103 resultados para Path formulation


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An exact expression for the calculation of gaussian path integrals involving non-local potentials is given. Its utility is demonstrated by using it to evaluate a path integral arising in the study of an electron gas in a random potential.


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Systems of learning automata have been studied by various researchers to evolve useful strategies for decision making under uncertainity. Considered in this paper are a class of hierarchical systems of learning automata where the system gets responses from its environment at each level of the hierarchy. A classification of such sequential learning tasks based on the complexity of the learning problem is presented. It is shown that none of the existing algorithms can perform in the most general type of hierarchical problem. An algorithm for learning the globally optimal path in this general setting is presented, and its convergence is established. This algorithm needs information transfer from the lower levels to the higher levels. Using the methodology of estimator algorithms, this model can be generalized to accommodate other kinds of hierarchical learning tasks.


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In an effort to develop a fully computerized approach for structural synthesis of kinematic chains the steps involved in the method of structural synthesis based on transformation of binary chains [38] have been recast in a format suitable for implementation on a digital computer. The methodology thus evolved has been combined with the algebraic procedures for structural analysis [44] to develop a unified computer program for structural synthesis and analysis of simple jointed kinematic chains with a degree of freedom 0. Applications of this program are presented in the succeeding parts of the paper.


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Using the promeasure technique, we give an alternative evaluation of a path integral corresponding to a quadratic action with a generalized memory.


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Numerically discretized dynamic optimization problems having active inequality and equality path constraints that along with the dynamics induce locally high index differential algebraic equations often cause the optimizer to fail in convergence or to produce degraded control solutions. In many applications, regularization of the numerically discretized problem in direct transcription schemes by perturbing the high index path constraints helps the optimizer to converge to usefulm control solutions. For complex engineering problems with many constraints it is often difficult to find effective nondegenerat perturbations that produce useful solutions in some neighborhood of the correct solution. In this paper we describe a numerical discretization that regularizes the numerically consistent discretized dynamics and does not perturb the path constraints. For all values of the regularization parameter the discretization remains numerically consistent with the dynamics and the path constraints specified in the, original problem. The regularization is quanti. able in terms of time step size in the mesh and the regularization parameter. For full regularized systems the scheme converges linearly in time step size.The method is illustrated with examples.


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Data-flow analysis is an integral part of any aggressive optimizing compiler. We propose a framework for improving the precision of data-flow analysis in the presence of complex control-flow. W initially perform data-flow analysis to determine those control-flow merges which cause the loss in data-flow analysis precision. The control-flow graph of the program is then restructured such that performing data-flow analysis on the resulting restructured graph gives more precise results. The proposed framework is both simple, involving the familiar notion of product automata, and also general, since it is applicable to any forward data-flow analysis. Apart from proving that our restructuring process is correct, we also show that restructuring is effective in that it necessarily leads to more optimization opportunities. Furthermore, the framework handles the trade-off between the increase in data-flow precision and the code size increase inherent in the restructuring. We show that determining an optimal restructuring is NP-hard, and propose and evaluate a greedy strategy. The framework has been implemented in the Scale research compiler, and instantiated for the specific problem of Constant Propagation. On the SPECINT 2000 benchmark suite we observe an average speedup of 4% in the running times over Wegman-Zadeck conditional constant propagation algorithm and 2% over a purely path profile guided approach.


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A numerical scheme is presented for accurate simulation of fluid flow using the lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) on unstructured mesh. A finite volume approach is adopted to discretize the LBE on a cell-centered, arbitrary shaped, triangular tessellation. The formulation includes a formal, second order discretization using a Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) scheme for the terms representing advection of the distribution function in physical space, due to microscopic particle motion. The advantage of the LBE approach is exploited by implementing the scheme in a new computer code to run on a parallel computing system. Performance of the new formulation is systematically investigated by simulating four benchmark flows of increasing complexity, namely (1) flow in a plane channel, (2) unsteady Couette flow, (3) flow caused by a moving lid over a 2D square cavity and (4) flow over a circular cylinder. For each of these flows, the present scheme is validated with the results from Navier-Stokes computations as well as lattice Boltzmann simulations on regular mesh. It is shown that the scheme is robust and accurate for the different test problems studied.


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This paper presents an inverse dynamic formulation by the Newton–Euler approach for the Stewart platform manipulator of the most general architecture and models all the dynamic and gravity effects as well as the viscous friction at the joints. It is shown that a proper elimination procedure results in a remarkably economical and fast algorithm for the solution of actuator forces, which makes the method quite suitable for on-line control purposes. In addition, the parallelism inherent in the manipulator and in the modelling makes the algorithm quite efficient in a parallel computing environment, where it can be made as fast as the corresponding formulation for the 6-dof serial manipulator. The formulation has been implemented in a program and has been used for a few trajectories planned for a test manipulator. Results of simulation presented in the paper reveal the nature of the variation of actuator forces in the Stewart platform and justify the dynamic modelling for control.


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An experimental investigation dealing with the influence of stress path on the shear behaviour of a layered soil prepared in the laboratory is described. Specimens trimmed in vertical and horizontal directions have been sheared under three different stress paths in compression and extension tests. Either in compression or extension, the stress–strain behaviour of the specimens with both orientations was apparently the same, although the volume change behaviour was different. The effective stress parameters C′ and ′ were found to be unique and independent of the stress path and two principal orientations. However, the values of ′ in extension tests were 6–7° higher than those in compression tests.


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This paper presents a Dubins model based strategy to determine the optimal path of a Miniature Air Vehicle (MAV), constrained by a bounded turning rate, that would enable it to fly along a given straight line, starting from an arbitrary initial position and orientation. The method is then extended to meet the same objective in the presence of wind which has a magnitude comparable to the speed of the MAV. We use a modification of the Dubins' path method to obtain the complete optimal solution to this problem in all its generality.


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In this paper a nonlinear control has been designed using the dynamic inversion approach for automatic landing of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), along with associated path planning. This is a difficult problem because of light weight of UAVs and strong coupling between longitudinal and lateral modes. The landing maneuver of the UAV is divided into approach, glideslope and flare. In the approach UAV aligns with the centerline of the runway by heading angle correction. In glideslope and flare the UAV follows straight line and exponential curves respectively in the pitch plane with no lateral deviations. The glideslope and flare path are scheduled as a function of approach distance from runway. The trajectory parameters are calculated such that the sink rate at touchdown remains within specified bounds. It is also ensured that the transition from the glideslope to flare path is smooth by ensuring C-1 continuity at the transition. In the outer loop, the roll rate command is generated by assuring a coordinated turn in the alignment segment and by assuring zero bank angle in the glideslope and flare segments. The pitch rate command is generated from the error in altitude to control the deviations from the landing trajectory. The yaw rate command is generated from the required heading correction. In the inner loop, the aileron, elevator and rudder deflections are computed together to track the required body rate commands. Moreover, it is also ensured that the forward velocity of the UAV at the touch down remains close to a desired value by manipulating the thrust of the vehicle. A nonlinear six-DOF model, which has been developed from extensive wind-tunnel testing, is used both for control design as well as to validate it.


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The density of states n(E) is calculated for a bound system whose classical motion is integrable, starting from an expression in terms of the trace of the time-dependent Green function. The novel feature is the use of action-angle variables. This has the advantages that the trace operation reduces to a trivial multiplication and the dependence of n(E) on all classical closed orbits with different topologies appears naturally. The method is contrasted with another, not applicable to integrable systems except in special cases, in which quantization arises from a single closed orbit which is assumed isolated and the trace taken by the method of stationary phase.


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In this paper, we present an algebraic method to study and design spatial parallel manipulators that demonstrate isotropy in the force and moment distributions. We use the force and moment transformation matrices separately, and derive conditions for their isotropy individually as well as in combination. The isotropy conditions are derived in closed-form in terms of the invariants of the quadratic forms associated with these matrices. The formulation is applied to a class of Stewart platform manipulator, and a multi-parameter family of isotropic manipulators is identified analytically. We show that it is impossible to obtain a spatially isotropic configuration within this family. We also compute the isotropic configurations of an existing manipulator and demonstrate a procedure for designing the manipulator for isotropy at a given configuration. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The concept of domain integral used extensively for J integral has been applied in this work for the formulation of J(2) integral for linear elastic bimaterial body containing a crack at the interface and subjected to thermal loading. It is shown that, in the presence of thermal stresses, the J(k) domain integral over a closed path, which does not enclose singularities, is a function of temperature and body force. A method is proposed to compute the stress intensity factors for bimaterial interface crack subjected to thermal loading by combining this domain integral with the J(k) integral. The proposed method is validated by solving standard problems with known solutions.


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We consider single-source, single-sink multi-hop relay networks, with slow-fading Rayleigh fading links and single-antenna relay nodes operating under the half-duplex constraint. While two hop relay networks have been studied in great detail in terms of the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT), few results are available for more general networks. In this two-part paper, we identify two families of networks that are multi-hop generalizations of the two hop network: K-Parallel-Path (KPP) networks and Layered networks. In the first part, we initially consider KPP networks, which can be viewed as the union of K node-disjoint parallel paths, each of length > 1. The results are then generalized to KPP(I) networks, which permit interference between paths and to KPP(D) networks, which possess a direct link from source to sink. We characterize the optimal DMT of KPP(D) networks with K >= 4, and KPP(I) networks with K >= 3. Along the way, we derive lower bounds for the DMT of triangular channel matrices, which are useful in DMT computation of various protocols. As a special case, the DMT of two-hop relay network without direct link is obtained. Two key implications of the results in the two-part paper are that the half-duplex constraint does not necessarily entail rate loss by a factor of two, as previously believed and that, simple AF protocols are often sufficient to attain the best possible DMT.