116 resultados para One-meson-exchange model


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We construct a new many-body Hamiltonian with two- and three-body interactions in two space dimensions and obtain its exact many-body ground state for an arbitrary number of particles. This ground state has a novel pairwise correlation. A class of exact solutions for the excited states is also found. These excited states display an energy spectrum similar to the Calogero-Sutherland model in one dimension. The model reduces to an analog of the well-known trigonometric Sutherland model when projected on to a circular ring.


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For a one-locus selection model, Svirezhev introduced an integral variational principle by defining a Lagrangian which remained stationary on the trajectory followed by the population undergoing selection. It is shown here (i) that this principle can be extended to multiple loci in some simple cases and (ii) that the Lagrangian is defined by a straightforward generalization of the one-locus case, but (iii) that in two-locus or more general models there is no straightforward extension of this principle if linkage and epistasis are present. The population trajectories can be constructed as trajectories of steepest ascent in a Riemannian metric space. A general method is formulated to find the metric tensor and the surface-in the metric space on which the trajectories, which characterize the variations in the gene structure of the population, lie. The local optimality principle holds good in such a space. In the special case when all possible linkage disequilibria are zero, the phase point of the n-locus genetic system moves on the surface of the product space of n higher dimensional unit spheres in a certain Riemannian metric space of gene frequencies so that the rate of change of mean fitness is maximum along the trajectory. In the two-locus case the corresponding surface is a hyper-torus.


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We study the total inelastic gamma gamma cross-section and discuss predictions from different models, with a special attention to their dependence on the input parameters. In particular we examine the results from a simple extension of the Regge Pomeron exchange model and those from the eikonalized mini-jet model. We then compare both of them with recent LEP data.


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Electronic Exchanges are double-sided marketplaces that allows multiple buyers to trade with multiple sellers, with aggregation of demand and supply across the bids to maximize the revenue in the market. In this paper, we propose a new design approach for an one-shot exchange that collects bids from buyers and sellers and clears the market at the end of the bidding period. The main principle of the approach is to decouple the allocation from pricing. It is well known that it is impossible for an exchange with voluntary participation to be efficient and budget-balanced. Budget-balance is a mandatory requirement for an exchange to operate in profit. Our approach is to allocate the trade to maximize the reported values of the agents. The pricing is posed as payoff determination problem that distributes the total payoff fairly to all agents with budget-balance imposed as a constraint. We devise an arbitration scheme by axiomatic approach to solve the payoff determination problem using the added-value concept of game theory.


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Direct numerical simulation (DNS) results of autoignition in anon-premixed medium under an isotropic, homogeneous, and decaying turbulence are presented. The initial mixture consists of segregated fuel parcels randomly distributed within warm air, and the entire medium is subjected to a three-dimensional turbulence. Chemical kinetics is modeled by a four-step reduced reaction mechanism for autoignition of n-heptane/air mixture. Thus, this work overcomes the principal limitations of a previous contribution of the authors on two-dimensional DNS of autoignition with a one-step reaction model. Specific attention is focused on the differences in the effects of two- and three-dimensional turbulence on autoignition characteristics. The three-dimensional results show that ignition spots are most likely to originate at locations jointly corresponding to the most reactive mixture fraction and low scalar dissipation rate. Further, these ignition spots are found to originate at locations corresponding to the core of local vortical structures, and after ignition, the burning gases move toward the vortex periphery Such a movement is explained as caused by the cyclostrophic imbalance developed when the local gas density is variable. These results lead to the conclusion that the local ignition-zone structure does not conform to the classical stretched flamelet description. Parametric studies show that the ignition delay time decreases with an increase in turbulence intensity. Hence, these three-dimensional simulation results resolve the discrepancy between trends in experimental data and predictions from DNSs of two-dimensional turbulence. This qualitative difference between DNS results from three- and two-dimensional simulations is discussed and attributed to the effect of vortex stretching that is present in the former, but not in the latter.


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In this article, a single-phase, one-domain macroscopic model is developed for studying binary alloy solidification with moving equiaxed solid phase, along with the associated transport phenomena. In this model, issues such as thermosolutal convection, motion of solid phase relative to liquid and viscosity variations of the solid-liquid mixture with solid fraction in the mobile zone are taken into account. Using the model, the associated transport phenomena during solidification of Al-Cu alloys in a rectangular cavity are predicted. The results for temperature variation, segregation patterns, and eutectic fraction distribution are compared with data from in-house experiments. The model predictions compare well with the experimental results. To highlight the influence of solid phase movement on convection and final macrosegregation, the results of the current model are also compared with those obtained from the conventional solidification model with stationary solid phase. By including the independent movement of the solid phase into the fluid transport model, better predictions of macrosegregation, microstructure, and even shrinkage locations were obtained. Mechanical property prediction models based on microstructure will benefit from the improved accuracy of this model.


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In this paper we are concerned with finding the maximum throughput that a mobile ad hoc network can support. Even when nodes are stationary, the problem of determining the capacity region has long been known to be NP-hard. Mobility introduces an additional dimension of complexity because nodes now also have to decide when they should initiate route discovery. Since route discovery involves communication and computation overhead, it should not be invoked very often. On the other hand, mobility implies that routes are bound to become stale resulting in sub-optimal performance if routes are not updated. We attempt to gain some understanding of these effects by considering a simple one-dimensional network model. The simplicity of our model allows us to use stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) to find the maximum possible network throughput with ideal routing and medium access control (MAC) scheduling. Using the optimal value as a benchmark, we also propose and evaluate the performance of a simple threshold-based heuristic. Unlike the optimal policy which requires considerable state information, the heuristic is very simple to implement and is not overly sensitive to the threshold value used. We find empirical conditions for our heuristic to be near-optimal as well as network scenarios when our simple heuristic does not perform very well. We provide extensive numerical and simulation results for different parameter settings of our model.


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Biomechanical signals due to human movements during exercise are represented in time-frequency domain using Wigner Distribution Function (WDF). Analysis based on WDF reveals instantaneous spectral and power changes during a rhythmic exercise. Investigations were carried out on 11 healthy subjects who performed 5 cycles of sun salutation, with a body-mounted Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) as a motion sensor. Variance of Instantaneous Frequency (I.F) and Instantaneous Power (I.P) for performance analysis of the subject is estimated using one-way ANOVA model. Results reveal that joint Time-Frequency analysis of biomechanical signals during motion facilitates a better understanding of grace and consistency during rhythmic exercise.


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The present paper details the prediction of blast induced ground vibration, using artificial neural network. The data was generated from five different coal mines. Twenty one different parameters involving rock mass parameters, explosive parameters and blast design parameters, were used to develop the one comprehensive ANN model for five different coal bearing formations. A total of 131 datasets was used to develop the ANN model and 44 datasets was used to test the model. The developed ANN model was compared with the USBM model. The prediction capability to predict blast induced ground vibration, of the comprehensive ANN model was found to be superior.


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We study the dynamics of a one-dimensional lattice model of hard core bosons which is initially in a superfluid phase with a current being induced by applying a twist at the boundary. Subsequently, the twist is removed, and the system is subjected to periodic delta-function kicks in the staggered on-site potential. We present analytical expressions for the current and work done in the limit of an infinite number of kicks. Using these, we show that the current (work done) exhibits a number of dips (peaks) as a function of the driving frequency and eventually saturates to zero (a finite value) in the limit of large frequency. The vanishing of the current (and the saturation of the work done) can be attributed to a dynamic localization of the hard core bosons occurring as a consequence of the periodic driving. Remarkably, we show that for some specific values of the driving amplitude, the localization occurs for any value of the driving frequency. Moreover, starting from a half-filled lattice of hard core bosons with the particles localized in the central region, we show that the spreading of the particles occurs in a light-cone-like region with a group velocity that vanishes when the system is dynamically localized.


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Using numerical diagonalization we study the crossover among different random matrix ensembles (Poissonian, Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE), Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) and Gaussian symplectic ensemble (GSE)) realized in two different microscopic models. The specific diagnostic tool used to study the crossovers is the level spacing distribution. The first model is a one-dimensional lattice model of interacting hard-core bosons (or equivalently spin 1/2 objects) and the other a higher dimensional model of non-interacting particles with disorder and spin-orbit coupling. We find that the perturbation causing the crossover among the different ensembles scales to zero with system size as a power law with an exponent that depends on the ensembles between which the crossover takes place. This exponent is independent of microscopic details of the perturbation. We also find that the crossover from the Poissonian ensemble to the other three is dominated by the Poissonian to GOE crossover which introduces level repulsion while the crossover from GOE to GUE or GOE to GSE associated with symmetry breaking introduces a subdominant contribution. We also conjecture that the exponent is dependent on whether the system contains interactions among the elementary degrees of freedom or not and is independent of the dimensionality of the system.


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Two Chrastil type expressions have been developed to model the solubility of supercritical fluids/gases in liquids. The three parameter expressions proposed correlates the solubility as a function of temperature, pressure and density. The equation can also be used to check the self-consistency of the experimental data of liquid phase compositions for supercritical fluid-liquid equilibria. Fifty three different binary systems (carbon-dioxide + liquid) with around 2700 data points encompassing a wide range of compounds like esters, alcohols, carboxylic acids and ionic liquids were successfully modeled for a wide range of temperatures and pressures. Besides the test for self-consistency, based on the data at one temperature, the model can be used to predict the solubility of supercritical fluids in liquids at different temperatures. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the optical spectra and single crystal magnetic susceptibility of the one-dimensional antiferromagnet KFeS2. Measurements have been carried out to ascertain the spin state of Fe3+ and the nature of the magnetic interactions in this compound. The optical spectra and magnetic susceptibility could be consistently interpreted using a S = 1/2 spin ground state for the Fe3+ ion. The features in the optical spectra have been assigned to transitions within the d-electron manifold of the Fe3+ ion, and analysed in the strong field limit of the ligand field theory. The high temperature isotropic magnetic susceptibility is typical of a low-dimensional system and exhibits a broad maximum at similar to 565 K. The susceptibility shows a well defined transition to a three dimensionally ordered antiferromagnetic state at T-N = 250 K. The intra and interchain exchange constants, J and J', have been evaluated from the experimental susceptibilities using the relationship between these quantities, and chi(max), T-max, and T-N for a spin 1/2 one-dimensional chain. The values are J = -440.71 K, and J' = 53.94 K. Using these values of J and J', the susceptibility of a spin 1/2 Heisenberg chain was calculated. A non-interacting spin wave model was used below T-N. The susceptibility in the paramagnetic region was calculated from the theoretical curves for an infinite S = 1/2 chain. The calculated susceptibility compares well with the experimental data of KFeS2. Further support for a one-dimensional spin 1/2 model comes from the fact that the calculated perpendicular susceptibility at 0K (2.75 x 10(-4) emu/mol) evaluated considering the zero point reduction in magnetization from spin wave theory is close to the projected value (2.7 x 10(-4) emu/mol) obtained from the experimental data.


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The reaction of a tridentate Schiff base ligand HL (2-(3-dimethylaminopropylimino)-methyl]-phenol) with Ni(II) acetate or perchlorate salts in the presence of azide as coligand has led to two new Ni(II) complexes of formulas Ni3L2(OAc)(2)(mu(1,1)-N-3)(2)(H2O)(2)]center dot 2H(2)O (1) and Ni2L2(mu(1,1)-N-3) (mu(1,3)-N-3)](n)(2). Single crystal X-ray structures show that complex 1 is a linear trinuclear Ni(II) compound containing a mu(2)-phenwddo, an end-on (EO) azido and a syn-syn acetato bridge between the terminal and the central Ni(II) ions. Complex 2 can be viewed as a one-dimensional (1D) chain in which the triply bridged (di-mu(2)-phenoxido and EO azido) dimeric Ni-2 units are linked to each other in a zigzag pattern by a single end-to-end (EE) azido bridge. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility studies indicate the presence of moderate ferromagnetic exchange coupling in complex 1 with J value of 16.51(6) cm(-1). The magnetic behavior of 2 can be fitted in an alternating ferro- and antiferromagnetic model J(FM) = +34.2(2.8) cm(-1) and J(AF) = -21.6(1.1) cm(-1)] corresponding to the triple bridged dinuclear core and EE azido bridge respectively. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed to corroborate the magnetic results of 1 and 2. The contributions of the different bridges toward magnetic interactions in both compounds have also been calculated.


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Regenerable 'gel-coated' cationic resins with fast sorption kinetics and high sorption capacity have application potential for removal of trace metal ions even in large-scale operations. Poly(acrylic acid) has been gel-coated on high-surface area silica (pre-coated with ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer providing a thin barrier layer) and insolubilized by crosslinking with a low-molecular-weight diepoxide (epoxy equivalent 180 g) in the presence of benzyl dimethylamine catalyst at 70 degrees C, In experiments performed for Ca2+ sorption from dilute aqueous solutions of Ca(NO,),, the gel-coated acrylic resin is found to have nearly 40% higher sorption capacity than the bead-form commercial methacrylic resin Amberlite IRC-50 and also several limes higher rate of sorption. The sorption on the gel-coated sorbent under vigorous agitation has the characteristics of particle diffusion control with homogeneous (gel) diffusion in resin phase. A new mathematical model is proposed for such sorption on gel-coated ion-exchange resin in finite bath and solved by applying operator-theoretic methods. The analytical solution so obtained shows goad agreement with experimental sorption kinetics at relatively low levels (< 70%) of resin conversion.