95 resultados para Non-thermal plasma


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Using a perturbation technique, we derive Modified Korteweg—de Vries (MKdV) equations for a mixture of warm-ion fluid (γ i = 3) and hot and non-isothermal electrons (γ e> 1), (i) when deviations from isothermality are finite, and (ii) when deviations from isothermality are small. We obtain stationary solutions for these equations, and compare them with the corresponding solutions for a mixture of warm-ion fluid (γ i = 3) and hot, isothermal electrons (γ i = 1).


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The theoretical analysis, based on the perturbation technique, of ion-acoustic waves in the vicinity of a Korteweg-de Vries (K-dV) equation derived in a plasma with some negative ions has been made. The investigation shows that the negative ions in plasma with isothermal electrons introduced a critical concentration at which the ion-acoustic wave plays an important role of wave-breaking and forming a precursor while the plasma with non-isothermal electrons has no such singular behaviour of the wave. These two distinct features of ion waves lead to an overall different approach of present study of ion-waves. A distinct feature of non-uniform transition from the nonisothermal case to isothermal case has been shown. Few particular plasma models have been chosen to show the characteristics behaviour of the ion-waves existing in different cases


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High frequency, miniature, pulse tube cryocoolers are extensively used in space applications because of their simplicity. Parametric studies of inertance type pulse tube cooler are performed with different length-to-diameter ratios of the pulse tube with the help of the FLUENT (R) package. The local thermal non-equilibrium of the gas and the matrix is taken into account for the modeling of porous zones, in addition to the wall thickness of the components. Dynamic characteristics and the actual mechanism of energy transfer in pulse are examined with the help of the pulse tube wall time constant. The heat interaction between pulse tube wall and the oscillating gas, leading to surface heat pumping, is quantified. The axial heat conduction is found to reduce the performance of the pulse tube refrigerator. The thermal non-equilibrium predicts a higher cold heat exchanger temperature compared to thermal equilibrium. The pressure drop through the porous medium has a strong non-linear effect due to the dominating influence of Forchheimer term over that of the linear Darcy term at high operating frequencies. The phase angle relationships among the pressure, temperature and the mass flow rate in the porous zones are also important in determining the performance of pulse tuberefrigerator.


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The non-Darcy mixed convection flow on a vertical cylinder embedded in a saturated porous medium has been studied taking into account the effect of thermal dispersion. Both forced flow and buoyancy force dominated cases with constant wall temperature condition have been considered. The governing partial differential equations have been solved numerically using the Keller box method. The results are presented for the buoyancy parameter which cover the entire regime of mixed convection flow ranging from pure forced convection to pure free convection. The effect of thermal dispersion is found to be more pronounced on the heat transfer than on the skin friction and it enhances the heat transfer but reduces the skin friction.


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We perform global linear stability analysis and idealized numerical simulations in global thermal balance to understand the condensation of cold gas from hot/virial atmospheres (coronae), in particular the intracluster medium (ICM). We pay particular attention to geometry (e.g. spherical versus plane-parallel) and the nature of the gravitational potential. Global linear analysis gives a similar value for the fastest growing thermal instability modes in spherical and Cartesian geometries. Simulations and observations suggest that cooling in haloes critically depends on the ratio of the cooling time to the free-fall time (t(cool)/t(ff)). Extended cold gas condenses out of the ICM only if this ratio is smaller than a threshold value close to 10. Previous works highlighted the difference between the nature of cold gas condensation in spherical and plane-parallel atmospheres; namely, cold gas condensation appeared easier in spherical atmospheres. This apparent difference due to geometry arises because the previous plane-parallel simulations focused on in situ condensation of multiphase gas but spherical simulations studied condensation anywhere in the box. Unlike previous claims, our non-linear simulations show that there are only minor differences in cold gas condensation, either in situ or anywhere, for different geometries. The amount of cold gas depends on the shape of tcool/tff; gas has more time to condense if gravitational acceleration decreases towards the centre. In our idealized plane-parallel simulations with heating balancing cooling in each layer, there can be significant mass/energy/momentum transfer across layers that can trigger condensation and drive tcool/tff far beyond the critical value close to 10.


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Plasma sprayable powders were prepared from ZrO2-CaO-CeO2 system using an organic binder and coated onto stainless steel substrates previously coated by a bond coat (Ni 22Cr 20Al 1.0Y) using plasma spraying. The coatings exhibited good thermal barrier characteristics and excellent resistance to thermal shock at 1000 degrees C under simulated laboratory conditions (90 half hour cycles without failure) and at 1200 degrees C under accelerated burner rig test conditions (500 2 min cycles without failure). No destabilization of cubic/tetragonal ZrO2 phase fraction occured either during the long hours (45 h cumulative) or the large number of thermal shock tests. Growth of a distinct SiO2 rich region within the ceramic was observed in the specimens thermal shock cycled at 1000 degrees C apart from mild oxidation of the bond coat. The specimens tested at 1200 degrees C had a glassy appearance on the top surface and exhibited severe oxidation of the bond coat at the ceramic-bond coat interface. The glassy appearance of the surface is due to the formation of a liquid silicate layer attributable to the impurity phase present in commercial grade ZrO2 powder. These observations are supported by SEM analysis and quantitative EDAX data.


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Nitrogen plasma exposure (NPE) effects on indium doped bulk n-CdTe are reported here. Excellent rectifying characteristics of Au/n-CdTe Schottky diodes, with an increase in the barrier height, and large reverse breakdown voltages are observed after the plasma exposure. Surface damage is found to be absent in the plasma exposed samples. The breakdown mechanism of the heavily doped Schottky diodes is found to shift from the Zener to avalanche after the nitrogen plasma exposure, pointing to a change in the doping close to the surface which was also verified by C-V measurements. The thermal stability of the plasma exposure process is seen up to a temperature of 350 degrees C, thereby enabling the high temperature processing of the samples for device fabrication. The characteristics of the NPE diodes are stable over a year implying excellent diode quality. A plausible model based on Fermi level pinning by acceptor-like states created by plasma exposure is proposed to explain the observations.


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The thermal properties and electrical-switching behavior of semiconducting chalcogenide SbxSe55-xTe45 (2 <= x <= 9) glasses have been investigated by alternating differential scanning calorimetry and electrical-switching experiments, respectively. The addition of Sb is found to enhance the glass forming tendency and stability as revealed by the decrease in non-reversing enthalpy Delta H-nr. and an increase in the glass-transition width Delta T-g. Further, the glass-transition temperature of SbxSe55-xTe45 glasses, which is a measure of network connectivity, exhibits a subtle increase, suggesting a meager network growth with the addition of Sb. The crystallization temperature is also observed to increase with Sb content. The SbxSe55-xTe45 glasses (2 <= x <= 9) are found to exhibit memory type of electrical switching, which can be attributed to the polymeric nature of network and high devitrifying ability. The metallicity factor has been found to dominate over the network connectivity and rigidity in the compositional dependence of switching voltage. which shows a profound decrease with the addition of Sb.


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We investigate the effects of radiative heat losses and thermal conductivity on the hydromagnetic surface waves along a magnetic discontinuity in a plasma of infinite electrical conductivity. We show that the effects of radiative heat losses on such surface waves are appreciable only when values of the plasma pressure on the two sides of the discontinuity are substantially different. Overstability of a surface wave requires that the medium in which it gives larger first-order compression should satisfy the criterion of Field (1965). Possible applications of the study to magnetic discontinuities in solar corona are briefly discussed.


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The methoxycyclophosphazenes [NP(OMe),], (n = 3-6) rearrange on heating to give oxocyclophosphazanes, [N(Me)PO(OMe)],. Isomeric products are formed when n = 4-6. The lH, ,lP, and 13C n.m.r. data for the starting materials and the products are presented. The ethoxy- and n-propoxy-derivatives N,P,( OR)* do not undergo the above rearrangement. The geminal derivatives N,P,R,(OMe), (R = Ph or NHBut) on heating yield both fully and partially rearranged products, namely dioxophosphaz-1 -enes and oxophosphazadienes, as shown by 270- MHz lH n.m.r. spectroscopy. The non-geminal derivative N,P,( NMe,),(OMe), gives only the fully rearranged product N,Me,P,(NMe,),O,(OMe), whose structure has been established from its lH and 31P n.m.r. spectra.


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Alternating differential scanning calorimetric (ADSC) studies have been performed to understand the thermal behavior of bulk GexSe35-xTe65 glasses (17 <= x <= 25); it is found that the glasses with x <= 20 exhibit two crystallization exotherms (T-c1 & T-c2). On the other hand, those with x >= 20.5, show a single crystallization reaction upon heating. The exothermic reaction at T-c1 has been found to correspond to the partial crystallization of the glass into hexagonal Te and the reaction at T-c2 is associated with the additional crystallization of rhombohedral Ge-Te phase. The glass transition temperature of GexSe35-xTe65 glasses is found to show a linear but not-steep increase, indicating a progressive, but a gradual increase in network connectivity with Ge addition. It is also found that T-c1 of GexSe35-xTe65 glasses with x <= 20, increases progressively with Ge content and eventually merges with T-c2 at x approximate to 20.5 (< r > = 2.41); this behavior has been understood on the basis of the reduction in Te-Te bonds of lower energy and increase in Ge-Te bonds of higher energy, with increasing Ge content. Apart from the interesting composition dependent crystallization, an anomalous melting behavior is also exhibited by the GexSe35-xTe65 glasses.


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Transparent glasses in the system 3BaO-3TiO2-B2O3 (BTBO) were fabricated via the conventional melt-quenching technique. The as-quenched samples were confirmed to be non-crystalline by differential thermal analysis (DTA). Thermal parameters were evaluated using non-isothermal DTA experiments. The Kauzmann temperature was found to be 759 K based on heating-rate-dependent glass transition and crystallization temperatures. A theoretical relation for the temperature-dependent viscosity is proposed for these glasses and glass-ceramics.


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The unified structure of steady, one-dimensional shock waves in argon, in the absence of an external electric or magnetic field, is investigated. The analysis is based on a two-temperature, three-fluid continuum approach, using the Navier—Stokes equations as a model and including non-equilibrium collisional as well as radiative ionization phenomena. Quasi charge neutrality and zero velocity slip are assumed. The integral nature of the radiative terms is reduced to analytical forms through suitable spectral and directional approximations. The analysis is based on the method of matched asymptotic expansions. With respect to a suitably chosen small parameter, which is the ratio of atom-atom elastic collisional mean free-path to photon mean free-path, the following shock morphology emerges: within the radiation and electron thermal conduction dominated outer layer occurs an optically transparent discontinuity which consists of a chemically frozen heavy particle (atoms and ions) shock and a collisional ionization relaxation layer. Solutions are obtained for the first order with respect to the small parameter of the problem for two cases: (i) including electron thermal conduction and (ii) neglecting it in the analysis of the outer layer. It has been found that the influence of electron thermal conduction on the shock structure is substantial. Results for various free-stream conditions are presented in the form of tables and figures.


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The authors derive the Korteweg-de Vries equation in a multicomponent plasma that includes any number of positive and negative ions. The solitary wave solutions are also found explicitly for the case of isothermal and non-isothermal electrons.