37 resultados para Multi-view geometry


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A new automata model Mr,k, with a conceptually significant innovation in the form of multi-state alternatives at each instance, is proposed in this study. Computer simulations of the Mr,k, model in the context of feature selection in an unsupervised environment has demonstrated the superiority of the model over similar models without this multi-state-choice innovation.


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Abstract is not available.


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The LysR-type transcriptional regulators (LTTRs) are widely distributed in various genera of prokaryotes LTTRs are DNA binding proteins that can positively or negatively regulate target gene expression and can also repress their own transcription Salmonella enterica comprises a group of Gram-negative bacteria capable of causing clinical syndromes that range from self-limiting diarrhoea to severe fibrinopurulent necrotizing enteritis and life threatening systemic disease. The survival and replication of Salmonella in macrophages and in infected host is brought about by the means of various two component regulatory systems, transporters and other virulence islands In Salmonella genome the existence of 44 LTTRs has been documented These LTTRs regulate bacterial stress response. systemic virulence in mice and also many virulence determinants in vitro. Here we focus on the findings that elucidate the structure and function of the LTTRs in Salmonella and discuss the importance of these LTTRs in making Salmonella a Successful pathogen...


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In this work, we evaluate the benefits of using Grids with multiple batch systems to improve the performance of multi-component and parameter sweep parallel applications by reduction in queue waiting times. Using different job traces of different loads, job distributions and queue waiting times corresponding to three different queuing policies(FCFS, conservative and EASY backfilling), we conducted a large number of experiments using simulators of two important classes of applications. The first simulator models Community Climate System Model (CCSM), a prominent multi-component application and the second simulator models parameter sweep applications. We compare the performance of the applications when executed on multiple batch systems and on a single batch system for different system and application configurations. We show that there are a large number of configurations for which application execution using multiple batch systems can give improved performance over execution on a single system.


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This paper represents the effect of nonlocal scale parameter on the wave propagation in multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). Each wall of the MWCNT is modeled as first order shear deformation beams and the van der Waals interactions between the walls are modeled as distributed springs. The studies shows that the scale parameter introduces certain band gap region in both flexural and shear wave mode where no wave propagation occurs. This is manifested in the wavenumber plots as the region where the wavenumber tends to infinite (or group speed tends to zero). The frequency at which this phenomenon occurs is called the ``Escape frequency''. The analysis shows that, for a given N-walled carbon nanotube (CNT). the nonlocal scaling parameter has a significant effect on the shear wave modes of the N - 1 walls. The escape frequencies of the flexural and shear wave modes of the N-walls are inversely proportionl to the nonlocal scaling parameter. It is also shown that the cut-off frequencies are independent of the nonlocal scale parameter. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present, paper deals with the CAE-based study Of impact of jacketed projectiles on single- and multi-layered metal armour plates using LS-DYNA. The validation of finite element modelling procedure is mainly based on the mesh convergence study using both shell and solid elements for representing single-layered mild steel target plates. It, is shown that the proper choice of mesh density and the strain rate-dependent material properties are essential for all accurate prediction of projectile residual velocity. The modelling requirements are initially arrived at by correlating against test residual velocities for single-layered mild steel plates of different depths at impact velocities in the ran.-c of approximately 800-870 m/s. The efficacy of correlation is adjudged, in terms of a 'correlation index', defined in the paper: for which values close to unity are desirable. The experience gained for single-layered plates is next; used in simulating projectile impacts on multi-layered mild steel target plates and once again a high degree of correlation with experimental residual velocities is observed. The study is repeated for single- and multi-layered aluminium target plates with a similar level of success in test residual velocity prediction. TO the authors' best knowledge, the present comprehensive study shows in particular for the first time that, with a. proper modelling approach, LS-DYNA can be used with a great degree of confidence in designing perforation-resistant single and multi-layered metallic armour plates.


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The availability of a significant number of the Structures of helical membrane proteins has prompted us to investigate the mode of helix-helix packing. In the present study, we have considered a dataset of alpha-helical membrane proteins representing Structures solved from all the known superfamilies. We have described the geometry of all the helical residues in terms of local coordinate axis at the backbone level. Significant inter-helical interactions have been considered as contacts by weighing the number of atom-atom contacts, including all the side-chain atoms. Such a definition of local axis and the contact criterion has allowed us to investigate the inter-helical interaction in a systematic and quantitative manner. We show that a single parameter (designated as alpha), which is derived from the parameters representing the Mutual orientation of local axes, is able to accurately Capture the details of helix-helix interaction. The analysis has been carried Out by dividing the dataset into parallel, anti-parallel, and perpendicular orientation of helices. The study indicates that a specific range of alpha value is preferred for interactions among the anti-parallel helices. Such a preference is also seen among interacting residues of parallel helices, however to a lesser extent. No such preference is seen in the case of perpendicular helices, the contacts that arise mainly due to the interaction Of Surface helices with the end of the trans-membrane helices. The Study Supports the prevailing view that the anti-parallel helices are well packed. However, the interactions between helices of parallel orientation are non-trivial. The packing in alpha-helical membrane proteins, which is systematically and rigorously investigated in this study, may prove to be useful in modeling of helical membrane proteins.


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We present a generic method/model for multi-objective design optimization of laminated composite components, based on vector evaluated particle swarm optimization (VEPSO) algorithm. VEPSO is a novel, co-evolutionary multi-objective variant of the popular particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO). In the current work a modified version of VEPSO algorithm for discrete variables has been developed and implemented successfully for the, multi-objective design optimization of composites. The problem is formulated with multiple objectives of minimizing weight and the total cost of the composite component to achieve a specified strength. The primary optimization variables are - the number of layers, its stacking sequence (the orientation of the layers) and thickness of each layer. The classical lamination theory is utilized to determine the stresses in the component and the design is evaluated based on three failure criteria; failure mechanism based failure criteria, Maximum stress failure criteria and the Tsai-Wu failure criteria. The optimization method is validated for a number of different loading configurations - uniaxial, biaxial and bending loads. The design optimization has been carried for both variable stacking sequences, as well fixed standard stacking schemes and a comparative study of the different design configurations evolved has been presented. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Relay selection for cooperative communications promises significant performance improvements, and is, therefore, attracting considerable attention. While several criteria have been proposed for selecting one or more relays, distributed mechanisms that perform the selection have received relatively less attention. In this paper, we develop a novel, yet simple, asymptotic analysis of a splitting-based multiple access selection algorithm to find the single best relay. The analysis leads to simpler and alternate expressions for the average number of slots required to find the best user. By introducing a new contention load' parameter, the analysis shows that the parameter settings used in the existing literature can be improved upon. New and simple bounds are also derived. Furthermore, we propose a new algorithm that addresses the general problem of selecting the best Q >= 1 relays, and analyze and optimize it. Even for a large number of relays, the scalable algorithm selects the best two relays within 4.406 slots and the best three within 6.491 slots, on average. We also propose a new and simple scheme for the practically relevant case of discrete metrics. Altogether, our results develop a unifying perspective about the general problem of distributed selection in cooperative systems and several other multi-node systems.


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Faraday rotation data obtained at Delhi, Kurukshetra, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Waltair, Nagpur and Calcutta during the total solar eclipse of 16 February 1980 and at Delhi during the total solar eclipse of 31 July 1981 have been analysed to detect the gravity waves generated by a total solar eclipse as hypothesized by Chimonas and Hines (1970, J. geophys. Res. 75, 875). It has been found that gravity waves can be generated by a total solar eclipse but their detection at ionospheric heights is critically dependent on the location of the observing station in relation to the eclipse path geometry. The distance of the observing station from the eclipse path should be more than 500 km in order to detect such gravity waves.


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Networks of biochemical reactions regulated by positive-and negative-feedback processes underlie functional dynamics in single cells. Synchronization of dynamics in the constituent cells is a hallmark of collective behavior in multi-cellular biological systems. Stability of the synchronized state is required for robust functioning of the multi-cell system in the face of noise and perturbation. Yet, the ability to respond to signals and change functional dynamics are also important features during development, disease, and evolution in living systems. In this paper, using a coupled multi-cell system model, we investigate the role of system size, coupling strength and its topology on the synchronization of the collective dynamics and its stability. Even though different coupling topologies lead to synchronization of collective dynamics, diffusive coupling through the end product of the pathway does not confer stability to the synchronized state. The results are discussed with a view to their prevalence in biological systems. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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The problem of sensor-network-based distributed intrusion detection in the presence of clutter is considered. It is argued that sensing is best regarded as a local phenomenon in that only sensors in the immediate vicinity of an intruder are triggered. In such a setting, lack of knowledge of intruder location gives rise to correlated sensor readings. A signal-space view-point is introduced in which the noise-free sensor readings associated to intruder and clutter appear as surfaces f(s) and f(g) and the problem reduces to one of determining in distributed fashion, whether the current noisy sensor reading is best classified as intruder or clutter. Two approaches to distributed detection are pursued. In the first, a decision surface separating f(s) and f(g) is identified using Neyman-Pearson criteria. Thereafter, the individual sensor nodes interactively exchange bits to determine whether the sensor readings are on one side or the other of the decision surface. Bounds on the number of bits needed to be exchanged are derived, based on communication-complexity (CC) theory. A lower bound derived for the two-party average case CC of general functions is compared against the performance of a greedy algorithm. Extensions to the multi-party case is straightforward and is briefly discussed. The average case CC of the relevant greaterthan (CT) function is characterized within two bits. Under the second approach, each sensor node broadcasts a single bit arising from appropriate two-level quantization of its own sensor reading, keeping in mind the fusion rule to be subsequently applied at a local fusion center. The optimality of a threshold test as a quantization rule is proved under simplifying assumptions. Finally, results from a QualNet simulation of the algorithms are presented that include intruder tracking using a naive polynomial-regression algorithm. 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Urban population is growing at around 2.3 percent per annum in India. This is leading to urbanisation and often fuelling the dispersed development in the outskirts of urban and village centres with impacts such as loss of agricultural land, open space, and ecologically sensitive habitats. This type of upsurge is very much prevalent and persistent in most places, often inferred as sprawl. The direct implication of such urban sprawl is the change in land use and land cover of the region and lack of basic amenities, since planners are unable to visualise this type of growth patterns. This growth is normally left out in all government surveys (even in national population census), as this cannot be grouped under either urban or rural centre. The investigation of patterns of growth is very crucial from regional planning point of view to provide basic amenities in the region. The growth patterns of urban sprawl can be analysed and understood with the availability of temporal multi-sensor, multi-resolution spatial data. In order to optimise these spectral and spatial resolutions, image fusion techniques are required. This aids in integrating a lower spatial resolution multispectral (MSS) image (for example, IKONOS MSS bands of 4m spatial resolution) with a higher spatial resolution panchromatic (PAN) image (IKONOS PAN band of 1m spatial resolution) based on a simple spectral preservation fusion technique - the Smoothing Filter-based Intensity Modulation (SFIM). Spatial details are modulated to a co-registered lower resolution MSS image without altering its spectral properties and contrast by using a ratio between a higher resolution image and its low pass filtered (smoothing filter) image. The visual evaluation and statistical analysis confirms that SFIM is a superior fusion technique for improving spatial detail of MSS images with the preservation of spectral properties.


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The main idea proposed in this paper is that in a vertically aligned array of short carbon nanotubes (CNTs) grown on a metal substrate, we consider a frequency dependent electric field, so that the mode-specific propagation of phonons, in correspondence with the strained band structure and the dispersion curves, take place. We perform theoretical calculations to validate this idea with a view of optimizing the field emission behavior of the CNT array. This is the first approach of its kind, and is in contrast to the the conventional approach where a DC bias voltage is applied in order to observe field emission. A first set of experimental results presented in this paper gives a clear indication that phonon-assisted control of field emission current in CNT based thin film diode is possible.


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In this work, we explore simultaneous design and material selection by posing it as an optimization problem. The underlying principles for our approach are Ashby's material selection procedure and structural optimization. For the simplicity and ease of initial implementation of the general procedure, truss structures under static load are considered in this work in view of maximum stiffness, minimum weight/cost and safety against failure. Along the lines of Ashby's material indices, a new design index is derived for trusses. This helps in choosing the most suitable material for any design of a truss. Using this, both the design space and material database are searched simultaneously using optimization algorithms. The important feature of our approach is that the formulated optimization problem is continuous even though the material selection is an inherently discrete problem.