93 resultados para LD pump


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Cryosorption pump is the only solution for pumping helium and hydrogen in fusion reactors. It is chosen because it offers highest pumping speed as well as the only suitable pump for the harsh environments in a tokamak. Towards the development of such cryosorption pumps, the optimal choice of the right activated carbon panels is essential. In order to characterize the performance of the panels with indigenously developed activated carbon, a cryocooler based cryosorption pump with scaled down sizes of panels is experimented. The results are compared with the commercial cryopanel used in a CTI cryosorption (model: Cryotorr 7) pump. The cryopanel is mounted on the cold head of the second stage GM cryocooler which cools the cryopanel down to 11K with first stage reaching about similar to 50K. With no heat load, cryopump gives the ultimate vacuum of 2.1E-7 mbar. The pumping speed of different gases such as nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, helium are tested both on indigenous and commercial cryopanel. These studies serve as a bench mark towards the development of better cryopanels to be cooled by liquid helium for use with tokamak.


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The Bay of Bengal receives a large influx of freshwater from precipitation and river discharge. Outflow of excess freshwater and inflow of saltier water is required to prevent the bay from freshening. Relatively fresh water flows out of the bay along its boundaries and inflow of saltier water occurs via the Summer Monsoon Current (SMC), which flows eastward from the Arabian Sea into the bay. This saltier water, however, slides under the lighter surface water of the bay. Maintaining the salt balance of the bay therefore demands upward mixing of this saltier, subsurface water. Here, we show that an efficient mechanism for this mixing is provided by upward pumping of saltier water in several bursts during the summer monsoon along the meandering path of the SMC. Advection by currents can then take this saltier water into the rest of the basin, allowing the bay to stay salty despite a large net freshwater input.


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Optical-pump terahertz-probe differential transmission measurements of as-prepared single layer graphene (AG) (unintentionally hole dopedwith Fermi energy E-F at similar to -180 meV), nitrogen doping compensated graphene (NDG) with E-F similar to -10 meV, and thermally annealed doped graphene (TAG) are examined quantitatively to understand the opposite signs of photoinduced dynamic terahertz conductivity Delta sigma. It is negative for AG and TAG but positive for NDG. We show that the recently proposed mechanism of multiple generations of secondary hot carriers due to Coulomb interaction of photoexcited carriers with the existing carriers together with the intraband scattering can explain the change of photoinduced conductivity sign and its magnitude. We give a quantitative estimate of Delta sigma in terms of controlling parameters-the Fermi energy E-F and momentum relaxation time tau. Furthermore, the cooling of photoexcited carriers is analyzed using a supercollision model which involves a defect mediated collision of the hot carriers with the acoustic phonons, thus giving an estimate of the deformation potential.


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Towards ultrafast optoelectronic applications of single and a few layer reduced graphene oxide (RGO), we study time domain terahertz spectroscopy and optical pump induced changes in terahertz conductivity of self-supported RGO membrane in the spectral window of 0.5-3.5 THz. The real and imaginary parts of conductivity spectra clearly reveal low frequency resonances, attributed to the energy gaps due to the van Hove singularities in the density of states flanking the Dirac points arising due to the relative rotation of the graphene layers. Further, optical pump induced terahertz conductivity is positive, pointing to the dominance of intraband scattering processes. The relaxation dynamics of the photo-excited carriers consists of three cooling pathways: the faster (similar to 450 fs) one due to optical phonon emission followed by disorder mediated large momentum and large energy acoustic phonon emission with a time constant of a few ps (called the super-collision mechanism) and a very large time (similar to 100 ps) arising from the deep trap states. The frequency dependence of the dynamic conductivity at different delay times is analyzed in term of Drude-Smith model. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The charge-pump (CP) mismatch current is a dominant source of static phase error and reference spur in the nano-meter CMOS PLL implementations due to its worsened channel length modulation effect. This paper presents a charge-pump (CP) mismatch current reduction technique utilizing an adaptive body bias tuning of CP transistors and a zero CP mismatch current tracking PLL architecture for reference spur suppression. A chip prototype of the proposed circuit was implemented in 0.13 mu m CMOS technology. The frequency synthesizer consumes 8.2 mA current from a 13 V supply voltage and achieves a phase noise of -96.01 dBc/Hz @ 1 MHz offset from a 2.4 GHz RF carrier. The charge-pump measurements using the proposed calibration technique exhibited a mismatch current of less than 0.3 mu A (0.55%) over the VCO control voltage range of 0.3-1.0 V. The closed loop measurements show a minimized static phase error of within +/- 70 ps and a similar or equal to 9 dB reduction in reference spur level across the PLL output frequency range 2.4-2.5 GHz. The presented CP calibration technique compensates for the DC current mismatch and the mismatch due to channel length modulation effect and therefore improves the performance of CP-PLLs in nano-meter CMOS implementations. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Peristaltic pumps were normally used to pump liquids in several chemical and biological applications. In the present study, a peristaltic pump was used to pressurize the chamber (positive as well negative pressures) using atmospheric air. In the present paper, we discuss the development and performance study of an automatic pressurization system to calibrate low range (millibar) pressure sensors. The system includes a peristaltic pump, calibrated pressure sensor (master sensor), pressure chamber, and the control electronics. An in-house developed peristaltic pump was used to pressurize the chamber. A closed loop control system has been developed to detect and adjust the pressure leaks in the chamber. The complete system has been integrated into a portable product. The system performance has been studied for a step response and steady state errors. The system is portable, free from oil contaminants, and consumes less power compared to existing pressure calibration systems. The veracity of the system was verified by calibrating an unknown diaphragm based pressure sensor and the results obtained were satisfactory. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We report the dynamics of photoinduced carriers in a free-standing MoS2 laminate consisting of a few layers (1-6 layers) using time-resolved optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy. Upon photoexcitation with the 800 nm pump pulse, the terahertz conductivity increases due to absorption by the photoinduced charge carriers. The relaxation of the non-equilibrium carriers shows fast as well as slow decay channels, analyzed using a rate equation model incorporating defect-assisted Auger scattering of photoexcited electrons, holes, and excitons. The fast relaxation time occurs due to the capture of electrons and holes by defects via Auger processes, resulting in nonradiative recombination. The slower relaxation arises since the excitons are bound to the defects, preventing the defect-assisted Auger recombination of the electrons and the holes. Our results provide a comprehensive understanding of the non-equilibrium carrier kinetics in a system of unscreened Coulomb interactions, where defect-assisted Auger processes dominate and should be applicable to other 2D systems.


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Nonequilibrium calculations in the presence of an electric field are usually performed in a gauge, and need to be transformed to reveal the gauge-invariant observables. In this work, we discuss the issue of gauge invariance in the context of time-resolved angle-resolved pump/probe photoemission. If the probe is applied while the pump is still on, one must ensure that the calculations of the observed photocurrent are gauge invariant. We also discuss the requirement of the photoemission signal to be positive and the relationship of this constraint to gauge invariance. We end by discussing some technical details related to the perturbative derivation of the photoemission spectra, which involve processes where the pump pulse photoemits electrons due to nonequilibrium effects.


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We investigate the effect of time-dependent cyclic-adiabatic driving on the charge transport in a quantum junction. We propose a nonequilibrium Green's function formalism to study the statistics of the charge pumped (at zero bias) through the junction. The formulation is used to demonstrate charge pumping in a single electronic level coupled to two (electronic) reservoirs with time-dependent couplings. An analytical expression for the average pumped current for a general cyclic driving is derived. It is found that for zero bias, for a certain class of driving, the Berry phase contributes only to the odd cumulants. In contrast, a quantum master equation formulation does not show a Berry-phase effect at all.


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Experiments in spintronics necessarily involve the detection of spin polarization. The sensitivity of this detection becomes an important factor to consider when extending the low temperature studies on semiconductor spintronic devices to room temperature, where the spin signal is weaker. In pump-probe experiments, which optically inject and detect spins, the sensitivity is often improved by using a photoelastic modulator (PEM) for lock-in detection. However, spurious signals can arise if diode lasers are used as optical sources in such experiments, along with a PEM. In this work, we eliminated the spurious electromagnetic coupling of the PEM onto the probe diode laser, by the double modulation technique. We also developed a test for spurious modulated interference in the pump-probe signal, due to the PEM. Besides, an order of magnitude enhancement in the sensitivity of detection of spin polarization by Kerr rotation, to 3x10(-8) rad was obtained by using the concept of Allan variance to optimally average the time series data over a period of 416 s. With these improvements, we are able to experimentally demonstrate at room temperature, photoinduced steady-state spin polarization in bulk GaAs. Thus, the advances reported here facilitate the use of diode lasers with a PEM for sensitive pump-probe experiments. They also constitute a step toward detection of spin-injection in Si at room temperature.


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A defect-selective photothermal imaging system for the diagnostics of optical coatings is demonstrated. The instrument has been optimized for pump and probe parameters, detector performance, and signal processing algorithm. The imager is capable of mapping purely optical or thermal defects efficiently in coatings of low damage threshold and low absorbance. Detailed mapping of minor inhomogeneities at low pump power has been achieved through the simultaneous action of a low-noise fiber optic photothermal beam defection sensor and a common-mode-rejection demodulation (CMRD) technique. The linearity and sensitivity of the sensor have been examined theoretically and experimentally, and the signal to noise ratio improvement factor is found to be about 110 compared to a conventional bicell photodiode. The scanner is so designed that mapping of static or shock sensitive samples is possible. In the case of a sample with absolute absorptance of 3.8 x 10(-4), a change in absorptance of about 0.005 x 10(-4) has been detected without ambiguity, ensuring a contrast parameter of 760. This is about 1085% improvement over the conventional approach containing a bicell photodiode, at the same pump power. The merits of the system have been demonstrated by mapping two intentionally created damage sites in a MgF2 coating on fused silica at different excitation powers. Amplitude and phase maps were recorded for thermally thin and thick cases, and the results are compared to demonstrate a case which, in conventional imaging, would lead to a deceptive conclusion regarding the type and location of the damage. Also, a residual damage profile created by long term irradiation with high pump power density has been depicted.


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A microcontroller based, thermal energy meter cum controller (TEMC) suitable for solar thermal systems has been developed. It monitors solar radiation, ambient temperature, fluid flow rate, and temperature of fluid at various locations of the system and computes the energy transfer rate. It also controls the operation of the fluid-circulating pump depending on the temperature difference across the solar collector field. The accuracy of energy measurement is +/-1.5%. The instrument has been tested in a solar water heating system. Its operation became automatic with savings in electrical energy consumption of pump by 30% on cloudy days.


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The crystal structures of (1) L-arginine D-asparate, C6HIsN40~.C4H6NO4 [triclinic, P1, a=5.239(1), b=9.544(1), c=14.064(2)A, a=85"58(1), /3=88.73 (1), ~/=84.35 (1) °, Z=2] and (2) L-arginine D-glutamate trihydrate, C6H15N40~-.CsHsNO4.3H20 [monoclinic, P2~, a=9.968(2), b=4.652(1), c=19.930 (2) A, fl = 101.20 (1) °, Z = 2] have been determined using direct methods. They have been refined to R =0.042 and 0.048 for 2829 and 2035 unique reflections respectively [I>2cr(I)]. The conformations of the two arginine molecules in the aspartate complex are different from those observed so far in the crystal structures of arginine, its salts and complexes. In both complexes, the molecules are organized into double layers stacked along the longest axis. The core of each double layer consists of two parallel sheets made up of main-chain atoms, each involving both types of molecules. The hydrogen bonds within each sheet and those that interconnect the two sheets give rise to EL-, DD- and DE-type head-to-tail sequences. Adjacent double layers in (1) are held together by side-chain-side-chain interactions whereas those in (2) are interconnected through an extensive network of water molecules which interact with sidechain guanidyl and carboxylate groups. The aggregation pattern observed in the two LD complexes is fundamentally different from that found in the corresponding EL complexes.


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We discuss the effect of fluctuations of the random potential in directions transverse to the current flow in a modified Migdal-Kadanoff approach to probabilistic scaling of conductance with size L, in d-dimensional metallic systems. The conductance cumulants are finite and vary as Ld−1−n for n greater-or-equal, slanted 2 i.e. conductance fluctuations are constant for d = 3. The mean conductance has a non-classical correction with Image Full-size image (<1K) for d greater-or-equal, slanted 2. The form of the higher cumulants is strongly influenced by the transverse potential fluctuations and may be compared with the results of perturbative diagrammatic approaches.


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This paper gives a brief survey of research and development work done on hand pumps in India as well as elsewhere and sets out the approach adopted by ASTRA Working Group. Ten ways in which a hand pump breakdown in practice have been identified. The physical reasons behind each type of breakdown analysed. Remedial measures have been developed from this analysis. Laboratory test rigs fabricated to evaluate these measures have been described and some experimental results presented. The course of further work has been charted.