164 resultados para Multilevel inverter


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Common mode voltage (CMV) variations in PWM inverter-fed drives generate unwanted shaft and bearing current resulting in early motor failure. Multilevel inverters reduce this problem to some extent, with higher number of levels. But the complexity of the power circuit increases with an increase in the number of inverter voltage levels. In this paper a five-level inverter structure is proposed for open-end winding induction motor (IM) drives, by cascading only two conventional two-level and three-level inverters, with the elimination of the common mode voltage over the entire modulation range. The DC link power supply requirement is also optimized by means of DC link capacitor voltage balancing, with PWM control., using only inverter switching state redundancies. The proposed power circuit gives a simple power bits structure.


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Centred space vector PWM (CSVPWM) technique is popularly used for three level voltage source inverters. The reference voltage vector is synthesized by time-averaging of the three nearest voltage vectors produced by the inverter. Identifying the three voltage vectors, and calculation of the dwelling time for each vector are both computationally intensive. This paper analyses the process of PWM generation in CSVPWM. This analysis breaks up a three-level inverter into six different conceptual two level inverters in different regions of the fundamental cycle. Control of 3-level inverter is viewed as the control of the appropriate 2-level inverter. The analysis leads to a systematic simplification of the computations involved, finally resulting in a computationally efficient PWM algorithm. This algorithm exploits the equivalence between triangle comparison and space vector approaches to PWM generation. This algorithm does not involve any 3-phase/2-phase or 2-phase/3-phase transformation. This also does not involve any transformation from rectangular to polar coordinates, and vice versa. Further no evaluation of trigonometric functions is necessary. This algorithm also provides for the mitigation of DC neutral point unbalance, and is well suited to digital implementation. Simulation and experimental results are presented.


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Multilevel inverters are an attractive solution in the medium-voltage and high-power applications. However in the low-power range also it can be a better solution compared to two-level inverters, if MOSFETs are used as devices switching in the order of 100 kHz. The effect of clamping diodes in the diode-clamped multilevel inverters play an important role in determining its efficiency. Power loss introduced by the reverse recovery of MOSFET body diode prohibits the use of MOSFET in hard-switched inverter legs. A technique of avoiding reverse recovery loss of MOSFET body diode in a three-level neutral point clamped inverter is suggested. The use of multilevel inverters topology enables operation at high switching frequency without sacrificing efficiency. High switching frequency of operation reduces the output filter requirement, which in turn helps in reducing the size of the inverter. This study elaborates the trade-off analysis to quantify the suitability of multilevel inverters in the low-power applications. Advantages of using a MOSFET-based three-level diode-clamped inverter for a PM motor drive and UPS systems are discussed.


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A topology for voltage-space phasor generation equivalent to a five-level inverter for an open-end winding induction motor is presented. The open-end winding induction motor is fed from both ends by two three-level inverters. The three-level inverters are realised by cascading two two-level inverters. This inverter scheme does not experience neutral-point fluctuations. Of the two three-level inverters only one will be switching at any instant in the lower speed ranges. In the multilevel carrier-based SPWM used for the proposed drive, a progressive discrete DC bias depending on the speed range is given to the reference wave to reduce the inverter switchings. The drive is implemented and tested with a 1 HP open-end winding induction motor and experimental results are presented.


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This study proposes an inverter circuit topology capable of generating multilevel dodecagonal (12-sided polygon) voltage space vectors by the cascaded connection of two-level and three-level inverters. By the proper selection of DC-link voltages and resultant switching states for the inverters, voltage space vectors whose tips lie on three concentric dodecagons, are obtained. A rectifier circuit for the inverter is also proposed, which significantly improves the power factor. The topology offers advantages such as the complete elimination of the fifth and seventh harmonics in phase voltages and an extension of the linear modulation range. In this study, a simple method for the calculation of pulse width modulation timing was presented along with extensive simulation and experimental results in order to validate the proposed concept.


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In this paper, a multilevel flying capacitor inverter topology suitable for generating multilevel dodecagonal space vectors for an induction motor drive, is proposed. Because of the dodecagonal space vectors, it has increased modulation range with the absence of all 6n +/- 1, (n=odd) harmonics in the phase voltage and currents. The topology, realized by flying capacitor three level inverters feeding an open-end winding induction motor, does not suffer the neutral point voltage imbalance issues seen in NPC inverters and the capacitors have inherent charge-balancing capability with PWM control using switching state redundancies. Furthermore, the proposed technique uses lesser number of power supplies compared to cascaded H-bridge or NPC based dodecagonal schemes and has better ride-through capability. Finally, the voltage control is obtained through a simple carrier-based space vector PWM scheme implemented on a DSP.


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A current-error space-vector-based hysteresis current controller for a general n-level voltage-source inverter (VSI)-fed three-phase induction motor (IM) drive is proposed here, with control of the switching frequency variation for the full linear modulation range. The proposed current controller monitors the space-vector-based current error of an n-level VSI-fed IM to keep the current error within a parabolic boundary, using the information of the current triangular sector in which the tip of the reference vector lies. Information of the reference voltage vector is estimated using the measured current-error space vectors, along the alpha- and beta-axes. Appropriate dimension and orientation of this parabolic boundary ensure a switching frequency spectrum similar to that of a constant-switching-frequency voltage-controlled space vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) (SVPWM)-based IM drive. Like SVPWM for multilevel inverters, the proposed controller selects inverter switching vectors, forming a triangular sector in which the tip of the reference vector stays, for the hysteresis PWM control. The sector in the n-level inverter space vector diagram, in which the tip of the fundamental stator voltage stays, is precisely detected, using the sampled reference space vector estimated from the instantaneous current-error space vectors. The proposed controller retains all the advantages of a conventional hysteresis controller such as fast current control, with smooth transition to the overmodulation region. The proposed controller is implemented on a five-level VSI-fed 7.5-kW IM drive.


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Multilevel inverters with hexagonal and dodecagonal voltage space vector structures have improved harmonic profile compared to two-level inverters. Further improvement in the quality of the waveform is possible using multilevel octadecagonal (18-sided polygon) voltage space vectors. This paper proposes an inverter circuit topology capable of generating multilevel octadecagonal voltage space vectors, by cascading two asymmetric three-level inverters. By the proper selection of dc-link voltages and the resultant switching states for the inverters, voltage space vectors, whose tips lie on three concentric octadecagons, are obtained. The advantages of octadecagonal voltage space vector-based pulsewidth modulation (PWM) techniques are the complete elimination of fifth, seventh, eleventh, and thirteenth harmonics in phase voltages and the extension of linear modulation range. In this paper, a simple PWM timing calculation method is also proposed. Experimental results have been presented in this paper to validate the proposed concept.


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Multilevel inverters with hexagonal and dodecagonal voltage space vector structures have improved harmonic profile compared to two level inverters. Further improvement in the quality of the waveform is possible using multilevel octadecagonal (18 sided polygon) voltage space vectors. This paper proposes an inverter circuit topology capable of generating multilevel octadecagonal voltage space vectors, by cascading two asymmetric three level inverters. By proper selection of DC link voltages and the resultant switching states for the inverters, voltage space vectors, whose tips lie on three concentric octadecagons, are obtained. The advantages of octadecagonal voltage space vector based PWM techniques are the complete elimination of fifth, seventh, eleventh and thirteenth harmonics in phase voltages and the extension of linear modulation range. In this paper, a simple PWM timing calculation method is also proposed. Matlab simulation results and experimental results have been presented in this paper to validate the proposed concept.


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Multilevel inverters with dodecagonal (12-sided polygon) voltage space vector structure have advantages, such as complete elimination of fifth and seventh harmonics, reduction in electromagnetic interference, reduction in device voltage ratings, reduction of switching frequency, extension of linear modulation range, etc., making it a viable option for high-power medium-voltage drives. This paper proposes two power circuit topologies capable of generating multilevel dodecagonal voltage space vector structure with symmetric triangles (for the first time) with minimum number of dc-link power supplies and floating capacitor H-bridges. The first power topology is composed of two hybrid cascaded five-level inverters connected to either side of an open-end winding induction machine. Each inverter consists of a three-level neutral-point-clamped inverter, which is cascaded with an isolated H-bridge making it a five-level inverter. The second topology is for a normal induction motor. Both of these circuit topologies have inherent capacitor balancing for floating H-bridges for all modulation indexes, including transient operations. The proposed topologies do not require any precharging circuitry for startup. A simple pulsewidth modulation timing calculation method for space vector modulation is also presented in this paper. Due to the symmetric arrangement of congruent triangles within the voltage space vector structure, the timing computation requires only the sampled reference values and does not require any offline computation, lookup tables, or angle computation. Experimental results for steady-state operation and transient operation are also presented to validate the proposed concept.


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Multilevel inverters with hexagonal voltage space vector structures have improved performance of induction motor drives compared to that of the two level inverters. Further reduction in the torque ripple on the motor shaft is possible by using multilevel dodecagonal (12-sided polygon) voltage space vector structures. The advantages of dodecagonal voltage space vector based PWM techniques are the complete elimination of fifth and seventh harmonics in phase voltages for the full modulation range and the extension of linear modulation range. This paper proposes an inverter circuit topology capable of generating multilevel dodecagonal voltage space vectors with symmetric triangles, by cascading two asymmetric three level inverters with isolated H-Bridges. This is made possible by proper selection of DC link voltages and the selection of resultant switching states for the inverters. In this paper, a simple PWM timing calculation method is proposed. Experimental results have also been presented in this paper to validate the proposed concept.


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Possible integration of Single Electron Transistor (SET) with CMOS technology is making the study of semiconductor SET more important than the metallic SET and consequently, the study of energy quantization effects on semiconductor SET devices and circuits is gaining significance. In this paper, for the first time, the effects of energy quantization on SET inverter performance are examined through analytical modeling and Monte Carlo simulations. It is observed that the primary effect of energy quantization is to change the Coulomb Blockade region and drain current of SET devices and as a result affects the noise margin, power dissipation, and the propagation delay of SET inverter. A new model for the noise margin of SET inverter is proposed which includes the energy quantization effects. Using the noise margin as a metric, the robustness of SET inverter is studied against the effects of energy quantization. It is shown that SET inverter designed with CT : CG = 1/3 (where CT and CG are tunnel junction and gate capacitances respectively) offers maximum robustness against energy quantization.


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Current source inverter (CSI) is an attractive solution in high-power drives. The conventional gate turn-off thyristor (GTO) based CSI-fed induction motor drives suffer from drawbacks such as low-frequency torque pulsation, harmonic heating, and unstable operation at low-speed ranges. These drawbacks can be overcome by connecting a current-controlled voltage source inverter (VSI) across the motor terminal replacing the bulky ac capacitors. The VSI provides the harmonic currents, which results in sinusoidal motor voltage and current even with the CSI switching at fundamental frequency. This paper proposes a CSI-fed induction motor drive scheme where GTOs are replaced by thyristors in the CSI without any external circuit to assist the turning off of the thyristors. Here, the current-controlled VSI, connected in shunt, is designed to supply the volt ampere reactive requirement of the induction motor, and the CSI is made to operate in leading power factor mode such that the thyristors in the CSI are autosequentially turned off. The resulting drive will be able to feed medium-voltage, high-power induction motors directly. A sensorless vector-controlled CSI drive based on the proposed configuration is developed. The experimental results from a 5 hp prototype are presented. Experimental results show that the proposed drive has stable operation throughout the operating range of speeds.


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The application of multilevel control strategies for load-frequency control of interconnected power systems is assuming importance. A large multiarea power system may be viewed as an interconnection of several lower-order subsystems, with possible change of interconnection pattern during operation. The solution of the control problem involves the design of a set of local optimal controllers for the individual areas, in a completely decentralised environment, plus a global controller to provide the corrective signal to account for interconnection effects. A global controller, based on the least-square-error principle suggested by Siljak and Sundareshan, has been applied for the LFC problem. A more recent work utilises certain possible beneficial aspects of interconnection to permit more desirable system performances. The paper reports the application of the latter strategy to LFC of a two-area power system. The power-system model studied includes the effects of excitation system and governor controls. A comparison of the two strategies is also made.


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This paper develops a seven-level inverter structure for open-end winding induction motor drives. The inverter supply is realized by cascading four two-level and two three-level neutral-point-clamped inverters. The inverter control is designed in such a way that the common-mode voltage (CMV) is eliminated. DC-link capacitor voltage balancing is also achieved by using only the switching-state redundancies. The proposed power circuit structure is modular and therefore suitable for fault-tolerant applications. By appropriately isolating some of the inverters, the drive can be operated during fault conditions in a five-level or a three-level inverter mode, with preserved CMV elimination and DC-link capacitor voltage balancing, within a reduced modulation range.