48 resultados para MoS2


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Lithium stearate soap and layered MoS2 nanoparticles encapsulated in lithium stearate soap are prepared in the laboratory, and their lubricating properties are compared with respect to the particle and particle concentration. The tribotracks after friction test was investigated with Raman Spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and 3D optical profilometry to understand the action mechanism. The status of the soap particles on a tribotrack changes with time, contact pressure and sliding speed. At low pressure and speed, individual solid undeformed soap particle stand proud of the surface and the topography shows marginal difference with sliding time. In these conditions, no frictional difference between the performance of grease with and without the nanoparticles is observed. Increasing the contact pressure and temperature (low speed and high speed) has a dramatic effect as the soap particles melt and the liquid soap flows over the track releasing the hitherto encapsulated nanoparticles. Consequently, the soap smears the track like a liquid, and the nanoparticles now come directly into the interface and are sheared to generate a low-friction tribofilm. At high particle concentration, the sliding time required for melting of the soap and release of MoS2 is reduced, and the tribofilm is more substantial and uniform consisting of smeared MoS2 and carboxylate soap as observed by SEM and 3D optical profilometry. A change in the Raman Spectra is observed with particle concentration, and this is related to morphology and microstructure of the tribofilm generated.


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Here we present the fabrication and characterization of a new class of hybrid devices where the constituents are graphene and ultrathin molybdenum di-sulphide (MoS2). This device is one of the simplest member of a family of hybrids where the desirable electrical characteristics of graphene such as high mobility are combined with optical activity of semiconductors. We find that in the presence of an optically active substrate, considerable photoconductivity is induced in graphene which is persistent up to a time scale of at least several hours. This photo induced memory can be erased by the application of a suitable gate voltage pulse. This memory operation is stable for many cycles. We present a theoretical model based on localized states in MoS2 which explains the data. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present electrical transport arid low frequency (1/f) noise measurements on mechanically exfoliated single, In and triLayer MoS2-based FPI devices on Si/SiO2 substrate. We find that tie electronic states hi MoS2 are localized at low temperatures (T) and conduction happens through variable range hopping (VRH). A steep increase of 1/f noise with decreasing T, typical for localized regime was observed in all of our devices. From gate voltage dependence of noise, we find that the noise power is inversely proportional to square of the number density (proportional to 1/n(2)) for a wide range of T, indicating number density fluctuations to be the dominant source of 1/f noise in these MoS2 FETs.


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A new two-step procedure for the synthesis of MoS2 nanotubes using lead as a growth promoter is reported. In the first step, molybdenum suboxide nanowhiskers containing a small amount of lead atoms were created by exposing a pressed MoS2+Pb mixture to highly compressed shock-heated argon gas, with estimated temperatures exceeding 9900 K. In the second step, these molybdenum suboxide nanowhiskers served as templates for the sulfidization of the oxide into MoS2 nanotubes (by using H2S gas in a reducing atmosphere at 820 degrees C). Unlike the case of WS2 nanotubes, the synthesis of a pure phase of MoS2 nanotubes from molybdenum oxide has proven challenging, due mostly to the volatile nature of the latter at the high requisite reaction temperatures (>800 degrees C). In contrast, the nature and apparent reaction mechanism of the method reported herein are amenable to future scale-up. The high-temperature shockwave system should also facilitate the synthesis of new nanostructures from other layered materials.


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The sensitive dependence of the electronic and thermoelectric properties of MoS2 on applied strain opens up a variety of applications in the emerging area of straintronics. Using first-principles-based density functional theory calculations, we show that the band gap of a few layers of MoS2 can be tuned by applying normal compressive (NC) strain, biaxial compressive (BC) strain, and biaxial tensile (BT) strain. A reversible semiconductor-to-metal transition (S-M transition) is observed under all three types of strain. In the case of NC strain, the threshold strain at which the S-M transition occurs increases when the number of layers increase and becomes maximum for the bulk. On the other hand, the threshold strain for the S-M transition in both BC and BT strains decreases when the number of layers increase. The difference in the mechanisms for the S-M transition is explained for different types of applied strain. Furthermore, the effect of both strain type and the number of layers on the transport properties are also studied using Botzmann transport theory. We optimize the transport properties as a function of the number of layers and the applied strain. 3L- and 2L-MoS2 emerge as the most efficient thermoelectric materials under NC and BT strain, respectively. The calculated thermopower is large and comparable to some of the best thermoelectric materials. A comparison among the feasibility of these three types of strain is also discussed.


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Few-layer transition metal dichalcogenide alloys based on molybdenum sulphoselenides MoS2(1-x)Se2x] possess higher hydrogen evolution (HER) activity compared to pristine few-layer MoS2 and MoSe2. Variation of the sulphur or selenium content in the parent dichalcogenides reveals a systematic structure-activity relationship for different compositions of alloys, and it is found that the composition MoS1.0Se1.0 shows the highest HER activity amongst the catalysts studied. The tunable electronic structure of MoS2/MoSe2 upon Se/S incorporation probably assists in the realization of high HER activity.


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We present a computational study on the impact of line defects on the electronic properties of monolayer MoS2. Four different kinds of line defects with Mo and S as the bridging atoms, consistent with recent theoretical and experimental observations, are considered herein. We employ the density functional tight-binding (DFTB) method with a Slater-Koster-type DFTB-CP2K basis set for evaluating the material properties of perfect and the various defective MoS2 sheets. The transmission spectra are computed with a DFTB-non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. We also perform a detailed analysis of the carrier transmission pathways under a small bias and investigate the phase of the transmission eigenstates of the defective MoS2 sheets. Our simulations show a two to four fold decrease in carrier conductance of MoS2 sheets in the presence of line defects as compared to that for the perfect sheet.


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Stable aqueous dispersions of atomically thin layered MoS2 nanosheets have been obtained by sonication in the presence of ionic surfactants. The dispersions are stabilized by electrostatic repulsion between the sheets, and we show that the sign of the charge on the MoS2 nanosheets, either positive or negative, can be can be controlled by the choice of the surfactant. Using techniques from solution NMR, we show that the surfactant chains are weakly bound to the MoS2 sheets and undergo rapid exchange with free surfactant chains present in the dispersion. In situ nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopic measurements provide direct evidence that the surfactant chains lie flat, arranged randomly on the basal plane of the MoS2 nanosheets with their charged headgroup exposed. These results provide a chemical perspective for understanding the stability of these inorganic nanosheets in aqueous dispersions and the origin of the charge on the sheets.


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In this paper we show the effect of electron-phonon scattering on the performance of monolayer (1L) MoS2 and WSe2 channel based n-MOSFETs. Electronic properties of the channel materials are evaluated using the local density approximation (LDA) in density functional theory (DFT). For phonon dispersion we employ the small displacement / frozen phonon calculations in DFT. Thereafter using the non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) formalism, we study the effect of electron-phonon scattering and the contribution of various phonon modes on the performance of such devices. It is found that the performance of the WSe2 device is less impacted by phonon scattering, showing a ballisticity of 83% for 1L-WSe2 FET for channel length of 10 nm. Though 1L-MoS2 FET of similar dimension shows a lesser ballisticity of 75%. Also in the presence of scattering there exist a a 21-36% increase in the intrinsic delay time (tau) and a 10-18% reduction in peak transconductance (g(m)) for WSe2 and MoS2 devices respectively. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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Layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), such as MoS2, are candidate materials for next generation 2-D electronic and optoelectronic devices. The ability to grow uniform, crystalline, atomic layers over large areas is the key to developing such technology. We report a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique which yields n-layered MoS2 on a variety of substrates. A generic approach suitable to all TMDs, involving thermodynamic modeling to identify the appropriate CVD process window, and quantitative control of the vapor phase supersaturation, is demonstrated. All reactant sources in our method are outside the growth chamber, a significant improvement over vapor-based methods for atomic layers reported to date. The as-deposited layers are p-type, due to Mo deficiency, with field effect and Hall hole mobilities of up to 2.4 cm(2) V-1 s(-1) and 44 cm(2) V-1 s(-1) respectively. These are among the best reported yet for CVD MoS2.


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Performance of supercapacitors based on 1:1 (by weight) composites of polyaniline (PANI) with nanosheets of nitrogenated reduced graphene oxide (NRGO), BC1.5N, MoS2 and WS2 has been investigated in detail. The highest specific capacitance is found with the 1:1 NRGO-PANI composite, the value being 561 F/g at a current density of 0.2 A/g. All the 1:1 nanocomposites show good cyclability. Increasing the PANI content increases the specific capacitance and the highest value found being 715 F/g at a current density of 0.5 A/g in the case of the 1:6 NRGO-PANI composite. However, all the 1:6 composites show a marked decrease in specific capacitance with increase in current density. The energy density of 1:6 NRGO-PANI is similar to 25 Wh/Kg at 0.5 A/g and 1:1 NRGO-PANI is similar to 19 Wh/Kg at 0.2 A/g. NRGO-PANI composites clearly stand out as viable materials for practical applications. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report a first principles study of the electronic properties for a contact formed between Nb-doped monolayer MoS2 and gold for different doping concentrations. We first focus on the shift of energy levels in band structure and the density of states with respect to the Fermi level for a geometrically optimized 5 x 5 MoS2 supercell for both pristine and Nb-doped structures. The doping is achieved by substituting Mo atoms with Nb atoms at random positions. It is observed that for an experimentally reported sheet hole doping concentration of (rho(2D)) 1.8 x 10(14) cm(-2), the pristine MoS2 converts to degenerate p-type semiconductor. Next, we interface this supercell with six layers of < 111 > cleaved surface of gold to investigate the contact nature of MoS2-Au system. By careful examination of projected band structure, projected density of states, effective potential and charge density difference, we demonstrate that the Schottky barrier nature observed for pure MoS2-Au contact can be converted from n-type to p-type by efficient Nb doping.


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A MoS2-RGO composite and borocarbonitride (BC5N) have been used as electrodes to selectively detect dopamine and uric acid in the presence of ascorbic acid. Both the electrodes show excellent eletrocatalytic activity towards the detection of dopamine, the detection limits being 0.55 mu M and 2.1 mu M in the case of MoS2-RGO and BCN respectively. MoS2-RGO shows a linear range of current over the 1-110 mu M concentrations of dopamine, while BCN shows over the 2.3-20 mu M range. BCN also exhibits satisfactory performance in the oxidation of uric acid with a detection limit of 3.8 mu M and the linear range from 4 to 40 mu M. The MoS2-RGO has also been used to detect adenine as well.


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Atomically thin two dimensional (2D) layered materials have emerged as a new class of material for nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) due to their extraordinary mechanical properties and ultralow mass density. Among them, graphene has been the material of choice for nanomechanical resonator. However, recent interest in 2D chalcogenide compounds has also spurred research in using materials such as MoS2 for the NEMS applications. As the dimensions of devices fabricated using these materials shrink down to atomically thin membrane, strain and nonlinear effects have become important. A clear understanding of the nonlinear effects and the ability to manipulate them is essential for next generation sensors. Here, we report on all electrical actuation and detection of few-layer MoS2 resonator. The ability to electrically detect multiple modes and actuate the modes deep into the nonlinear regime enables us to probe the nonlinear coupling between various vibrational modes. The modal coupling in our device is strong enough to detect three distinct internal resonances. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A new method for the separation of contact resistance (R-contact) into Schottky barrier resistance (R-SB) and interlayer resistance (R-IL) is proposed for multilayered MoS2 FETs. While R-SB varies exponentially with Schottky barrier height (Phi(bn)), R-IL essentially remains unchanged. An empirical model utilizing this dependence of R-contact versus Phi(bn) is proposed and fits to the experimental data. The results, on comparison with the existing reports of lowest R-contact, suggest that the extracted R-IL (1.53 k Omega.mu m) for an unaltered channel would determine the lower limit of intrinsic R-contact even for barrierless contacts for multilayered exfoliated MoS2 FETs.