35 resultados para Oligomerization


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The crystal structures of two forms of Mycobacterium leprae single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) have been determined at 2.05 and 2.8 A resolution. Comparison of these structures with the structures of other eubacterial SSBs indicates considerable variation in their quaternary association, although the DNA-binding domains in all of them exhibit the same OB-fold. This variation has no linear correlation with sequence variation, but could be related to variation in protein stability. Molecular-dynamics simulations have been carried out on tetrameric molecules derived from the two forms and the prototype Escherichia coli SSB and the individual subunits of both proteins. Together, the X-ray studies and molecular-dynamics simulations yield information on the relatively rigid and flexible regions of the molecule and on the effect of oligomerization on flexibility. The simulations provide insight into the changes in subunit structure on oligomerization. They also provide insight into the stability and time evolution of the hydrogen bonds/water bridges that connect the two pairs of monomers in the tetramer.


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Molybdenum-cofactor (Moco) biosynthesis is an evolutionarily conserved pathway in almost all kingdoms of life, including humans. Two proteins, MogA and MoeA, catalyze the last step of this pathway in bacteria, whereas a single two-domain protein carries out catalysis in eukaryotes. Here, three crystal structures of the Moco-biosynthesis protein MogA from the two thermophilic organisms Thermus thermophilus (TtMogA; 1.64 angstrom resolution, space group P2(1)) and Aquifex aeolicus (AaMogA; 1.70 angstrom resolution, space group P2(1) and 1.90 angstrom resolution, space group P1) have been determined. The functional roles and the residues involved in oligomerization of the protein molecules have been identified based on a comparative analysis of these structures with those of homologous proteins. Furthermore, functional roles have been proposed for the N- and C-terminal residues. In addition, a possible protein-protein complex of MogA and MoeA has been proposed and the residues involved in protein-protein interactions are discussed. Several invariant water molecules and those present at the subunit interfaces have been identified and their possible structural and/or functional roles are described in brief. In addition, molecular-dynamics and docking studies with several small molecules (including the substrate and the product) have been carried out in order to estimate their binding affinities towards AaMogA and TtMogA. The results obtained are further compared with those obtained for homologous eukaryotic proteins.


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Being vastly different from the human counterpart, we suggest that the last enzyme of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Coenzyme A biosynthetic pathway, dephosphocoenzyme A kinase (CoaE) could be a good anti-tubercular target. Here we describe detailed investigations into the regulatory features of the enzyme, affected via two mechanisms. Enzymatic activity is regulated by CTP which strongly binds the enzyme at a site overlapping that of the leading substrate, dephosphocoenzyme A (DCoA), thereby obscuring the binding site and limiting catalysis. The organism has evolved a second layer of regulation by employing a dynamic equilibrium between the trimeric and monomeric forms of CoaE as a means of regulating the effective concentration of active enzyme. We show that the monomer is the active form of the enzyme and the interplay between the regulator, CTP and the substrate, DCoA, affects enzymatic activity. Detailed kinetic data have been corroborated by size exclusion chromatography, dynamic light scattering, glutaraldehyde crosslinking, limited proteolysis and fluorescence investigations on the enzyme all of which corroborate the effects of the ligands on the enzyme oligomeric status and activity. Cysteine mutagenesis and the effects of reducing agents on mycobacterial CoaE oligomerization further validate that the latter is not cysteine-mediated or reduction-sensitive. These studies thus shed light on the novel regulatory features employed to regulate metabolite flow through the last step of a critical biosynthetic pathway by keeping the latter catalytically dormant till the need arises, the transition to the active form affected by a delicate crosstalk between an essential cellular metabolite (CTP) and the precursor to the pathway end-product (DCoA).


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Thiolases are important in fatty-acid degradation and biosynthetic pathways. Analysis of the genomic sequence of Mycobacterium smegmatis suggests the presence of several putative thiolase genes. One of these genes appears to code for an SCP-x protein. Human SCP-x consists of an N-terminal domain (referred to as SCP2 thiolase) and a C-terminal domain (referred as sterol carrier protein 2). Here, the cloning, expression, purification and crystallization of this putative SCP-x protein from M. smegmatis are reported. The crystals diffracted X-rays to 2.5 angstrom resolution and belonged to the triclinic space group P1. Calculation of rotation functions using X-ray diffraction data suggests that the protein is likely to possess a hexameric oligomerization with 32 symmetry which has not been observed in the other six known classes of this enzyme.


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Nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDK) are characterized by high catalytic turnover rates and diverse substrate specificity. These features make this enzyme an effective activator of a pro-drug an application that has been actively pursued for a variety of therapeutic strategies. The catalytic mechanism of this enzyme is governed by a conserved histidine that coordinates a magnesium ion at the active site. Despite substantial structural and biochemical information on NDK, the mechanistic feature of the phospho-transfer that leads to auto-phosphorylation remains unclear. While the role of the histidine residue is well documented, the other active site residues, in particular the conserved serine remains poorly characterized. Studies on some homologues suggest no role for the serine residue at the active site, while others suggest a crucial role for this serine in the regulation and quaternary association of this enzyme in some species. Here we report the biochemical features of the Staphylococcus aureus NDK and the mutant enzymes. We also describe the crystal structures of the apo-NDK, as a transition state mimic with vanadate and in complex with different nucleotide substrates. These structures formed the basis for molecular dynamics simulations to understand the broad substrate specificity of this enzyme and the role of active site residues in the phospho-transfer mechanism and oligomerization. Put together, these data suggest that concerted changes in the conformation of specific residues facilitate the stabilization of nucleotide complexes thereby enabling the steps involved in the ping-pong reaction mechanism without large changes to the overall structure of this enzyme. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) as sentinels of the immune system are important for eliciting both primary and secondary immune responses to a plethora of microbial pathogens. Cooperative stimulation of a complex set of pattern-recognition receptors, including TLR2 and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors on DCs, acts as a rate-limiting factor in determining the initiation and mounting of the robust immune response. It underscores the need for ``decoding'' these multiple receptor interactions. In this study, we demonstrate that TLR2 and NOD receptors cooperatively regulate functional maturation of human DCs. Intriguingly, synergistic stimulation of TLR2 and NOD receptors renders enhanced refractoriness to TGF-beta- or CTLA-4-mediated impairment of human DC maturation. Signaling perturbation data suggest that NOTCH1-PI3K signaling dynamics assume critical importance in TLR2- and NOD receptor-mediated surmounting of CTLA-4- and TGF-beta -suppressed maturation of human DCs. Interestingly, the NOTCH1-PI3K signaling axis holds the capacity to regulate DC functions by virtue of PKC delta-MAPK-dependent activation of NF-kappa B. This study provides mechanistic and functional insights into TLR2-and NOD receptor-mediated regulation of DC functions and unravels NOTCH1-PI3K as a signaling cohort for TLR2 and NOD receptors. These findings serve in building a conceptual foundation for the design of improved strategies for adjuvants and immunotherapies against infectious diseases.


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The crystal structure of a beta-prism II (BP2) fold lectin from Remusatia vivipara, a plant of traditional medicinal value, has been determined at a resolution of 2.4 A. This lectin (RVL, Remusatia vivipara lectin) is a dimer with each protomer having two distinct BP2 domains without a linker between them. It belongs to the ``monocot mannose-binding'' lectin family, which consists of proteins of high sequence and structural similarity. Though the overall tertiary structure is similar to that of lectins from snowdrop bulbs and garlic, crucial differences in the mannose-binding regions and oligomerization were observed. Unlike most of the other structurally known proteins in this family, only one of the three carbohydrate recognition sites (CRSs) per BP2 domain is found to be conserved. RVL does not recognize simple mannose moieties. RVL binds to only N-linked complex glycans like those present on the gp120 envelope glycoprotein of HIV and mannosylated blood proteins like fetuin, but not to simple mannose moieties. The molecular basis for these features and their possible functional implications to understand the different levels of carbohydrate affinities in this structural family have been investigated through structure analysis, modeling and binding studies. Apart from being the first structure of a lectin to be reported from the Araceae/Arum family, this protein also displays a novel mode of oligomerization among BP2 lectins.


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Dimeric banana lectin and calsepa, tetrameric artocarpin and octameric heltuba are mannose-specific beta-prism I fold lectins of nearly the same tertiary structure. MD simulations on individual subunits and the oligomers provide insights into the changes in the structure brought about in the protomers on oligomerization, including swapping of the N-terminal stretch in one instance. The regions that undergo changes also tend to exhibit dynamic flexibility during MD simulations. The internal symmetries of individual oligomers are substantially retained during the calculations. Energy minimization and simulations were also carried out on models using all possible oligomers by employing the four different protomers. The unique dimerization pattern observed in calsepa could be traced to unique substitutions in a peptide stretch involved in dimerization. The impossibility of a specific mode of oligomerization involving a particular protomer is often expressed in terms of unacceptable steric contacts or dissociation of the oligomer during simulations. The calculations also led to a rationale for the observation of a heltuba tetramer in solution although the lectin exists as an octamer in the crystal, in addition to providing insights into relations among evolution, oligomerization and ligand binding.


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Single stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) are vital for the survival of organisms. Studies on SSBs from the prototype, Escherichia coli (EcoSSB) and, an important human pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtuSSB) had shown that despite significant variations in their quaternary structures, the DNA binding and oligomerization properties of the two are similar. Here, we used the X-ray crystal structure data of the two SSBs to design a series of chimeric proteins (m beta 1, m beta 1'beta 2, m beta 1-beta 5, m beta 1-beta 6 and m beta 4-beta 5) by transplanting beta 1, beta 1'beta 2, beta 1-beta 5, beta 1-beta 6 and beta 4-beta 5 regions, respectively of the N-terminal (DNA binding) domain of MtuSSB for the corresponding sequences in EcoSSB. In addition, m beta 1'beta 2(ESWR) SSB was generated by mutating the MtuSSB specific `PRIY' sequence in the beta 2 strand of m beta 1'beta 2 SSB to EcoSSB specific `ESWR' sequence. Biochemical characterization revealed that except for m beta 1 SSB, all chimeras and a control construct lacking the C-terminal domain (Delta C SSB) bound DNA in modes corresponding to limited and unlimited modes of binding. However, the DNA on MtuSSB may follow a different path than the EcoSSB. Structural probing by protease digestion revealed that unlike other SSBs used, m beta 1 SSB was also hypersensitive to chymotrypsin treatment. Further, to check for their biological activities, we developed a sensitive assay, and observed that m beta 1-beta 6, MtuSSB, m beta 1'beta 2 and m beta 1-beta 5 SSBs complemented E. coli Delta ssb in a dose dependent manner. Complementation by the m beta 1-beta 5 SSB was poor. In contrast, m beta 1'beta 2(ESWR) SSB complemented E. coli as well as EcoSSB. The inefficiently functioning SSBs resulted in an elongated cell/filamentation phenotype of E. coli. Taken together, our observations suggest that specific interactions within the DNA binding domain of the homotetrameric SSBs are crucial for their biological function.


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J-proteins are obligate cochaperones of Hsp70s and stimulate their ATPase activity via the J-domain. Although the functions of J-proteins have been well understood in the context of Hsp70s, their additional co-evolved ``physiological functions'' are still elusive. We report here the solution structure and mechanism of novel iron-mediated functional roles of human Dph4, a type III J-protein playing a vital role in diphthamide biosynthesis and normal development. The NMR structure of Dph4 reveals two domains: a conserved J-domain and a CSL-domain connected via a flexible linker-helix. The linker-helix modulates the conformational flexibility between the two domains, regulating thereby the protein function. Dph4 exhibits a unique ability to bind iron in tetrahedral coordination geometry through cysteines of its CSL-domain. The oxidized Fe-Dph4 shows characteristic UV-visible and electron paramagnetic resonance spectral properties similar to rubredoxins. Iron-bound Dph4 (Fe-Dph4) also undergoes oligomerization, thus potentially functioning as a transient ``iron storage protein,'' thereby regulating the intracellular iron homeostasis. Remarkably, Fe-Dph4 exhibits vital redox and electron carrier activity, which is critical for important metabolic reactions, including diphthamide biosynthesis. Further, we observed that Fe-Dph4 is conformationally better poised to perform Hsp70-dependent functions, thus underlining the significance of iron binding in Dph4. Yeast Jjj3, a functional ortholog of human Dph4 also shows a similar iron-binding property, indicating the conserved nature of iron sequestration across species. Taken together, our findings provide invaluable evidence in favor of additional co-evolved specialized functions of J-proteins, previously not well appreciated.


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Haemophilus influenzae and Helicobacter pylori are major bacterial pathogens that face high levels of genotoxic stress within their host. UvrD, a ubiquitous bacterial helicase that plays important roles in multiple DNA metabolic pathways, is essential for genome stability and might, therefore, be crucial in bacterial physiology and pathogenesis. In this study, the functional characterization of UvrD helicase from Haemophilus influenzae and Helicobacter pylori is reported. UvrD from Haemophilus influenzae (HiUvrD) and Helicobacter pylori (HpUvrD) exhibit strong single-stranded DNA-specific ATPase and 3'5' helicase activities. Mutation of highly conserved arginine (R288) in HiUvrD and glutamate (E206) in HpUvrD abrogated their activities. Both the proteins were able to bind and unwind a variety of DNA structures including duplexes with strand discontinuities and branches, three- and four-way junctions that underpin their role in DNA replication, repair and recombination. HiUvrD required a minimum of 12 nucleotides, whereas HpUvrD preferred 20 or more nucleotides of 3'-single-stranded DNA tail for efficient unwinding of duplex DNA. Interestingly, HpUvrD was able to hydrolyze and utilize GTP for its helicase activity although not as effectively as ATP, which has not been reported to date for UvrD characterized from other organisms. HiUvrD and HpUvrD were found to exist predominantly as monomers in solution together with multimeric forms. Noticeably, deletion of distal C-terminal 48 amino acid residues disrupted the oligomerization of HiUvrD, whereas deletion of 63 amino acids from C-terminus of HpUvrD had no effect on its oligomerization. This study presents the characteristic features and comparative analysis of Haemophilus influenzae and Helicobacter pylori UvrD, and constitutes the basis for understanding the role of UvrD in the biology and virulence of these pathogens.


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Significance: The bi-domain protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) exemplify functional evolution in signaling proteins for optimal spatiotemporal signal transduction. Bi-domain PTPs are products of gene duplication. The catalytic activity, however, is often localized to one PTP domain. The inactive PTP domain adopts multiple functional roles. These include modulation of catalytic activity, substrate specificity, and stability of the bi-domain enzyme. In some cases, the inactive PTP domain is a receptor for redox stimuli. Since multiple bi-domain PTPs are concurrently active in related cellular pathways, a stringent regulatory mechanism and selective cross-talk is essential to ensure fidelity in signal transduction. Recent Advances: The inactive PTP domain is an activator for the catalytic PTP domain in some cases, whereas it reduces catalytic activity in other bi-domain PTPs. The relative orientation of the two domains provides a conformational rationale for this regulatory mechanism. Recent structural and biochemical data reveal that these PTP domains participate in substrate recruitment. The inactive PTP domain has also been demonstrated to undergo substantial conformational rearrangement and oligomerization under oxidative stress. Critical Issues and Future Directions: The role of the inactive PTP domain in coupling environmental stimuli with catalytic activity needs to be further examined. Another aspect that merits attention is the role of this domain in substrate recruitment. These aspects have been poorly characterized in vivo. These lacunae currently restrict our understanding of neo-functionalization of the inactive PTP domain in the bi-domain enzyme. It appears likely that more data from these research themes could form the basis for understanding the fidelity in intracellular signal transduction.


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Single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) are vital in all organisms. SSBs of Escherichia coli (EcoSSB) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtuSSB) are homotetrameric. The N-terminal domains (NTD) of these SSBs (responsible for their tetramerization and DNA binding) are structurally well defined. However, their C-terminal domains (CTD) possess undefined structures. EcoSSB NTD consists of beta 1-beta 1'-beta 2-beta 3-alpha-beta 4-beta 45(1)-beta 45(2)-beta 5 secondary structure elements. MtuSSB NTD includes an additional beta-strand (beta 6) forming a novel hook-like structure. Recently, we observed that MtuSSB complemented an E. coli Delta ssb strain. However, a chimeric SSB (m beta 4-beta 5), wherein only the terminal part of NTD (beta 4-beta 5 region possessing L-45 loop) of EcoSSB was substituted with that from MtuSSB, failed to function in E. coli in spite of its normal DNA binding and oligomerization properties. Here, we designed new chimeras by transplanting selected regions of MtuSSB into EcoSSB to understand the functional significance of the various secondary structure elements within SSB. All chimeric SSBs formed homotetramers and showed normal DNA binding. The m beta 4-beta 6 construct obtained by substitution of the region downstream of beta 5 in m beta 4-beta 5 SSB with the corresponding region (beta 6) of MtuSSB complemented the E. coli strain indicating a functional interaction between the L-45 loop and the beta 6 strand of MtuSSB.


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Two mechanisms - factor independent and dependent termination - ensure the completion of RNA synthesis in eubacteria. Factor-dependent mechanism relies on the Rho protein to terminate transcription by interacting with RNA polymerase. Although well studied in Escherichia coli, the properties of the Rho homologs from most bacteria are not known. The rho gene is unusually large in genus Mycobacterium and other members of actinobacteria, having,150 additional residues towards the amino terminal end. We describe the distinct properties of Rho from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is an NTPase with a preference for purine nucleoside triphosphates with kinetic properties different from E. coli homolog and an ability to use various RNA substrates. The N-terminal subdomain of MtbRho can bind to RNA by itself, and appears to contribute to the interaction of the termination factor with RNAs. Furthermore, the interaction with RNA induces changes in conformation and oligomerization of MtbRho.


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Structural studies in this laboratory encompass four of the five major classes of plant lectins, including the one discovered by us. In addition to addressing issues specific to individual lectins, the work provided insights into protein folding, quaternary association and generation of ligand specificity. Legume and beta-prism fold lectins constitute families of proteins in which small alterations in essentially the same tertiary structure lead to large variations in quaternary structure, including that involving an open structure. Strategies for generating ligand specificity include water bridges, variation in loop length, post translational modification and oligomerization. Three of the structural classes investigated have subunits with three-fold symmetry. The symmetry in the structure is reflected in the sequence to different extents in different subclasses. The evolutionary implications of this observation have been explored. The work on lectins has now been extended to those from mycobacteria.