90 resultados para Ligand-binding Domain


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The involvement of Hsp90 in progression of diseases like cancer, neurological disorders and several pathogen related conditions is well established. Hsp90, therefore, has emerged as an attractive drug target for many of these diseases. Several small molecule inhibitors of Hsp90, such as geldanamycin derivatives, that display antitumor activity, have been developed and are under clinical trials. However, none of these tested inhibitors or drugs are peptide-based compounds. Here we report the first crystal structure of a peptide bound at the ATP binding site of the N-terminal domain of Hsp90. The peptide makes several specific interactions with the binding site residues, which are comparable to those made by the nucleotide and geldanamycin. A modified peptide was designed based on these interactions. Inhibition of ATPase activity of Hsp90 was observed in the presence of the modified peptide. This study provides an alternative approach and a lead peptide molecule for the rational design of effective inhibitors of Hsp90 function.


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RAG complex consisting of RAG1 and RAG2 is a site-specific endonuclease responsible for the generation of antigen receptor diversity. It cleaves recombination signal sequence (RSS), comprising of conserved heptamer and nonamer. Nonamer binding domain (NBD) of RAG1 plays a central role in the recognition of RSS. To investigate the DNA binding properties of the domain, NBD of murine RAG1 was cloned, expressed and purified. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that NBD binds with high affinity to nonamer in the context of 12/23 RSS or heteroduplex DNA. NBD binding was specific to thymines when single stranded DNA containing poly A, C, G or T were used. Biolayer interferometry studies showed that poly T binding to NBD was robust and comparable to that of 12RSS. More than 23 nt was essential for NBD binding at homothymidine stretches. On a double-stranded DNA, NBD could bind to A:T stretches, but not G:C or random sequences. Although NBD is indispensable for sequence specific activity of RAGs, external supplementation of purified nonamer binding domain to NBD deleted cRAG1/cRAG2 did not restore its activity, suggesting that the overall domain architecture of RAG1 is important. Therefore, we define the sequence requirements of NBD binding to DNA.


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The nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (nAChR) is the major class of neurotransmitter receptors that is involved in many neurodegenerative conditions such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The N-terminal region or Ligand Binding Domain (LBD) of nAChR is located at pre- and post-synaptic nervous system, which mediates synaptic transmission. nAChR acts as the drug target for agonist and competitive antagonist molecules that modulate signal transmission at the nerve terminals. Based on Acetylcholine Binding Protein (AChBP) from Lymnea stagnalis as the structural template, the homology modeling approach was carried out to build three dimensional model of the N-terminal region of human alpha(7)nAChR. This theoretical model is an assembly of five alpha(7) subunits with 5 fold axis symmetry, constituting a channel, with the binding picket present at the interface region of the subunits. alpha-netlrotoxin is a potent nAChR competitive antagonist that readily blocks the channel resulting in paralysis. The molecular interaction of alpha-Bungarotoxin, a long chain alpha-neurotoxin from (Bungarus multicinctus) and human alpha(7)nAChR seas studied. Agonists such as acetylcholine, nicotine, which are used in it diverse array of biological activities, such as enhancements of cognitive performances, were also docked with the theoretical model of human alpha(7)nAChR. These docked complexes were analyzed further for identifying the crucial residues involved i interaction. These results provide the details of interaction of agonists and competitive antagonists with three dimensional model of the N-terminal region of human alpha(7)nAChR and thereby point to the design of novel lead compounds.


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Protein folding and unfolding are complex phenomena, and it is accepted that multidomain proteins generally follow multiple pathways. Maltose-binding protein (MBP) is a large (a two-domain, 370-amino acid residue) bacterial periplasmic protein involved in maltose uptake. Despite the large size, it has been shown to exhibit an apparent two-state equilibrium unfolding in bulk experiments. Single-molecule studies can uncover rare events that are masked by averaging in bulk studies. Here, we use single-molecule force spectroscopy to study the mechanical unfolding pathways of MBP and its precursor protein (preMBP) in the presence and absence of ligands. Our results show that MBP exhibits kinetic partitioning on mechanical stretching and unfolds via two parallel pathways: one of them involves a mechanically stable intermediate (path I) whereas the other is devoid of it (path II). The apoMBP unfolds via path I in 62% of the mechanical unfolding events, and the remaining 38% follow path II. In the case of maltose-bound MBP, the protein unfolds via the intermediate in 79% of the cases, the remaining 21% via path II. Similarly, on binding to maltotriose, a ligand whose binding strength with the polyprotein is similar to that of maltose, the occurrence of the intermediate is comparable (82% via path I) with that of maltose. The precursor protein preMBP also shows a similar behavior upon mechanical unfolding. The percentages of molecules unfolding via path I are 53% in the apo form and 68% and 72% upon binding to maltose and maltotriose, respectively, for preMBP. These observations demonstrate that ligand binding can modulate the mechanical unfolding pathways of proteins by a kinetic partitioning mechanism. This could be a general mechanism in the unfolding of other large two-domain ligand-binding proteins of the bacterial periplasmic space.


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GAF domains are a large family of regulatory domains, and a subset are found associated with enzymes involved in cyclic nucleotide (cNMP) metabolism such as adenylyl cyclases and phosphodiesterases. CyaB2, an adenylyl cyclase from Anabaena, contains two GAF domains in tandem at the N-terminus and an adenylyl cyclase domain at the C-terminus. Cyclic AMP, but not cGMP, binding to the GAF domains of CyaB2 increases the activity of the cyclase domain leading to enhanced synthesis of cAMP. Here we show that the isolated GAFb domain of CyaB2 can bind both cAMP and cGMP, and enhanced specificity for cAMP is observed only when both the GAFa and the GAFb domains are present in tandem(GAFab domain). In silico docking and mutational analysis identified distinct residues important for interaction with either cAMP or cGMP in the GAFb domain. Structural changes associated with ligand binding to the GAF domains could not be detected by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) experiments. However, amide hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDXMS) experiments provided insights into the structural basis for cAMP-induced allosteric regulation of the GAF domains, and differences in the changes induced by cAMP and cGMP binding to the GAF domain. Thus, our findings could allow the development of molecules that modulate the allosteric regulation by GAF domains present in pharmacologically relevant proteins.


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The binding of xylo-oligosaccharides to Chainia endoxylanase resulted in a decrease in fluorescence intensity of the enzyme with the formation of 1:1 complex. Equilibrium and thermodynamic parameters of ligand binding were determined by fluorescence titrations and titration calorimetry. The affinity of xylanase for the oligosaccharides increases in the order X-2 < X-3 < X-4 less than or equal to X-5. Contributions from the enthalpy towards the free energy change decreased with increasing chain length from X-2 to X-4, whereas an increase in entropy was observed, the change in enthalpy and entropy of binding being compensatory. The entropically driven binding process suggested that hydrophobic interactions as well as hydrogen bonds play a predominant role in ligand binding.


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The Mycobacterium tuberculosis transcriptional regulator Rv1364c regulates the activity of the stress response sigma factor sigma(F). This multi-domain protein has several components: a signaling PAS domain and an effector segment comprising of a phosphatase, a kinase and an anti-anti-sigma factor domain. Based on Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) data, Rv1364c was recently shown to be a homo-dimer and adopt an elongated conformation in solution. The PAS domain could not be modeled into the structural envelope due to poor sequence similarity with known PAS proteins. The crystal structure of the PAS domain described here provides a structural basis for the dimerization of Rv1364c. It thus appears likely that the PAS domain regulates the anti-sigma activity of Rv1364c by oligomerization. A structural comparison with other characterized PAS domains reveal several sequence and conformational features that could facilitate ligand binding - a feature which suggests that the function of Rv1364c could potentially be governed by specific cellular signals or metabolic cues. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The catalytic conversion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine monophosphate (AMP) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) by adenylate kinase (ADK) involves large amplitude, ligand induced domain motions, involving the opening and the closing of ATP binding domain (LID) and AMP binding domain (NMP) domains, during the repeated catalytic cycle. We discover and analyze an interesting dynamical coupling between the motion of the two domains during the opening, using large scale atomistic molecular dynamics trajectory analysis, covariance analysis, and multidimensional free energy calculations with explicit water. Initially, the LID domain must open by a certain amount before the NMP domain can begin to open. Dynamical correlation map shows interesting cross-peak between LID and NMP domain which suggests the presence of correlated motion between them. This is also reflected in our calculated two-dimensional free energy surface contour diagram which has an interesting elliptic shape, revealing a strong correlation between the opening of the LID domain and that of the NMP domain. Our free energy surface of the LID domain motion is rugged due to interaction with water and the signature of ruggedness is evident in the observed root mean square deviation variation and its fluctuation time correlation functions. We develop a correlated dynamical disorder-type theoretical model to explain the observed dynamic coupling between the motion of the two domains in ADK. Our model correctly reproduces several features of the cross-correlation observed in simulations. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3516588]


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The activity of many proteins orchestrating different biological processes is regulated by allostery, where ligand binding at one site alters the function of another site. Allosteric changes can be brought about by either a change in the dynamics of a protein, or alteration in its mean structure. We have investigated the mechanisms of allostery induced by chemically distinct ligands in the cGMP-binding, cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase, PDE5. PDE5 is the target for catalytic site inhibitors, such as sildenafil, that are used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension. PDE5 is a multidomain protein and contains two N-terminal cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase, bacterial adenylyl cyclase, FhLA transcriptional regulator (GAF) domains, and a C-terminal catalytic domain. Cyclic GMP binding to the GAFa domain and sildenafil binding to the catalytic domain result in conformational changes, which to date have been studied either with individual domains or with purified enzyme. Employing intramolecular bioluminescence resonance energy transfer, which can monitor conformational changes both in vitro and in intact cells, we show that binding of cGMP and sildenafil to PDE5 results in distinct conformations of the protein. Metal ions bound to the catalytic site also allosterically modulated cGMP- and sildenafil-induced conformational changes. The sildenafil-induced conformational change was temperature-sensitive, whereas cGMP-induced conformational change was independent of temperature. This indicates that different allosteric ligands can regulate the conformation of a multidomain protein by distinct mechanisms. Importantly, this novel PDE5 sensor has general physiological and clinical relevance because it allows the identification of regulators that can modulate PDE5 conformation in vivo.


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2-Methylcitric acid (2-MCA) cycle is one of the well studied pathways for the utilization of propionate as a source of carbon and energy in bacteria such as Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli. 2-Methylcitrate synthase (2-MCS) catalyzes the conversion of oxaloacetate and propionyl-CoA to 2-methylcitrate and CoA in the second step of 2-MCA cycle. Here, we report the X-ray crystal structure of S. typhimurium 2-MCS (StPrpC) at 2.4 A resolution and its functional characterization. StPrpC was found to utilize propionyl-CoA more efficiently than acetyl-CoA or butyryl-CoA. The polypeptide fold and the catalytic residues of StPrpC are conserved in citrate synthases (CSs) suggesting similarities in their functional mechanisms. In the triclinic P1 cell, StPrpC molecules were organized as decamers composed of five identical dimer units. In solution, StPrpC was in a dimeric form at low concentrations and was converted to larger oligomers at higher concentrations. CSs are usually dimeric proteins. In Gram-negative bacteria, a hexameric form, believed to be important for regulation of activity by NADH, is also observed. Structural comparisons with hexameric E. coil CS suggested that the key residues involved in NADH binding are not conserved in StPrpC. Structural comparison with the ligand free and bound states of CSs showed that StPrpC is in a nearly closed conformation despite the absence of bound ligands. It was found that the Tyr197 and Leu324 of StPrpC are structurally equivalent to the ligand binding residues His and Val, respectively, of CSs. These substitutions might determine the specificities for acyl-CoAs of these enzymes. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Depth measures the extent of atom/residue burial within a protein. It correlates with properties such as protein stability, hydrogen exchange rate, protein-protein interaction hot spots, post-translational modification sites and sequence variability. Our server, DEPTH, accurately computes depth and solvent-accessible surface area (SASA) values. We show that depth can be used to predict small molecule ligand binding cavities in proteins. Often, some of the residues lining a ligand binding cavity are both deep and solvent exposed. Using the depth-SASA pair values for a residue, its likelihood to form part of a small molecule binding cavity is estimated. The parameters of the method were calibrated over a training set of 900 high-resolution X-ray crystal structures of single-domain proteins bound to small molecules (molecular weight < 1.5 KDa). The prediction accuracy of DEPTH is comparable to that of other geometry-based prediction methods including LIGSITE, SURFNET and Pocket-Finder (all with Matthew's correlation coefficient of similar to 0.4) over a testing set of 225 single and multi-chain protein structures. Users have the option of tuning several parameters to detect cavities of different sizes, for example, geometrically flat binding sites. The input to the server is a protein 3D structure in PDB format. The users have the option of tuning the values of four parameters associated with the computation of residue depth and the prediction of binding cavities. The computed depths, SASA and binding cavity predictions are displayed in 2D plots and mapped onto 3D representations of the protein structure using Jmol. Links are provided to download the outputs. Our server is useful for all structural analysis based on residue depth and SASA, such as guiding site-directed mutagenesis experiments and small molecule docking exercises, in the context of protein functional annotation and drug discovery.


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beta-Prism I fold lectins constitute one of the five widely occurring structural classes of plant lectins. Each single domain subunit is made up of three Greek key motifs arranged in a threefold symmetric fashion. The threefold symmetry is not reflected in the sequence except in the case of the lectin from banana, a monocot, which carries two sugar-binding sites instead of the one in other lectins of known three-dimensional structure, all from dicots. This is believed to be a consequence of the different evolutionary paths followed by the lectin in monocots and dicots. The galactose-specific lectins among them have two chains produced by posttranslational proteolysis and contain three aromatic residues at the binding site. The extended binding sites of galactose- and mannose-specific lectins have been thoroughly characterized. Ligand binding at the sites involves both conformational selection and induced fit. Molecular plasticity of some of the lectins in the family has been characterized. The plasticity appears to be such as to promote variability in quaternary association which could be dimeric, tetrameric, or octameric. Structural and evolutionary reasons for the variability have been explored, and the relation of oligomerization to ligand binding and conformational selection investigated.


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Guanylyl cyclase C (GCC), a member of the family of membrane bound guanylyl cyclases is the receptor for the heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) peptides and the guanylin family of endogenous peptides. GCC is activated upon ligand binding to increase intracellular cGMP levels, which in turn activates other downstream signalling events in the cell. GCC is also activated in vitro by nonionic detergents. We have used the T84 cell line as a model system to investigate the regulation of GCC activity by ATP. Ligand-stimulated GCC activity is potentiated in the presence of ATP, whereas detergent-stimulated activity is inhibited. The potentiation of GCC activity by ATP is dependent on the presence of Mg2+ ions, and is probably brought about by a direct binding of Mg-ATP to GCC. The protein kinase-like domain of GCC, which has earlier been shown to play a critical role in the regulation of GCC activity, may be a possible site for the binding of Mg-ATP to GCC.


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Background: Phosphorylation by protein kinases is a common event in many cellular processes. Further, many kinases perform specialized roles and are regulated by non-kinase domains tethered to kinase domain. Perturbation in the regulation of kinases leads to malignancy. We have identified and analysed putative protein kinases encoded in the genome of chimpanzee which is a close evolutionary relative of human. Result: The shared core biology between chimpanzee and human is characterized by many orthologous protein kinases which are involved in conserved pathways. Domain architectures specific to chimp/human kinases have been observed. Chimp kinases with unique domain architectures are characterized by deletion of one or more non-kinase domains in the human kinases. Interestingly, counterparts of some of the multi-domain human kinases in chimp are characterized by identical domain architectures but with kinase-like non-kinase domain. Remarkably, out of 587 chimpanzee kinases no human orthologue with greater than 95% sequence identity could be identified for 160 kinases. Variations in chimpanzee kinases compared to human kinases are brought about also by differences in functions of domains tethered to the catalytic kinase domain. For example, the heterodimer forming PB1 domain related to the fold of ubiquitin/Ras-binding domain is seen uniquely tethered to PKC-like chimpanzee kinase. Conclusion: Though the chimpanzee and human are evolutionary very close, there are chimpanzee kinases with no close counterpart in the human suggesting differences in their functions. This analysis provides a direction for experimental analysis of human and chimpanzee protein kinases in order to enhance our understanding on their specific biological roles.