19 resultados para Latex Hypersensitivity


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Using a combination of avidin-biotin microELISA and solid phase radioimmunoassay, we examined sera from 23 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), two patients with established sensitivity to ingested shrimp, and 15 healthy normal subjects. In addition to IgG antibodies, varying amounts of IgE antibodies specific for native DNA (nDNA), denatured or single-stranded DNA (dnDNA), RNA, and tRNA were demonstrable in the sera of SLE patients, but not in the sera of normal subjects. A comparison of the specificity of nucleic acid-specific IgE antibodies present in the sera of shrimp-sensitive patients with those present in the sera of seven SLE patients revealed that the IgE antibodies in the sera of shrimp-sensitive patients specifically recognized shrimp tRNA but not yeast tRNA, calf thymus RNA, or calf thymus DNA, while those present in the sera of patients with SLE recognized all these nucleic acid antigens. The IgE antibodies directed against nDNA, dnDNA, RNA, and tRNA may mediate mast cell and basophil degranulation and thus contribute both to immediate-type hypersensitivity phenomena including hives seen in patients with SLE and to the localization of IgE-nucleic acid complexes in target


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Cross-reactivity of allergens from the pollen of the Compositae weeds, Parthenium hysterophorus (American feverfew) and Ambrosia (ragweed), in 2 groups of patients with different geographic distributions was studied. Parthenium-sensitive Indian patients, who were never exposed to ragweed, elicited positive skin reactions with ragweed pollen extracts. A significant correlation in the RAST scores of Parthenium and ragweed-specific IgE was observed with the sera of Parthenium and ragweed-sensitive Indian and US patients, respectively. RAST inhibition experiments demonstrated that the binding of IgE antibodies in the sera of ragweed-sensitive patients to short (Wl) and giant (W3) ragweed allergen discs could be inhibited by up to 94% by Parthenium pollen extracts. Similar inhibition (up to 82%) was obtained when the sera of Parthenium rhinitis patients were incubated with ragweed allergen extracts. A dose-dependent proliferation of lymphocytes from a Parthenium-sensitive rhinitis patient with elevated levels of both Parthenium and ragweed-specific IgE was observed when incubated with Parthenium and ragweed pollen extracts. A 1.6-fold higher proliferation, however, was observed with Parthenium pollen extract at a concentration of 100 µg/ml. These results suggest that shared epitopes present on Parthenium and ragweed pollen allergens are recognized by both Indian and US patients sensitized by exposure to Parthenium and ragweed pollen, respectively. The high degree of cross-reactivity between Parthenium and ragweed pollen allergens suggests that individuals sensitized to Parthenium may develop type-I hypersensitivity reactions to ragweed and vice versa when they travel to regions infested with the weed to which they had not been previously exposed.


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The major heat-stable shrimp allergen (designated as Sa-II), capable of provoking IgE-mediated immediate type hypersensitivity reactions after the ingestion of cooked shrimp, has been shown to be a 34-kDa heat- stable protein containing 300 amino acid residues. Here, we report that a comparison of amino acid sequences of different peptides generated by proteolysis of Sa-II revealed an 86% homology with tropomyosin from Drosophila melanogaster, suggesting that Sa-II could be the shrimp muscle protein tropomyosin. To establish that Sa-II is indeed tropomyosin, the latter was isolated from uncooked shrimp (Penaeus indicus) and its physicochemical and immunochemical properties were compared with those of Sa-II. Both tropomyosin and Sa-II had the same molecular mass and focused in the isoelectric pH range of 4.8 to 5.4. In the presence of 6 M urea, the mobility of both Sa-II and shrimp tropomyosin shifted to give an apparent molecular mass of 50 kDa, which is a characteristic property of tropomyosins. Shrimp tropomyosin bound to specific IgE antibodies in the sera of shrimp-sensitive patients as assessed by competitive ELISA inhibition and Western blot analysis. Tryptic maps of both Sa-II and tropomyosin as obtained by reverse phase HPLC were superimposable. Dot-blot and competitive ELISA inhibition using sera of shrimp-sensitive patients revealed that antigenic as well as allergenic activities were associated with two peptide fractions. These IgE-binding tryptic peptides were purified and sequenced. Mouse anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies raised against Sa-II specific human idiotypic antibodies recognized not only tropomyosin but also the two allergenic peptides, thus suggesting that these peptides represent the major IgE binding epitopes of tropomyosin. A comparison of the amino acid sequence of shrimp tropomyosin in the region of IgE binding epitopes (residues 50-66 and 153-161) with the corresponding regions of tropomyosins from different vertebrates confirmed lack of allergenic cross-reactivity between tropomyosins from phylogenetically distinct species.


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In cells, N-10-formyltetrahydrofolate (N-10-fTHF) is required for formylation of eubacterial/organellar initiator tRNA and purine nucleotide biosynthesis. Biosynthesis of N-10-fTHF is catalyzed by 5,10-methylene-tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/cyclohydrolase (FolD) and/or 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (Fhs). All eubacteria possess FolD, but some possess both FolD and Fhs. However, the reasons for possessing Fhs in addition to FolD have remained unclear. We used Escherichia coli, which naturally lacks fhs, as our model. We show that in E. coli, the essential function of folD could be replaced by Clostridium perfringens fhs when it was provided on a medium-copy-number plasmid or integrated as a single-copy gene in the chromosome. The fhs-supported folD deletion (Delta folD) strains grow well in a complex medium. However, these strains require purines and glycine as supplements for growth in M9 minimal medium. The in vivo levels of N-10-fTHF in the Delta folD strain (supported by plasmid-borne fhs) were limiting despite the high capacity of the available Fhs to synthesize N-10-fTHF in vitro. Auxotrophy for purines could be alleviated by supplementing formate to the medium, and that for glycine was alleviated by engineering THF import into the cells. The Delta folD strain (harboring fhs on the chromosome) showed a high NADP(+)-to-NADPH ratio and hypersensitivity to trimethoprim. The presence of fhs in E. coli was disadvantageous for its aerobic growth. However, under hypoxia, E. coli strains harboring fhs outcompeted those lacking it. The computational analysis revealed a predominant natural occurrence of fhs in anaerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria.