) model, which changes to the variable range hopping (VRH) at low temperatures whereas the acceptor doped CaMnO3 exhibited an activated semiconducting hopping ( ASH) throughout the measured range of temperature (10-500 K).


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M r= 975.9, orthorhombic, Pnna, a = 20.262 (3), b= 15.717 (2), c= 15.038 (1)A, V= 4788.97 A 3, z = 4, D x = 1.35 Mg m -3, Cu Kct radiation, 2 = 1.5418 A, /t = 2.79 mm -1, F(000) -= 2072, T = 293 K, R = 0.08, 3335 observed reflections. The molecular structure and the crystal packing are similar to those observed in the nonactin complexes of sodium thiocyanate and potassium thiocyanate. The eight metal-O distances are nearly the same in the potassium complex whereas the four distances involving carbonyl O atoms are shorter than the remaining four involving the tetrahydrofuran-ring O atoms in the Na and the Ca complexes. This observation can be explained in terms of the small ionic radii of Na + and Ca 2+, and leads to a plausible structural rationale for the stronger affinity of nonactin for K + than for the other two metal ions.


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Non-stoichiometric substituted cerium vanadates, MxCe1-xVO4 (M = Li, Ca and Fe), were synthesized by solid-state reactions. The crystal structure was analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction and it exhibits a tetragonal zircon Structure, crystallizing in the space group I4(1)/amd with a = 7.3733(4) and c = 6.4909(4) angstrom and Z = 4. Particle sizes were in the range of 600-800 nm, as observed by scanning electron microscopy. The thermal analysis of the compounds showed phase stability up to 1100 degrees C. The UV diffuse reflectance spectra indicated that the compounds have band gaps in the range of 2.6-2.9 eV. The photocatalytic activity of these Compounds was investigated for the first time for the degradation of different dyes, and organics, the oxidation of cyclohexane and the hydroxylation of benzene. The degradation of dyes was modeled using the Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics, while the oxidation of cyclohexane and hydroxylation of benzene were modeled using a free radical mechanism and a series reaction mechanism, respectively.


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The 1122 (n=2) member of the Tl(Ca,Ba)n+1CunO2n+3 series containing a single Tl-O layer is shown to be associated with a Tc of 90 K. This value of Tc is significantly lower than that of the 2122 phase (Tcnot, vert, similar110 K) with two Tl-O layers.