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Distributed space time coding for wireless relay networks when the source, the destination and the relays have multiple antennas have been studied by Jing and Hassibi. In this set-up, the transmit and the receive signals at different antennas of the same relay are processed and designed independently, even though the antennas are colocated. In this paper, a wireless relay network with single antenna at the source and the destination and two antennas at each of the R relays is considered. A new class of distributed space time block codes called Co-ordinate Interleaved Distributed Space-Time Codes (CIDSTC) are introduced where, in the first phase, the source transmits a T-length complex vector to all the relays;and in the second phase, at each relay, the in-phase and quadrature component vectors of the received complex vectors at the two antennas are interleaved and processed before forwarding them to the destination. Compared to the scheme proposed by Jing-Hassibi, for T >= 4R, while providing the same asymptotic diversity order of 2R, CIDSTC scheme is shown to provide asymptotic coding gain with the cost of negligible increase in the processing complexity at the relays. However, for moderate and large values of P, CIDSTC scheme is shown to provide more diversity than that of the scheme proposed by Jing-Hassibi. CIDSTCs are shown to be fully diverse provided the information symbols take value from an appropriate multidimensional signal set.


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PbS quantum dots capped with mercaptoethanol (C2H5OSH) have been synthesized in poly vinyl alcohol and used to investigate their photoluminescence (PL) response to various ions such as zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), silver (Ag), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni). The enhancement in the PL intensity was observed with specific ions namely Zn, Cd, Hg and Ag. Among these four ions, the PL response to Hg and Ag even at sub-micro-molar concentrations was quite high, compared to that of Zn and Cd. It was observed that the change in Pb and S molar ratio has profound effect on the sensitivity of these ions. These results indicate that the sensitivity of these QDs could be fine-tuned by controlling the S concentration at the surface. Contrary to the above, Cu quenched the photoluminescence. In Cd based QDs related ion probing, Hg and Cu was found to have quenching properties, however, our PbS QDs have quenching property only for Cu ions. This was attributed to the formation HgS at the surface that has bandgap higher than PbS. Another interesting property of PbS in PVA observed is photo-brightening mechanism due to the curing of the polymer with laser. However, the presence of excess ions at the surface changes its property to photo-darkening/brightening that depends on the direction of carrier transfer mechanism (from QDs to the surface adsorbed metal ions or vice-versa). which is an interesting feature for metal ion detectivity.


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Small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) in a poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV) solution has shown the important role of pi-electron conjugation in controlling the chain conformation and assembly. By increasing the extent of conjugation from 30 to 100%, the persistence length (l(p)) increases from 20 to 66 angstrom. Moreover, a pronounced second peak in the pair distribution function has been observed in a fully conjugated chain, at larger length scales. This feature indicates that the chain segments tend to self-assemble as the conjugation along the chain increases. Xylene enhances the rigidity of the PPV backbone to yield extended structures, while tetrahydrofuran solvates the side groups to form compact coils in which the lp is much shorter.


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Abstract is not available.


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Earlier, we showed that, for the D form (n = 8 and h = 3.03 A, where n is number of nucleotide units per turn and h is height per nucleotide unit) of poly[d(A-T)], both right- and left-handed double helical models are stereochemically satisfactory and give good agreement with the observed fiber diffraction data. It was also noted that the conformations of the right- and left-handed D-DNA models are very similar to those of the right- and left-handed B-DNA models. This observation was consistent with the D leads to B transition in the solid phase. As a continuation of our earlier studies, we have carried out similar experiments with poly[d(I-C)]. We could obtain a crystalline D-form pattern (n = 8, h = 3.13 A) of the fiber at 75% relative humidity (r.h.); the hydrated (r.h. approximately equal to 95%) form of the same fiber gave the classical B-form pattern (n = 10, h = 3.40 A). In the present report, we show that both right- and left-handed double-helical models are consistent with the fiber diffraction data of poly[d(I-C)] in the D-form. Theoretical energy calculations also suggest that the right- and left-handed B- and D-DNA models are almost equally stable. Hence, we conclude that the right- and left-handed double-helical models of poly[d(I-C)] in a given form (B or D) are equally likely and that the fiber diffraction data do not permit discrimination.


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A relay network with N relays and a single source-destination pair is called a partially-coherent relay channel (PCRC) if the destination has perfect channel state information (CSI) of all the channels and the relays have only the phase information of the source-to-relay channels. In this paper, first, a new set of necessary and sufficient conditions for a space-time block code (STBC) to be single-symbol decodable (SSD) for colocated multiple antenna communication is obtained. Then, this is extended to a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for a distributed STBC (DSTBC) to be SSD for. a PCRC. Using this, several SSD DSTBCs for PCRC are identified. It is proved that even if a SSD STBC for a co-located MIMO channel does not satisfy the additional conditions for the code to be SSD for a PCRC, single-symbol decoding of it in a PCRC gives full-diversity and only coding gain is lost. It is shown that when a DSTBC is SSD for a PCRC, then arbitrary coordinate interleaving of the in-phase and quadrature-phase components of the variables does not disturb its SSD property for PCRC. Finally, it is shown that the possibility of channel phase compensation operation at the relay nodes using partial CSI at the relays increases the possible rate of SSD DSTBCs from (2)/(N) when the relays do not have CSI to(1)/(2), which is independent of N.


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The Watson-Crick type of base pairing is considered to be mandatory for the formation of duplex DNA. However, conformational calculations carried out in our laboratory, have shown that some combinations of backbone torsion angles and sugar pucker lead to duplexes with Hoogsteen type of base pairing also. Here we present the results of energy calculations performed on A-T containing doublet sequences in the D-form with both Hoogsteen and Watson-Crick type of base pairing and the 3 viable models for the A-T containing polynucleotide duplex poly[d(A-T)].


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Experimental results pertaining to the initiation, dynamics and mechanism of cavitation erosion on poly(methyl methacrylate) specimens tested in a rotating disk device are described in detail. Erosion normally starts at the location nearest to the center of rotation (CR). As the exposure time to cavitation increases, additional erosion areas or sites appear away from the CR and secondary erosion (induced by eroded pits) spreads upstream and merges with the main pit. The microcracks increase in density towards the end of the incubation period and transform into macrocracks in most cases. A study of light optical photographs and scanning electron micrographs of the eroded area shows that material particles are removed from the network of cracks because of crack joining and pits indicate particle debris. Optical degradation (loss of transmittance) is observed to be greater on the back of the specimen than on the front.


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We report a pH-dependent conformational transition in short, defined homopolymeric deoxyadenosines (dA(15)) from a single helical structure with stacked nucleobases at neutral pH to a double-helical, parallel-stranded duplex held together by AH-HA base pairs at acidic pH. Using native PAGE, 2D NMR, circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy, we have characterized the two different pH dependent forms of dA(15). The pH-triggered transition between the two defined helical forms of dA(15) is characterized by CD and fluorescence. The kinetics of this conformational switch is found to occur on a millisecond time scale. This robust, highly reversible, pH-induced transition between the two well-defined structured states of dA(15)represents a new molecular building block for the construction of quick-response, pH-switchable architectures in structural DNA nanotechnology.


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Ring-opening thermal polymerization of hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene (N3P3C&h)a s been investigated at 250 "C and at 1.333-Pa pressure using chlorocyclotriphosphazenes N3P3C15(N=PPh3) and N3P3Cl,.,(NMe2), (n = 2-4), salt hydrates, triphenylphosphine, and benzoic acid as initiators. The linear poly (dich1orophosphazene) products are phenoxylated, and the phenoxy polymers are characterized by gel permeation chromatography and dilute solution viscometry. Among the various initiators investigated, CaS04.2H20b rings about a high conversion (>60%) of N3P3C&to the linear [NPC12], polymer which possesses a high molecular weight (>5 X lo6). The rationale for the choice of the initiators and possible mechanism(s) of polymerization is discussed. Several mixed substituent polymers, [NP(OPh),(OC6H4Me-p)2,1, and [NP(OPh),(OCHzCF3)2,]nh, ave been prepared and their thermal properties evaluated.


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tRNA synthetases (aaRS) are enzymes crucial in the translation of genetic code. The enzyme accylates the acceptor stem of tRNA by the congnate amino acid bound at the active site, when the anti-codon is recognized by the anti-codon site of aaRS. In a typical aaRS, the distance between the anti-codon region and the amino accylation site is approximately 70 Å. We have investigated this allosteric phenomenon at molecular level by MD simulations followed by the analysis of protein structure networks (PSN) of non-covalent interactions. Specifically, we have generated conformational ensembles by performing MD simulations on different liganded states of methionyl tRNA synthetase (MetRS) from Escherichia coli and tryptophenyl tRNA synthetase (TrpRS) from Human. The correlated residues during the MD simulations are identified by cross correlation maps. We have identified the amino acids connecting the correlated residues by the shortest path between the two selected members of the PSN. The frequencies of paths have been evaluated from the MD snapshots[1]. The conformational populations in different liganded states of the protein have been beautifully captured in terms of network parameters such as hubs, cliques and communities[2]. These parameters have been associated with the rigidity and plasticity of the protein conformations and can be associated with free energy landscape. A comparison of allosteric communication in MetRS and TrpRS [3] elucidated in this study highlights diverse means adopted by different enzymes to perform a similar function. The computational method described for these two enzymes can be applied to the investigation of allostery in other systems.


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The host-guest technique has been applied to the determination of the helix-coil stability constants of two naturally occurring amino acids, L-alanine and L-leucine, in a nonaqueous solvent system. Random copolymers containing L-alanine and L-leucine, respectively, as guest residues and -benzyl-L-glutamate as the host residue were synthesized. The polymers were fractionated and characterized for their amino acid content, molecular weight, and helix-coil transition behavior in a dichloroacetic acid (DCA)-1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) mixture. Two types of helix-coil transitions were carried out on the copolymers: solvent-induced transitions in DCA-DCE mixtures at 25°C and thermally induced transitions in a 82:18 (wt %) DCA-DCE mixture. The thermally induced transitions were analyzed by statistical mechanical methods to determine the Zimm-Bragg parameters, and s, of the guest residues. The experimental data indicate that, in the nonaqueous solvent, the L-alanine residue stabilizes the -helical conformation more than the L-leucine residue does. This is in contrast to their behavior in aqueous solution, where the reverse is true. The implications of this finding for the analysis of helical structures in globular proteins are discussed.


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The morphology and crystal growth of poly(l-lactic acid), PLLA have been studied from the melt as a function of undercooling and molecular weight using hot stage microscopy. Attention has been given to the application of growth rate equation on the growth rate data of PLLA and thus various nucleation parameters have been calculated. The criteria of Regime I and Regime II types of crystallization has been applied for the evaluation of substrate lengths.


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Structural and rheological features of a series of molecular hydrogels formed by synthetic bile salt analogues have been scrutinized. Among seven gelators, two are neutral compounds, while the others are cationic systems among which one is a tripodal steroid derivative. Despite the fact that the chemical structures are closely related, the variety of physical characteristics is extremely large in the structures of the connected fibers (either plain cylinders or ribbons), in the dynamical modes for stress relaxation of the associated SAFINs, in the scaling laws of the shear elasticity (typical of either cellular solids or fractal floc-like assemblies), in the micron-scale texture and the distribution of ordered domains (spherulites, crystallites) embedded in a random mesh, in the type of nodal zones (either crystalline-like, fiber entanglements, or bundles), in the evolution of the distribution and morphology of fibers and nodes, and in the sensitivity to added salt. SANS appears to be a suitable technique to infer all geometrical parameters defining the fibers, their interaction modes, and the volume fraction of nodes in a SAFIN. The tripodal system is particularly singular in the series and exhibits viscosity overshoots at the startup of shear flows, an “umbrella-like” molecular packing mode involving three molecules per cross section of fiber, and scattering correlation peaks revealing the ordering and overlap of 1d self-assembled polyelectrolyte species.


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A novel zig-zag (Z) structure is proposed for poly d(GC).poly d(GC). The proposed model closely resembles the crystal structure of d(CG)3.