201 resultados para Martensitic transformations


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The Metropolis algorithm has been generalized to allow for the variation of shape and size of the MC cell. A calculation using different potentials illustrates how the generalized method can be used for the study of crystal structure transformations. A restricted MC integration in the nine dimensional space of the cell components also leads to the stable structure for the Lennard-Jones potential.


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Microbial degradation of geraniol, citronellol, linalool and their corresponding acetates, structurally modified linalool and linalyl acetate, α-terpineol and β-myrcene are presented. Oxygenative and prototropic rearrangements are normally observed during the microbial metabolism of monoterpenes. Three types of oxygenation reactions are observed, namely, (a) allylic oxygenation (b) oxygenation on a double bond and (c) addition of water across the double bond. The studies indicate commonality in the reaction types or processes occurring during the metabolism of various related monoterpenes and also establish the convergence of degradative pathways at a central catabolic intermediate.


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A parametrization of the elements of the three-dimensional Lorentz group O(2, 1), suited to the use of a noncompact O(1, 1) basis in its unitary representations, is derived and used to set up the representation matrices for the entire group. The Plancherel formula for O(2, 1) is then expressed in this basis.


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An experimental investigation into the ambient temperature, load-controlled tension�tension fatigue behavior of a martensitic Nitinol shape memory alloy (SMA) was conducted. Fatigue life for several stress levels spanning the critical stress for detwinning was determined and compared with that obtained on an alloy similar in composition but in the austenitic state at room temperature. Results show that the fatigue life of the pseudo-plastic alloy is superior to superelastic shape memory alloy. The stress�strain hysteretic response, monitored throughout the fatigue loading, reveals progressive strain accumulation with the cyclic loading. In addition, the area of hysteresis and recoverable and frictional energies were found to decrease with increasing number of fatigue cycles. Post-mortem characterization of the fatigued specimens through calorimetry and fractography was conducted in order to get further insight into the fatigue micromechanisms. These results are discussed in terms of reversible and irreversible microstructural changes that take place during cyclic loading. Aspects associated with self-heating of martensitic alloy undergoing high frequency stress cycling are discussed.


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Study of the evolution of species or organisms is essential for various biological applications. Evolution is typically studied at the molecular level by analyzing the mutations of DNA sequences of organisms. Techniques have been developed for building phylogenetic or evolutionary trees for a set of sequences. Though phylogenetic trees capture the overall evolutionary relationships among the sequences, they do not reveal fine-level details of the evolution. In this work, we attempt to resolve various fine-level sequence transformation details associated with a phylogenetic tree using cellular automata. In particular, our work tries to determine the cellular automata rules for neighbor-dependent mutations of segments of DNA sequences. We also determine the number of time steps needed for evolution of a progeny from an ancestor and the unknown segments of the intermediate sequences in the phylogenetic tree. Due to the existence of vast number of cellular automata rules, we have developed a grid system that performs parallel guided explorations of the rules on grid resources. We demonstrate our techniques by conducting experiments on a grid comprising machines in three countries and obtaining potentially useful statistics regarding evolutions in three HIV sequences. In particular, our work is able to verify the phenomenon of neighbor-dependent mutations and find that certain combinations of neighbor-dependent mutations, defined by a cellular automata rule, occur with greater than 90% probability. We also find the average number of time steps for mutations for some branches of phylogenetic tree over a large number of possible transformations with standard deviations less than 2.


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We report that an approximant phase was initially obtained in amorphous Ti40Zr20Hf20Pd20 alloy. In the initial stage of the devitrification process, the approximant phase transforms into an icosahedral (1) phase with a high thermal stability while the cF96 Zr2Ni-type (space group Fd (3) over barm with a = 1.25 nm and 96 atoms cell(-1)) particles precipitate from the amorphous matrix. Eventually the I phase grows to several hundred nanometers when annealed at about 1000 K and then transforms into the Zr2Ni-type phase with an endothermic reaction. (c) 2007 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The carboxyl chain of some molecules has been found to be responsible for causing rearrangements and controlling their course. This chain effect, which operates during reactions involving carbonium ions, is illustrated with examples from Sandalwood oil chemistry.


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The particle size and crystallite size of anatase increase markedly in the region of the crystal structure transformation. The unit cell of anatase seems to expand prior to the transformation to rutile. This expansion has been attributed to a displacive transformation of the type defined by Buerger. Smaller particle size and larger surface area seem to favour the transformation. The kinetics of the transformation of anatase prepared by the hydrolysis of titanium sulphate have been studied at different temperatures and are found to be considerably different from the kinetics of the transformation of pure anatase. The transformation becomes immeasurably slow below ∼695 ± 10°C compared to ∼610°C for pure anatase. An induction period is observed in the transformation of anatase obtained from sulphate hydrolysis and the duration decreases with increase in temperature. The activation energy is ∼120 kcal/mole, a value higher than that for the pure anatase-rutile transformation. The results have been interpreted in terms of the relative rates of nucleation and propagation processes. The activation energy for the nucleation process seems to be much larger than for the propagation process. The kinetics of the transformation of anatase samples doped with different amounts of sulphate ion impurity have also been studied and the transformation is found to be progressively decelerated with increase in the impurity concentration. The energy of activation for the transformation appears to increase progressively with increase in impurity concentration.


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We obtain the superconformal transformation laws of theN=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and explicitly demonstrate the closure of the algebra.


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Incubation of acetates of geraniol, citronellol and linalool with Aspergillus niger resulted in their hydrolysis to corresponding alcohols which were further hydroxylated to their respective 8-hydroxy derivatives. In the case of linalyl acetate, besides linalool and 8-hydroxylinalool, small amounts of geraniol and agr-terpineol were also formed. Microsomes (105 000xg sediment) prepared from induced cells of A. niger were found to convert (1-3H)citronellol to 8-hydroxy citronellol in the presence of NADPH and O2. The pH optimum for the hydroxylase was found to be 7.6.


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The design of a new microfurnace for use for Laue diffraction studies of solid-state transformations is described. The furnace operates in the temperature range 298-573 K with a thermal stability of about ± 0.1 K. The potential of the synchrotron-radiation Laue diffraction technique for studies of structural phase transitions is demonstrated. Experimental data on phase transitions in caesium periodate, potassium tetrachlorozincate and pentaerythritol are presented.


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Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy is applied to an investigation of the structural environment around Zn in polycrystalline K2ZnCi4 over the temperature range associated with its solid-to-solid phase transformations at 127 degrees C and 282 degrees C. The results show a reversible increase in thermal disorder and in the tetrahedral distortion of the ZnCl42- anion upon transformation into the incommensurate phase.