37 resultados para National interest


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Electron transfer is an essential activity in biological systems. The migrating electron originates from water-oxygen in photosynthesis and reverts to dioxygen in respiration. In this cycle two metal porphyrin complexes possessing circular conjugated system and macrocyclic pi-clouds, chlorophyll and hems, play a decisive role in mobilising electrons for travel over biological structures as extraneous electrons. Transport of electrons within proteins (as in cytochromes) and within DNA (during oxidative damage and repair) is known to occur. Initial evaluations did not favour formation of semiconducting pathways of delocalized electrons of the peptide bonds in proteins and of the bases in nucleic acids. Direct measurement of conductivity of bulk material and quantum chemical calculations of their polymeric structures also did not support electron transfer in both proteins and nucleic acids. New experimental approaches have revived interest in the process of charge transfer through DNA duplex. The fluorescence on photoexcitation of Ru-complex was found to be quenched by Rh-complex, when both were tethered to DNA and intercalated in the base stack. Similar experiments showed that damage to G-bases and repair of T-T dimers in DNA can occur by possible long range electron transfer through the base stack. The novelty of this phenomenon prompted the apt name, chemistry at a distance. Based on experiments with ruthenium modified proteins, intramolecular electron transfer in proteins is now proposed to use pathways that include C-C sigma-bonds and surprisingly hydrogen bonds which remained out of favour for a long time. In support of this, some experimental evidence is now available showing that hydrogen bond-bridges facilitate transfer of electrons between metal-porphyrin complexes. By molecular orbital calculations over 20 years ago. we found that "delocalization of an extraneous electron is pronounced when it enters low-lying virtual orbitals of the electronic structures of peptide units linked by hydrogen bonds". This review focuses on supramolecular electron transfer pathways that can emerge on interlinking by hydrogen bonds and metal coordination of some unnoticed structures with pi-clouds in proteins and nucleic acids, potentially useful in catalysis and energy missions.


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A distributed storage setting is considered where a file of size B is to be stored across n storage nodes. A data collector should be able to reconstruct the entire data by downloading the symbols stored in any k nodes. When a node fails, it is replaced by a new node by downloading data from some of the existing nodes. The amount of download is termed as repair bandwidth. One way to implement such a system is to store one fragment of an (n, k) MDS code in each node, in which case the repair bandwidth is B. Since repair of a failed node consumes network bandwidth, codes reducing repair bandwidth are of great interest. Most of the recent work in this area focuses on reducing the repair bandwidth of a set of k nodes which store the data in uncoded form, while the reduction in the repair bandwidth of the remaining nodes is only marginal. In this paper, we present an explicit code which reduces the repair bandwidth for all the nodes to approximately B/2. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first explicit code which reduces the repair bandwidth of all the nodes for all feasible values of the system parameters.


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This study updates the status and conservation of the Endangered Asian elephant Elephas maximus in Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam. Line transect indirect surveys, block surveys for elephant signs, village surveys of elephant-human conflict incidents, guard-post surveys for records of sightings, and surveys of elephant food plants were undertaken during the dry and wet seasons of 2001. A minimum of 11 elephants and a maximum of 15-17 elephants was estimated for c. 500 km2 of the Park and its vicinity. The elephants are largely confined to the southern boundary of the Park and make extensive use of the adjoining La Nga State Forest Enterprises. During the dry season the elephants depend on at least 26 species of wild and cultivated plants, chiefly the fruits of cashew. Most of the villages surveyed reported some elephant-human conflict. Two adult male elephants seem to cover a large area to raid crops, whereas the family groups restrict themselves to a few villages; overall, the conflict is not serious. Since 2001 there have been no reports of any deaths or births of elephants in the Park. We make recommendations for habitat protection and management, increasing the viability of the small population, reducing elephant-human conflicts, and improving the chances of survival of the declining elephants of this Park. The Government has now approved an Action Plan for Urgent Conservation Areas in Vietnam that calls for the establishment of three elephant conservation areas in the country, including Cat Tien National Park.


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Most of the developing countries including India depend heavily on bioenergy and it accounts for about 15% of the global energy usage. Its role in meeting a region’s requirement has increased the interest of assessing the status of biomass availability in a region. The present work deals with the bioenergy status in the Linganamakki reservoir catchment of the Sharavathi river basin, Western Ghats,India, by assessing the energy supply and sector wise energy consumption. The study reveals that majority of the households (92.17%) depend on fuelwood for their domestic energy needs with the per capita fuelwood consumption of 1.2 tonnes/year, which is higher than the national average (0.7 tonnes/year). This higher dependence on fuelwood has contributed to the degradation of forests,resulting in scarcity of bioresources necessitating exploration of viable energy alternatives to meet the growing energy demand.


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This research is designed to develop a new technique for site characterization in a three-dimensional domain. Site characterization is a fundamental task in geotechnical engineering practice, as well as a very challenging process, with the ultimate goal of estimating soil properties based on limited tests at any half-space subsurface point in a site.In this research, the sandy site at the Texas A&M University's National Geotechnical Experimentation Site is selected as an example to develop the new technique for site characterization, which is based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) technology. In this study, a sequential approach is used to demonstrate the applicability of ANN to site characterization. To verify its robustness, the proposed new technique is compared with other commonly used approaches for site characterization. In addition, an artificial site is created, wherein soil property values at any half-space point are assumed, and thus the predicted values can compare directly with their corresponding actual values, as a means of validation. Since the three-dimensional model has the capability of estimating the soil property at any location in a site, it could have many potential applications, especially in such case, wherein the soil properties within a zone are of interest rather than at a single point. Examples of soil properties of zonal interest include soil type classification and liquefaction potential evaluation. In this regard, the present study also addresses this type of applications based on a site located in Taiwan, which experienced liquefaction during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake.


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To a reasonable approximation, a secondary structures of RNA is determined by Watson-Crick pairing without pseudo-knots in such a way as to minimise the number of unpaired bases: We show that this minimal number is determined by the maximal conjugacy-invariant pseudo-norm on the free group on two generators subject to bounds on the generators. This allows us to construct lower bounds on the minimal number of unpaired bases by constructing conjugacy invariant pseudo-norms. We show that one such construction, based on isometric actions on metric spaces, gives a sharp lower bound. A major goal here is to formulate a purely mathematical question, based on considering orthogonal representations, which we believe is of some interest independent of its biological roots.


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With the introduction of 2D flat-panel X-ray detectors, 3D image reconstruction using helical cone-beam tomography is fast replacing the conventional 2D reconstruction techniques. In 3D image reconstruction, the source orbit or scanning geometry should satisfy the data sufficiency or completeness condition for exact reconstruction. The helical scan geometry satisfies this condition and hence can give exact reconstruction. The theoretically exact helical cone-beam reconstruction algorithm proposed by Katsevich is a breakthrough and has attracted interest in the 3D reconstruction using helical cone-beam Computed Tomography.In many practical situations, the available projection data is incomplete. One such case is where the detector plane does not completely cover the full extent of the object being imaged in lateral direction resulting in truncated projections. This result in artifacts that mask small features near to the periphery of the ROI when reconstructed using the convolution back projection (CBP) method assuming that the projection data is complete. A number of techniques exist which deal with completion of missing data followed by the CBP reconstruction. In 2D, linear prediction (LP)extrapolation has been shown to be efficient for data completion, involving minimal assumptions on the nature of the data, producing smooth extensions of the missing projection data.In this paper, we propose to extend the LP approach for extrapolating helical cone beam truncated data. The projection on the multi row flat panel detectors has missing columns towards either ends in the lateral direction in truncated data situation. The available data from each detector row is modeled using a linear predictor. The available data is extrapolated and this completed projection data is backprojected using the Katsevich algorithm. Simulation results show the efficacy of the proposed method.


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There is a large interest in biofuels in India as a substitute to petroleum-based fuels, with a purpose of enhancing energy security and promoting rural development. India has announced an ambitious target of substituting 20% of fossil fuel consumption by biodiesel and bioethanol by 2017. India has announced a national biofuel policy and launched a large program to promote biofuel production, particularly on wastelands: its implications need to be studied intensively considering the fact that India is a large developing country with high population density and large rural population depending upon land for their livelihood. Another factor is that Indian economy is experiencing high growth rate, which may lead to enhanced demand for food, livestock products, timber, paper, etc., with implications for land use. Studies have shown that area under agriculture and forest has nearly stabilized over the past 2-3 decades. This paper presents an assessment of the implications of projected large-scale biofuel production on land available for food production, water, biodiversity, rural development and GHG emissions. The assessment will be largely focused on first generation biofuel crops, since the Indian program is currently dominated by these crops. Technological and policy options required for promoting sustainable biofuel production will be discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Urbanisation has evinced interest from a wide section of the society including experts, amateurs, and novices. The multidisciplinary scope of the subject invokes the interest from ecologists, to urban planners and civil engineers, to sociologists, to administrators and policy makers, students and finally the common man. With the development and infrastructure initiatives mostly around the urban centres, the impacts of urbanisation and sprawl would be on the environment and the natural resources. The wisdom lies in how effectively we plan the urban growth without - hampering the environment, excessively harnessing the natural resources and eventually disturbing the natural set-up. The research on these help urban residents and policymakers make informed decisions and take action to restore these resources before they are lost. Ultimately the power to balance the urban ecosystems rests with regional awareness, policies, administration practices, management issues and operational problems. This publication on urban systems is aimed at helping scientists, policy makers, engineers, urban planners and ultimately the common man to visualise how towns and cities grow over a period of time based on investigations in the regions around the highway and cities. Two important highways in Karnataka, South India, viz., Bangalore - Mysore highway and the Mangalore - Udupi highway, in Karnataka and the Tiruchirapalli - Tanjavore - Kumbakonam triangular road network in Tamil Nadu, South India, were considered in this investigation. Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing data were used to analyse the pattern of urbanisation. This was coupled with the spatial and temporal data from the Survey of India toposheets (for 1972), satellite imageries procured from National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) (LANDSAT TM for 1987 and IRS LISS III for 1999), demographic details from the Census of India (1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001) and the village maps from the Directorate of Survey Settlements and Land Records, Government of Karnataka. All this enabled in quantifying the increase in the built-up area for nearly three decades. With intent of identifying the potential sprawl zones, this could be modelled and projected for the future decades. Apart from these the study could quantify some of the metrics that could be used in the study of urban sprawl.


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Solar cells on thin conformable substrates require conventional plastics such asPS and PMMA that provide better mechanical and environmental stability with cost reduction. We can also tune charge transfer between PPV derivatives and fullerene derivatives via morphology control of the plastics in the solar cells. Our group has conducted morphology evolution studies in nano- and microscale light emitting domains in poly (2-methoxy, 5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene) (MEH-PPV) and poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) blends. Our current research has been focused on tricomponent-photoactive solar cells which comprise MEH-PPV, PMMA, and [6,6]-phenyl C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM, Figure 1) in the photoactive layer. Morphology control of the photoactive materials and fine tuning of photovoltaic properties for the solar cells are our primary interest. Similar work has been done by the Sariciftci research group. Additionally, a study on inter- and intramolecular photoinduced charge transfer using MEH-PPV derivatives that have different conjugation lengths (Figure 1, n=1 and 0.85) has been performed.