30 resultados para MUTATIONS


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Cancer-associated mutations in cancer genes constitute a diverse set of mutations associated with the disease. To gain insight into features of the set, substitution, deletion and insertion mutations were analysed at the nucleotide level, from the COSMIC database. The most frequent substitutions were c -> t, g -> a, g -> t, and the most frequent codon changes were to termination codons. Deletions more than insertions, FS (frameshift) indels more than I-F (in-frame) ones, and single-nucleotide indels, were frequent. FS indels cause loss of significant fractions of proteins. The 5'-cut in FS deletions, and 5'-ligation in FS insertions, often occur between pairs of identical bases. Interestingly, the cut-site and 3'-ligation in insertions, and 3'-cut and join-pair in deletions, were each found to be the same significantly often (p < 0.001). It is suggested that these features aid the incorporation of indel mutations. Tumor suppressors undergo larger numbers of mutations, especially disruptive ones, over the entire protein length, to inactivate two alleles. Proto-oncogenes undergo fewer, less-disruptive mutations, in selected protein regions, to activate a single allele. Finally, catalogues, in ranked order, of genes mutated in each cancer, and cancers in which each gene is mutated, were created. The study highlights the nucleotide level preferences and disruptive nature of cancer mutations.


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Resistance to therapy limits the effectiveness of drug treatment in many diseases. Drug resistance can be considered as a successful outcome of the bacterial struggle to survive in the hostile environment of a drug-exposed cell. An important mechanism by which bacteria acquire drug resistance is through mutations in the drug target. Drug resistant strains (multi-drug resistant and extensively drug resistant) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are being identified at alarming rates, increasing the global burden of tuberculosis. An understanding of the nature of mutations in different drug targets and how they achieve resistance is therefore important. An objective of this study is to first decipher sequence as well as structural bases for the observed resistance in known drug resistant mutants and then to predict positions in each target that are more prone to acquiring drug resistant mutations. A curated database containing hundreds of mutations in the 38 drug targets of nine major clinical drugs, associated with resistance is studied here. Mutations have been classified into those that occur in the binding site itself, those that occur in residues interacting with the binding site and those that occur in outer zones. Structural models of the wild type and mutant forms of the target proteins have been analysed to seek explanations for reduction in drug binding. Stability analysis of an entire array of 19 mutations at each of the residues for each target has been computed using structural models. Conservation indices of individual residues, binding sites and whole proteins are computed based on sequence conservation analysis of the target proteins. The analyses lead to insights about which positions in the polypeptide chain have a higher propensity to acquire drug resistant mutations. Thus critical insights can be obtained about the effect of mutations on drug binding, in terms of which amino acid positions and therefore which interactions should not be heavily relied upon, which in turn can be translated into guidelines for modifying the existing drugs as well as for designing new drugs. The methodology can serve as a general framework to study drug resistant mutants in other micro-organisms as well.


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The objective of this study was to report the clinical phenotype and genetic analysis of two Indian families with Escobar syndrome (ES). The diagnosis of ES in both families was made on the basis of published clinical features. Blood samples were collected from members of both families and used in genomic DNA isolation. The entire coding regions and intron-exon junctions of the ES gene CHRNG (cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, gamma), and two other related genes, CHRND and CHRNA1, were amplified and sequenced to search for mutations in both families. Both families show a typical form of ES. Sequencing of the entire coding regions including the intron-exon junctions of the three genes did not yield any mutations in these families. In conclusion, it is possible that the mutations in these genes are located in the promoter or deep intronic regions that we failed to identify or the ES in these families is caused by mutations in a different gene. The lack of mutations in CHRNG has also been reported in several families, suggesting the possibility of at least one more gene for this syndrome. Clin Dysmorphol 22:54-58 (C) 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Mutations in the autosomal genes TMPRSS3, TMC1, USHIC, CDH23 and TMIE are known to cause hereditary hearing loss. To study the contribution of these genes to autosomal recessive, non-syndromic hearing loss (ARNSHL) in India, we examined 374 families with the disorder to identify potential mutations. We found four mutations in TMPRSS3, eight in TMC1, ten in USHIC, eight in CDH23 and three in TMIE. Of the 33 potentially pathogenic variants identified in these genes, 23 were new and the remaining have been previously reported. Collectively, mutations in these five genes contribute to about one-tenth of ARNSHL among the families examined. New mutations detected in this study extend the allelic heterogeneity of the genes and provide several additional variants for structure-function correlation studies. These findings have implications for early DNA-based detection of deafness and genetic counseling of affected families in the Indian subcontinent.


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Ser/Thr and Tyr protein kinases orchestrate many signalling pathways and hence loss in this balance leads to many disease phenotypes. Due to their high abundance, diversity and importance, efforts have been made in the past to classify kinases and annotate their functions at both gross and fine levels. These kinases are conventionally classified into subfamilies based on the sequences of catalytic domains. Usually the domain architecture of a full-length kinase is consistent with the subfamily classification made based on the sequence of kinase domain. Important contributions of modular domains to the overall function of the kinase are well known. Recently occurrence of two kinds of outlier kinases-''Hybrid'' and ``Rogue'' has been reported. These show considerable deviations in their domain architectures from the typical domain architecture known for the classical kinase subfamilies. This article provides an overview of the different subfamilies of human kinases and the role of non-kinase domains in functions and diseases. Importantly this article provides analysis of hybrid and rogue kinases encoded in the human genome and highlights their conservation in closely related primate species. These kinases are examples of elegant rewiring to bring about subtle functional differences compared to canonical variants.


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Background: Helicobacter pylori MutS2 (HpMutS2), an inhibitor of recombination during transformation is a non-specific nuclease with two catalytic sites, both of which are essential for its anti-recombinase activity. Although HpMutS2 belongs to a highly conserved family of ABC transporter ATPases, the role of its ATP binding and hydrolysis activities remains elusive. Results: To explore the putative role of ATP binding and hydrolysis activities of HpMutS2 we specifically generated point mutations in the nucleotide-binding Walker-A (HpMutS2-G338R) and hydrolysis Walker-B (HpMutS2-E413A) domains of the protein. Compared to wild-type protein, HpMutS2-G338R exhibited similar to 2.5-fold lower affinity for both ATP and ADP while ATP hydrolysis was reduced by similar to 3-fold. Nucleotide binding efficiencies of HpMutS2-E413A were not significantly altered; however the ATP hydrolysis was reduced by similar to 10-fold. Although mutations in the Walker-A and Walker-B motifs of HpMutS2 only partially reduced its ability to bind and hydrolyze ATP, we demonstrate that these mutants not only exhibited alterations in the conformation, DNA binding and nuclease activities of the protein but failed to complement the hyper-recombinant phenotype displayed by mutS2-disrupted strain of H. pylori. In addition, we show that the nucleotide cofactor modulates the conformation, DNA binding and nuclease activities of HpMutS2. Conclusions: These data describe a strong crosstalk between the ATPase, DNA binding, and nuclease activities of HpMutS2. Furthermore these data show that both, ATP binding and hydrolysis activities of HpMutS2 are essential for the in vivo anti-recombinase function of the protein.


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Mutations in the human microtubule-associated protein tau (hMAPT) gene including R406W and V337M result in autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder. These mutations lead to hyperphosphorylation and aggregation of Tau protein which is a known genetic factor underlying development of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the present study, transgenic Drosophila models of AD expressing wild-type and mutant forms of hMAPT exhibit a progressive neurodegeneration which was manifested in the form of early death and impairment of cognitive ability. Moreover, they were also found to have significantly decreased activity of neurotransmitter enzymes accompanied by decreased cellular endogenous antioxidant profile. The extent of neurodegeneration, memory impairment, and biochemical profiles was different in the tau transgenic strains which indicate multiple molecular and cellular responses underlie each particular form of hMAPT.


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Following transmission, HIV-1 adapts in the new host by acquiring mutations that allow it to escape from the host immune response at multiple epitopes. It also reverts mutations associated with epitopes targeted in the transmitting host but not in the new host. Moreover, escape mutations are often associated with additional compensatory mutations that partially recover fitness costs. It is unclear whether recombination expedites this process of multi-locus adaptation. To elucidate the role of recombination, we constructed a detailed population dynamics model that integrates viral dynamics, host immune response at multiple epitopes through cytotoxic T lymphocytes, and viral evolution driven by mutation, recombination, and selection. Using this model, we compute the expected waiting time until the emergence of the strain that has gained escape and compensatory mutations against the new host's immune response, and reverted these mutations at epitopes no longer targeted. We find that depending on the underlying fitness landscape, shaped by both costs and benefits of mutations, adaptation proceeds via distinct dominant pathways with different effects of recombination, in particular distinguishing escape and reversion. When adaptation at a single epitope is involved, recombination can substantially accelerate immune escape but minimally affects reversion. When multiple epitopes are involved, recombination can accelerate or inhibit adaptation depending on the fitness landscape. Specifically, recombination tends to delay adaptation when a purely uphill fitness landscape is accessible at each epitope, and accelerate it when a fitness valley is associated with each epitope. Our study points to the importance of recombination in shaping the adaptation of HIV-1 following its transmission to new hosts, a process central to T cell-based vaccine strategies. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.


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Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) under nanospray conditions has been used to examine the effects of mutation at two key dimer interface residues, Gln (Q) 64 and Thr (T) 75, in Plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase. Both residues participate in an intricate network of intra- and intersubunit hydrogen bonds. The gas phase distributions of dimeric and monomeric protein species have been examined for the wild type enzyme (TWT) and three mutants, Q64N, Q64E, and 175S, under a wide range of collision energies (40-160 eV). The results established the order of dimer stability as TWT > T75S > Q64E similar to Q64N. The mutational effects on dimer stability are in good agreement with the previously reported estimates, based on the concentration dependence of enzyme activity. Additional experiments in solution, using inhibition of activity by a synthetic dimer interface peptide, further support the broad agreement between gas phase and solution studies. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In a classic study, Kacser & Burns (1981, Genetics 97, 639-666) demonstrated that given certain plausible assumptions, the flux in a metabolic pathway was more or less indifferent to the activity of any of the enzymes in the pathway taken singly. It was inferred from this that the observed dominance of most wild-type alleles with respect to loss-of-function mutations did not require an adaptive, meaning selectionist, explanation. Cornish-Bowden (1987, J. theor. Biol. 125, 333-338) showed that the Kacser-Burns inference was not valid when substrate concentrations were large relative to the relevant Michaelis constants. We find that in a randomly constructed functional pathway, even when substrate levels are small, one can expect high values of control coefficients for metabolic flux in the presence of significant nonlinearities as exemplified by enzymes with Hill coefficients ranging from two to six, or by the existence of oscillatory loops. Under these conditions the flux can be quite sensitive to changes in enzyme activity as might be caused by inactivating one of the two alleles in a diploid. Therefore, the phenomenon of dominance cannot be a trivial ''default'' consequence of physiology but must be intimately linked to the manner in which metabolic networks have been moulded by natural selection.


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Background: Disulphide bridges are well known to play key roles in stability, folding and functions of proteins. Introduction or deletion of disulphides by site-directed mutagenesis have produced varying effects on stability and folding depending upon the protein and location of disulphide in the 3-D structure. Given the lack of complete understanding it is worthwhile to learn from an analysis of extent of conservation of disulphides in homologous proteins. We have also addressed the question of what structural interactions replaces a disulphide in a homologue in another homologue. Results: Using a dataset involving 34,752 pairwise comparisons of homologous protein domains corresponding to 300 protein domain families of known 3-D structures, we provide a comprehensive analysis of extent of conservation of disulphide bridges and their structural features. We report that only 54% of all the disulphide bonds compared between the homologous pairs are conserved, even if, a small fraction of the non-conserved disulphides do include cytoplasmic proteins. Also, only about one fourth of the distinct disulphides are conserved in all the members in protein families. We note that while conservation of disulphide is common in many families, disulphide bond mutations are quite prevalent. Interestingly, we note that there is no clear relationship between sequence identity between two homologous proteins and disulphide bond conservation. Our analysis on structural features at the sites where cysteines forming disulphide in one homologue are replaced by non-Cys residues show that the elimination of a disulphide in a homologue need not always result in stabilizing interactions between equivalent residues. Conclusion: We observe that in the homologous proteins, disulphide bonds are conserved only to a modest extent. Very interestingly, we note that extent of conservation of disulphide in homologous proteins is unrelated to the overall sequence identity between homologues. The non-conserved disulphides are often associated with variable structural features that were recruited to be associated with differentiation or specialisation of protein function.


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SHMT (serine hydoxymethyltransferase), a type I pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme, catalyses the conversion of L-serine and THF (tetrahydrofolate) into glycine and 5,10-methylene THE SHMT also catalyses several THF-independent side reactions such as cleavage of P-hydroxy amino acids, trans-amination, racemization and decarboxylation. In the present study, the residues Asn(341), Tyr(60) and Phe(351), which are likely to influence THF binding, were mutated to alanine, alanine and glycine respectively, to elucidate the role of these residues in THF-dependent and -independent reactions catalysed by SHMT. The N341A and Y60A bsSHMT (Bacillus stearothermophilus SHMT) mutants were inactive for the THF-dependent activity, while the mutations had no effect on THF-independent activity. However, mutation of Phe(351) to glycine did not have any effect oil either of the activities. The crystal structures of the glycine binary complexes of the mutants showed that N341A bsSHMT forms an external aldimine as in bsSHMT, whereas Y60A and F351G bsSHMTs exist as a Mixture of internal/external aldimine and gem-diamine forms. Crystal structures of all of the three Mutants obtained in the presence of L-allo-threonine were similar to the respective glycine binary complexes. The structure of the ternary complex of F351G bsSHMT with glycine and FTHF (5-formyl THF) showed that the monoglutamate side chain of FTHF is ordered in both the subunits of the asymmetric unit, unlike in the wild-type bsSHMT. The present studies demonstrate that the residues Asn(341) and Tyr(60) are pivotal for the binding of THF/FTHF, whereas Phe(351) is responsible for the asymmetric binding of FTHF in the two subunits of the dimer.


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Transactivator protein C of bacteriophage mu is essential for the transition from middle to late gene expression during the phage life cycle. The unusual, multistep activation of mom promoter (Pmom) by C protein involves activator-mediated promoter unwinding to recruit RNA polymerase and subsequent enhanced promoter clearance of the enzyme. To achieve this, C binds its site overlapping the -35 region of the mom promoter with a very high affinity, in Mg2+-dependent fashion. Mg2+-mediated conformational transition in C is necessary for its DNA binding and transactivation. We have determined the residues in C which coordinate Mg2+, to induce allosteric transition in the protein, required for the specific interaction with DNA. Residues E26 and D40 in the putative metal binding motif (E26X10D37X2D40) present toward the N-terminus of the protein are found to be important for Mg2+ ion binding. Mutations in these residues lead to altered Mg2+-induced conformation, compromised DNA binding, and reduced levels of transcription activation. Although Mg2+ is widely used in various DNA transaction reactions, this report provides the first insights on the importance of the metal ion-induced allosteric transitions in regulating transcription factor function.


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New antiretroviral drugs that offer large genetic barriers to resistance, such as the recently approved inhibitors of HIV-1 protease, tipranavir and darunavir, present promising weapons to avert the failure of current therapies for HIV infection. Optimal treatment strategies with the new drugs, however, are yet to be established. A key limitation is the poor understanding of the process by which HIV surmounts large genetic barriers to resistance. Extant models of HIV dynamics are predicated on the predominance of deterministic forces underlying the emergence of resistant genomes. In contrast, stochastic forces may dominate, especially when the genetic barrier is large, and delay the emergence of resistant genomes. We develop a mathematical model of HIV dynamics under the influence of an antiretroviral drug to predict the waiting time for the emergence of genomes that carry the requisite mutations to overcome the genetic barrier of the drug. We apply our model to describe the development of resistance to tipranavir in in vitro serial passage experiments. Model predictions of the times of emergence of different mutant genomes with increasing resistance to tipranavir are in quantitative agreement with experiments, indicating that our model captures the dynamics of the development of resistance to antiretroviral drugs accurately. Further, model predictions provide insights into the influence of underlying evolutionary processes such as recombination on the development of resistance, and suggest guidelines for drug design: drugs that offer large genetic barriers to resistance with resistance sites tightly localized on the viral genome and exhibiting positive epistatic interactions maximally inhibit the emergence of resistant genomes.


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Using computer modeling of three-dimensional structures and structural information available on the crystal structures of HIV-1 protease, we investigated the structural effects of mutations, in treatment-naive and treatment-exposed individuals from India and postulated mechanisms of resistance in clade C variants. A large number of models (14) have been generated by computational mutation of the available crystal structures of drug bound proteases. Localized energy minimization was carried out in and around the sites of mutation in order to optimize the geometry of interactions present. Most of the mutations result in structural differences at the flap that favors the semiopen state of the enzyme. Some of the mutations were also found to confer resistance by affecting the geometry of the active site. The E35D mutation affects the flap structure in clade B strains and E35N and E35K mutation, seen in our modeled strains, have a more profound effect. Common polymorphisms at positions 36 and 63 in clade C also affected flap structure. Apart from a few other residues Gln-58, Asn-83, Asn-88, and Gln-92 and their interactions are important for the transition from the closed to the open state. Development of protease inhibitors by structure-based design requires investigation of mechanisms operative for clade C to improve the efficacy of therapy.